Trajectory Definition and 467 Threads

A trajectory or flight path is the path that an object with mass in motion follows through space as a function of time. In classical mechanics, a trajectory is defined by Hamiltonian mechanics via canonical coordinates; hence, a complete trajectory is defined by position and momentum, simultaneously.
The mass might be a projectile or a satellite. For example, it can be an orbit — the path of a planet, asteroid, or comet as it travels around a central mass.
In control theory, a trajectory is a time-ordered set of states of a dynamical system (see e.g. Poincaré map). In discrete mathematics, a trajectory is a sequence








{\displaystyle (f^{k}(x))_{k\in \mathbb {N} }}
of values calculated by the iterated application of a mapping


{\displaystyle f}
to an element


{\displaystyle x}
of its source.

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  1. J

    Exploring the Impact of Density on Trajectory

    why does lowering the density change the trajectory? why does lowering the density change the trajectory? Is this a basic/general question or is more information needed?? totally lost...:confused:
  2. I

    Trajectory using gradient and differential equations

    [SOLVED] Trajectory using gradient and differential equations Homework Statement A heat-seeking particle is located at the point P on a flat metal plate whose temperature at a point (x, y) is T(x, y). Find parametric equations for the trajectory of the particle if it moves continuously in...
  3. J

    How Do You Calculate the Maximum Height of a Projectile Using v, Theta, and g?

    1. I am trying to derive the equation for maximum height of a trajectory. Must be in terms of v, theta, and g. 2.Vy=vsin(theta) dy=vsin(theta)t+0.5gt^2 3. I know that I must find the point when the vertical velocity is equal to zero and must find one equation for time. Then sub this...
  4. M

    Trajectory of a Test Particle in a Semidetached Binary

    Hello, I am currently trying to figure out how I can use Microsoft Excel to calculate the ballistic trajectory of a test particle released from the inner Lagrange point in a semidetached binary. To keep things simple, I am using a two-dimensional coordinate system, and I am assuming that the...
  5. Q

    Calculating Trajectory of a Plane Flying at 100m/s

    Question is: plane flies at a speed of 100m/s at a height of 18m above water plot the trajectory from release to first impact point, in intervals of 0.2m managed this and have plotted the trajectory, with relevant velocities and resultant but the next part asks: "At each bounce the...
  6. B

    How Should the Quarterback Throw to Reach the Moving Receiver?

    Homework Statement 2 football players are 16m apart. The receiver runs perpendicular to the line joining the two palyers at a constant speed of 7 m/s. after 2 seconds the quarterbak throws the ball with a horizontal velocity of 24m/s In what horizontal direction and with what vertical...
  7. M

    Double check parabolic trajectory answers

    Homework Statement As a projectile moves through its parabolic trajectory, which of these quantities, if any, remain constant? (Neglect air resistance. Select all that apply.) True acceleration True horizontal component of velocity False speed False vertical component of...
  8. Z

    Solve Trajectory Motion Homework: Find t, Drop Apple to Pierce Arrow

    Homework Statement Hi, I have been working on this problem for a while, and cannot figure it out. Heres the question. An arrow is shot at an angle of theta = 45 degrees above the horizontal. The arrow hits a tree a horizontal distance D = 220m away, at the same height above the ground as it...
  9. T

    Deriving the trajectory of the particle

    Homework Statement There is a uniform electric field E, and a uniform magnetic field B in space. A particle of mass m, and charge q, at the origin is released from rest at t=0. The only acting force on the body is the Lorentz force. Derive the trajectory of the particle for t>=0. Homework...
  10. M

    Hawk-Eye computer system used in sports to track ball trajectory

    Hey, today while watching the cricket I was fascinated by "Hawkeye" and how it predicted the ball trajectory, from the bowlers hand to a few metres past the batsmen. "Hawk-Eye is a computer system used in cricket, tennis and other sports to track the path of the ball."...
  11. D

    Vectors: Solving a Trajectory on the x-y Plane

    [SOLVED] vectors - Homework Statement At time t = 0 two forces f1 = (i + j) and f2 = (2i - 2j) start acting on a point body of unit mass lying stationary at the point (1,2) of the x,y plane. Describe the trajectory r(t) of the plane. Homework Equations F = ma a = d2x/dt2 The Attempt at a...
  12. I

    Optimizing Trajectory for Perfectly Elastic Collisions: A Super Ball Experiment

    Homework Statement How should you throw a super ball so that the trajectory of the ball moves back and forth between two points. The super ball undergos perfectly elastic collisions with the ground and does not slip. The moment of inertia for the super ball is I = 2/5*MR^2. Specify the...
  13. B

    Calculating Distance for Jumping off a Slope at 45°

    Homework Statement I have to calculate disctance that body(for example a jumper) that jumps of a slope at 45 degrees with initial speed of 20 m/s and under 15 degrees. Homework Equations x=Vox * t y=Voy*t - 1/2*g*t*t y=ax + b, b=0 => y=ax - The Attempt at a Solution I don't know where to...
  14. D

    AP Physics 2-D trajectory problem

    I'm not in the class, but a friend of mine asked me to help him with this problem, and I just can't figure it out! It seems like it's simple, but whenever I try to do it, I can't find a solution: Problem statement A field goal kicker is 50m away from the 3.4m high goal post. If he kicks it...
  15. M

    Projectile Motion - Trajectory

    Homework Statement There is a point A and point B, with 200 m distance between the two. In the center, there is a 100 m wall. What is the minimum velocity (and angle) a ball must be thrown to get over the wall? Basically I'm clueless. I need step by step instructions. THANKS!
  16. O

    Trajectory: integrating for position

    As usual I did this question I'm working on backwards, doing the section dealing with air friction first. Now realizing I must do the 'first part' and I think I am over thinking again. With no air resistance, I need the position of a trajectory from Newton's second law. I know gravity is the...
  17. Z

    Special Trajectory Equation - Solving for T

    Hello everyone, I am making a physics model for a game. This model works by extrapolating points in time through trajectories, pretty basic stuff. The problem is I need a trajectory for something on a 2d plane, with constant acceleration, and constant angular velocity. I've done almost all...
  18. N

    Throwing a ball from a building [a trajectory problem].

    A ball is thrown from the top of a building upward at an angle of 66 degrees to the horizontal and with an initial speed of 8 m/s. The ball is thrown at a height of 34 m above the ground and hit s the ground 11.3347 m from the base of the building. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s^2...
  19. F

    Trajectory, where it will land.

    Homework Statement a projectile is shot from the edge of a cliff 125m above ground level with an initial speed of 105m/s at an angle of 37 degrees with the horizontal axis. 1.determine the time taken by the projectile to hit ground. 2.determine the range X of the projectile as measured from the...
  20. N

    What is the trajectory of a playground ball launched from a rooftop?

    A playground is on the flat roof of a city school, 6.00m above the street below. The vertical wall of the building is 7.00m high, to for a meter-high railing around the playground. A ball has fallen to the street below, and a passerby returns it by launching it at an angle of 53.0 degrees...
  21. N

    Finicky bartenders and the trajectory of a drinking glass.

    In a local bar, a customer slides an empty beer mug down the counter for a refill. The bartender is momentarily distracted and does not see the mug, which slides off the counter and strikes the floor 1.40 m from the base of the counter. If the height of the counter is .860 m, (a) with what...
  22. C

    Trajectory of projectile with friction in air

    Homework Statement This is not a homework prob, its just something I was trying out. To find the equation of the path of the projectile when air friction is considered. Homework Equations F=-bv, where v is a vector. The Attempt at a Solution Let the projectile be launched...
  23. P

    Graphing a Trajectory with Variable Gravity

    Homework Statement I would like to graph the position, velocity, and acceleration curves (over time) of an object that is launched straight up from the surface of the Earth, but I need to take into account the fact that the Earth's gravitational pull weakens as the object gets higher. The...
  24. B

    Few random questions collision, circular orbit, trajectory, etc

    a body of mass m1 and speed v1 collides with a body of fmass m2 at rest. the bodies ad here; the collision is perfectly inelastic. what fraction of the initial kinetic energy remains? a body of mass m, moving with velocity v1, strikes an ideintical body at rest, off center. friction and...
  25. Q

    Not sure if this is the right place: Runge Kutta in C for electron trajectory

    Homework Statement Code to do a 4th order Runge-Kutta to get trajectories for electron paths. When trying to substitute conditions into my program, it returns rubbish. Homework Equations Basically I want to change my lower limit to -0.003, my upper limit to 0.007. Initial conditions...
  26. C

    Trajectory Motion Using Calculus

    At this point in my project I'm merely trying to work out the correct formula to put together to find the x and y components of a trajectory traveling in a parabollic path. My teacher showed me two different forms and said for me to try to figure out which one was best for my specific...
  27. K

    Calculating trajectory by matrix methods

    For last few days,I was trying to calculate the trajectory of charged particles by matrix method.We have learned geometrical optics by matrix methods in our course.So,applying the same token,various interesting results might be obtained for a charged particle beam subjected to electromagnetic...
  28. P

    Spinning ball and its trajectory

    I play tabletennis and it is obvious that with top spin, the ball go down faster than the one without any spin. I have try to explain by bernoulli, but it seems the result is opposite: top spin ball will drift more!. Anyone can help?
  29. C

    Dynamics, plane drops mass trajectory question

    Homework Statement The pilot of an airplane, carrying a package of mail, wishes to hit recovery location A. Assume that the plane is traveling at constant speed of 200 km/hr at a constant height of 100m above the ground. What angle theta with the horizontal should the pilot's line of sight...
  30. R

    Ploting trajectory, including air resistance.

    I am trying to plot the trajectory of a projectile. I found formulas for finding the drag force, but it only gives me the drag force at an impossibly short interval of time, i need it to affect the trajectory of the projectile threw out it's path. The projectile is also affected by gravity. If...
  31. F

    How to Apply Friction and Gravity to a 3D Velocity Vector?

    Homework Statement I need to know how to apply the coefficent of friction and gravity to a 3-coordinate (3D) velocity vector. For my Intro to C Programming class, our final project is to write a program that simulates the trajectory of an asteroid passing a gas giant. The problem is, I...
  32. T

    Simple trajectory, maximizing downhill range

    Homework Statement A projectile is fired from the origin down an inclined plane that makes an angle, b, with the horizontal. The angle of elevation of the gun and the initial speed of the projectile are a and V, respectively. Show that the angle of elevation, a, that will mazimize the...
  33. P

    How Do You Find the Explicit Equation for the Orthogonal Trajectory?

    I have to find the orthogonal trajectory to the family of circles tangents to the x-axis. I eventually found that the derivative of the orthogonal trajectory would be: \frac{dy}{dx}= \frac{-x^2 + y^2}{2xy} But how do i find the equation for "y" explicitly? (ps. This is not an assignment...
  34. S

    Trajectory, Wind Resistance, and Acceleration

    Suppose the force of wind resistance is proportional to the speed of the object and in the direction opposite of the object’s velocity. If you throw an object upward, when is the magnitude of the acceleration the highest? a.It is highest at the top of its trajectory. b.It is the highest...
  35. M

    Projectile Motion trajectory Problem

    8. A Physics student on Planet Exidor throws a ball, and it follows the parabolic trajectory shown in Figure 6.8 (whille it will not be recreated on this forum, the figure shows a part of a parabolic curve which starts at the origin and peaks at t=2. It also shows the velocity vector at t=1...
  36. C

    Ballistics, trajectory and jerk.

    Could the rate of change of accelaration (or jerk in m/s3) affect the trajectory of a projectile? If so could it be to a noticeable extent? Given two systems where projectiles are fired by different propellants, say gasses with different rates of expansion. One reaches its maximum velocity...
  37. Amith2006

    Trajectory of charged particles in a uniform magnetic field

    1) An electron and a proton are injected into a uniform magnetic field at right angles to the direction of the field with the same Kinetic Energy. Then: a)the electron trajectory will be less curved than the proton trajectory b)the proton trajectory will be less curved than the electron...
  38. M

    Finding the Orthogonal Trajectory of x^p + Cy^p = 1

    I am working on this problem, and have a simple question. Determine the orthogonal trajectory of x^p + Cy^p = 1 where p = constant. I start out by taking the derivative with respect to x. My question is this. does Cy^p become Cpy^{p-1} or C_1y^{p-1} ? Thanks, Morgan
  39. M

    Solving a Rookie QB's Trajectory Problem

    Ok I think i am getting the hang of this stuff. But, A rookie quaterback throws a football with an initial upward velocity component of 16.0 m/s and a horizontal velocity component of 19.0 m/s. Ignore air resistance. a. how much time is required for the ball to reach the highes point of...
  40. C

    Height of bullet at top of trajectory

    Ok guys, I'm stuck on this question I was wondering if you could help me out. Its actually in 2 parts (2nd part harder than 1st part). 1st part: At what height will a bullet reach if fired at 1000mph straight up (excluding all other forces except gravity) 2nd part: At what angle would a...
  41. F

    Bullet trajectory when fired at an angle.

    So I was curious as to how far a high velocity bullet would travel if fired at a 45 deg angle. I used the muzzle velocity for a .306 150 g bullet which is 2700 fps or 822.9 m/s. I only calculated this for zero air resitance because I quite honestly don't know how to calculate for air...
  42. J

    Factors that affect the trajectory of a projected mass.

    This is my physics coursework task and although I have had only minor difficulties in actually doing the work, I thought I would post some of the things that I found to verify. Basically, I began with saying that the initial speed (u), initial height (h), gravitational constant (g) and the...
  43. P

    Can a Rotating Object in Space Curve its Trajectory?

    Can an object be constructed in such a way that, when thrown WITH rotation in space, causes the object to curve in it's trajectory. Now, I'm not referring to "curve balls" in baseball, because a curve ball in space will not curve. Rather, I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of a "dumbell"...
  44. R

    Solving a Projectile Motion Problem: Maximum Height of a Batted Baseball

    hello guys! i find physics really difficult and my classmates and i have been dumbfounded by this problem. hope you could help me with the formulas i should use and how is should use them. this is was the first problem: ooops..this problem aint a trajectory problem. its a projectile motion...
  45. M

    What is the formula for the 3D trajectory of a curving ball?

    Hello. Does anybody knows the formula for trajectory of curving ball (in 3D).
  46. A

    Solving Trajectory Problem: Castle Wall Cannonball

    I am not getting the same answer as the text for this problem: A cannon is fired from the top of the castle wall. The cannonball is fired at 50 m/s at an angle of 30 degrees. A cannonball that was accidentally dropped hits the moat below in 5s. (a) How far from the castle wall does the...
  47. B

    Trajectory of a ball thrown vertically

    A student standing on the ground throws a ball straight up. The ball leaves the student's hand with a speed of 11.0 m/s when the hand is 1.50 m above the ground. How long is the ball in the air before it hits the ground? (The student moves her hand out of the way.)
  48. B

    How does air resistance affect the trajectory of a projectile?

    Mathematically, how would air resistance affect trajectory? Suppose I shoot a cannonball with initial velocity v_0 at an angle of elevation \theta . Air resistance is a force antiparallel to velocity, represented by the equation (according to Barron's Physics C review book!) \vec F_{air} =...
  49. N

    Feynman's every possible trajectory theory

    feynman's "every possible trajectory theory" does feynman's "every possible trajectory theory," where quantum particles travel through all pths before reaching an endpoint, mean that they also travel into the past?
  50. S

    Need help learning about ballistic trajectory for a game

    Me and a friend are trying to write a Scorched Earth game clone and we're trying to figure out an algorithm to calculate ballistic trajectory (factoring in gravity and wind). I'm not very good at physics what-so-ever, but I've managed to make an algorithm for projectile trajectory (with...