Total energy Definition and 232 Threads

In physics, energy is the quantitative property that must be transferred to a body or physical system to perform work on the body, or to heat it. Energy is a conserved quantity; the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed. The unit of measurement in the International System of Units (SI) of energy is the joule, which is the energy transferred to an object by the work of moving it a distance of one metre against a force of one newton.
Common forms of energy include the kinetic energy of a moving object, the potential energy stored by an object's position in a force field (gravitational, electric or magnetic), the elastic energy stored by stretching solid objects, the chemical energy released when a fuel burns, the radiant energy carried by light, and the thermal energy due to an object's temperature.
Mass and energy are closely related. Due to mass–energy equivalence, any object that has mass when stationary (called rest mass) also has an equivalent amount of energy whose form is called rest energy, and any additional energy (of any form) acquired by the object above that rest energy will increase the object's total mass just as it increases its total energy. For example, after heating an object, its increase in energy could be measured as a small increase in mass, with a sensitive enough scale.
Living organisms require energy to stay alive, such as the energy humans get from food. Human civilization requires energy to function, which it gets from energy resources such as fossil fuels, nuclear fuel, or renewable energy. The processes of Earth's climate and ecosystem are driven by the radiant energy Earth receives from the Sun and the geothermal energy contained within the earth.

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  1. I

    Show that the total energy of a system of charged particles is conserved

    Homework Statement We have a system with N particles with masses m1, m2, ... mN and electrical charges q1, q2, .. qN that interact electrostatically. We assume these interactions are instantaneous. Construct the formula for the total energy and show that this is conserved. The Attempt at a...
  2. T

    How to determine the total energy in the universe

    How to determine the total energy of matter in the universe Hi all, while looking at a table of order of magnitudes of energies in nature, I just realize that I really don't know how to determine the total energy contained in the universe (near 10 to the 69). Can someone get this number...
  3. D

    What is the total energy required to heat the material to 80 degrees?

    Hi, a question at work popped up and it's been too long since I went to school :p The total energy [Wh] required to heat the system to temperature T is given by f(T)=1.28T. The effect [W] applied to the system is given by g(T)=378-3.16T. How long does it take to heat the material to say 80...
  4. A

    Can we imagine that momentum is the total energy stored in the body at

    can we imagine that momentum is the total energy stored in the body at a particular velocity?if not then why?
  5. G

    Finding total energy from the top of a hill on a rollercoster?

    Homework Statement A rollercoaster cart mass = 55kg velocity = 5m/s height = 5m what is the total energy that the cart has at this position? Homework Equations would s=d/t be relevant? The Attempt at a Solution already calculated gravitational potential energy: GPE = m*g*h =...
  6. L

    Calculating Total Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion

    Homework Statement Calculate the total energy of a 2kg mass that is undergoing simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 1cm and and frequency of 16Hz. Homework Equations ma = -w^2x The Attempt at a Solution The first thing I thought was using the general solution of x(t) = A...
  7. A

    N-D spring-mass damper total energy

    Homework Statement I am trying to derive the total energy for an n-dimensional linear (Hookeian) spring-mass damper system and show that the total energy is either decreasing or constant. Homework Equations 1D spring-mass damper equation n-D spring-mass damper equation The Attempt at...
  8. T

    Nuclear Model - Expression for Total Energy [Modern Physics]

    Homework Statement Derive an expression for the total energy required to asemble a sphere of charge corresponding to a nucleus of atomic number Z and radius R. Assume the nucleus is a sphere of uniform volume charge density \rho Homework Equations \rho = mass / volume = 3Am / 4*pi*R3...
  9. Spinnor

    2 electrons in box, hard walls, total energy E.

    2 electrons in box, "hard" walls, total energy E. Say we place 2 electrons inside an empty 1m cubed box with very "hard" walls, the electrons can penetrate only a very small distance into the walls of the box. Let us say that any photons produced by the scattering of the two electrons stay in...
  10. Char. Limit

    What is the total energy of the universe?

    What is the total energy of the universe? I would like a gross energy, not a net energy, as I saw somewhere that the net energy of the universe is zero.
  11. Z

    Relation between total energy and rest mass

    Is there a direct relation between the relativistic mass (total energy) and rest mass? In other words, can we say a proton has higher rest mass than an electron because a proton-antiproton annihilation would produce that much more energy than electron-positron one? And the ratio of energy...
  12. B

    Does any model predict the mass (or total energy) of the observable Universe?

    During the (recently departed) matter-dominated era, the total mass of the Universe, including dark matter, is believed to have been fairly constant at around 1055 kg. This was the case in a time period from at least the CMB last scattering surface to nearly the present. Mass content is...
  13. A

    Calculating Total Energy of Positron and Electron in Quantum Physics Problem

    Homework Statement Hi I am new to this forum and offering quantum physics at A level. Can anybody help with the following problem: The rest energy of an electron is 0.511MeV. A positron created in a cloud chamber has 0.158MeV of kinetic energy. It collides with an electron at rest...
  14. H

    How Is Amplitude and Total Energy Calculated in a Spring System?

    A mass of 0.5 kg is attached to the end of a massless spring of spring constant 0.40 N/m. It is released from rest from an extended position. After 0.7 s, the speed of the mass is measured to be 1.75 m/s. What is the amplitude of oscillation? What is the total energy (relative to the mass at...
  15. S

    Total Energy calculation of permanent magnet

    Does anyone know how to calculate the total energy of magnet? Thanks!
  16. D

    What total energy transfers from this motor during this work?

    Homework Statement A loaded ore car has a mass of 970 kg and rolls on rails with negligible friction. It starts from rest and is pulled up a mine shaft by a cable connected to a winch. The shaft is inclined at 30.0° above the horizontal. The car accelerates uniformly to a speed of 2.20 m/s in...
  17. L

    Quantum energy level, calcualting total energy

    Homework Statement The element N has 7 electrons and 7 protons in the atom. An ion of N has all the electrons removed except 1, so it resembles a hydrogen atom with a nuclear charge of +7 e. E1(Hydrogen)= -13.6eV, r1(Hydrogen)= 5.29x10^-11m. k = 8.99x10^9 e = 1.6x10^-19 What is...
  18. E

    Total energy of elliptical orbit

    Why is the total energy of an elliptical orbit given by: E_{tot}=\frac{-GMm}{2a} Where a=semi major axis. I agree for a circular orbit I can do the following: F_c=F_g ma_c=\frac{GMm}{r^2} \frac{v^2}{r}=\frac{GM}{r^2} v^2=\frac{GM}{r} Since the total energy also equal to the kinetic plus...
  19. K

    What is the total energy in joules expended

    Homework Statement The power supplied by a certain battery is a constant 6 W over the first 5 min, zero for the following 2 min, a value increases linearly from zero to 10 W during the next 10 min, and a power that decreases linearly from 10 W to zero in the following 7 min. (a) What is the...
  20. rcgldr

    Total energy of air, does it include pressure?

    I'll ask this in the form of an example. A bus is traveling at some speed and there is no wind. The bus experiences a drag force related to the pressure differential at the front and rear of the bus. Most of the divergence in pressure from ambient occurs behind the bus, where the air is...
  21. C

    What is the total energy of matter inside a spherically symmetric static star?

    Homework Statement Suppose I have a spherically symmetric static star. What is the total energy of (baryonic) matter inside the star? Homework Equations The metric is (parametrizing as in Weinberg): ds^2=-B(r)dt^2+A(r)dr^2+r^2d\Omega^2 I assume the energy-momentum tensor of a...
  22. G

    Is Energy Conserved in a Moving Pendulum?

    The total energy of a pendulum is calculated either by it's maximum height (Gravitational Potential), or by the lowest point with maximum velocity (Kinetic Energy). For the significant formulas of a pendulum see" wiki page If you use the...
  23. C

    Finding Total Energy of a system

    Alright, the problem is fairly simple actually; however, I've seen a few methods to solve this that have kind of confused me. The questions is: Consider a frictionless roller coaster with a mass of 12,000kg. If the coaster starts at rest at point A, which is 95m above the ground...
  24. E

    Total energy at zero rest mass

    According to my physics textbook, the equation E^2=\left(mc^2\right)^2+\left(pc\right)^2 suggests that a particle may have energy and momentum even when it has no rest mass, and that the total energy then is E=pc. This strikes me as odd, since the relativistic momentum of a particle is given by...
  25. P

    Orbiting particle with given potential. Find the total energy. Need help

    Homework Statement (a) A light particle of mass m orbits in a circular orbit around a massive attractive centre with a potential that is given by V(r) = Cr^2 (b) Using the equations for circular motion show that the total energy of such a particle must be given by E = 2Cr^2 Use...
  26. V

    New value of the particle's total energy?

    Homework Statement A charged particle is observed to have a total energy of 0.642 MeV when it is moving at 0.700c. If this particle enters a linear accelerator and its speed is increased to 0.980c, what is the new value of the particle's total energy? Homework Equations Rest mass...
  27. B

    Total Energy and Voltage Change for an Electron

    Homework Statement Alright so, there are two different parts that I am having trouble with for this question. The first problem I need to calculate the total energy of a group of 12 electrons that each individually have a potential of 3 V. This is all that is given for the first part...
  28. U

    Momentum of electron from total energy of electron

    Homework Statement An electron has a total energy equal to five times its rest energy(0.511MeV). --What is its momentum (in MeV/c)? Homework Equations E(total) = [mass(electron)*c^2]/[sq. root of (1- velocity^2/c^2)] ----I converted 2.555MeV (total energy) to 4.088e-13 J and...
  29. F

    Total Energy Help: Ktrans, Wgrav, Whand, Ktotal & Krot

    Homework Statement it is a multi part problem i found most just need help on last two but gave answers to the ones i found because they are needed to determin the answer. What is the translational kinetic energy of the real system, at the instant shown in the right diagram? Ktrans =...
  30. D

    Total energy produced by sound source

    Hello, I have measurements of the sound intensity produced by a sound source for a given frequency (*). These measurements were taken on on a grid on an imaginary sphere around the source. From these measurements it is clear that the sound intensity is not equal in all directions. The...
  31. J

    Potential Energy and Total Energy Negative

    Homework Statement Explain why it is possible for potential energy and total energy to be either positive or negative, but kinetic energy is always positive Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm thinking that Potential Energy and Total Energy can be opposite and take...
  32. J

    Total Energy of Camera Capacitor

    Homework Statement A flash attatchment for a professional camera stores energy in a capactior. When a picture is taken, all of the charge is converted to energy, and the capacitor is fully discharged. A.Assume the battery charging the capacitor is a 300V battery. When the light flashes, it...
  33. LaserMind

    Is the total energy of the Universe Zero?

    Excuse this beginners question, but someone asked me if the Universe can appear out of nothing. I answered yes, because all the energy in the Universe cancels out to make nothing. So, conversely, out of nothing can come equal positive and negative energy. He seemed half convinced. Am I correct...
  34. P

    Total energy of a rolling sphere

    Homework Statement A solid sphere has a mass of 1.0 kg. It is rolling at a translational speed of 10 m/s. What is the total energy of the rolling sphere? I think I got the problem but I'm not sure I went about it the right way. Homework Equations I = (2/5)mr^2 KE_rot = (1/2)Iw^2 KE =...
  35. B

    Hamiltonian: The Key to Understanding Total Energy in Quantum Mechanics

    Hello! I've just finished a discussion with my peers and lecturer on some of the postulates of QM, My lecturer said that "the total energy of any quantum mechanical system is always given by the Hamiltonian, which may be obtained by appropraite application of the classical Hamiltonian"...
  36. M

    Writting total energy from temperature

    Hi all, I have to compute the entropy, temperature and show that the total energy can be written as E(T,N) = 3/2*N*hbar*omega*coth(hbar*omega/(2*kT)) I have found that the temperature can be written as 1/T = k/(hbar*omega)*ln([E/N*hbar*omega+3/2]/[E/N*hbar*omega-3/2]) by...
  37. J

    Understanding the Total Energy of a Hamiltonian

    I have a question on the Hamiltonian from a classical viewpoint. I understand that the Hamiltonian, H, is conserved if it has no explicit time dependence, in other words: \frac{\partial H}{\partial t} = 0 What I am not clear on is how one can determine whether a given Hamiltonian...
  38. G

    How Do You Calculate Total Energy Stored in a Circuit System?

    Homework Statement for this problem i found all of the separate capacitence for each capacitor, each potential difference, and each charge on each capacitor but I am not sure how to get the total energy stored for the whole system. does anybody know the correct equation Homework Equations...
  39. D

    Is the Total Energy of the Universe Zero or Constant?

    Many texts and research papers seem to argue the case for the total energy of the universe being zero or constant. Indeed the Friedmann equation is often derived in books using KE+PE=constant, where the constant is zero for a flat universe. The sign of the constant also determines whether the...
  40. Orion1

    Degenerate matter total energy

    Fermi energy: E_f =\frac{\hbar^2 \pi^2}{2m L^2} n_f^2 The number of states with energy less than E_f is equal to the number of states that lie within a sphere of radius |\vec{n}_f| in the region of n-space where nx, ny, nz are positive. In the ground state this number equals the number of...
  41. D

    Total Energy Of A Spring-Mass System

    Hello everyone, I hope someone can help me with this simple harmonic motion question I've been trying it for about an hour now and I think i may have found the problem but I want to run it by someone else :) I'm taking this Phsyics 12U course (Uni prep for Ontario, Canada) through correspondence...
  42. snoopies622

    Expression for the total energy of a particle of rest mass

    I am looking for an expression for the total energy of a particle of rest mass m_0 that includes kinetic and gravitational potential, if there is such a thing. If I take the product of the time-components of the four-velocity and four-momentum vectors, I get m_0 c^2 \gamma^2 where...
  43. J

    Is the Accelerating Expansion of the Universe Caused by Energy Conversion?

    Thermodynamics asserts that energy can neither be created nor destroyed and thus the total energy of the universe is always constant. Thus the accelerating expansion of the universe indicates that some form of energy is being converted into another form at increasing rate? Can this be explained...
  44. K

    Total energy= kinetic energy + potential energy

    Homework Statement A gardener exerts a force of 1.5 x 10^2 N (22 degress below the horizontal) in pushing a large 18 kg box of flower seeds a distance of 1.6 m. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the floor is 0.55. use the law of conservation of energy to determine the...
  45. M

    Total Energy Dilemma: Cruiser vs Battleship

    I was presented with a very simple physics problem today which unfortunately stumped me for some reason: you have two spaceships: a cruiser weighing a ton, and a battleship weighing 100 tons. Now let's say the cruiser is moving towards the battleship at constant speed. From battleships point...
  46. F

    Calculating Total Energy Loss of a Newton's Cradle

    How can I measure the total energy loss of a Newton's cradle until it comes to rest. The only variables I am given are the horiztonal displacements for each swing (how far the ball travels out after it rebounds off the other balls) and the angle. I have no idea where to start, I was told I...
  47. K

    Plotting Total Energy vs Time for Damped System (MATLAB)

    1. Homework Statement Plot total energy vs. time graph using MATLAB (damped system) wn(the undamped natural frequency) = 2 rad/s damping ratio, z = 0.01 mass = 10kg initial displacement = 0.1 initial velocity = 0 2. Homework Equations KE = (1/2)mv^2 PE = mgh 3. The Attempt...
  48. T

    Total energy of a spring-mass system (harmonic motion)

    Hi all. I've this problem and I'm stuck on the part where I have to find the total energy. Homework Statement A 507 g mass oscillates with an amplitude of 10 cm on a spring whose spring constant is 20 N/m. At t =0s the mass is 5.0 cm to the right of the equilibrium position and moving to the...
  49. M

    What is the total energy stored in this oscillation

    1. The length of a simple pendulum is 0.760 m, the pendulum bob has a mass of 365 grams, and it is released at an angle of 12-degree to the verticle. (a) With what frequency does it vibrate? Assume SHM. b) What is the pendulum bob's speed when it passes through the lowest point of the swing? c)...
  50. P

    Total Energy Problem: Ratio of A to B

    Homework Statement An object of mass 2.00 kg is held at a position A, a vertical height of 20.0 m above the ground. Point B is 8.00 m directly below A. Neglect air resistance and use g=10.0 m/s(squared) What is the ratio of the total energy of the object at position A to position B? Homework...