Transformers Definition and 267 Threads

  1. S

    Voltmeters, transformers coil and short circuit

    A voltmeter must always be connected in parallel right? But when I have a transformer's secondary coil which is connected in series to it, then why is there a voltmeter reading? If i connect a battery in series with a voltmeter, the voltmeter reading will be the voltage of the battery right? So...
  2. C

    Finding efficiency between transformers.

    Ok, I have a primary and secondary coil. I set up a transformer between them. Each has 400 turns of coil(N). The primary coil produces a potential difference of 2.988 V. The secondary coil has a potential difference of 0.0551 V. For the efficiency, I used the equation (Np*Vs)/(Ns*Vp) * 100%...
  3. P

    How do I relate flux equation to transformers?,dJ2iv#1 So according to the picture, I found the transformer voltage equation and current equation to be the following: Precondition: i1 is current in left loop i2 is current in 2nd loop Transformer Voltage Eq: V1/N1 = 4i2/N2 Current Eq: Ni(i1) =...
  4. D

    How Do You Optimize Power Transfer Between Mismatched Transformer Impedances?

    Along the same lines of connecting two transformer in series, Suppose the first transformer is a neon transformer with an output of 15KV, and the second transformer is a home-built built to handle 15KV on the input, and 15MV output. The problem remains, how do you couple a high impedance...
  5. N

    Relays, transformers, actuators and a differential controller

    I have a uniquie project I am working on and was wondering if someone could tell me how it would be possible to control a mechanism using my current controller. Right now I have a differential temperature controller that uses two sensor probes and turns on and off a 120V relay switch if the...
  6. E

    Making a 3-Phase Transformer with 2 Single-Phase Transformers

    Well we can make a three-phase transformer using THREE single-phase transformers, but is it possible to make one, using only TWO single-phase transformers?
  7. S

    Engineering Circuit analysis (with transformers and motor)

    Homework Statement Consider the motor arrangement shown, Assume ideal transformers and lossless transmission lines. The start capacitor shown in series with the motor is only used to start the motor, and is then shorted out of the circuit. The motor is loaded such that it delivers 5hp, and...
  8. V

    What is the solution to this transformer problem?

    Homework Statement [PLAIN] Homework Equations \frac{V_L}{V_s} = \frac{nR_L}{n^2 R_s + R_L} R_s = \frac{R_L}{n^2} P = \frac{V_L^2}{R_L} The Attempt at a Solution How should I go about solving this problem? Do I have to...
  9. A

    Hi guys, i was studying on transformers losses, i in some

    hi guys, i was studying on transformers losses, i need help in some problems. why open-circuit test show only excitation losses and not i2R losses.. thanks...
  10. D

    Need Help in Transformers and Complex Circuit handling

    Hi, I'm new here, but to the point!I'm currently designing a system that I'm utilizing a series of 6 volt microchips to control. I have about 40 microchips at my disposal. that are C programmable , have a very good memory and all, multiple I/Os. And they have timers and oscillator systems and...
  11. B

    Maximum power with transformers

    Homework Statement In Figure 1, the transform is perfect (k = 1). Calculate the maximum power which can be transferred to the load ZL. Design a dipole which that power can be transferred to. Homework Equations k = 1 --> n = sqrt(L1/L2). Pmax = |V(rms)|/(4*Rg) The result must be Pmax = 0.368 W...
  12. R

    A challenging power electronics question involving generators and transformers?

    Homework Statement A 3-phase, 10KV, busbar of a power station is divided into three sections joined by two reactors as shown in Figure 1. Each section contains a synchronous generator and supplies a transmission line through a transformer. The parameters of genera-tors, reactors and...
  13. Y

    I have two transformers of rating 500 KVA. Power supply avaiable is 11

    I have two transformers of rating 500 KVA. Power supply avaiable is 11 KV. what size of HT cable should I use?
  14. P

    True or false: about Transformers

    1. when an alternating voltage is applied across the primary coil, an emf is induced in the secondary coil 2. when an alternating voltage is applied across the primary coil, an alternating current is induced in the secondary coilcan anyone tell me which one is true and why? Thanks a lot.
  15. D

    Transformers: Uniform magnetic filed in relation to current flow

    Homework Statement In our lab about transformers we have a question as follows: Consider a loop in a uniform magnetic field. If the field is suddenly turned off, in which direction will the current flow in the wire? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution My first thought...
  16. M

    How to Calculate Currents in a Simple Transformer?

    Homework Statement A simple transformer with negligable looses has a primary coil of 2000 turns and a secondary coil of 150 turns. if an AC current of 240Vrms is applied to the primary, calculate the secondary and primary currents if the secondary is connected across a resistor of 300 ohms...
  17. D

    Earthing Transformer Size for 5MVA 11KV Transformer | DPV

    dear all, can you please suggest the size of the earthing transformer i should be using on HV for a 5MVA, 11KV Trasformer?? thnx DPV
  18. Y

    Step up transformers - confusion

    I know step up transformers decrease power loss by the electrical cables, but I'm not quite sure how this works... From what I understand, step up transformers increase voltage, hence decrease current, which means less power is dissipated by the cables since P=(I^2)R. But then couldn't you...
  19. A

    Transformers frequancies possible to use?

    Hi to all is it possible to use the same transformer in the range of KHZ on the one hand and on the other the same one for MHZ? thanks a lot
  20. S

    Electrical phenomenon in transformers

    Can anyone give me a source where i ca completely ready about the electrical phenomenon in transformers like the terminology, single phase , 3 phase transformers and then torque and mef production ?? a textbook was prescribed to us in college but it really contains a lot of mistakes and makes...
  21. S

    Determining voltage in transformers

    I don't even know where to start! anyone got any ideas? A transformer having a 2:1 turns ratio is considered to have a primary resistance and reactance of 1ohm and 2ohm respectively, and a secondary resistance and inductance of 1ohm and 6.37mH respectively. Magnetising current for this...
  22. T

    Connecting 2 Transformers in Series: Turn Ratio Equivalent

    how can i connect 2 transformers in series and what is there equivlent turn ratio ?
  23. W

    Resistance in a circuit with transformers

    Homework Statement Hey PF! I had a problem that was bugging my mind. We know that in any circuit, the total resistance has to equal the total voltage divided by the total current, right? That is, R=V/I. And we also know that when you have a step up or step down transformer, power is conserved...
  24. K

    Voltage divider in transformers?

    i never heard of such a thing but what could be the circuit analysis to this? what is V1 and V2? what could make V1 and V2 not equal?
  25. S

    Delta wye connection using 3 small transformers

    I am confused from a couple of diagrams I have about how to correctly wire 3 small transformers to form a delta wye connection. The transformers are labeled as Primary H1 H2, H1 H2, H1 H2 Secondary X2 X1, X2 X1, X2 X1 My question is in all the diagrams I have the Delta connections...
  26. M

    Step Down Transformers and Power Distribution - Help

    Hi, so I have been having sleepless nights about this concept. From what I understand, say a typical power generating plant that produces 2000MW of energy, for example, will want to transmit as much of 2000 MW of power to the grid as possible and they do so by stepping up the voltages to...
  27. P

    When transformers decrease voltage, do they increase the current?

    Before a few days ago I always thought that when transformers decrease the voltage, the transformers increase the current. Then on another thread at Physics Forums, people have told me that when transformers decrease voltage, they don't increase the current. The PFers told me that the...
  28. P

    What is transformer polarity and how does it affect the output?

    Hey guys, i cannot make heads or tails of the concept of "Transformer Polarity". Tried looking for the material on the web but still couldn't get it. So, please help me out with dot polarity! Thanks
  29. C

    Simulating 30V Power Supply with Center Tapped Transformer in PSPICE

    my professor gave us a 30v power supply using a center tapped transformer and wanted us to simulate it in pspice. He told us to use the k linear function to connect inductors together. The problem is that I got it to work, but when I simulate it I get something that I don't know that I am...
  30. E

    Audio Transformers: Power Source for Coilgun?

    Well the next step in my coilgun is a decent power source i every camera circuit that i use is burned up so i thought that i use a transformer well a audio transformer as the voltage multiplier but i can't seem to wire it right it actually doesn't charge the capacitors so i was wondering if it...
  31. M

    Solving Series Transformers Problem with Lumped Resistance

    This is a problem I stumbled upon after noticing a pattern in the lab- the measured current was never quite what you'd expect from the turns ratio of either transformer alone, but somewhere in the middle. I used 50:5 nominal turn toroidal CTs with 15 turns in one CT primary and 5 turns in...
  32. R

    Calculating Number of Turns for a 50Hz 3-Phase Transformer

    Hi there I am presently studying for my electrical machines exam and i have a few examples to tackle. A 50hz, 3 phase, core-type transformer is connected star-delta and has a line voltage ratio of 11000/400V. The cross-section of the core is square with a circumscribing circle of 0.6m...
  33. S

    Effective resistance of secondary circuit in transformers

    Homework Statement You need a transformer to reduce a voltage of 150 V in the primary circuit to 25 V in the secondary circuit. The primary circuit has 130 windings and the secondary circuit is completed through a 55 ? resistor. (a) How many windings should the secondary circuit contain? (b)...
  34. neduet

    What Are 1:1 Transformers Used For in Hi-Tech Circuits?

    Hello friends What is the use of 1:1 transformer and are they using currently in hi-tech circuits. thanks
  35. S

    Gravitomagnetic Analog of Electrical Transformers

    Based on Maxwell's equations, a physicist suggests that there should be a way to have a transformer to step-up or step-down gravity: What could such a gravitomagnetic transformer look like in nature?
  36. S

    So I've been confused about transformers lately. In searching for some

    So I've been confused about transformers lately. In searching for some information regarding the basic transformer, I came across this: While this page was informative, I am still left confused in regards to one point in...
  37. Z

    Primary voltage and transformers

    Hi physics gurus Homework Statement What should the primary voltage be changed to in order to produce a secondary current of 10 A, given that the V / I ratios for the coils do not change? Current ratios that I have calculated so far are as follows: Np (200) Vp (1200) Is (15)...
  38. S

    What happens if I put a 1 ohm resistor on the secondary side of a transformer?

    1. Lets say I put a resistor with a value 1 ohm on the secondary side.. what happens? [PLAIN] The thing is, in theory I just calculate the Z value and find out what it is. BUT, why does it have to be that. Practically, what would happen if I...
  39. A

    Transformers connected in wye-delta

    Homework Statement Three single phase transformers rated 100kVA, 13.2kV/2.4KV are connected in wye-delta on a 3-phase, 18kV line. I need to find the maximum load that can be connected to the transformer bank and the outgoing line voltage. Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  40. I

    Question on transformers in parallel

    My question is if you connect multiple transformers together with the secondaries in parallel, how do you calculate the sum current from the transformers. Is the current calculated by dividing the voltage on the secondary winding by the impedance of the secondary windings. Or is it based on the...
  41. M

    How Does Coil Turn Ratio Affect Transformer Performance?

    I need to know the purpose of using different numbers of coil turns for the primary and secondary coils on a transformer, provided the turns ratio remains constant. Put into context, what is the difference between a transformer with 10 turns on the primary, 20 turns on the secondary and a...
  42. M

    Confused about transformers formula derivation

    Hi, I've been a bit confused with how the equation Vp/Vs = Np/Ns came about. From reading a physics textbook, I understand that the voltages came from the emfs ε (primary) and ε (secondary). The primary voltage through the primary coils causes a change in magnetic flux which induces an emf...
  43. D

    Linking Transformers in Series: Voltage Compatibility and Polarity Concerns

    hi guys, I want to know if it is always possible to link two transformers in series with different rated voltage. And if there is any concern about the polarity. If it is not possible in which conditions it can be done?
  44. S

    Transformers core total load in VA on the CT secondary

    Homework Statement A current transformer has a primary winding of two turns and a secondary winding of 100 turns. The secondary winding is connected to a ammeter with a resistance of 0.25 ohms. the resistance of the secondary of the current transformer is 0.75 ohms. The value of current in...
  45. A

    Calculating Power Loss in Transmission Line with Transformers

    This is a question written in my book, i tried to solve it but didnt work with me. Homework Statement A power station delivers a power of 150kW to small town at 15km from the station. Energy is transmitted by means of a transmission line of total resistance of 0.6 _()_ (ohm). The power...
  46. A

    Voltage, electricity and transformers question?

    Homework Statement An electric power plant generates electricity @ 22 kV and 100 A. The voltage is stepped up to 240 kV before being transmitted to a city 15 km away over a copper wire that has a radius of 2 mm. Energy is lost in heating the wire during transmission. If the transformer...
  47. P

    Why Transformers Hum? | Unpaired Electrons & Magnetic Fields

    Why transformers hum? I have heard two versions. Oxygen has unpaired electrons and it reacts to changing magnetic field. Material that transformer is made of vibrates in changing magnetic field. Both explanations tell that something vibrates in a magnetic field, but what it is?
  48. W

    Electric Power measurement Current Transformers and reactive power

    Apparently my modern electronic home electric meter uses a 'current transformer' to measure the current in order to calculate the wattage I am using. My question: is the flux generated in the current transformer also proportional to the reactive part of the current as well as the in-phase...
  49. W

    Do Step-Up Transformers Reduce Electricity Availability for Neighbors?

    In poor countries, the domestic electricity supply is inconsistent, and even though the country's standard voltage may be 220V, it is not unusual for the voltage to go quite a bit below this level, say around 150V. So normally, households buy step-up transformers, so that they can increase...
  50. R

    Engineering Mutual Inductance: Transformer AC Circuit Theory Questions

    Homework Statement I have an exam coming up in a few days and I am doing some revision questions from some past exams and this is one I have attempted but I have no solutions to check my answers. The Attempt at a Solution using Vs = 12cos(...