Transverse Definition and 308 Threads

Transverse myelitis (TM) is a rare neurological condition in which the spinal cord is inflamed. Transverse implies that the inflammation extends horizontally across the spinal cord. Partial transverse myelitis and partial myelitis are terms sometimes used to specify inflammation that only affects part of the width of the spinal cord. TM is characterized by weakness and numbness of the limbs, deficits in sensation and motor skills, dysfunctional urethral and anal sphincter activities, and dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system that can lead to episodes of high blood pressure. Signs and symptoms vary according to the affected level of the spinal cord. The underlying cause of TM is unknown. The spinal cord inflammation seen in TM has been associated with various infections, immune system disorders, or damage to nerve fibers, by loss of myelin. As opposed to leukomyelitis which affects only the white matter, it affects the entire cross-section of the spinal cord. Decreased electrical conductivity in the nervous system can result.

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  1. C

    Transverse wave through a medium

    Here's the question: The transverse wave shown is traveling from left to right in a medium. The direction of the instantaneous velocity of the medium at point P is: A. no direction since v = 0 B. to the right C. upwards D. at an angle upwards and to the right E. downwards...
  2. B

    Electromagnetic transverse wave question

    Hello. I'm having some difficulty with a question from Optics (4th edition, Hecht). I included the answer in the same image (it is at the end of the book), but I can't understand why (-E/(rsqr2))i must be negative. Thank you
  3. C

    Transverse vibration in a solid metal rod

    I roughly understand that when we hit a metal rod right into the end will excite longitudinal vibration in the metal rod, and the place we hold will be a node. the position i hold will kind of determine the frequecy of the ringing sound produced. Is that right? But what will happen if we hit...
  4. D

    Calculate Transverse Loading for Beam: Principle Stress & Strain

    for the beam in the diagram E=2.1e6kg/cm2 Ixx=3600cm4 find: the principle stresses in the beam the strains ex, ez e(45) found on the strain rosette placed at point 4 i have only managed to find the principle stress z which i found at point 1 --- 1406kg/cm2 where would i find...
  5. D

    Transverse loading with varing cross section

    i know that τ=VQ/(Ib) now I am looking for the maximum stress so i will find that at the point at the centre of the rectangle Q=A*\bar{y} A=0.5*d*b \bar{y}=0.25*d ===> Q=0.125d2b I=(b*d3)/12 τ=VQ/(Ib) τ=V*0.125d2b*12/((b2*d3) τ=1.5V/(bd) now d changes as a function...
  6. F

    How is transverse momentum defined and calculated?

    What is transverse momentum? I think I have a general gist but I may be wrong. I'm thinking that when two object collide and shatter, then all the shattered pieces' momentums should add to be the same as the momentum of the two objects just before colliding. But how would you find the...
  7. F

    Transverse Momentum: Definition & Explained

    What is transverse momentum?
  8. C

    Determine the speed of the medium in transverse and longitudinal waves.

    Homework Statement In the situations where a transverse or longitudinal wave is propagating through a medium, the medium moves. How do you determine the speed of the medium's motion? When is the medium's speed at a maximum? Homework Equations The speed of the propagating wave is v = frequency...
  9. P

    Can Transverse Waves Exist in the Ocean Due to Hydrogen Bonding?

    Hi, a search on google will reveal that an ocean wave is both transverse, and longitudinal. Another search will also reveal that a transverse wave cannot propagate through a liquid. One of these statements is not quite right, is it that water is a special case liquid that can propagate...
  10. V

    Surface plasmons not exist for transverse polarisation?

    surface plasmons not exist for transverse electric polarisation? and only exist for transverse magnetic polarisation can anyone help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee please
  11. M

    Conservative fields in a transverse plane of a transmission line

    Hello, As far as I understand, a transmission line is simply a wave-guide for TEM modes. If the waves are propagating in the z direction so Hz=Ez=0. How does this fact leads to the conclusion that in any transverse plane (xy plane) the fields are conservative? Thanks a lot.
  12. G

    Monochromatic transverse wave problem

    Homework Statement Monochromatic transverse wave is propagating in the positive x direction on a string (neither end is fixed). The wave velocity is 12 m/s, amplitude 0.05 m, and wavelength is 0.4 m. At t=0 and x=0 the string altitude is 0, and moving in the positive y direction [i.e...
  13. H

    Calculate the velocity of the transverse wave at any position

    a string of length l and mass m hangs freely from a fixed point calculate the velocity of the transverse wave at any position sol: mass per unit length is m/l let there be a point on the string at a distance x from free end tension at the point=wt of the string per unit length*part of the...
  14. ideasrule

    The Flyby Anomaly: Ranging Data, Transverse Doppler Effect

    One paper claims that the flyby anomaly only exists because NASA scientists forgot about the transverse Doppler effect. If that's true, why is it still called an anomaly? Why isn't everyone banging their heads on walls and thinking, "D'oh! I can't believe I forgot about that!"? If it's not...
  15. C

    Is a photon's momentum transverse?

    I understand that light propagates as a transverse wave -- does this mean that the momentum carried by a photon is perpendicular to its path? Thanks for the help.
  16. I

    Is a Sine Wave Always Transverse?

    hi all, pretty sure this is the wrong place to post this but it is a quick one so... is a sine wave always transverse? thanks
  17. I

    EM Shielding Dilemma: Understanding Transverse Wavelengths

    In the classical picture of an electromagnetic wave, the wavelength is specified along the direction of travel. However, with EM shielding that is using a grid (microwave, chicken wire), I've heard that so long as the spaces are less than the wavelength, you will achieve electromagnetic...
  18. R

    Longitudinal and transverse waves

    hey friends please solve my problem Both longitudinal and transverse waves can propagate through a solid. A wave on the surface of a liquid can involve both longitudinal and transverse motion of elements of the medium. On the other hand, a wave propagating through the volume of a fluid must be...
  19. R

    Transverse waves can propagate through a solid

    Hey my friends please solve my problem Both longitudinal and transverse waves can propagate through a solid. A wave on the surface of a liquid can involve both longitudinal and transverse motion of elements of the medium. On the other hand, a wave propagating through the volume of a fluid must...
  20. U

    Transverse Displacement of Stretched String: Derivation of Poisson Eq.

    Please how would one derive the Poisson Equation model, \nabla^{2}\psi(x) = \frac{F(x)}{T}, for Transverse displacement \psi(x) of a stretched string under constant non-zero tension T and an externally applied transverse force F(x) . Assuming small angle with the horizontal (i.e...
  21. 3

    Light: Transverse Waves or Photons?

    I heard that transverse wave can not travel trough gas and liquid then how can light travel through all the way to earth? Is it because the light is the collection of small energy particles called photon and not just behave as the normal waves?
  22. codelieb

    There is no Transverse Gravitatonal Redshift

    There is no "Transverse Gravitatonal Redshift" There has been a lot of noise on this forum lately about A. Mayer's so-called "Transverse Gravitational Redshift." It is not difficult to prove that no such effect exists, yet I have not seen anyone post a calculation to prove it. I have therefore...
  23. O

    How Does Phase Difference Affect Amplitude in Transverse Wave Interference?

    Homework Statement Having two identical waves, knowing how much they're out of phase with each other, how can I know the amplitude of the resulting wave (as a factor of the original amplitude)? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  24. O

    Transverse Speed of a particle on a wave

    Homework Statement The equation of a transverse wave traveling along a very long string is given by y = 6.0sin(0.012pi*x + 4.9pi*t), where x and y are expressed in centimeters and t is in seconds. Find the maximum transverse speed of a particle in the string. Homework Equations...
  25. M

    Transverse Wave: Amplitude, Wavelength, Speed & Direction

    The transverse displacement of an harmonic wave on a stretched rope is y = 0.04 cos(2.5 x - 5 t), where x and y are in meters and t is in seconds. a) What is the amplitude of this wave? A = m * .04 OK b) What is the wavelength of this wave? c) What is the speed with which this...
  26. V

    Transverse vs. Longitudinal Waves

    Homework Statement Please explain the difference and try to give examples. I know that the displacement of the medium in a transverse wave is perpendicular to the direction of wave travel and in longitudinal is parallel to the direction of wave travel, but does this mean that transverse waves...
  27. J

    Transverse wave equation period

    A transverse wave on a rope is given by y(x, t)= (0.750\; {\rm cm})\, \cos ( \, \pi [(0.400\;{\rm cm}^{ - 1})x+(250\; {\rm s}^{ - 1})t]) Find the period. This should be simple, but I keep getting the wrong answer in Mastering Physics. I can't find any explanation in my book, and it's...
  28. E

    What is the Velocity and Acceleration of a Transverse Wave on a Stretched Cord?

    Homework Statement The left-hand end of a long horizontal stretched cord oscillates transversely in SHM with frequency f = 250 Hz and amplitude 2.6 cm. The cord is under a tension of 140 N and has a linear density \mu = 0.12 kg/m. At t = 0, the end of the cord has an upward displacement 1.6...
  29. I

    Transverse Wave speed and acceleration

    Homework Statement A Transverse wave on a string is described by this function : y=.25(meters) sin[\frac{\pi(4)}{8} + \pi4t] a.) Find the speed of the wave at t= 2sec b.) Find the acceleration at t= 2sec Homework Equations y=.25 sin[\frac{\pi(4)}{8} + 4\pit] The Attempt at a Solution...
  30. D

    Calculating Frequency of a Transverse Wave on a String

    Homework Statement A periodic transverse wave is established on a string such that there are exactly two cycles traveling along a 3.0m section of the string. The crests move at 20 m/s. What is the frequency of the wave? Homework Equations ? The Attempt at a Solution Dont know how...
  31. S

    Tension, Linear Mass Density, and transverse waves

    Not 100% sure if this is supposed to be in Math or Physics...Admin please move if it is wrong...? Homework Statement A long string under tension t having linear mass density u1 is tied to a second string with linear mass density u2 << u1. Transverse waves on the heavey string are incident...
  32. P

    How Do You Calculate Tension in a Transverse Wave on a String?

    A transverse wave is traveling on a string. The displacement y of a particle from its equilibrium position is given by y = (0.0230 m) sin (34.6t - 2.04x). Note that the phase angle 34.6t - 2.04x is in radians, t is in seconds, and x is in meters. The linear density of the string is 1.90 x 10-2...
  33. W

    Calculate Tension in Transverse Wave on String: Linear Density 1.87x10-2kg/m

    A transverse wave is traveling on a string. The displacement y of a particle from its equilibrium position is given by y = (0.0221 m) sin (28.9t - 2.20x). Note that the phase angle 28.9t - 2.20x is in radians, t is in seconds, and x is in meters. The linear density of the string is 1.87 x 10-2...
  34. B

    Transverse Waves- Verticle Rope

    Homework Statement A heavy rope 3 m long is attached to the ceiling and allowed to hang freely. Let y = 0 denote the bottom end of the rope. To get started on this problem, imagine cutting the rope at an arbitrary value of y. Draw a free body diagram of each of the two pieces of rope to...
  35. M

    Transverse waves mechanics in a rope

    This thread is a continuation of another thread where the mechanics of water waves were discussed - see: I'm trying to understand the detailed mechanics of a transverse wave in a rope. I base my ideas here on Crowell's textbook (see...
  36. M

    Transverse mechanical waves - fundamentals

    Hello all! I'm trying to understand and in detail analyse how transverse mechanical waves work, and have had troubles finding anything on the net, except for the link below. Let's begin with a water wave. The following questions then: 1) Firstly, I wonder if it's possible to find, buy or...
  37. H

    Transverse Wave on a String: Speed & Acc., Wavelength, Period, Prop. Speed

    Homework Statement A transverse wave on a string is described by the wave function y = (.120m) sin(pie/8 + 4pie(t)) (a) Determine the transverse speed and acceleration of an element of the string at t=0.200s for the point on the string located at 1.60m (b) What are the wavelength...
  38. W

    Transverse Sinusoidal Wave Function

    A transverse sinusoidal wave on a string has a period of 25 ms and travels in the negative x direction with a speed of 30 m/s. At t=0, a particle on the string at x=0 has a displacement of 2 cm and is traveling downward with a speed of 2 m/s. Find the amplitude, phase constant, and maximum...
  39. U

    Power of a Transverse wave question

    Homework Statement Problem: Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Yeah, can someone help me exactly to find the velocity I need in order to plug it into...
  40. I

    Transverse wave particle speeds

    Homework Statement A transverse traveling wave on a cord is represented by D = 0.38sin(5.1x+30t) where D and x are in meters and t is in seconds. Determine maximum and minimum speeds of particles of the cord. Homework Equations First derivative The Attempt at a Solution I took...
  41. S

    Time needed for a transverse wave to propagate on a string

    Homework Statement Consider a string of total length L, made up of three segments of equal length. The mass per unit length of the first segment is mu, that of the second is 2*mu, and that of the third mu/4. The third segment is tied to a wall, and the string is stretched by a force of...
  42. D

    How Do You Solve Transverse Oscillations with Newton's Second Law?

    Homework Statement Problem 5.17. Homework Equations Newton's second Law (F = ma) The Attempt at a Solution...
  43. G

    Transverse Wave Polarization States - Ask a Question

    Hi all, i want to ask a simple question which is not so for me. Actually while studying transverse waves, a line is written:-"EACH TRANSVERSE WAVE HAS TWO POSSIBLE POLARISATION STATES". Can anybody tell me please which are those two possible polarisation states refer here (either up and down or...
  44. G

    Displacement of Transverse Waves HELP

    Displacement of Transverse Waves HELP! Homework Statement At time t=0, the displacement of a transverse wave pulse is described by y=2/(x^(4) +1), with both x and y in cm. Write an expression for the wavefunction as a function of position x and time t if it is propagating in the positive x...
  45. L

    Solving a Physics Problem: Transverse Wave Travel Time

    Homework Statement Algebra based physics: A 23 kg mass is suspended from the bottom of a rope of length 2.4 m and mass 17 kg. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s^2. Find time for a transverse wave to travel the length of the rope. Answer in units of sec. Homework Equations u= mass...
  46. N

    How Do You Calculate Transverse Wave Speed from a Wave Function?

    I'm trying to calculate transverse wave speed for a point on a taut string when the y displacement is 12.0 cm. The given wave function is 15.0 cm cos(Pi*x-15Pi*t), and that is all I am given. How do you do this?
  47. F

    (kinematics) Is it to derive into radial and transverse components?

    Homework Statement A wire OA connects the collar A and a reel located at O as shown in the picture. Knowing that the collar moves to the right at a constant speed v0, determine θ'' (the 2nd-order-derivative of θ) in term of v0, b and θ.
  48. K

    What is the maximum magnitude of the transverse speed of the string?

    Homework Statement The wave function for a traveling wave on a taut string is (in SI units) the following equation. y(x, t) = (0.12 m)sin(6πt - 3πx + π/4) What is the maximum magnitude of the transverse speed of the string. I don't quite understand the question. Does it mean the speed...
  49. R

    Solve Transverse Speed Q: Part C & D

    Hello! The following is my problem (a question from an old exam paper); Well, I'm stuck on part c and d. I already got the correct answers for a & b; v = \frac{\omega}{k} => \frac{4}{3} = 1.3 m/s K = \frac{2\pi}{\lambda}...