Text Definition and 569 Threads

  1. C

    Calculus Suggestion for a proof-based math text book for high school

    I am currently teaching the pure mathematics II component of A-level mathematics which consist of the following subjects: Logarithmic/exponential functions, trigonometry, differentiation, integration (including integration by parts, and trig substitution), numerical approximation of roots of a...
  2. H

    MATLAB How can I position text on multiple Matlab plots with different scales?

    I want to have three plot 1,2,3 in Matlab with the symbols (a), (b) and (c) on plots 1, 2 and 3 respectively.I can do it by text('(a)'), text('(b)'), text('(c)') on the plot 1,2 and 3 respectively but I want to have the three symbols on the same position on the three plots for example...
  3. P

    Discrete Looking for a basic Combinatorics text

    I need to know this subject for my uni access exam, which will include one combinatorics problem. It's very silly because it's not studied in the course at all, you are instead given random problems and are supposed to magically know them and work them out in the most painful ways. I just don't...
  4. Dr Transport

    Classical Long lead time in getting text books

    Finally, got my new copy of Jackson's Classical Electrodynamics 3rd Ed. Took almost 40 days to come in from Amazon...Classmate said his copy won't be in until December. Is this becoming a trend??
  5. N

    [Arduino] how to save serial monitor in the text file?

    Dear everyone, I trying to save serial monitor in the text file, but I still do not know how, could you please help on this problem? Here is the codes with random numbers are set up, and I would like you save all data into the text file, Thank you very much, Nate Duong, long Channel1a;long...
  6. Kostik

    Which text on differential geometry to supplement relativity

    I am looking to pick up one of these texts, but I don't really want to buy all three. Is there a considered favorite? Thanks in advance. B. O'Neill: Semi-Riemannian Geometry with Applications to Relativity T. Frankel: The Geometry of Physics B. Schutz: Geometrical Methods of Mathematical Physics
  7. topsquark

    MHB Looking for a new Lie Algebra text

    Right now I'm using "Affine Lie Algebras and Quantum Groups" by Fuchs. I'm getting sick of it. As a Physicist the structure and focus of the text is attractive to me. But, to give one example... The text constructs two vector spaces: L and Lw. Lw is dual to L. The text goes on to state...
  8. B

    What Software? (Math Graph, Math Equation, and Text Editor)

    What software is used to create a text editor, math graph, and math equation such as below image? It seems the math graph is a vector illustration (not pixel), the math equation is not Latex, and they are integrated with the text editor. What software to create such as book?
  9. SrVishi

    Expansive Mathematical Logic Text

    Hello, I want to start learning mathematical logic. I was wondering what would be a good "expansive" mathematical logic book that covers as much material as possible. My school has books by both Ebinghaus (et. al) and Monk. Are these good? I've heard good things about Schoenfield, but I was...
  10. DeldotB

    Serge Lang as undergraduate algebra text

    Good day, Did anyone here use Serge Lang's "Algebra" as an undergraduate text?
  11. A

    Force and Laws of motion Text Book

    What is the best way to make a 9th grader understand the concept of force and laws of motion. Also please refer a book where he can get a good practice to solve force numericals. Please mention the ISBN code of the book also. Thanks a lot
  12. Lagraaaange

    Full course of Vector Analysis vs Griffith Text self study?

    Senior in Fall. Is a full course on vector analysis necessary: Stockes theorem, Green Theorem, differential forms, etc. I feel like Griffith's Electrodynamics gives a sufficient overview of Vector analysis in Chapter 1 covering all you need. I've only taken the required Calc 1 - 3 sequence +...
  13. M

    VHDL how to write in text format to a output.txt file

    Homework Statement How can I write to the output file in text format in VHDL? Like I want this to be in the output.txt file after I run my program. Hexadecimal - Binary - Total - Error - Success Basically this will be the header of my .txt file. thank you. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at...
  14. RyanH42

    Cosmology Should I Study Special Relativity Before General Relativity for Cosmology?

    Hi,I am ihigh school 12 grade I will be in collage 3 months later.I know simple calculus (derivatives and integral ).I watched Leonard Susskind Cosmology and Classical Physics Lectures.I want to learn cosmology and GR.My first question is Did I have to learn Specai Relativity before GR. And Is...
  15. SrVishi

    Rigorous Differential Equations text

    Hello, I am a math major and I was wondering if you guys knew what would be a good rigorous differential equations text. I really like rigor (like Rudin analysis style rigor or whatnot), instead of the typical books that just focus on the method. I want the proofs and everything. I also would...
  16. Borek

    LaTeX Latex text formatting again - quotes in monotype

    This time I have a problem with monotype font and quotes. When I switch to typewriter font using ``quotes'' stops to work*. Character sequences (`` and '') that in other parts of the text are understood as opening and closing quotes are not translated. Standard "quotes" are rendered mostly OK...
  17. lonely_nucleus

    Calculators Can TI-84 calculator send text messages or email?

    Well the texas instruments ti-84 calculator is my favorite toy. I use it for anything I can from getting a girl to put her phone number in my calculator to programming. Is there a way to somehow add an external circuit that can make the ti-84 send text messages. I bet there would have to be a...
  18. Demystifier

    What is the most difficult text on mathematics?

    In your opinion, what is the most difficult written text (e.g. a book or a paper) on mathematics? My candidate: Principia Mathematica by Whitehead and Russell
  19. H

    MATLAB Fixing Corrupted y-Label Text in Word

    I used the label for y-axis as below and plot the figure. ylabel('$\frac{|Iup|-|Idown|}{|Iup|+|Idown|}$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',30) but when I copy the figure in the word, the y-label text is corrupted. What should I do?
  20. G

    Confusing instructor, can I learn from text alone?

    I'm taking Physics 121 with an instructor that I personally find confusing. Nothing in the lectures nor explanations during office hours get through to me at all. Our assigned text is "Physics, Volume 1 - Resnick, Halliday, Krane." I want to get a solid foundation of the material (beginning...
  21. Z

    Classical Supplemental text for calculus-based mechanics?

    I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good supplemental text for a college-freshman level mechanics course (calc 1 being the pre-req). I am pretty solid on the math, and I feel like that ends up hurting me sometimes because I think of things more in terms of the mathematics and sometimes I...
  22. P

    How to import text file to casio fx-cg20 calc?

    DOo somebody know how to import text to casio fx-cg 20?
  23. S

    Clarification on a topic in Apostol's calculus text

    Hi all, I am a newbie and this is my first post in PF. I have recently started on learning calculus and I'm using Apostol's calculus-I (second edition). I need some clarification on "The method of exhaustion for the area of a parabolic segment" (I 1.3 page 3). I'm able to follow the author till...
  24. W

    Prob/Stats Easy text on conditional probability and Bayes theory

    Hi, I am teaching a machine learning course and the students have very poor knowledge about conditional probability, Bayes rule etc. Most students have done their undergraduates years ago and I guess their educational background has not been that good. Last lecture was on Naive Bayes...
  25. M

    Help with text book (vibration)

    HI, I am studying vibration, came across this in a textbook and can't see the steps taken to substitute e.q 3.5 into 3.3. There is a second derivative x so where does this go, as there is no s^2 either and I can't see how cos was eliminated Cheers
  26. M

    Other Looking for a good differential equations text

    Good afternoon, I've been working my way through Serge Lang's series of textbooks, and I recently completed A First Course in Calculus. I'm currently working through the sequel to that book, Multivariable Calculus, and that should keep me tied up for at least two months. Looking ahead...
  27. Superposed_Cat

    Text file with all English words and their part of speech

    Hey all, been wanting to get into NLP (natural language processing) but I require a text file with a list of all English words (not the definitions) and a tag indicating their part of speech, I know it exists because I had it on my old laptop but I can't seem to refind it. Any help apreciated.
  28. Math Amateur

    MHB Search for Senior Undergraduate Text on Lie Theory and Groups

    I am looking for a good text at senior undergraduate level on Lie Theory, and in particular, Lie Groups ... Does anyone have any suggestions? Peter
  29. M

    Math QFT Books: Arnold, Takhtajan & Beyond

    Are there any QFT books written from a mathematical perspective? Something in the same vain as V. Arnolds Mechanics and Takhtajan's QM. Thanks.
  30. TheSodesa

    Probability of finding all 5 errors in a text with 3 people?

    Homework Statement There are 5 errors, and 3 people are proofreading the text. P(1. person finds an error) = 0,5 P(2. person finds an error) = 0,6 P(3. person finds an error) = 0,7 There are 5 errors, and whenever a person comes across one, they have the above probability of seeing it...
  31. A

    Classical Looking for rigorous text on dynamical systems

    Hi, I'm looking for a modern rigorous text on (Hamiltonian) dynamical systems, perhaps with emphasis on perturbation theory. It should be in the same vein is Poincare's "methodes nouvelles", but modern.Thanks
  32. mishima

    Engineering Looking for great sequential logic text

    Hi, I have been through Alan Clements' Principles of Computer Hardware along with some online texts. I would like to purchase a comprehensive text on Sequential Logic at the undergraduate level. Having never studied this topic formally at university, I'm not sure how to discriminate between a...
  33. pellman

    Modern Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory Texts for Beginners

    I have started reading PCT, Spin and Statistics, and All That. Are there any more recent texts that I should be looking at instead?
  34. M

    Matlab Issue with aligning text in table format in .txt file

    Homework Statement uData is a 30x5 matrix with numbers. name_Database is a 30x1 cell array with strings of Names (e.g. Fake Subject 1, Fake Subject 2, Bob). What would fix the code so that the data aligns? (please see image for the misalignment). Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution...
  35. M

    HTML/CSS What text editor should I use for HTML5?

    I used Notepad++ for HTML and CSS but should I also use Notepad++ for HTML5?
  36. A

    Modern Physics Text for self-study

    As the title implies, I am looking for a decent introductory modern physics text for self-study purposes. I'm a Biochemistry major, so this is partially for my own enjoyment and partially for preparation for Physical Chemistry II. I know that there are a lot of threads on this, but I always like...
  37. N

    What does the |-sign mean in this text?

    http://web.phys.ntnu.no/~ingves/Teaching/TFY4240/Exam/Exam_tfy4240_Dec_2013.pdf solutions: http://web.phys.ntnu.no/~ingves/Teaching/TFY4240/Exam/Solution_tfy4240_Dec_2013.pdf In problem 3 a) I'm supposed to reform the integrand from ##\vec{J}(r',t_r)## to something like ##\vec{J}(r'|\omega)##...
  38. L

    Questions concerning integrals in Schwartz's QFT text

    Two (supposedly) trival questions in Schwartz's QFT notes. The notes can be found http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic521209.files/QFT-Schwartz.pdf. 1. page 155, equation 15.2, how does the integrand reduce to k dk? I would guess that there must be some logarithm, but k dk? 2. page 172...
  39. F

    Is freshmen-level "all-physics" text worth buying/having as an advanced student?

    A senior engineering student would like to have a copy of calculus (like Stewart or Thomas-Finney) handy to look up from time to time while solving an engineering or physics problem. My question is, can the same be said about a freshman level physics text, like Halliday-Resnick or...
  40. T

    Physics text book for electric motor

    For my assignment I have to write a report on the mechanics of an electric generator. I need to reference for physics textbooks. Anyone able to recommend some texts books that may be able to help me with this?
  41. M

    MATLAB [Matlab] How to use inputdlg string variable in text file?

    I am trying to display the input that I enter into the dialog box from "inputdlg" function into a text file. This is what I've so far: prompt={['What is your name?']}; title = 'Name Machine'; answer = inputdlg(prompt, title); name = answer{1}; fileID = fopen('NameMachineFive.txt', 'w')...
  42. S

    EM Wave Equation in Higher Dimensions: Gravitation Text

    Caution: I'm new at this stuff. On page 573 of Gravitation (Misner, Thorne, Wheeler), they write down what I think is the electromagnetic wave equation for a discussion on Optics, "Next insert the vector potential (22.25) into the source-free wave equation (22.19d):" I am wondering if the...
  43. Medicol

    Why is my Screen Text Still Emboldened Despite Adjusting ClearType Text?

    Please take a look at my screenshot attachment, I have tried several times to Adjust ClearType Text in Control Panel but nothing seems to change at all. Some letters are still always emboldened. I am using Windows 8.1. Intel (R) HD Graphics card (current plug-in) NVIDIA Geforce GT 620 (not in...
  44. T

    Orbit Determination Issue (Method of Gauss, in Escobal's text)

    So I'm coding up some initial orbit determination stuff in MATLAB (for personal education; I love this stuff), and I am using 'Methods of Orbit Determination' by Escobal as a guide. I already got Vallado's code to work, now I'm just comparing other methods. I'm having an issue with one of his...
  45. adjacent

    Transforming a text file to a database

    I have a list of contacts like this: Name ,Address:House ,Island ,Atoll 7777777 Name ,Address:House ,Island ,Atoll 7777777 Name ,Address:House ,Island ,Atoll 7777777 I have a large number of these and I want the details to be separated to different columns. Is there any program which...
  46. I

    Text book recommendation on "Electronics and Communication"

    Hello, I have an optional course this upcoming semester on "Electronics and Communication" for which the course syllabus is roughly: Field effect transistors, transistor circuits, Operational Amps, analogue to digital conversion (and vice versa), combinational circuits, sequential...
  47. C

    Comp Sci Saving string to text file in Java IO

    Homework Statement Hey everyone, I have a question regarding file IO in java. My assignment says: Extend program 2-add menu items Open(reads employees from a file),Save(writes employees to a file already specified), and Save As(writes employees to a new or different file than the one...
  48. T

    Solid Introductory Text to Ordinary Differential Equations

    Hi, I am taking (ordinary) differential equations as a summer course and we are studying from a horrid textbook, in my opinion. Just curious if anyone might be able to suggest what is considered to be the "standard" introductory text on ODE. While I'm certainly interested in PDE, I don't...
  49. Mogarrr

    How to Insert Math Symbols in a Text Document Using Free Software?

    I'm not sure where else to put this thread. Does anybody know (and if you do, please tell) how to get math symbols, like those I can type in the forums, into a text document. I'm looking for free software for Notepad, Wordpad, Word2003 or LibreOfficeWriter.
  50. P

    Electrodynamics text study guide?

    There is a book with very briefly theory, showing the essentials for make the exercices of electrodynamics, and also with solved exercices? Similar to Kubo of Statistical Mechanics (but of electrodynamics). Jackson and Griffits are very good books, but i am looking for a book with the...