Travel Definition and 995 Threads

Travel is the movement of people between distant geographical locations. Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, bus, airplane, ship or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip. Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements, as in the case of tourism.

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  1. Mentallic

    Superman and Time Travel: Is It Possible?

    In the movie, when superman flies near light speed, he manages to reverse time? Was the story-line just completely off from a physical perspective or is there some truth to this phenomenon? I understand that time would slow down for superman from a human's perspective. Maybe I just didn't...
  2. T

    Exploring Time, Wormholes and Time Travel with Ian Morison

    I was just watching Ian Morison on about Time, in chapter 14 he talks about wormholes and time travel. You can see the time travel part here: Anyhow, in short he mentions opening a...
  3. V

    New Theory of Traveling at Speed of Light: Is It Possible?

    Ok, I have come up with a new theory of traveling at the speed of light. This is totally theoretical and isn't phesable at any level. That aside, here it is. Make a pole 1000 light years long. Now swing the pole like a bat. The tip of the pole should be traveling millions of times faster than...
  4. B

    Can Time Travel Create Paradoxes?

    I was wondering the feasbility of time travel. Has it been proven not possible? Has it been proven theortically possible? I have always been interested in time travel, even if it seems like science fiction, but was wondering from scientist, professors, etc, if it has been an 'unsolved'...
  5. B

    Truck brakes and the distance they travel

    Homework Statement Truck brakes can fail if they get too hot. In some mountainous areas, ramps of loose gravel are constructed to stop runaway trucks that have lost their brakes. The combination of a slight upward slope and a large coefficient of friction in the gravel brings the truck...
  6. D

    What is the Relationship Between Speed of Light and Time?

    How time Travel work ? ok i know some of the basic about speed of light... You can't get to the speed of light ... You can't reach the speed of light cause According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, and E= MC ^2 objects gain mass as they accelerate to greater and greater speeds. Now...
  7. R

    Why is faster than light travel so bizarrely 'addressed'

    Hello everyone, The topic of superluminal flight has intrigued me for decades but coming from an engineering background and not a strong physics background (although I have studied physics), I am finding the notions about how to possibly achieve such a system quite difficult to accept. In...

    Bohmian Mechanics: Do photons travel faster than c in double slit experiment?

    In the double slit experiment, Bohmian Mechanics" the paths of real particles traveling from the two slits to the detector to look like something like this: The above image shows particles traveling in non-straight paths. The diagram below...
  9. A

    Can Dark Matter Travel Faster Than Light?

    Hi! I'm sure this has been done before, but is it possible for dark matter to travel faster than light (at least some candidates for dark matter)? We know that ordinary matter is limited by the speed of light, but what about dark matter? For all we know, dark matter may not use c-limited...
  10. K

    Turning point of car on the left or right of travel direction.

    I've got an interesting problem that I can solve sometimes, but not always. Say I've got a 3 sets of lat/long positions on the earth, relatively close to each other. The idea is your in a car/airplane driving along and arc between points #1 and #2, with a center point #3. The question to be...
  11. R

    How long does it take for wave to travel the lenght of the string

    Homework Statement Fundamental frequency of a string fixed at both ends is 256 Hz. How long does it take for a wave to travel the length of string? Homework Equations V = f (lambda) Otherwise, not really sure. The Attempt at a Solution I didn't really know how to approach...
  12. V

    Wormholes and time travel - Problem

    Under the general relativity principle, If you take a wormhole, put one end into a gravitational well, then take it out, there would be a time difference between the two openings of the wormhole. But, what effect would it have on the wormhole if you keep the middle area of it near a...
  13. M

    Can we travel back and forward in space?

    Space travel is possible (or not) not more than time travel is. Do you thing that you can travel back and forward in space? You may THINK that you can, but you can't. We all travel with earth, and Earth travels with sun, and sun travels... etc. The final velocity is too high to reach with...
  14. C

    Do soundwaves heat up the air through which they travel?

    I'm doing a problem in thermodynamics that deals with sound waves and the bulk modulus B and it got me thinking. Since the compressional waves would be traveling far too fast to be considered isothermal, I assume you must consider them to be adiabatic compressions of air. Now if adiabatic...
  15. M

    How far does red light travel.

    Hey, I have heard that red light travels shorter than regular light. I am thinking of flashlights, where I learned that people in the army uses red light to make them less visible. Is this true?
  16. B

    Optimization car travel problem

    I have been working on this problem for 30 min and can;t seem to get anywhere. Question You have a amphibian vehicle which can travel 20 mph on the water and 52 mph on the land. You must find the quickest point from point A to C. -A is 20 Miles east of point B and is all land. -C is...
  17. I

    Math of relativistic space travel

    Hello. This is my first post here, so I can only hope (having read the guidelines and physics FAQ), that my post is appropriate to go here. If not, and it is deleted, I'd much appreciate an explanation by PM and a suggestion as to where it would be appropriate to post. That said, the reason...
  18. B

    Time delay of speech to travel from moon to earth

    So if I'm on the moon is there a delay with the communication to earth? What is the speed of sound over satellites verses copper wires? Anyone know?, this has been on my mind. thanks
  19. B

    Distance for charge to travel through magnetic field

    Homework Statement In the diagram below, an elementary charge (either an electron or a proton, you decide) is accelerated between two charged plates into a magnetic field. The mass of the proton = 1.67x10^-27 kg. The mass of an electron = 9.11x10^-31 kg. D. Find the distance from the...
  20. R

    Anybody here applied for conference travel grants ?

    Got an ok to do a poster presentation at a neuroscience conference in Honk Kong. I am not sure whether my budget can stretch. I heard that grants are available which will cover half these costs. Anybody know anything about these grants, if traveling from Britain ?
  21. J

    How far will an object travel on a flat surface

    Hi there, I am a physics idiot, but I still want to know where my object will end up ;) Here is what I am trying to do: I have a block that is sliding on a flat surface. I know the friction coefficient, the mass of the block, its initial position, gravity and initial velocity. How...
  22. T

    Travel Time of a Wave Pulse Through Two Steel Wires

    A steel wire of length 5.0m and radius 0.300 mm is knotted to another steel wire of length 5.0m and radius 0.10 mm. The ires are strethed with a tension of 150 N. How long does a transverse wave pulse take to travel the distance of 10 m from the beginning of the first wire to the end of the...
  23. J

    Exploring the Possibility of Time Travel Along a Vector Line

    I don't know much about physics, but I was wondering the other day whether what I was thinking was a popular theory. If time is like a one dimensional line and it starts at the orgin and it grows like a vector along the line as time progresses, then wouldn't it only be possible to travel back...
  24. R

    If we could travel near the speed of light

    ...where would you go? If a new technology allowed a spacecraft to travel at say 0.5c, and life on board this ship could be sustained indefinitely. If this ship was built tomorrow, where do you reckon it would go? Andromeda? pluto? centre of milky way? alpha centauri? Just though it...
  25. P

    Any arguments for time travel back in time (the past)?

    Theres the Butterfly effect and Grandfather paradox which makes logical time travel into the past difficult. Is there any theory or anything which suggests it may be possible?
  26. T

    Time Travel and Conservation Laws

    I'm doing some research into time travel for a presentation I have to give in a month or so, and I'm currently looking at the compatibility of Time Travel and the Laws of Conservation. Sending an object back in time would increase the mass - and hence the energy - in the Universe at this...
  27. C

    Is Proper Time the Only Measure of Motion in Spacetime?

    If time is a curvature in spacetime as described in relativity, then picture this. If there is a curvature in spacetime time is going in one direction (let's call this curvature 1) but then could time travel not be possible by having a second curvature in curvature 1 but going in the opposite...
  28. P

    The Limitations of Time Travel: Ignoring Spatial Movement

    Okay, I read this on a blog so I'd post it the way it ias with the link: "There is one aspect of time travel that nobody considers, whether in science or science-fiction (at least, i am not aware of it), something that has the potential of rendering time travel, even if it is possible...
  29. N

    Angle for furthest travel distance of an object (help needed, no JK)

    Homework Statement I wish to know what is the best angle that can make an object go furthest. Homework Equations No idea... Wiki is not helping... The Attempt at a Solution I can not find anything on Google...
  30. S

    Which electromagnetic waves travel the fastest in a vacuum?

    Homework Statement Which electromagnetic waves travel the fastest in a vacuum? a. Violet light. b. Red light. c. Ultraviolet light. d. Red, violet, and ultraviolet light travel at the same speed. ok so i thought that in a vacuum every wave traveled at the same...
  31. C

    Is Cold a Universal Phenomenon in Space?

    Does what we as humans consider "cold" travel through space like heat does? Could a planet have moons that are cold because the planet itself is cold? I know cold is really just air, but could it somehow travel from one astronomical body to another?
  32. S

    Calculating Distance fluid will travel in small tube with Piston on other side

    I want to learn how to calculate what distance a fluid will travel up a small tube if a large piston is used on one side, and no piston on the other side. Example Diagram (Consider everything is square instead of round, for easier measurements.) Assume there is a 10kg mass placed on a...
  33. S

    Minimum amount of hops for radiowave to travel from Amsterdam to Tokyo

    Homework Statement I don't know if 'hops' is the correct English term, but that's the term my assignment uses in Dutch. The assignment is about the reflection of radiowaves by the f1-layer in the atmosphere and a hop is defined as one such reflection. The question is, what is the minimum...
  34. Q

    Possibility of Time Travel at Light Speed

    if it is possible to travel faster than the speed of light will we be seeing the future or the past?
  35. A

    Calculating Gravitational Time Dilation in black hole/Future Time Travel

    First of all, (following Einstein's theory of Gravitational Time Dilation (I'll just call it GTD,)) objects (such as us) age slower near strong gravitational fields than in empty space. The higher the local distortion of spacetime due to gravity, the more slowly time passes. So according to GTD...
  36. K

    Having trouble understanding why FTL implies time travel

    I found a decent page explaining this but it's a little deep for my understanding. I think I understand the basics of special relativity where the speed of light remains constant regardless the velocity of 2 observers, the laws of physics do not depend on location or motion, and that length...
  37. Y

    Time Travel in Special Relativity

    Since I only learned special relativity but not yet general relativity, please bear with me that our discussion will be limited to the scope of special relativity, that is, suppose we would not utilize special spacetime topology, such as worm hole and black hole. I ran into some video about...
  38. D

    Can't all electromagnetic waves travel at light speed?

    [b]1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known Is it true that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light? Can't all electromagnetic waves travel at light speed. Also, if the speed of light is a constant, is the speed of the other electromagnetic waves a constant such as x...
  39. R

    Time for a micro-wave to travel a distance

    This is the last part of the question. I already found the frequency to be 9.7 GHz and the wavelength is .031 meters. It's just this last part of the question that I can't seem to figure out. I really don't even know where to begin, I checked my book and online and can't seem to find any...
  40. Math Jeans

    Backwards Time Travel: Breaking the Heisenberg Principle?

    I had a thought that I wanted to run by physicsforums so all of you can tell me that I'm wrong and make me feel better. One of the main issues with the concept of time travel into the past is that we don't know whether is breaks any physical laws in the process. Here is what I believe...
  41. S

    If I could travel close to the speed of light

    Say I was embarking on a journey to Neptune at 95% the speed of light. Neptune has a minimum distance of 4.3 billion km from Earth. If I was traveling at 2.85 x 108 m/s, I would take 4 hours 11 minutes and 38 seconds to get there. Is this even possible? 1)What would I see of my...
  42. Q

    Why does light travel so fast?

    Why does light travel so fast? I want to know about the speed at which light travels. Why can light travel so fast? is it the weight of the photons or what? And what accelerates the matter to that speed. Everything is propelled by some force so what is lights force? Thank you. Questions4all
  43. T

    Do we also travel at a fixed velocity?

    Since, light is always traveling at a constant velocity with respect to everything else, does it also mean that everything else is also traveling at a constant velocity with light? As in, since light is always traveling at C irrespective of our velocity, then does it not also mean that we are...
  44. F

    Are there particle's or masses that travel faster than light?

    if it were possible to send a message or travel at speed's higher than light what would happen? i know that at the speed of light time would stop.but beyond...?
  45. H

    Traverse E wave travel Time on wires

    Homework Statement A 30.0m steel wire and a 20.0m copper wire, both with 1.00mm diameter, are connected end to end and stretched to a Tension of 150N. How long does it take a transverse e wave to travel the entire length of the two wires? Homework Equations Voulume of Rod = pie r^2(L)...
  46. C

    How far does the car travel before stopping?

    Homework Statement Car: mass = 200g Moving at 30 m/s Braking force of 10000N. How far does the car travel before stopping? Homework Equations W=m x N w = F (delta x) The Attempt at a Solution I found work, (2000)(10000) = 20,000,000 Then rearranged the second equation to get...
  47. M

    Exploring Time Travel in the Quantum World

    Is time travel possible quantum world?
  48. T

    Is Time Travel Physically Possible? Professional Advice

    Hi, I want to know from proffesionals if time travel is physically possible. Thanks, Tony
  49. D

    Scientist makes radio waves travel faster than light

    Link: Is this true ? Can radio waves or light really be send faster than light using a rapidly spinning magnetic field ? Sorry if there already was a thread about this, I couldn't...
  50. S

    Twin Paradox and Time Travel (Special Relativity)

    Homework Statement Identical twins Speedo and Goslo join amigration from the Earth to Planet X. It is 20.0 light years away in a reference frame in which both planets are at rest. The twins, of the same age, depart at the same time on different spacecraft s. Speedo's craft travels steadily at...