Tuning Definition and 137 Threads

In music, there are two common meanings for tuning:

Tuning practice, the act of tuning an instrument or voice.
Tuning systems, the various systems of pitches used to tune an instrument, and their theoretical bases.

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  1. J

    How Does Tightening a Guitar String Affect Its Frequency?

    [SOLVED] Assignment Question Help! - Tuning Fork/ frequency I've talked to numerous people who can not figure out this question, so if anyone has any ideas on how to do this question please help me!:confused: A tuning fork is struck and held next to a vibrating guitar string, and beats of...
  2. I

    Piano Tuning Pin Rotation: A Physics Problem

    Hello everyone, I am new here and so I apologize in advance for the many forum faux pas I am likely to commit. I am not particularly well educated in the field of physics, but I am a piano tuner by trade, and we work with issues every day that are basically problems of physics and engineering...
  3. Y

    What Is the Correct Frequency of the Tuning Fork Based on Standing Waves?

    Homework Statement A 40-cm-long tube has a 40-cm-long insert that can be pulled in and out. A vibrating tuning fork is held next to the tube. As the insert is slowly pulled out, the sound from the tuning fork creates standing waves in the tube when the total length L is 42.5 cm, 56.7 cm, and...
  4. N

    Need help, beat frequencies and tuning.

    Need urgent help, beat frequencies and tuning. Homework Statement http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/4337/2aee8.th.jpg Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution You can see my attempt in the picture. I assume that beat frequencies are the absolute value of the difference...
  5. P

    Tuning Fork Physics: Impact of Wax on Vibration Frequency

    Question- when wax is applied to the surface of a tuning fork, will the number of vibrations produced per second: increase, decrease, or remain constant? Explanation would be accepted gratefully
  6. W

    How Does Beat Frequency Help Tune a Violin to Concert A?

    Homework Statement A violinist is tuning her instrument to concert A (440 Hz). she plays the note while listening to an electronically generated tone of exactly that frequency and hears a beat frequency 3Hz, which increases to 4Hz when she tightens her violin string slightly. (a) what was the...
  7. F

    Natural frequency of tuning fork

    Homework Statement Using a highly sensitive parabolic sound collector, Sara records the frequency of a tuning fork as it drops into the Grand Canyon. She drops the vibrating tuning fork form rest at t=0. She records a frequency of 1783.0Hz at t=8.590s. What is the natural frequency of the...
  8. S

    How Does Distance Affect Perceived Loudness and Intensity in Tuning Forks?

    This is my first post, so I really hope I'm not in the wrong area. I'm doing a lab is class and I'm confused as to what formula I'm supposed to use. Problem: Use the tuning forks to test the difference between perceived loudness and actual intensity. Use the formula to calculate intensity...
  9. M

    Two tuning forks are producing sounds of wavelength

    Two tuning forks are producing sounds of wavelength 36.0 cm and 33.8 cm simultaneously. How many beats do you hear each second? I know that the # of beats/sec heard is equal to the difference of frequency 2 and 1. Frequency = 1/T = v/lambda. Don't feel that I have enough information
  10. S

    Air Temperature Affects 512HZ Tuning Fork Resonance

    Homework Statement a 512HZ tuning fork held over a bottle receives its 1st harmonic when the level of water is 17cm from the bottle opening. what is the temp of the air Homework Equations sound equation The Attempt at a Solution I have no idea where to start.
  11. L

    What Is the Phase Difference at the Tuning Fork in a Hallway Sound Experiment?

    A tuning fork generates sound waves with a frequency of 246 Hz. The waves travel in opposite directions along a hallway, are reflected by end walls, and return. The hallway is 47.0 m long, and the tuning fork is located 14.0 m from one end. What is the phase difference between the reflected...
  12. J

    Finding Tension in a Piano Wire Wrapped Around a Tuning Peg

    A piano wire (Y=2.0*10^10 N/m^2) has a radius of 0.80 mm and a length of 0.76 m. One end of the wire is wrapped around a tuning peg whose radius is 1.8 mm. The other end is fixed in place. Initially, there is no tension in the wire. Find the tension when the peg is turned through 2 revolutions.
  13. Amith2006

    Increase in frequency of tuning forks

    Sir, 1)When one of the prongs of a tuning fork is cut, why does its frequency increase? Is it because the damping forces exerted by the prongs on each other decreases? 2)When an incident wave and its reflected wave superimpose, it is said that both standing waves and progressive...
  14. Amith2006

    How Many Beats Are Heard When Three Tuning Forks Are Sounded Together?

    Sir, Three tuning forks of frequencies 100Hz,101Hz and 102Hz are sounded together. How many beats will be heard in one second? If 2 forks are sounded together then the number of beats heard will be equal to the difference of their frequencies. But I don't know how to calculate the beat...
  15. D

    Idea for Science Fair that deals with Tuning Forks

    Any ideas how to use tuning forks in a science fair *high school science fair*
  16. E

    How Can the Emission Spectrum of a Gas Be Manipulated?

    Is there anyway of manipulating the emission spectrum of something like a gas by pumping it with a specific input? An argon gas laser, for example, will have lots of emission lines. Is there anyway of singling out groups of those lines without changing the gas? I would imagine such a method...
  17. L

    Guitar String Tuning: A Worthwhile Calculation?

    Ok so I've tried lots of searching ...but... it doesn't seem to hone in on my thinking which isss... I play bass guitar and different people have different views on how much to stretch their strings to attain alevel where their style of play wil allow the strings to bend and sound great...
  18. M

    Fine tuning a cylindrical Capacitor

    I would like to know about fine tuning of an airplane Fuel Gauging probe. It is basically a cylindrical capacitor made of an inner composite tube of about 0.5 inch diameter and an outer composite tube of about 1 inch diameter. The length of the tubes varies from about 3 inches to 8 inches. The...
  19. M

    The Mystery Behind Tuning a Radio

    hi does somebody knows why we hear a noise when tuning a radio? I mean when you turn the radio tuner to find a station. not for a typical station. during turning the knib. I know it's becouse of a electromagnetic wave. but I don't know that wave and its source. tnx.
  20. A

    Comparing Vibrating and Oscillating Energy of Tuning Forks

    is the vibrating energy of a tuning fork the same as the oscillating energy of a tuning fork?
  21. F

    Solving RLC Circuits: Lamp Glowing & Tuning a 100MHz Circuit

    Hi I have two probles to tackle on RLC circuits The first states that if a circuit consists of a lamp (R), variable inductance and fixed capacitor, why does the lamp glow for certain values of L. Also, you have a tuner at 100mhz, the resistance in the circuit is 15 ohms and inductance...
  22. L

    Resonance and Sound Waves: Calculating Speed of Sound and Phase Differences

    Hi all, I'm working through a sample midterm and I managed to get everything correct except for two, which I am a bit stuck on. Here is the first one: A 1024Hz tuning fork is used to obtain a series of resonance levels in a gas column of variable length, with one end closed and the other...
  23. M

    Pulse Tuning - Senior Design Project Advice

    Hi, I am coming into my senior design project and I have a question. Originally, my group was going to design a new cylinder head design without using poppet valves. Being that we only have 15 weeks, we figure we don't have nearly enough time. Wanting to keep an automotive related project, I...
  24. wolram

    Testing the Limits of Fine Tuning

    Remember it is a very fine tunning job, and can all the inner and outter perturbances be damped out? i put my money on a null result.
  25. N

    The fine tuning problem (all 120 OOM of it)

    The "fine tuning" problem (all 120 OOM of it!) In another thread in General Astronomy and Cosmology, turbo-1 wrote: EnumaElish wrote: . Well, this is the thread where the nature of this humongous inbalance can be ascertained! :smile:
  26. H

    Finding the Original Frequency of a Vibrating Tuning Fork

    A vibrating tuning fork is held above a column of air [...] The shortest length of an air column that produces resonance is L(1) - 0.25 m. The next length that produces resonsnace is L(2) - 0.80 m. 343 m/s is what I will use for sound. How can I find the original frequency of the tuning fork...
  27. S

    SHM of a Tuning Fork: Calculating Maximum Velocity and Acceleration

    Q: The prong of a tuning fork moves back and forth when it is set into vibration. The distance the prong moves between its extreme positions is 2.29 mm. If the frequency of the tuning fork is 440.2 Hz, what are the maximum velocity and the maximum acceleration of the prong? Assume SHM. I...
  28. N

    Simple Harmonic Motion Tuning Fork Question

    Q: A tuning fork vibrates at a frequency of 264 Hz and the tip of each prong moves 1.66 mm to either side of center. Calculate the maximum speed of the tip of a prong. So far I've found that Vmax = omega*A, but I don't know how to find A. Am I going in the wrong direction? Or is there a way...
  29. O

    Tuning fork to stop engine vibration?

    I have a 62cc engine on the back of a scooter frame made for an unmodified 41.5 cc engine. The engine is putting out a ton of power for what it is, 8hp maybe from 5 stock, and i sheared two of the 4 engine mount bolts right off. I am going to tap out the threads to accept a bigger diameter bolt...
  30. R

    Design vs. Dumb Luck: Exploring the Fine-Tuning of the Universe

    Many scientists are asking as to why the universe appears to be "finely tuned". On the other hand some argue that the universe is the way it is because it is like winning a lottery. The odds of winning a lottery are very high but if one did win a lottery of odds such 1 in 12 million, one may...
  31. P

    How does the design of piano strings and the use of hitch pins affect tuning?

    ok certain notes have 3 strings. the rightmost string of a note loops around a peg and becomes the leftmost string of the next higher note. so if you increase the tension on the first, you have to increase the tension on the adjacent. right? well i thought so too, yet I've had 2 piano...
  32. T

    Body Music - tuning up the self helps tune up The Universe

    Tuning our bodys up as musical instruments helps tune up the universe. Just like we can't expect to go traveling to other dimensions until we keep our minds above negativity (breaking commandments). We can't even be galactically until we tune up our attitudes, and what a blessed world this...
  33. L

    Solving the Tuning Fork Problem: Maximum Speed and Kinetic Energy

    hi: my questions says the following: A tuning fork labeled 392 Hz has the tip of each of its two prongs vibrating with an amplitude of 0.600 mm. What is the maximum speed of the tip of a prong? for this part i found omega= frequency*2pi then plugged that in V= omega*Amplitude, so my...
  34. G

    Uncovering the Mystery of Tuning Fork Frequency Discrepancy

    I'm writing up project on tuning forks and came across website: http://www.wrps.net/~dave_bergerson/labs/WaveSoundLight/Tones.doc which suggests that a tuning fork has a fundamental frequency that is different from the frequency stamped on the fork, due to some corrections due to its...
  35. U

    Optimizing Intake Design: Pressure Wave Tuning for Improved Engine Performance

    I need some help. I would like to design a custom intake for a 8 cylinder IC engine. some back ground information. All cylinders are fed by a length of pipe with a tapering crossectional area (intake port). All 8 intake ports are connected to a common plenum. What I am trying to...
  36. M

    Piano Tuner's Guide: Solving Beat Frequency in Tuning Fork and Piano Notes

    Special Help Plz! Somone please show me how to answer the question below and please explain to me why. thanks Suppose a piano tuner hears 2 beats per second when listening to the combined sound from her tuning fork and the piano note being tuned. After slightly tightening the string, she...
  37. D

    If I drop a vibrating 440 Hz tuning fork down the elevator shaft

    if I drop a vibrating 440 Hz tuning fork down the elevator shaft of a tall building and when I hear a freq. of 400 Hz, is it possible to determine how far has the tuning fork fallen? My friend said yes but I think no. Am i right?