Theoretical Definition and 1000 Threads

A theory is a rational type of abstract thinking about a phenomenon, or the results of such thinking. The process of contemplative and rational thinking is often associated with such processes as observational study or research. Theories may either be scientific or other than scientific (or scientific to less extent). Depending on the context, the results might, for example, include generalized explanations of how nature works. The word has its roots in ancient Greek, but in modern use it has taken on several related meanings.
In modern science, the term "theory" refers to scientific theories, a well-confirmed type of explanation of nature, made in a way consistent with scientific method, and fulfilling the criteria required by modern science. Such theories are described in such a way that scientific tests should be able to provide empirical support for it, or empirical contradiction ("falsify") of it. Scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and comprehensive form of scientific knowledge, in contrast to more common uses of the word "theory" that imply that something is unproven or speculative (which in formal terms is better characterized by the word hypothesis). Scientific theories are distinguished from hypotheses, which are individual empirically testable conjectures, and from scientific laws, which are descriptive accounts of the way nature behaves under certain conditions.
Theories guide the enterprise of finding facts rather than of reaching goals, and are neutral concerning alternatives among values. A theory can be a body of knowledge, which may or may not be associated with particular explanatory models. To theorize is to develop this body of knowledge.The word theory or "in theory" is sometimes used erroneously by people to explain something which they individually did not experience or test before. In those instances, semantically, it is being substituted for another concept, a hypothesis. Instead of using the word "hypothetically", it is replaced by a phrase: "in theory". In some instances the theory's credibility could be contested by calling it "just a theory" (implying that the idea has not even been tested). Hence, that word "theory" is very often contrasted to "practice" (from Greek praxis, πρᾶξις) a Greek term for doing, which is opposed to theory. A "classical example" of the distinction between "theoretical" and "practical" uses the discipline of medicine: medical theory involves trying to understand the causes and nature of health and sickness, while the practical side of medicine is trying to make people healthy. These two things are related but can be independent, because it is possible to research health and sickness without curing specific patients, and it is possible to cure a patient without knowing how the cure worked.

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  1. S

    Maximum theoretical and experimental stress in T-beam.

    Homework Statement 1. Take dimensions of the beam (B, D, web and flange thickness, L) – T- cross section 2. Take the beam span geometry and material properties from the instrument 3. Ensure the beam and load cell are properly aligned and apply a positive (downward) preload to the beam of...
  2. F

    Calculating Bond Energy of Steel Using Theoretical Strength Eqn

    Homework Statement Steel has a theoretical strength of 4 x 10^10 Pa a density of 7860 kg/m^3, Youngs Modulus of 2 x 10^11 Pa and the mass number of iron, the main ingredient in steel, is 56. Calculate the bond energy of the steel using the expression for theoretical strength and surface...
  3. S

    Building theoretical model for phase seperation

    I have three elements, A, B, C, that under certain conditions (rapid heating and cooling) form one ABC phase solid. Sometimes when I add a fourth element, D, I get two phase (AB,CD) solid. Obviously this phenomena is thermodynamically favourable. My guess (still undergraduate) is that there...
  4. Flyboy

    Theoretical: Cooling systems on Mars

    OK, before I get into the main question, I figure I should give a little background. First off, this is not something that is going to be made for real. It's for a flight simulator called Orbiter (found here), and in particular for a personal project to update and improve upon the existing...
  5. I

    Physics How do you become a theoretical physicist?

    Hello, Can you guys please guide me and tell me what procedures are necessary to become a theoretical physicist? Also, tell me if you think if its a good idea to be that type of physicist or you think another type of physicist is probably better. Can you also tell me what the average salary is...
  6. R

    Theoretical MFI Values of Common Polymeric Materials Reference

    Where can i get the theoretical value of MFI for common polymeric materials such as PP, PE, PS, reference?
  7. A

    Schools University Choice for Theoretical Physics

    Hello, all. Perhaps this is the wrong place to post, considering the descriptor for this subforum is "Grad school and PhD help", but I couldn't see an alternative for advice about undergraduate study, so I hope you'll forgive me if this is the wrong place! This is the first forum I've come...
  8. Y

    Theoretical Uniform Magnetic and Electric Field

    Homework Statement A charged particle moves through a region of space that has both a uniform electric field and a uniform magnetic field. In order for the particle to move through this region at a constant velocity, A)The electric and magnetic fields must point in the same direction B)The...
  9. F

    Please check my road map for becoming a theoretical physicist

    Please check my road to Physics I am a new member,been to this forum before but was never a registered user (?) Before hitting on the topic, I think it is necessary to describe my background. So here it is: I live in India! I am currently enrolled in BSc MATHEMATICS at IGNOU (INDIRA GANDHI...
  10. T

    Internal visualization (mind's eye), theoretical systems, and belief

    So I have a question or two that I've wondered about for a while and am hoping that this is the right forum to (maybe) get some answers. The thing I've been wondering about is how important the visualization process is in dealing with more abstract, theoretical problems, especially as it...
  11. MidnightKat

    A Theoretical Minimum | Looking for Guidance

    Hey everyone! I am on a quest to understand the world in which we live in better. In doing so I'm making a stop at Physics. I was suggested the book "A Theoretical Minimum - What you Need to Know to Start Physics". I am in love with this book and cannot put it down. At the moment I am...
  12. R

    Theoretical Curve Graph vs Straight Line

    Homework Statement What could be the reason why the graph is formed the way it is?Homework Equations τ = 2π(L/g)^(1/2) The Attempt at a Solution I don't know how to explain it. Anyone know why one is a linear and another is a curve?
  13. S

    Moment inertia - theoretical problem

    Moment inertia -- theoretical problem Homework Statement Show that the moment inertia of a hollow cylinder with inner radius a and outer radius b is (1/2)*M*(a^2+b^2), calculated for the center axis. Homework Equations I know that the moment inertia of a non-hollow cylinder is I =...
  14. A

    Proving the Relation in "Methods of Theoretical Physics

    Homework Statement In "Methods of theoretical physics" from the authors Morse and Feshbach is writen: " The displacement (dx,dy,dz) is perpendicular to the surface if the component displacemetn satisfy the equation: How to prove this relation? Homework Equations the relevant...
  15. N

    Do all physicists have to be theoretical?

    If I become a physicist and got my Ph.D in physics can I work more experimentally and application based?
  16. J

    Is a Theoretical Physics Degree Worth It if I Don't Want to Pursue Academia?

    Hi I recently got accepted into a 4 year degree in theoretical physics but I`m kinda starting to worry now that I might not get a job in it. I never really thought about employment before I just chose what I thought was most interesting. But , looking at the coursework, how does learning about...
  17. J

    Good follow up to The theoretical Minimum?

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  18. J

    Perpetua mobile theoretical misunderstanding

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  19. Q

    Genius in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

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  20. S

    Schools Most suited US university for PhD in Theoretical High Energy Physics?

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  21. M

    Pelton wheel's theoretical speed for max efficiency

    Homework Statement A Pelton wheel is driven by five identical jets. The runner has a diameter of 3,8 m, fixed in a horizontal position. The head from reservoir level to nozzles is 350 m and the efficiency of power transmission through the pipeline and nozzles is 90%. The relative velocity...
  22. T

    The road to becoming a Theoretical Physicist

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  23. B

    Can Community College Professors Pursue Effective Theoretical Physics Research?

    Hello, Let's suppose a person has procured a Ph.D in Physics, and chooses to affix themselves to some community college faculty as a physics professor. Is it possible for this person to still do research in some aspect of theoretical physics?
  24. sankalpmittal

    Theoretical doubt regarding capacitance

    I understand that the dielectric constant of a perfect isolated charged conductor is infinite when its placed in an electric field (generally uniform)... Now I also know that when a conductor is placed between a parallel plate capacitor such that the distance between two plates in those...
  25. M

    Schools Good universities Theoretical Computer Science Europe

    Im looking for a good university in Europe do to a MSc in Computer Science. I'm especially interested in Theoretical Computer Science, algorithms & data structures and machine learning. Any recommentations?
  26. D

    Schools Theoretical Physics University

    Hello forum , so I've ventured to start searching for universities I plan on applying to... (Im still in high school ) and I would like to know what some of the best universities for Theoretical Physics are? How should one plan things out when choosing a University? Apart from Ranking and (ofc...
  27. QuantumCurt

    What are the important programming languages in theoretical physics?

    Hey everyone, new member here, and I was hoping I could get some insight into this question. I'm a physics major in a community college right now, with plans to transfer to a university and double major in physics and math, and eventually go into theoretical physics. I'd really like to minor...
  28. S

    PhD research on theoretical physics without supervisor's help?

    Recently I joined a PhD program in a small unknown university in Asia. In the department, most of the faculties work on material and nano science except a professor who works on Astrophysics. The astrophysics professor agreed to be my supervisor and he asked me to work in the field of X-ray...
  29. J

    Physics Why a theoretical physicist seeks professorship

    What kind of resources does a university provide that are so important to a theoretical physicist? I pose this as a serious question. I know not all fields of theoretical physics are the same, but let's just take string theory for example. It seems to me that string theory at the moment is...
  30. E

    What is the maximum energy density of EM radiation and its effects?

    Hi yall, I have a few questions in regards to EM radiation and photon density, or energy density; not sure what exactly the correct term would be here. (1) Anyway, first off, excluding the possibility that a black hole would form, is there anything that would limit EM radiation energy density...
  31. R

    Schools Questions about qualifications for theoretical physics for college

    First of all I am new here so hey. I hope this is in the right section. So, I read Zapperz's So You Want To Be A Physicist article and that answered many of my questions. The article But I have not been able to find the exact qualifications to get into any theoretical physics major. I am a...
  32. D

    What is the Future of Theoretical Physics and How Can I Make a Living Out of It?

    Okay Hello Forum Im a student in high school atm and I am extremely passionate about Mathematics(pure and computational) and Theoretical Physics I may be young and ambitious and whatnot at this point of my life but I'd really love some feedback to guide me on a clearer path... so I wanted...
  33. T

    Is theoretical physics always computational?

    I'm interested a lot in physics and math like most people here and I believe I can say I'm also good at them. I'm also more attracted to theoretical, abstract subjects than experimental or more phenomenological physics. I heard that any "real world" diff eq. more complicated than the hydrogen...
  34. P

    Homology/Cohomology in Theoretical Particle Physics?

    Hi all, I apologize if this should have been posted in a math section instead, I wasn't sure. But I'm wondering if homology or cohomology ever comes up in theoretical physics? I'm being introduced to it at the same time in an algebra class and a manifolds class. There's a...
  35. T

    Is it worth it to persue fundamental Theoretical Physics? no strings

    Here's my battle plan: 1: Learn (the principles) of verified models for fundamental physics. QFT, GR, Standard Model, etc. 2: Try to think of what I don't know and what I'd like to experimentally test.I think I'd prefer to get a regular job and research physics in my free time, rather than be...
  36. E

    Schools I want to get a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics. What College?

    I am desiring to get a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, but I know not what college will be best for me to get that degree in. I am taking all the most advanced Science and Math classes at my School. Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy. I live in Southwest Missouri, and my parents have no money...
  37. D

    Physics I am a Doctor, Can I be a theoretical Physicist?

    I graduated from Medical school. Then wanted to pursue my career in research. I chose Immunology and I was doing PhD. But my skills were not good and I was fired during my studies. My supervisor said that I am smart and clever but I don't have skills. I always wanted to be a scientist and I...
  38. Crazymechanic

    Can Nested Spheres With Equalized Pressures Prevent Structural Failure?

    Now I am just thinking about pressures and material strengths and I came across a question.To formulate the question I am going to explain a little bit of a thought situation. Normally if you would have a let's say sphere with very thick walls and you would increase pressure of a gas inside...
  39. R

    Programs How much is a major in math useful for theoretical physics?

    Title. I want to get a second degree (major) in something besides physics. If I would like to do theoretical physics (in any subfield of it, including mathematical physics), how much would a math major influence in my skills for developing the models?
  40. N

    Can I Study Theoretical Physics with an Applied Physics Degree?

    Okay, so, the college I will probably attend is more of a applied physics program. If I want to go on to study particle physics or even theoretical physics would I have a chance if my bachelors is in applied physics? I talked with the head of physics and he said they have a combined math...
  41. B

    Materials Science and Theoretical Physics

    Hello everyone, I am a student in Engineering Physics and I'm currently at the point where we have to choose in which domain we want to specialize. The undergraduate program in Engineering Physics at my university is leaning much more towards the physics part than the engineering part, so we...
  42. S

    Is Graphene the Key to Realizing Human Augmentations?

    The theoretical "Augmentations" One thing that is somewhat common and has to do with medical science and my interests are augmentations, robotic, nano-technological, or even sometimes genetic enhancements. In the science fiction representations people can outperform human strength and speed...
  43. A

    Conflict between experimental and theoretical probability results

    Hello! Recently, I read abt some experiments related to probability which involved tossing of coins.It listed the experiments performed by following- Comte buffon:- 2048 heads from 4040 tosses. J E Kerrich:-5067 heads from 10000 tosses. Karl Pearson:-12012 heads from 24000 tosses. My...
  44. N

    Job hunting advice for theoretical physics PhD

    I've often heard on PhysicsForums that career prospects are bright for theorists who paid attention to their math fundamentals and learned to program. That's me! It's also several of my fellow grad students. I suspect many others on this forum are in similar situations, and they may also benefit...
  45. S

    Which Theoretical Physics Field Should I Research?

    Hi guys! I'm a third year physics student. and I'm studying mathematical physics and particle physics. I thought of doing some research in the field of theoretical physics but the problem is I don't know which subject is most appropriate for me to do research in. I will appreciate it if someone...
  46. A

    How many institutes are there in India for theoretical physics?

    howmany institutes are there in India for theoretical physics.
  47. F

    Theoretical limit of serial communication

    As I play on my new MacBook Pro and stream millions of bits per second through a cable, I find myself wondering about the theoretical limit of serial communication. I have noted that serial communication has become preferred over parallel communication over the years. In fact, it's gotten...
  48. J

    Theoretical and experimental physics.

    Enrico Fermi was a successful theoretical and experimental physicist. Is this still something that someone can do, or is it practically impossible today? If it is pissible how can someone achieve this?
  49. H

    Authorship order in a theoretical paper

    In a theoretical paper, the primary investigator which is my advisor, is first author, and he also writes the first draft. Me, the second author, and another graduate student have contributed substantially to the numerical simulation. We have another external collaborator which has not...