Theorem Definition and 1000 Threads

In mathematics and logic, a theorem is a non-self-evident statement that has been proven to be true, either on the basis of generally accepted statements such as axioms or on the basis of previously established statements such as other theorems. A theorem is hence a logical consequence of the axioms, with a proof of the theorem being a logical argument which establishes its truth through the inference rules of a deductive system. As a result, the proof of a theorem is often interpreted as justification of the truth of the theorem statement. In light of the requirement that theorems be proved, the concept of a theorem is fundamentally deductive, in contrast to the notion of a scientific law, which is experimental.Many mathematical theorems are conditional statements, whose proofs deduce conclusions from conditions known as hypotheses or premises. In light of the interpretation of proof as justification of truth, the conclusion is often viewed as a necessary consequence of the hypotheses. Namely, that the conclusion is true in case the hypotheses are true—without any further assumptions. However, the conditional could also be interpreted differently in certain deductive systems, depending on the meanings assigned to the derivation rules and the conditional symbol (e.g., non-classical logic).
Although theorems can be written in a completely symbolic form (e.g., as propositions in propositional calculus), they are often expressed informally in a natural language such as English for better readability. The same is true of proofs, which are often expressed as logically organized and clearly worded informal arguments, intended to convince readers of the truth of the statement of the theorem beyond any doubt, and from which a formal symbolic proof can in principle be constructed.
In addition to the better readability, informal arguments are typically easier to check than purely symbolic ones—indeed, many mathematicians would express a preference for a proof that not only demonstrates the validity of a theorem, but also explains in some way why it is obviously true. In some cases, one might even be able to substantiate a theorem by using a picture as its proof.
Because theorems lie at the core of mathematics, they are also central to its aesthetics. Theorems are often described as being "trivial", or "difficult", or "deep", or even "beautiful". These subjective judgments vary not only from person to person, but also with time and culture: for example, as a proof is obtained, simplified or better understood, a theorem that was once difficult may become trivial. On the other hand, a deep theorem may be stated simply, but its proof may involve surprising and subtle connections between disparate areas of mathematics. Fermat's Last Theorem is a particularly well-known example of such a theorem.

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  1. G

    MHB Prove Theorem: Probability of A Subset B is Less than B

    How do I prove the following theorem? If $A \subset B$ then $P(A) \le P(B)$ and $P(B-A) = P(B)-P(A)$ $A$ and $B$ are events and $P$ is the probability function. What I tried (but not sure if it's right or not): $P(B) = P((B\setminus A) \cup (B \cap A)) = P(B\setminus A)+P(B \cap A) \ge...
  2. N

    MHB Proving Theorem 2: At Least 2 Games Played

    I need help with proving the theorem below Axiom 1: Each game is played by two distinct teams. Axiom 2: There are at least four teams. Axiom 3: There are at least one game played by each team Axiom 4: Each distinct team plays each of the other teams at most one time Theorem 2: At minimum...
  3. Euler2718

    Bounded Monotonic Sequence Theorem

    Homework Statement [/B] Use the Bounded Monotonic Sequence Theorem to prove that the sequence: \{a_{i} \} = \Big\{ i - \sqrt{i^{2}+1} \Big\} Is convergent.Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution [/B] I've shown that it has an upper bound and is monotonic increasing, however it is to...
  4. H

    Compute Translation, Rotation in SE(3) with Chasles Theorem

    Suppose I have an element of [itex]SE(3)[\itex]. I know this can be thought of as a translation along an axis and rotation about that axis due to Chasles theorem. My question is simple: How do I go about computing the axis, length of the translation, angle of the rotation and radius of the...
  5. H

    Why do we need to raise the whole pi_3 to power of -1/2?

    Homework Statement in the third photo attached , why do we need to raise the whole pi _3 to power of -1/2 ? can we do so ? if we do so , the original pi_3 will be changed , right ? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  6. A

    Can someone explain the Taylor's Theorem error bound?

    Homework Statement So I've read a lot about this but still can't figure what's going on. I understand that to find the error of approximation all we have to do is: |E(x)| = |f(x)-Tn(x)| But what about M*(xn+1/(n+1)!) What's the point of this? and why does it have to be greater than or equal...
  7. A

    Using Norton's theorem and superposition to find current

    Okay, the task is really not that hard but I am getting strange numbers. 1. Homework Statement Find the current going through the resistor of 18 ohms. Circuit is shown in the first picture. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I used norton theorem and superposition to find current In
  8. G

    Mean value theorem variation proof

    Homework Statement Let f is differentiable function on [0,1] and f^{'}(0)=1,f^{'}(1)=0. Prove that \exists c\in(0,1) : f^{'}(c)=f(c). Homework Equations -Mean Value Theorem The Attempt at a Solution The given statement is not true. Counter-example is f(x)=\frac{2}{\pi}\sin\frac{\pi}{2}x+10...
  9. H

    Can Someone Explain Step 4 in the Buckingham Pi Theorem Homework?

    Homework Statement can somoene expalin about step 4 in the first photo attached ? What does it mean by each group has all the repeating variables and non-repeating variable ? Homework...
  10. benorin

    Need some kind of convergence theorem for integrals taken over sequences of sets

    I think this be Analysis, I Need some kind of convergence theorem for integrals taken over sequences of sets, know one? Example, a double integral taken over sets such that x^(2n)+y^(2n)<=1 with some integrand. I'd be interested in when the limit of the integral over the sequence of sets is...
  11. Math Amateur

    MHB Two Versions of the Correspondence Theorem for Vector Spaces

    Cooperstein (in Advanced Linear Algebra) and Roman (also in a book called Advanced Linear Algebra) give versions of the Correspondence Theorem for Vector Spaces ... but these 'versions' do not look like the same theorem ... can someone please explain how/why these two versions are actually the...
  12. Math Amateur

    MHB Understand Theorem 2.15 - Bruce Cooperstein's Advanced Linear Algebra

    I am reading Bruce Cooperstein's book: Advanced Linear Algebra ... ... I am focused on Section 2.3 The Correspondence and Isomorphism Theorems ... ... I need further help with understanding Theorem 2.15 ... Theorem 2.15 and its proof read as follows...
  13. Math Amateur

    MHB Correspondence Theorem for Vector Spaces - Cooperstein Theorem 2.15

    I am reading Bruce Cooperstein's book: Advanced Linear Algebra ... ... I am focused on Section 2.3 The Correspondence and Isomorphism Theorems ... ... I need help with understanding Theorem 2.15 ... Theorem 2.15 and its proof read as follows:It appears to me (and somewhat surprises me)...
  14. N

    Verify Divergence Theorem for V = xy i − y^2 j + z k and Enclosed Surface

    Homework Statement Verify the divergence theorem for the function V = xy i − y^2 j + z k and the surface enclosed by the three parts (i) z = 0, s < 1, s^2 = x^2 + y^2, (ii) s = 1, 0 ≤ z ≤ 1 and (iii) z^2 = a^2 + (1 − a^2)s^2, 1 ≤ z ≤ a, a > 1. Homework Equations [/B]...
  15. J

    B Bell's Theorem basic question on contextuality & locality

    I'm familiar with Bell's Theorem.. have studied it over the years. I'd just like to confirm if my belief is correct. In short. It shows either particles don't exist before measurement or there are hidden variables.. you know all those non-counterfactual and locality arguments.. Specker theorem...
  16. Math Amateur

    MHB Vector Spaces and Linear Transformations - Cooperstein Theorem 2.7

    I am reading Bruce Cooperstein's book: Advanced Linear Algebra ... ... I am focused on Section 2.1 Introduction to Linear Transformations ... ... I need help with understanding Theorem 2.7 ... Theorem 2.7, its proof and some remarks read as follows:I am having considerable trouble...
  17. M

    How Does the Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem Apply to a Diving Scenario?

    Homework Statement A high diver(m = 62kg) walks off a platform 15 meters above the water below (assume velocity inital = 0). The diver reaches a depth of 2.2 metres in the pool before coming to a stop. 1. What is the diver's change in kinetic energy (Answer: -9114J) 2. What is the average force...
  18. Math Amateur

    MHB Vector Spaces - The Exchange Theorem - Cooperstein Theorem 1.16

    I am reading Bruce Cooperstein's book: Advanced Linear Algebra ... ... I am focused on Section 1.6 Bases and Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces ... I need help with the proof of Theorem 1.16 ... Theorem 1.16 and its proof reads as follows: Question 1 In the second paragraph of above proof...
  19. B

    How Does the Toeplitz-Hausdorff Theorem Apply to Convexity in Linear Operators?

    Homework Statement Here is a link to the paper I am working through: Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution [/B] I am working on the first line of the proof. This is what I thus far...
  20. J

    Work-Energy Theorem problem

    Homework Statement Hi everyone, I have a problem that has me stumped and would appreciate some pointers as to where I am going wrong and maybe point me in the right direction for solving the problem. The problem is in essence to use the "Work-Energy Theorem" to find the co-efficient of kinetic...
  21. ShayanJ

    Ehrenfest theorem and coherent states

    From the Ehrenfest theorem, we know that the equation below is correct for any state ## \psi ##. ##m\frac{d^2}{dt^2}\langle x \rangle_{\psi} =-\langle \frac{\partial V(x)}{\partial x} \rangle_{\psi} ## But then one of the definitions of coherent states is states for which the expected value of...
  22. G

    Newtonian formulation/proof of Noether's theorem

    Hi. I've only ever seen Noether's theorem formulated ond proven in the framework of Lagrangian mechanics. Is it possible to do the same in Newtonian mechanics, essentially only using F=dp/dt ? The "symmetries" in the usual formulation of the theorem are symmetries of the action with respect to...
  23. Titan97

    Algebra Books for learning multinomial theorem

    Can you suggest any book for learning multinomial theorem and its application in permutation and combinations problems? I am also looking for a book for learning Permutations and Combinations. (Right now, I am using a problem oriented book by Marcus. But I want a book for learning the basics as...
  24. F

    Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem

    Homework Statement We have a system of two coupled Langevin equations dr/dt=kr-yrr+nr(t) dp/dt=kpr-ypp+np(t) where the ki,yi are constants and ni(t) are noise terms satisfying <ni(t)>=0 and <ni(t')ni(t'')>=qiδ(t'-t'') (this is zero if the two indices differ). The physical background of these...
  25. A

    Newton's Shell theorem- Gravity inside spherical shell

    Hello all, Guys in my textbook they state that on a point mass at point outside spherical shell of uniform density, the gravitational force is just as if the entire mass of the shell is concentrated at the Centre of shell. The text also states, the force of attraction due to a hollow...
  26. H

    Why Is Bloch's Theorem Derived Using Complex Methods?

    Why are the solutions satisfying ##\psi(x+l)=\lambda\,\psi(x)## (4.191) the only physically admissible solutions? (##l## is the period of the periodic potential.) We may argue that the probability of finding an electron at ##x##, ##|\psi(x)|^2##, must be the same at any indistinguishable...
  27. T

    Help Me Understand This Author's Point: Noether's Theorem

    I don't understand how the author get to these point. Please help me as i have been spending so much time trying to figure this out but to no avail. Thanks for your help Source:
  28. Orange-Juice

    Applying binomial theorem to prove combinatorics identity

    Homework Statement Prove that \sum\limits_{k=0}^l{n \choose k}{m \choose l-k} = {n+m \choose k}Homework Equations Binomial theorem The Attempt at a Solution [/B] We know that (1+x)^n(1+x)^m = (1+x)^{n+m} which, by the binomial theorem, is equivalent to: {\sum\limits_{k=0}^n{n \choose...
  29. ShayanJ

    Realism and counterfactual definiteness in Bell's theorem

    Usually its said that the violation of Bell's inequality means that any theory that contains the assumptions of locality and realism doesn't agree with QM and observations. But sometimes I hear people talk about counter-factual definiteness instead of realism(or maybe the presence of both!) as...
  30. T

    MHB Necessity of Hypotenuse-Leg Theorem

    There's a theorem in Euclidean Geometry that says: "Let $\Delta$ and $\Delta'$ be two right triangles. If the hypotenuse and a leg of $\Delta$ has the same measure as the hypotenuse and a leg of $\Delta'$, then $\Delta\cong\Delta'$." Wikipedia says this is only a sufficient condition, by I don't...
  31. R

    Fourier Transform and Parseval's Theorem

    Homework Statement Using Parseval's theorem, $$\int^\infty_{-\infty} h(\tau) r(\tau) d\tau = \int^\infty_{-\infty} H(s)R(-s) ds$$ and the properties of the Fourier transform, show that the Fourier transform of ##f(t)g(t)## is $$\int^\infty_{-\infty} F(s)G(\nu-s)ds$$ Homework Equations...
  32. A

    Is Kelvin's Circulation Theorem Applicable to Vortex Tube Conservation?

    (Edited to make an answer more likely) So first let's quickly summarize what this is. If you have some closed curve c(t) around a set of fluid elements, Kelvin's circulation theorem says that the circulation around this curve is constant as the curve and its corresponding fluid elements move...
  33. D

    Why is the work done and force applied different in the Work-Energy Theorem?

    Assuming you are lifting a block up 1 meter from rest to rest with constant work. You know that the work is -deltaU or 10. However, you also know W=deltaKE which is 0. You finally know that W=Fx=10*F. How do you explain why the numbers are different? Thanks!
  34. onkel_tuca

    Discretizing a Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem

    Hey! I want to discretize a fluctuation dissipation theorem for the white noise ζ of a stochastic differential equation on a 2D domain (sphere). For that I integrate over "Finite Volume" elements with area A and A' (see below). \begin{eqnarray*} \int_{A} d A \int_{A'} d A'...
  35. L

    Determining the complex expression using Thevnin's theorem

    I tried my best but I wasn't able to solve this can someone please provide me with a detailed solution. Here 's the question : Establish the expression of Vs/Ve (complex) using Thevnin's theorem Here is the circuit : I spent 4 hours trying to solve this but I had no clue how. I'am having...
  36. I

    Fundamental Theorem of Calculus: Part One

    I am a little confused over part 1 of the fundamental theorem of calculus. Part 2 makes perfect sense to me. I guess my confusion is if we have an integral g(x) defined from [a, b], and we are looking at point x, how do we know that g'(x) = f(x)? It makes sense in the idea that they are...
  37. vetgirl1990

    Applying the parallel axis theorem to find inertia

    Homework Statement Calculate the moment of inertia of a uniform rigid rod of length L and mass M, about an axis perpendicular to the rod through one end. Homework Equations Parallel axis theorem: I = Icm + MD2 Long thin rod with rotation axis through centre: Icm = 1/12 ML2 Long thin rod with...
  38. entropy1

    How to interpret Bell's theorem correctly

    There's something I don't quite get about most illustrations about Bell's inequality theorem. I will explain what: Consider a pair of entangled photons fired at two arbitrarily oriented polarizers. I most explications, it seems the author suggests that the hidden variable represents the binary...
  39. jcruise322

    When to use parallel axis theorem for objects....

    Homework Statement A uniform solid ball of mass m and radius R rolls without slipping down a plane inclined at an angle f above the horizontal. Find the frictional force and the acceleration of the center of mass.[/B]Homework Equations τ=I*α so: fs*r=I*a Mg-Fs=ma Moment of inertia for...
  40. M

    Find Area with Theorem of Green - center - radius

    Homework Statement x(t) = 6cos(t)−cos(6t) y(t) = 6sin(t)−sin(6t) 0 <= t <= 2*pi I need to find the area cm2 with Th Green. I need to find the radius and the center coordinate Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution $ = integral 1/2* ( 2*pi$0 ((x)dy - (y)dx) dt ) 1/2 (2*pi$0...
  41. W

    I think this is about the Central Limit Theorem

    Homework Statement An engineer is measuring a quantity q. It is assumed that there is a random error in each measurement, so the engineer will take n measurements and reports the average of the measurements as the estimated value of q. Specifically, if Yi is the value that is obtained in the...
  42. N

    Using Abel's Theorem, find the Wronskian

    Using Abel's thrm, find the wronskian between 2 soltions of the second order, linear ODE: x''+1/sqrt(t^3)x'+t^2x=0 t>0 I think I got the interal of 1/sqrt(t^3) to be 2t/sqrt(t^3) but this is very different to the other examples I've done where a ln is formed to cancel out the e in the formula...
  43. Quotidian

    PBR theorem - that the wavefunction is physically existent

    I have been told on another forum I post to that there is a revolutionary theorem in physics which proves beyond doubt that the wavefunction (I presume meaning the one originally described by Schrodinger) is physically real. I have had various exchanges with the contributor who has told me this...
  44. T

    MHB What is meant by the unique integers Q and R in the quotient remainder theorem?

    Given any integer A, and a positive integer B, there exist unique integers Q and R such that $$A= B * Q + R$$ where $$ 0 ≤ R < B$$. When is says that $$Q$$ and $$R$$ are unique, what does that mean? That they are different from each other?
  45. T

    MHB Quotient remainder theorem problem.

    For any int $$n $$ , prove that $$ 4 | n (n^2 - 1) (n + 2)$$. I know I have to use the quotient remainder theorem, but I'm wondering how to go about this problem. I'm not sure how to phrase this problem in English.
  46. mgkii

    Shell Theorem Q: Understand Gravity Inside/Outside Hollow Sphere?

    I've just watched half a dozen or so videos on shell theorem and I just can't get my head around something that none of the videos address directly, but seems so counter-intuitive I am assuming my understanding is incorrect. Can anyone help me out here? With all the usual simplifying conditions...
  47. B

    Is there any algebraic proof for Thevenin's theorem?

    Is there any algebraic proof for Thevenin's theorem?
  48. S

    Query on the Euler Theorem for Rigid Body Rotation

    Hi, I am having some problems conceptualizing the Euler's Theorem. Any help will be greatly appreciated. In Goldstein's book the Euler's theorem is stated as 'Any displacement of a rigid body, whose one point remains fixed throughout, is a rotation about some axis', then he has proven that the...
  49. L

    Noether's theorem -- Time inversion

    Noether's theorem said that because of homogeneity in time the law of conservation of energy exists. I am bit of confused and I am not sure is also time inversion some consequence of this. For example in the case of free fall we have symmetry ## t \rightarrow -t##. I am sometimes confused of...
  50. DrChinese

    A Another loophole-free test of Bell's theorem

    This just showed up from a team led by Zeilinger, for those interested in loophole-free Bell tests: A significant-loophole-free test of Bell's theorem with entangled photons Marissa Giustina, Marijn A. M. Versteegh, Soeren Wengerowsky, Johannes Handsteiner...