Topic Definition and 391 Threads

The BID 770 was a British-built electronic cryptography device, codenamed TOPIC. It was also used by Canada's foreign service under the codename TENEC. TOPIC was brought into service in 1977, and became obsolete in 1995.
TOPIC was used to protect telegraph traffic, and replaced the earlier mechanical system called ROCKEX. It could be operated in both on- and off-line modes. Weighing 65 lb, the machine used diode–transistor logic instead of single transistors.

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  1. D

    Undergrad Project Topic: Graph Theory, Combinatorics & Complexity

    I'm in my last year as an undergrad (hopefully) and I'm looking for a subject to do an "honours project" on. I actually have no ideas, but maybe someone can suggest a topic in graph theory, combinatorics or complexity?
  2. B

    This might be off topic but i with this math problem

    Die A has four 9's and two 0's on its faces. Die B has four 3's and two 11's on its faces. when either of these dice is rolled, each face has an equal chance of landng on top. two players are going to play a game. the first player selects a die and rolls it. the second player rolls the remaining...
  3. J

    Can You Make Yourself Dream? - Josh's Question

    After recovering from Strep the last few days, I got some time to just sit down and read. I read Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Drems. Now for the most part, this book had all the answers to my questions...but one. Is it possible to make yourself dream? (without the hypnotic stuff)...
  4. I

    What Are Some Innovative Topics for a Classical Mechanics Term Project?

    Does anybody know a good topic for a classical mechanics term project. I just don't have any ideas. It can just be a high degree of problem solving for a traditional trivial question or be a Phenomenon.
  5. E

    Special relativity assignment topic help

    hey all, i've recently been given an assignment of special relativity, the question is as follows:- Topic B: SPECIAL RELATIVITY Write a short report on any experiment, published in the literature (ie journals), which proves or depends on a relativistic effect. Include essential experimental...
  6. I

    Possible IB extended essay topic

    hi. i was wondering if it is possible to write a well developed essay explaining the physics behind tae kwon do (korean martial arts). think an indepth version of the show "human weapon". do you think that the research will be too simplistic/ complex? how should i narrow or broaden this topic? I...
  7. C

    Understanding Light Propagation for Quantum Field Theory

    do you need to know about the propagation of light to understand quantum field theory? note: when i speak of propagation of light i am only talking about these topics only: geometrical optics, intensity, the angular eikonal, narro bundles of rays, image formation with broad bundles of rays...
  8. J

    Dreams: Life Beyond Parents for Raised-Solo Kids

    Well I was wondering, if a kid, was born and raised without seeing anybody else but his parents. Until he was 18 the only people he ever saw was his parents, would he be able to dream about other people besides his parents?
  9. A

    Catchy Caption for the topic Adolescence and Indian Lifestyles

    Can u tell a Catchy Caption For The Topic Adolocence and Indian Lifestyles please?
  10. J

    Can anyone suggest a thesis topic on semiconductor physics?

    can anyone suggest a topic on semiconductor physics that is great for a thesis study? thanks
  11. S

    Physics investigatory project topic

    Please suggest some interesting, beneficial, unexpensive, economical and not-so-hard investigatory project about physics... I need to do a research paper but i don't have a good topic yet,, please help thanks,,
  12. H

    Selecting a Recent Space/Astro Physics Research Topic

    I need a help in selecting my new presentation topic my teachers always use to say that the topic should be very recent and in researchs of present time,i am Space and Astro physics student doing M Sc.Please help me to find out the most recent Research topic in this subject except black hole etc...
  13. E

    Nuclear energy hot topic once again $7 billlion seriously? There is also fervent anti-nuke opposition waiting to be re-stoked. Jim Riccio of Greenpeace said nuclear advocates are exploiting global warming fears to try to revive an industry that's too risky to fool with. "You have...
  14. P

    UG research Advisor wants me to come up with my own topic

    So I started this REU and my UG research advisor wants me to come up with my own research project. That way I can be the number one author of any paper I publish. However, my creativity seems to be lacknig and I am having trouble coming up with feasible project topics, especially since I am...
  15. P

    Building insight on a particular topic

    Im in high school now taking AP calc AB, AP phys C mechanics, and AP chem, and the typical english/social studies classes. I am doing this cause i like math and science. My dream schedule would have been AP calc BC, AP phys C and B, AP chem, AP bio, and probably AP stats or envi sci. This is...
  16. M

    Expert Assistance for Choosing a Microelectronics Thesis Topic | Brian's Guide

    anyone here who are familiar w/ microelectronics , maybe in Integrated Circuit design, I'm a student taking Microelectronics which most of our academic subject focus on IC design and fabrication, since it gets my interest. Please anyone could help me choosing a specific topics for my thesis in...
  17. S

    How to Choose the Best Computational Physics Project as an Undergrad?

    It's time I started thinking about my final year project (it's next year, and I want to make a really good go of it) The three main streams my department normally offer as project themes are: i) Experimental ii) Computational iii) Scholarly Research Theoretical physics topics tend to...
  18. humanino

    Is MSSM Higgs the Key to Understanding the Universe?

    Good morning everbody, very good indeed. Well, tell me what you think :
  19. C

    What Are the Connections Between Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry?

    research topic in non-euclid geo??--Help please! hello! I am a high school junior trying to do an independent project in geometry and I've been reading about hyperbolic geometry--or non-euclid geo in general. i now have to pose a more specific research question within the topic and i really...
  20. drphysica

    Hey guys I have an interesting topic for all of you who interested

    Hey guys I have an interesting topic for all of you who interested. From the EPR paradox we know that principle of non-locality indeed exist and yet it is suggests that information cannot be transferred between A and B due to quantum mechanics uncertainty principle since information gets...
  21. D

    Essay Topic Selection for 2nd Year Undergraduate Physics Students

    I have to write up an essay for my second year undergraduate physics. The essay has to be high in physics contents. Have asked quite a lot of friends, but most of them seems to be doing black holes or something about astronomy. As for myself, i planned to go for future energy but seems...
  22. B

    Where Can I Find Past Papers for Edexcel Nuffield AS Level Physics?

    Hi. For AS level I am doing physics (Edexcel Nuffield board) and i was hoping if someone is able to direct me to a site which might provide me some of the past paper of tht board as i was not able to find any. thankyou :)
  23. A

    Environmental Physics Essay Ideas - Unique & Interesting

    I need to write an essay by the end of this month and it can be on anything to do with environmental physics, which i don't know too much about. any ideas would be appriciated, thanks. ps, i don't really want to write about global warming because most people wil be doing that, i want...
  24. P

    What are the tension forces and angles in this stationary equilibrium setup?

    A stationary arrangement of two crayon boxes and three cords. Box A has a mass of 11.0kg and is on a ramp at angle θ=30.0 degrees; box B has a mass of 7.00 kg and hangs on a cord. The cord connected to Box A is parallel to the ramp which is frictionless (a) What is the tension in the upper cord...
  25. Q

    Finding a Topic for I.S.U Research Paper: Electromagnetism

    Here is the problem i am presented with. It is a research paper, and all i need is a topic to write it on. So any Suggestions would help. Other than Maglex trains, particle accelerators, amd mass spectometers. Write a report on another technology involving electromagnitism? so what other...
  26. B

    Topic of Paper - What should it be?

    Topic of Paper -- What should it be? I'm looking for a topic to write a 5-6 page paper on. I'm talking Calc 1 now so the phyics class that I'm in doesn't really have any calculus in it. Any suggestions on what might make a good topic?
  27. E

    2nd year presentation topic needed

    Hi. Long time, no post. Don't know if this is the best place for this post... seemed an okay fit. Anyway... I need help. I need to do a dumb 10 minute presentation on some physics subject to this year's second years. The focus of this task is to test presentation skills rather than physics...
  28. S

    My topic full of GRE practice questions, whoo

    First up, thin noncunducting ring with uniformly distributed charge Q on it, what's the potential a distance x from it, it's located on the axis of symmetry(ie on the axis passing through the center of the ring) I really really really thought you could treat that ring as a point charge but...
  29. M

    News Will North Korea and the US both get what they want?

    Well N. Korea is most certainly not the first country to perform nuclear tests. :smile: If I am not mistaken the US was the first country to perform such a test about more than half a century ago. Furthermore the USA was the only country that actually used nuclear weapons to kill human...
  30. L

    What is the role of optimization in commercial aircraft scheduling?

    Hi there, I need a topic for this Big Math 'Excercise' (do not know what to call it), it is a compulsive thing. I have chosen Math as the subject But I need a topic to write about. So if youn have any suggestions they will be most appreciated. My Math level is that of a High School student.
  31. D

    Choosing a Physics Topic for Oral Presentation

    Hi. Soon, for physics, i will have to do an oral presentation based on a topic of my choice, related to physics. I am really stuck about what topic i should choose, so, if anyone has any ideas, could you please post some interesting topics that i could maybe use. I do understand that what i...
  32. Simfish

    Why are lectures topic based rather than problem based?

    It makes lectures a waste of time. Anything you get from lectures, you can read in a book. Why can't professors do difficult problems instead in lectures, to make lectures actually WORTH IT TO COME TO? Does this have to do with the typical college student being not motivated enough to read the...
  33. I

    Need help finding a suitable physics topic for a project

    Hi, my first post here. Been lurking a while however. Down to business --> I need a topic for a physics project - and as of now my mind is completely blank. I'm supposed to write 4000 words about this as well as include an experiment of some sort. I'd like to do something about either waves...
  34. D

    How Can I Create a Unique Physics Experiment for My Summer Project?

    Hey. I've been given the opportunity to perform a physics experiment this summer, and I have free range over what type of experiment I choose to perform. I'm sure most physics majors wouldn't have a problem designing a project, but I am finding the task really difficult. So far I've only...
  35. S

    Why are Physicists Important in Understanding the Concept of Democracy?

    Of course, this isn't a place for such issues (that topic of mine ('Physicists')); but, here, I just want to point-out that a chance to reply was refused to me (the topic is locked without my constructive answer).
  36. J

    What will the hot topics in maths be in the future?

    What do you think the hot topics in maths will be in the future? I can only speak from an applied point of view, but perhaps someone else could come in from the pure angle... In the 90s, I think the hot topic was ''Chaos Theory'' ( ) - even banded...
  37. N

    What's the hottest topic in physics?

    Well, it's certainly not string theory!
  38. A

    Need help with a topic discussed in class

    we were given this topic about soft drinks. The question is: Ideally, soft drinks are bottled under high pressures and are stored in a refrigerator in a closed container. Explain why these conditions ensure the best (i.e. least flat) beverage. Write an equilbrium equation in your answer...
  39. O

    Help IB Student Find Physics Research Topic

    i am an IB student. recently i need to find a topic for my physics research. yet i couldn't find an interesting topic. i hope to find a simple yet interesting topic. one that have lots of physics behind it. help me..anyone.
  40. H

    History Do you think it's good to write basic history of the topic you're writing on?

    Hello, Many of you have written scientific papers and here's my question: Do you think it is good to write some history about the topic you're writing on? For example, let's say I'm writing a paper on gravitational force and I added in intro a little history of brilliant discovery by Newton...
  41. Nebula

    How Can I Choose an Achievable Thesis Topic in Physics and Math?

    I’m an undergraduate student at an honors college. In order to get my degree I need to write a thesis. I need to find a topic soon. I’m going to talk to the professors here and see what things they have in mind but I’m trying to think of some ideas on my own. Thing is I’m really burnt out. I...
  42. E

    Topic Error after switch form AOL to Bellsouth/AOL

    "Topic!" Error after switch form AOL to Bellsouth/AOL I had AOL for a while and signed up for the offer where you get both AOL and Bellsouth DSL. Certain links (including those which are supposed to lead to an email to contact someone) bring up a dialog box which says "Topic!". Certain links...
  43. Moonbear

    Medical M&B Inaugural Journal Club Topic

    Okay everyone, I'm ready to get this puppy off the ground! Official discussion of this paper will begin Sat. Jan 28. Until then, here is the link to the full article, the citation, and a bit of introduction to the topic. Messager S, Chatzidaki EE, Ma D, Hendrick AG, Zahn D, Dixon J...
  44. M

    How Can Experiments on Photons Advance Our Understanding of String Theory?

    hey guys, As part of my high-school diploma i have to write a 4000-word essay about practically any topic, but i chose to do one in physics. ;) I've already done a bit of research trying to look at what topics might be interesting and possible to do EXPERIMENTS for. I was looking at doing...
  45. J

    Computer Modeling Project Topic (Help, please)

    So I have this project where I need to write a report and code of some numerical method used in some specific area of physics modeling. The report deals mostly with the numerical method but requires that some specific physics application tied into it. An example would be the Crank-Nicholson...
  46. K

    My teacher hasnt been in and Im trying to self teach this topic. Can

    My teacher hasnt been in and I am trying to self teach this topic. Can anyone help me with this question, its probably quite simple but I am really stuck :redface: :frown: A flat circular coil of mean diameter 3.0cm has 500 turns and is situated so that the plane of the coil is perpendicular...
  47. Pengwuino

    History Topic for term paper: Important figure in pre-CW American history

    Ok I need me some super help. I have a term paper due next monday and things have just been piling on me like there's no tomorrow so I am barely getting a topic as we speak :cry: :cry: :cry: . So I need some suggestions here. I need an important figure to do a report on that was famous or...
  48. exequor

    How to Pick a Controversial Research Paper Topic?

    Does anyone want to help me choose a topic for a research paper? I am looking for something that is debatable and not too broad or too specific. I was looking at oil consumption in the U.S. and something related to artificial intelligence. I am open to any other suggestions.
  49. R

    News Side Topic for Great Depression Thread

    Side Topic for "Great Depression" Thread The demand for oil is also on the rise though. As vast as these reserves may be, all that does is buy us a little more time to figure out alternatives/fight over it. It will still run out eventually.
  50. Q

    Suitable experiment for 16-year-olds? Topic: Light

    Suitable experiment for 16-year-olds? Topic: "Light" Does anyone have a suggestion for a good physics experiment for first-year high school students (in Denmark), which has to do with light? It doesn't matter what, it only needs to be "fleshy" enough to write a three-page report about, include...