Track Definition and 348 Threads

Track cycling is a bicycle racing sport usually held on specially built banked tracks or velodromes using track bicycles.

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  1. T

    Mathematical Induction am I on the right track?

    Homework Statement The sequence a0 -> n is defined by ai = b+i*c. Prove by induction on n that the sum of the terms in the sequence is (n+1)(a0 + an)/2.Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I defined predicate P(n) as (n+1)(a0+an)/2. My goal is P(n+1), which is (n+2)(a0+an+1)/2. I...
  2. K

    Calculating Angular Acceleration and Stopping Time for a Rolling Train

    Homework Statement A toy train rolls around a horizontal 1.8 m diameter track. The coefficient of rolling friction is 0.11. What is the magnitude of the train's angular acceleration after it is released? How long does it take the train to stop if it's released with an angular speed of 31 ...
  3. L

    Finding coefficient of kinetic friction on a track with a spring.

    1. The problem statement A 10 kg block is released from point A on a track ABCD. The track is frictionless except for the portion BC, of length 6 m. The block travels down the track and hits a spring of force constant k = 2250 N/m and compresses it a distance of 0.3 m from its equilibrium...
  4. R

    Design a Roller Coaster: Calculate Track Radius for 3800 N Force

    Homework Statement You have been hired to design a roller coaster and are working on two sections. The roller coaster rolls on the track, but is not attached. If the cars will have a speed of 35 m/s at the bottom of the hill, what is the radius that the circular bottom section of the...
  5. R

    Preventing Binding in Slider track

    I am working on a design that requires a slider that is heavily loaded in track. The slider must be able to translate along the track while loaded. The track is not extremely stiff therefore there will be some deflections. Does anyone know of any design guidelines for designing such a joint...
  6. I

    Determine mass of a glider on an air track

    Determine mass of a glider on an air track [solved] Homework Statement A 20.0 g mass is stringed to a glider on an air track through a pulley ("). I'm supposed to find the mass of said glider, assuming that...
  7. A

    Work done by force on a non-linear track.

    We have a force which changes according to what point you're at, e.g: f=(4x²,3z-2y,2z), we need to calculate the work done by this force from point (0,0,0) to (2,1,3) on different curves I don't want an answer I just want an explanation for how this is done, this is what I understand so far...
  8. W

    Find Coeff. of Static Friction of Car on Track

    Homework Statement A car traveling on a flat circular track of radius 5m accelerates uniformly from rest with a tangential acceleration of 1.7m/s^2. The car makes it 0.2 of the way around the track before skidding off. Acceleration of gravity=9.8m/s^s. What is the coefficient of static...
  9. I

    Minimum speed at the circular track

    Homework Statement What is the minimum speed of the car must have at the top of the loop? There are three methods. I would like to know which method or answer is correct. Please see attached file. Homework Equations Please see attached file. The Attempt at a Solution Please...
  10. S

    Normal Force at the Bottom of a Track

    Homework Statement If the speed of a roller coaster at the bottom of the loop is 25 m/s, what is the normal force exerted by the car by the track in terms of the car's weight mg? Homework Equations N - mg =mv^2/r The Attempt at a Solution N=mv^2/r + mg N=m(v^2/r+ g) N=m (31.25...
  11. A

    Force of a roller coaster track on a car

    Homework Statement The roller coaster car shown below has a mass of 800 kg when fully loaded with passengers. (a) If the car has a speed of 25.0 m/s at point A, what force does the track exert on the car at that point. (b) If the car has a speed of 10.0 m/s at point B, what force does the track...
  12. M

    Dynamics & Kinematics Assignment Question. Am I on the right track?

    1. At a time when mining asteroids has become feasible, astronauts have connected a line between their 3500-kg space tug and a 6200-kg asteroid. Using their tug's engine, they pull on the asteroid with a force of 490 N. Initially the tug and the asteroid are at rest, 450 m apart. How much time...
  13. H

    Reducing Gap Around IC Chip Pins for 0.5mm Track

    Hello, I am currently working on a PCB design project, just wondering if anybody knows how to reduce the size of the gap(the black circular region) around individual pin of IC Chips (after I have done the polygon pour) so that a 0.5mm ground track can get through. In addition, what is the...
  14. M

    Velocity and acceleration on a running track

    Homework Statement A runner runs with a constant speed around the track. 1. At which point is the runner's velocity the largest? Explain. 2. At which point is the runner's acceleration the largest? Explain Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution It seems to me...
  15. M

    Velocity and acceleration on a track

    Homework Statement A runner runs with a constant speed around the track. a) at which of the points is the runner's velocity the largest? Explain. b) at which point is the runner's acceleration the largest? Explain.Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I believe the runner has the...
  16. U

    Conservation of Energy block on a track

    Homework Statement In the figure, a block of mass M slides without friction around the curved track. (a) If the block starts from rest at A, what is its speed at B? (b) What is the force of the track (the normal force) on the block at B? See Figure 1 Homework Equations Uf + Kf = Ui + Ki...
  17. S

    What is the radius of curvature of the track at 6 seconds into the curve?

    Homework Statement A train enters a curved horizontal section of track at 100 km/hr and slows down with constant deceleration to 15 km/hr in 12 seconds. An accelerometer mounted inside the train measures a horizontal acceleration of 2 m/s^2 when the train is 6 seconds into the curve. Calculate...
  18. A

    Uniform acceleration: air track, data error?

    Homework Statement [edit]: In case anyone didn't get a clear picture, in a nutshell the experiment involves us releasing a glider down an air track within a fixed distance x, where the time, t taken is then recorded down. Sorry for not mentioning this before if it's of any use. To determine...
  19. M

    Schools Track One to Engineering Science at University of Toronto

    Hello everyone, This year I am going to Track One engineering at U of T. I chose Engineering Science, but I didn't get in. On some other forum I have found one person, who said that people can switch to EngSci after TrackOne if they have a very high average. On the U of T website it says that...
  20. M

    Determining spring's max compression on frictionless track

    Homework Statement A 0.280-kg block along a horizontal track has a speed of 1.30 m/s immediately before colliding with a light spring of force constant 43.6 N/m located at the end of the track. What is the spring's maximum compression if the track is frictionless? The Attempt at a...
  21. L

    Block sliding along a looped track

    Homework Statement A block of mass m slides without friction along the looped track shown in figure 6-39. If the block is to remain on the track, even at the top of the circle (whose radius is r), from what minimum height h must it be released. Next, if the actual release height is 2h...
  22. R

    Exploring Vapor Pressure: On the Right Track or Not?

    I was thinking about the cause of vapor pressure and thought of how it might work. But I’m not sure if these ideas are on the right track or not. For example water at 373K The fraction of molecules with energy above the heat of vaporization (6.8E-20 J/molecule or about 0.4eV) is about...
  23. A

    Am I on track for grad school?

    Hi all, My goal is to go to graduate school for mathematics (most likely enumerative combinatorics of graph theory). My math grades in college have been: Calculus I/II - AP Credit so no "grade". Calculus 3 - A+ Linear Algebra - A- Proofs - A- Combinatorial Theory - A Elementary...
  24. C

    Simple Harmonic Motion on an air track

    Homework Statement A 0.20-kilogram mass is sliding on a horizontal, frictionless air track with a speed of 3.0 meters per second when it instantaneously hits and sticks to a 1.3-kilogram mass initially at rest on the track. The 1.3-kilogram mass is connected to one end of a massless spring...
  25. F

    Calculate grad X E Am I on the right track?

    I only did the first two (out of three) crosses because I want to check that I'm on the right track. It doesn't seem like I am because I have come up with 0i, 0j and I pretty much know I will come up with 0k
  26. S

    Calculating Final Velocities in an Elastic Collision on an Air Track

    Homework Statement A 0.147 glider is moving to the right on a frictionless, horizontal air track with a speed of 0.870 . It has a head-on collision with a 0.292 glider that is moving to the left with a speed of 2.20 . Suppose the collision is elastic. What is the magnitude of the final...
  27. C

    Magnetic Track + Superconductor = Rideable Hover-Board?

    hi, A teacher at school was demonstrating some of the properties of superconductors and that got me thinking if it would be possible to get a person to hover. I did a bit of research and it seems that not only is this possible but it's already been done. I saw some videos of small toy...
  28. P

    Exploring 2-D Collision Experiment: Marbles Launched Off a Track

    Using a 2-D collision experiment: A marble is launched off a track and travels 28cm before it hits the floor. A marble is launched off a track and hits another marble at the end of that track, where both hit the floor. One lands 13cm away at 44° from the perpendicular and the other lands 22cm...
  29. M

    What is track momentum in nuclear emulsion experiments?

    In experiments with nuclear emulsion (like CHORUS,OPERA...), the emulsion is scanned for tracks left by passing particles. In track analysis, there is a quantity called track momentum. I don't know what the track momentum is, so if anyone could help me, i would be grateful.
  30. P

    Exploring the Effects of Increased Track Height on Object Acceleration

    Homework Statement What is the effect of increasing the height of the track on the acceleration of the object? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The speed of the track was slower? is it correcT?thanks
  31. B

    What is the circumference of the track?

    A student runs at a speed of 8.50 m/s on a circular track. If she accelerates a 1.03 m/s2, what is the circumference of the track? 8.5m/s*1.03m/s?
  32. S

    Block slides along an elevated track

    Homework Statement A block slides along an elevated track. The flat part has a length L = 0.2m and the object is released from rest from height h = 0.1m. The curved portion of the track is frictionless, but the flat part is rough with a friction coefficient μk = 0.15. Where does the object...
  33. I

    Circular Motion and block track

    Homework Statement A frictionless track contains a circular section of radius R as shown. What is the minimum height at which a block must be started in order for it to go around the loop without falling off the track? Homework Equations V = r*w Fr = m*v^2/r = m*r*ω^2 The Attempt at...
  34. N

    Block carrying a charge on a frictionless horizontal track

    Homework Statement A 4.00 kg block carrying a charge Q=50.0 µC is connected to a spring for which k=100N/m (see diagram). The block lies on a frictionless horizontal track, and the system is immersed in a uniform electric field of magnitude E = 5.00x10^5 V/m, directed as shown. If the block...
  35. T

    Are the Amplitude and Period Calculations Correct for This Tsunami Model?

    Am i on the right track? We have this problem for math class: For an interval of 45 minutes, the tsunamis near Hawaii caused by the chilean earthquake of 1960 could be modeled by the equation y= 8 sin (pi/6)t, where y is in feet and t is in minutes. a) find the amplitude and period of the...
  36. M

    Optimizing Velocity for Motion on a Banked Track

    Homework Statement An object travels around a circular track with a given radius that is banked/inclined (inward) at a given angle. Find the ideal velocity for the object to travel around the track (so that it does not slide up or down but stays in the middle) with no friction or with a given...
  37. S

    Calculating Speed for Banked Racing Track

    Homework Statement Car is driven on a banked circular racing track. Radius R, angle theta. a) For what speed is the track designed (if there were no friction the car would not slide) b) If the track is wet, u=0.15, what are the minimum and maximum speeds car must be driven so it stays on...
  38. W

    Air Track Problem with friction

    Homework Statement An air-track glider of mass 0.109 kg is attached to the end of a horizontal air track by a spring with force constant 22.5 N/m (a) With the air track turned off, the glider travels 8.8 cm before it stops instantaneously. How large would the coefficient of static...
  39. K

    Maximum speed of a car in a circular flat track (involves static friction)

    Homework Statement In a circular flat track of radius 50m, what is the maximum speed car can go without sliding? Assume the coefficient of static friction between the car tire and the road is 0.4. Homework Equations Unsure of what equations to use. The Attempt at a Solution Unsure...
  40. Q

    Thermal Expansion of Gas - am I on the right track?

    Question: One mole of an ideal gas with cv=2.5R, initially at 0.0degC, is heated at constant pressure. How much heat is needed to double its volume? Solution: Know: n=1 T0=273.15K cv=2.5R \DeltaP=0 Vf=2V0 H=U +PV and thus, Q= \DeltaH Q=ncv\DeltaT We can rearrange to find...
  41. G

    Solving for x-Displacement of a Rolling Ball on an Inclined Track

    Homework Statement a track is inclined in such way that the velocity of the metal ball is 60 cm/s at 25 degree below the horizontal. mathematically determine the total x displacement of the metal ball. weight of ball: 65grams height from floor to the end of the track: 76.15cm velocity of the...
  42. S

    Equation for Location of Air Car on Air Track w/ Average Velocity L/t

    1. L is the length of the air car, t is the time the car blocks a photogate. The car starts at a distance d from the photogate. The air track is also elevated on one end, but I don't know how much.I have to find the equation for the location of the front of an air car on an air track when the...
  43. C

    Finding h for a Cylinder on a Track

    Homework Statement A cyllinder of radius rc starts a height h above a loop the loop on a track. If the radius of the loop is rl, how high does h need to be. The cyllinder does not slip. Express the answer in terms of the radius of the loop. Homework Equations Conservation of energy...
  44. I

    Sliding down a Track, loop, Conservation problem

    Homework Statement A small cube (m=0.450 kg) is at a height of 393 cm up a frictionless track which has a loop of radius, R = 58.95 cm at the bottom. The cube starts from rest and slides freely down the ramp and around the loop. Find the speed of the block when it is at the top of the loop...
  45. N

    Calculating Force Exerted by a Moving Train on a Track

    Hey I was hoping some would be able to help me or show me how to calculate the amount of force a train exerts on a spot on a track. Simply I could calculate the force exerted on a spot of the track as the weight of the train in kgs times the gravity (9.8m/s^2) will give me netwons of force...
  46. B

    Speed, distance and spring on a track

    Homework Statement Tarzan (m=90kg) presses against a horizontal spring with spring constant k=81000N/m ( on a frictionless surface), compressing it by 100 cm. After loosing contact with the spring, Tarzan starts going down an 11.0 m high hill that is frictionless, and then starts to go up a...
  47. T

    What is the force of the track on the block at A?

    Homework Statement A block of mass m=1.3 kg slides down a frictionless track, as in the attachment diagram. The block is released at height h=4m. The radius of the curvature of the track at the bottom is R=1m. What is the force of the track on the block at A? Homework Equations...
  48. B

    Position of glider on an air track

    Homework Statement An air-track glider is attached to a spring. The glider is pulled to the right and released from rest at t=0.00 s. It then oscillates with a period of 11.1 s and a maximum speed of 44.7 cm/s. What is the amplitude of the oscillation? (answer A= 7.90e-01 m) What is the...
  49. B

    What is the student's final speed after being launched by a compressed spring?

    Homework Statement A spring with constant 72500.0 N/m is compressed 54.6 cm and used to launch a 109.0 kg physics student. The student starts decending down a 13.4 m high track that is frictionless until the student starts up the incline again. The student's coefficient of kinetic friction...
  50. drizzle

    Where to Find DHL Tracking Number for International Package?

    hey guys, I’ve sent a packaged abroad [to France] via DHL, and I’d like to know if it is delivered yet or not, I checked the DHL website and tried to track the packaged by number, the problem is that I don’t know where is that number I can’t find it in the bill/recite I have [there’s a number...