Transformations Definition and 862 Threads

In linear algebra, linear transformations can be represented by matrices. If


{\displaystyle T}
is a linear transformation mapping



{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}}



{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{m}}


{\displaystyle \mathbf {x} }
is a column vector with


{\displaystyle n}
entries, then





{\displaystyle T(\mathbf {x} )=A\mathbf {x} }
for some


{\displaystyle m\times n}


{\displaystyle A}
, called the transformation matrix of


{\displaystyle T}
. Note that


{\displaystyle A}


{\displaystyle m}
rows and


{\displaystyle n}
columns, whereas the transformation


{\displaystyle T}
is from



{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}}



{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{m}}
. There are alternative expressions of transformation matrices involving row vectors that are preferred by some authors.

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  1. J

    Proving ||L + M|| < ||L|| + ||M|| for Linear Transformations L, M

    Homework Statement for L, M: V -> W, L, M, linear let||L|| = sup{|L(v)|: v in V, |v| <= 1} show ||L + M|| < ||L|| + ||M|| Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution so is it true that if |L(x) + M(x)| defines a sup for L + M (x for which |L(x) + M(x)| is the sup), then it also defines a...
  2. K

    What Are the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Derivative Linear Transformations?

    Homework Statement Let V be the vector space of all functions f: R->R which can be differentiated arbitrarily many times. a)Let T:V->V be the linear transformation defined by T(f) = f'. Find the (real) eigenvalues and eigenvectors of T. More precisely, for each real eigenvalue describe the...
  3. T

    Name of Norm-preserving Linear Transformations?

    What is the common name for norm-preserving linear transformations in a normed linear space? I want to say they are the unitary transformations, but I'm just fuzzy enough not to know a good way of proving it.
  4. K

    Matrix and lineear transformations

    i need some help with this question - lets say if A = |val1 val2 | |val3 1 | what would AA^t equal? and AA^t and A^T.T are symmetrical. is this true for any 2x2 matrix? thanks in advance
  5. N

    Linear algebra: Transformations

    Homework Statement A linear transformation L : R2 -> R3 is defined by: L({\bf{x}}) = \left( {x_2 ,x_1 + x_2 ,x_1 - x_2 } \right)^T I wish to find the matrix representation of L with respect to the orderes bases [u1, u2] and [b1, b2, b3], where u1 = (1,2) u2 = (3,1) andb1 = (1,0,0) b2 =...
  6. K

    Energy transformations

    Homework Statement It is often stated that many forms of transport transform chemical energy into kinetic energy. Explain why a cyclist traveling at constant speed is not making this transformation. Explain what transformations of energy are taking place. The Attempt at a Solution 1...
  7. O

    Is the Range of This Linear Transformation the Entire R2?

    Homework Statement T:{R^3 \rightarrow {R^2} given by T(v_1,v_2,v_3) = (v_3 -v_1, v_3 - v_2) If linear, specify the range of T and kernel T The attempt at a solution Okay, I went ahead and tried to find the kernel of T like here: \begin{align*}&v_3 - v_1 = 0\\ &v_3 - v_2 =...
  8. T

    A question about the logic of certain transformations

    there is this table that i showed in my previos question now i need to implement it using 16X4 and 4 X4 proms here is the table: here is the table...
  9. K

    Linear Transformations: Proofs and Examples for R^2 to R^2

    [SOLVED] Linear transformations Homework Statement Determine whether the following maps are linear transformations. (proofs or counterexamples required) a.) L: R^2\rightarrowR^2, (x1) (x2) \mapsto (2x1 + 3x2) (0) The brackets should be two large brackets surrounding the two...
  10. K

    Lorentz invariance and General Coordinate transformations

    Sorry to bring up again a question that I asked before but I am still confused about this. In SR we have Lorentz invariance. Now we go to GR and one says that the theory is invariant under general coordinate transformations (GCTs). But, as far as I understand, this is simply stating that...
  11. Q

    Problem with transformations in Rijndael's finite field

    I'm trying to implement AES as practice for my C++ skills, but I've come across a confusing problem that I think belongs here rather than in programming. Rijndael's finite field is GF(28), with reducing polynomial x8+x4+x3+x+1 There is a step in the algorithm that takes a polynomial...
  12. B

    Transformations of free fields

    Hi, New here...Can't seem to do latex on here so this post is incomplete until I can work it out. This is maybe quite abstract and generic, but here goes. This problem has niggled me for a while and I need some input please. I have an action S=\int d^4 x \sqrt(g(x))\overline\Phi...
  13. M

    Spacetime transformations or not?

    Hello all. I asked this question as a sub-question in another thread where it was perhaps inappropriate. It is very basic but the more i try to understand relativity the nearer to the absolute basics i need to go. The more i learn the less i seem to actually understand. When length and...
  14. A

    Energy Conservations and Transformations with Two Objects

    Homework Statement Masses of 350g and 175g are attached by a light string and hanging straight down from a light frictionless pulley. The 350g mass is 1.5m above the ground. What speed will the system have when the 350g mass hits the ground. My attempt at a data list is (after i drew a...
  15. B

    Space-time transformations with different shape

    I find in the literature the following transformation equations for the space-time coordinates x'=g(x-vt) t'=t/g g=gamma. Please tell me what do they bring new in the approach to SRT? Thanks
  16. N

    Linear algebra - transformations

    [SOLVED] Linear algebra - transformations Homework Statement Please take a look at: Please take a look at #7, question c. To determine if the vector w is in the image (range) of T, I find the matrix B that represents...
  17. N

    Combined linear transformations

    [SOLVED] Combined linear transformations Homework Statement I have a linear transformation L : R^3 -> R^3 represented by a matrix A. I also have another linear transformation S : R^3 -> R represented by a matrix B. The dimensions of the matrix A must be 3x3 and for B it is 1x3. I have to find...
  18. N

    Linear algebra - transformations

    [SOLVED] Linear algebra - transformations Homework Statement I actually have two questions: 1) I have a linear transformation L and it is represented by a matrix A. I also have a vector w, and I want to find out if w gets "hit" by L - see "answer-part" for my approach, and please comment. 2)...
  19. N

    Linear algebra - squaring via transformations

    Homework Statement I have a transformation (not linear! that is what I have to show) F given by: F : P_4 -> P_7 (P_7 is the vector-space spanned by polynomials less than degree 7). I also know that F(p(x)) = (p(x))^2. The matrix A representing F with respect to the two basis is the one I...
  20. O

    Supersymmetric Transformations

    Can anyone explain how to derivate "Supersymmetric Transformations" like \phi\rightarrow\psi?? It seems to me that there's no symmetry at all between bosons and fermions. Can anybody know any proofs??
  21. A

    Large Gauge Transformations of QCD in Temporal & Nakanishi Lautrup Gauge

    I have been working in the properties of the large gauge transformation of QCD in the temporal gauge and I have shown that these satisfy U_{n}U_{m} and commutes with the translations where the large gauge transformations U_n and U_m belongs to the homotopy classes characterized by winding...
  22. K

    Inverse mapping theorem , Transformations

    A quick question this time... Example: Let (u,v)=f(x,y)=(x-2y, 2x-y). Find the region in the xy-plane that is mapped to the triangle with vertices (0,0),(-1,2),(2,1) in the uv-plane. Solution: (0,0)=f(0,0), (-1,2) = f(5/3,4/3), and (2,1)=f(0,-1), the region is the triangle with...
  23. T

    What Is the Optimal Angle for Maximum Range in Projectile Motion on a Slope?

    A boy stands at the peak of a hill which slopes downward uniformly at angle \phi . At what angle \theta from the horizontal should he throw a rock so that is has the greatest range. Ok, so this is a rotation of the normal x_{1} - x_{2} plane right? So we can use the direction cosines...
  24. R

    Linear Transformations Problem

    Hello, Can someone help me with this problem? Thanks in advance Let T be a linear transformation such that T (v) = kv for v in R^n. Find the standard matrix for T.
  25. K

    Curves and surfaces, Transformations

    1) Let F1 = x^2 - y^2 + z^2 -1 = 0 F2 = xy + xz - 2 = 0 F3 = xyz - x^2 - 6y + 6 = 0 My thought is to compute the gradients, grad F1 and grad F2. Then by taking their cross product, I can get a tangent vector v for the curve. Now, I can feel...
  26. J

    Linear Transformations (polynomials/matrices)

    [SOLVED] Linear Transformations (polynomials/matrices) Never mind, I can see it now, thanks Homework Statement Let S be the linear transformation on P2 into P3 over R. S(p(x)) = xp(x) Let T be the linear transformation on P3 over R into R2x2 defined by T(a0 + a1x + a2x^2 + a3x^3) = [ a0 a1...
  27. H

    Linear Algebra: Linear Transformations

    Homework Statement let T: R^{3} -> R^{3} be the mapping that projects each vector x = (x(subscript 1) , x(subscript 2) , x(subscript 3) ) onto the plane x(subscript 2) = 0. Show that T is a linear transformation. Homework Equations if c is a scalar... T(cu) = cT(u) T(u + v) = T(u) +...
  28. N

    Linear Transformations - Finding the basis for the image

    Homework Statement Find a basis for the image of the linear transformation T: R^4 -->R^3 given by the formula T(a,b,c,d) = (4a+b -2c - 3d, 2a + b + c - 4d, 6a - 9c + 9d) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Well this question followed asking about the basis for the kernel...
  29. Y

    Probability of Neutrino Transformations

    Homework Statement I have a questions on Neutrino Oscillations, but i have no idea how to solve any of it... this is just one part... How do I show that the probability of a mu neutrino having transformed into a tau neutrino at a time t is: sin^2(2theta)sin^2[((difference in masses...
  30. Kudaros

    Transformations and eigenvalues

    Homework Statement Let A be the matrix of the linear transformation T. Without writing A, find an eigenvalue of A and describe the eigenspace. T is the transformation on R^3 that rotates points about some line through the origin. Homework Equations maybe...Ax=(lambda)x ? The Attempt...
  31. S

    Graph Transformations: y=1/x to y=x+3/x+1 & y=2x/x-1

    Describe the transformation on the graph of y=1/x needed to obtain the graph of each of the following: a) y= x+3/x+1 b) y= 2x/x-1 im stuck on how to answer this would i solve this?...thanks
  32. J

    Inverse Laplace Transformations

    Homework Statement Find the inverse Laplace transform of the given functions: 3. \frac{2}{s^2+3s-4} 7. \frac{2s+1}{s^2-2s+2}Homework Equations Inverse Laplace Transform TableThe Attempt at a Solution on 3. i made the denominator look like (s+4)(s-1) but i got lost from there. i couldn't find...
  33. E

    Transformations of Basis Vectors on Manifolds

    Homework Statement I am trying to show that \vec{e'}_a = \frac{\partial x^b}{\partial x'^a} \vec{e}_b where the e's are bases on a manifold and the primes mean a change of coordinates I can get that \frac{\partial x^a}{ \partial x'^b} dx'^b \vec{e}_a = dx'^a \vec{e'}_a from the invariance...
  34. S

    How can completing the square help with graphing transformations?

    1. Graph the function f(x)=x^2+4x+3 by starting with the graph of y=x^2 and using transformations. 2. 3. I know the graph opens up, but I don't understand transformations or how to solve them, any help would be greatly appreciated.
  35. C

    Electric / magnetic field transformations

    Hi. I thought I had tensors and Lorentz transformations under control, but now I'm in doubt again. For example, consider the electromagnetic field tensor F_{\mu\nu} = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & -E_1 & -E_2 & -E_3 \\ E_1 & 0 & B_3 & -B_2 \\ E_2 & -B_3 & 0 & B_1 \\ E_3 & B_2...
  36. F

    How can the professor synchronize her students' clocks on a moving spaceship?

    Homework Statement A physics professor on Earth gives an exam to her students who are on a spaceship traveling at speed v relative to Earth. The moment the ship passes the professor she signals the start of the exam. If she wishes her students to have time To (spaceship time) to complete the...
  37. C

    Gauge Transformation: Definition & Uses

    what exactly constitutes a gauge transformation? is it a transformation using a differential operator?
  38. B

    Help: Lorentz transformations with and without thought experiments

    Please have a critical look at the lines below: The simplest derivation of the Lorentz transformation simplified: J.M.Levy "A simple derivation of the Lorentz transformation and of the accompanying velocity and acceleration changes," Am.J.Phys 35,615 (2007) arXiv:physics/0603103 revisited.[1]...
  39. E

    Understanding Divergence Transformations in 2D Rotations

    divergence question show that the divergence transforms as a vector under 2D rotations. I am so confused abouth what this question wants me to do. Obviously the divergence is not invariant under rotations. Consider the divergence of the function f(x,y) = x^2 * x-hat. The divergence is...
  40. A

    Unitary Operators and Lorentz Transformations

    Homework Statement I am trying to learn from Srednicki's QFT book. I am in chapter 2 stuck in problem 2 and 3. This is mainly because I don't know what the unitary operator does - what the details are. Starting from: U(\Lambda)^{-1}U(\Lambda')U(\Lambda)=U(\Lambda^{-1}\Lambda'\Lambda) How does...
  41. E

    Why do the order of Lorentz transformations matter?

    lets say you apply a Lorentz boost in the x direction with velocity v and a Lorentz boost in the y direction with velocity v'. Why does it makes that the order in which you apply the transformations affects the resultant transformation matrix? These are two independent directions, so shouldn't...
  42. strangerep

    Gauge Transformations and (Generalized) Bogoliubov Transformations.

    I've been discussing some things with Samalkhaiat over in the conformal field theory tutorial. A part of that conversation (indicated by the new title) was drifting away from CFT matters, so we both thought it was better to move it into the Quantum Physics forum, to minimize pollution of the...
  43. E

    Understanding Covariance in Special Relativity & Lorentz Transformations

    Can someone explain to me what it means to be "covariant" in the context of special relativity and Lorentz transformations? I already checked wikipedia.
  44. R

    Graph Transformations: Shifting a Function 5 Units to the Right

    Just a quick question, how do I shift this function 5 units to the right? y=(-.001/2)*(e^(x/1)+e^(-x/1))+1500
  45. H

    What Are the Physical Implications of Transformations in the KdV Equation?

    Hi all. I have seen a lot of different forms of the KdV equation... The derivation of it results in a form like Ut+Ux+epsilon(UUx+Uxxx)=0 and after some transformation, the epsilon is removed the equation becomes Ut+Ux+UUx+Uxxx=0, and, still, after some sort of transformation, it becomes...
  46. daniel_i_l

    Does an Orthogonal Transformation Preserve Subspace Dimension?

    Homework Statement I have a general question. If we have some subspace W of R^n where dimW=k. Then if T is an orthogonal transformation from R^n->R^n is the dimension of T(W) also k? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The reason I think this is true is because if...
  47. J

    Regarding Orthogonal Transformations

    Find an orthogonal transformation T from R3 to R3 such that T of the column vector [2/3 2/3 1/3] is equal to the column vector [0 0 1] So I tried to construct out the 3x3 matrix [a b c] [d e f] [g h i] and applied the properties of an orthogonal matrix and basic algebra. I ended up with a...
  48. B

    Angle preserving transformations

    If x,y of R^n (as a normed vector space) are non-zero, the angle between x and y, denoted <(x,y), is defined as arccos x.y/(|x||y|). The linear transformation T :R^n----->R^n is angle preserving if T is 1-1, and for x,y of R^n (x,y are non zero) we have <(Tx,Ty) = <(x,y). what are...
  49. B

    Angle preserving linear transformations

    If x,y of R^n (as a normed vector space) are non-zero, the angle between x and y, denoted <(x,y), is defined as arccos x.y/(|x||y|). The linear transformation T :R^n----->R^n is angle preserving if T is 1-1, and for x,y of R^n (x,y are non...
  50. daniel_i_l

    Existence of Orthogonal Transformation for Given Sub-spaces in R^n

    Homework Statement Given two sub-spaces of R^n - W_1 and W_2 where dimW_1 = dimW_2 =/= 0. Prove that there exists an orthogonal transformation T:R^n -> R^n so that T(W_1) = T(W_2) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution If dimW_1 = dimW_2 = m then we can say that...