Turning Definition and 317 Threads

Turning is a machining process in which a cutting tool, typically a non-rotary tool bit, describes a helix toolpath by moving more or less linearly while the workpiece rotates.
Usually the term "turning" is reserved for the generation of external surfaces by this cutting action, whereas this same essential cutting action when applied to internal surfaces (holes, of one kind or another) is called "boring". Thus the phrase "turning and boring" categorizes the larger family of processes known as lathing. The cutting of faces on the workpiece, whether with a turning or boring tool, is called "facing", and may be lumped into either category as a subset.
Turning can be done manually, in a traditional form of lathe, which frequently requires continuous supervision by the operator, or by using an automated lathe which does not. Today the most common type of such automation is computer numerical control, better known as CNC. (CNC is also commonly used with many other types of machining besides turning.)
When turning, the workpiece (a piece of relatively rigid material such as wood, metal, plastic, or stone) is rotated and a cutting tool is traversed along 1, 2, or 3 axes of motion to produce precise diameters and depths. Turning can be either on the outside of the cylinder or on the inside (also known as boring) to produce tubular components to various geometries. Although now quite rare, early lathes could even be used to produce complex geometric figures, even the platonic solids; although since the advent of CNC it has become unusual to use non-computerized toolpath control for this purpose.
The turning processes are typically carried out on a lathe, considered to be the oldest of machine tools, and can be of different types such as straight turning, taper turning, profiling or external grooving. Those types of turning processes can produce various shapes of materials such as straight, conical, curved, or grooved workpieces.
In general, turning uses simple single-point cutting tools. Each group of workpiece materials has an optimum set of tool angles that have been developed through the years.
The bits of waste metal from turning operations are known as chips (North America), or swarf (Britain). In some areas they may be known as turnings.
The tool's axes of movement may be literally a straight line, or they may be along some set of curves or angles, but they are essentially linear (in the non mathematical sense).
A component that is subject to turning operations can be termed as a “Turned Part” or “Machined Component”. Turning operations are carried out on a lathe machine which can be manually or CNC operated.

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  1. R

    Trajectory of a turning particle

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  2. Hercuflea

    Laptop hard drive turning on and off

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  3. M

    Having difficulty with concept of turning points

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  4. C

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  5. gauss44

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  6. T

    Turning a vector into a vector function of time

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  7. longnh

    How Does Adding Weight to a Forklift's Forks Affect the Load on the Rear Axle?

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  8. anthonyk2013

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  9. johann1301

    Y' = y(6-y) has a turning point when y = 3.

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  10. ghost313

    Turning a PART of electrical into mechanical energy

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  11. M

    How to calculate turning radius of a car w.r.t speed?

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  12. W

    Recorded (Sound) Message: Turning it into a File (How to)

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  13. S

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  14. O

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  15. W

    How to find minimum turning points

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  17. J

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  18. K

    Turning a model car with no steering.

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  19. C

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  20. S

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  21. A

    Change of speed of a car turning in circles

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  22. C

    MHB What is the relationship between turning points and derivatives?

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  23. A

    Vertical movement turning a gear

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  24. G

    Question about turning a hemisphere into an equivalent circle?

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  25. F

    Constant velocity and turning around

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  26. D

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  27. I

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  28. M

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  29. andyrk

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  30. L

    Turning effects, moments, levers, determing the magnitude of the force

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  31. M

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  32. H

    Turning on a flashlight at 98 of c

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  33. G

    Turning wheel, simply angular momentum

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  34. B

    Turning Radius of 40 foot Cotton Trailer

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  35. P

    Find distance electron travels before turning around

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  36. K

    Medical My hair is turning gray and feels like straw

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  37. L

    Another Turning point question

    Find the equation of the tangent to the curve xy=4 at the point P whose coordinates are (2t,2/t). If O is the origin and the tangent at P meets the x-axis at A and the y-axis at B, prove (a) that P is the midpoint of AB (b) that the area of Triangle OAB is the same for all positions of P...
  38. PhizKid

    Is it Possible to Turn a Car Without Skidding?

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  39. B

    Car turning on an unbanked (level) surface

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  40. A

    Omega effect: turning poloidal magnetic field into toroidal field

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  41. D

    Normal and Friction Force Relationships went turning curbs

    how can you tell if the frictional force is great enough to keep a car turning a curb in circular motion based on the coefficient of friction and the normal force?
  42. R

    Turning simple concept of F=ma into a nightmare

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  43. J

    Solving Frictionless Particle Motion: Find V(x),T,E & Turning Points

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  44. S

    DC motor turning at constant speed eventually

    Hi, I have a question related to the DC motor that i hope you geniuses can help me with. By Fleming's Left hand rule, there is an induced forced (IF in diagram) at the downwards position at the armature AB. Thus, by Fleming's Right hand rule there is an induced current (IC in diagram) which...
  45. J

    Turning FETs off in presence of AC signal at Drain or Source

    Turning FETs "off" in presence of AC signal at Drain or Source Hello, I have a very interesting problem that surprised me, and as of yet have not been able to find a solution for. I have two coupled coils. One is being driven by a pulses. The other coil has FET switches to switch the...
  46. D

    The logical fallacy of turning fact into opinion

    Does anybody know of a term for the logical fallacy of attempting to soften the damage of a factual statement by trying to play it off as an opinion?
  47. T

    Factors affecting motorcycle grip when turning

    Hi everyone. I've been having this discussion with a pal regarding what affects the grip of a motorcycle's tires when turning and I was hoping someone in here could enlighten us :) So, we have a motorcycle that is making a turn at a constant speed and leaned in an angle. How do you...
  48. I

    Direction of friction: deceleration and turning

    Hi! :) I'm confused about the direction of the friction vector when we decelerate and when we turn. I've memorized the directions (if I decelerate going east, friction is aimed west; if I am in a flat circle and going around it, friction points to the middle), but they don't exactly make sense...
  49. stripes

    Comp Sci Turning a Java program into an applet

    Homework Statement Very simple: I want to allow my existing Java program to run in a browser. Very simple. I don't want to change any code around, I just want to open it in a browser instead. I have read many tutorials online, and they require that I add weird methods like destroy, init...
  50. D

    Start - end by turning left and right alternatively, why?

    Homework Statement In a certain area there are n villages linked by a network of roads in such a way that exactly three roads meet in each village, and none of the roads meet between villages. Prove that if someone starts in one village and moves round this road system alternately...