Type Definition and 952 Threads

In programming languages, a type system is a logical system comprising a set of rules that assigns a property called a type to the various constructs of a computer program, such as variables, expressions, functions or modules. These types formalize and enforce the otherwise implicit categories the programmer uses for algebraic data types, data structures, or other components (e.g. "string", "array of float", "function returning boolean"). The main purpose of a type system is to reduce possibilities for bugs in computer programs by defining interfaces between different parts of a computer program, and then checking that the parts have been connected in a consistent way. This checking can happen statically (at compile time), dynamically (at run time), or as a combination of both. Type systems have other purposes as well, such as expressing business rules, enabling certain compiler optimizations, allowing for multiple dispatch, providing a form of documentation, etc.
A type system associates a type with each computed value and, by examining the flow of these values, attempts to ensure or prove that no type errors can occur. The given type system in question determines what constitutes a type error, but in general, the aim is to prevent operations expecting a certain kind of value from being used with values for which that operation does not make sense (logic errors). Type systems are often specified as part of programming languages and built into interpreters and compilers, although the type system of a language can be extended by optional tools that perform added checks using the language's original type syntax and grammar.

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  1. S

    N type semiconductor under voltage bias

    I plotted n type carrier density vs temperature plot at zero applied bias and the intrinsic carriers dominate the extrinsic carriers at high temperature, now I wonder how plot changes if I apply positive bias to this semiconductor. Does intrinsic carriers dominate the others at lower temperature?
  2. R

    Is there a type of battery that will not lose capacity?

    Lithium ion batteries infamously degrade over time. 1000 charges can cause up to 20% loss in capacity. Is there a type of rechargeable battery that will not degrade over time?
  3. O

    Einsteins field equations us what type of index notation?

    I know that the metric tensor itself utilizes Einstein summation notation but the field equations have a tensor form so the μ and ν symbols represent tensor information. I'm trying to wrap my head around how Einstein used summation notation to simplify the above field equations but it seems...
  4. DaveC426913

    Bic pens - what type of plastic?

    When I was a young lad, schools provided Bic pens to write with. They are not the usual pens you are used to, these pens were solid dark-blue, round in cross-section (not polygonal), and both the pen and the cap tapered gently. When capped, the cap almost divided the pen in half (i.e the cap was...
  5. U

    Can a Balloon Float Inside a Hollow, Air-Filled Space Elevator?

    What would the problems be with having a hollow cylindrical space elevator made of carbon (e.g. recent benzene linked chains) and instead of having the payload climb to the top you filled the inside with 1 ATM of air and floated to the top via balloon?
  6. O

    Archived Find MathType Resource: Answers Here

    I haven't found the link for Mathtype yet, has anyone else tried to find it yet?
  7. J

    [Multiple Choice]Valid data type

    hey guys I am learning greenfoot programming in college. I found out one multiple choice question that make me quite confused. Which of the following is a valid data type? A. integer B. floating C. boolean D. number Why is the answer option C? I think that integer, floating and boolean...
  8. anemone

    MHB Determine the type of triangle PQR

    Determine all triangles $PQR$ for which $\cos P \cos Q+\sin P \sin Q \sin R=1$.
  9. E

    What type of proof is this defined as?

    Homework Statement I have to prove or disprove the following statement. The product of an integer and its square is even Homework Equations n2*n n = 2k + 1 (Odd integers)[/B] The Attempt at a Solution I uploaded a photo of my proof. As you can see, I have proved that if n is an odd...
  10. B

    Smartphone and the type of wave?

    Homework Statement A person speaks into a smartphone. What type of wave does the smartphone receive? 2. The attempt at a solution I thought the answer is longitudinal wave. Is that right? Or does the smartphone receive radio waves?
  11. gfd43tg

    Does the type of reactor affect the rate law in a chemical reaction?

    Hello, I noticed, when deriving rate laws, the assumption is that the reaction is happening in a batch reactor. Does the rate law of a chemical reaction change if put into some type of flow reactor? Thanks
  12. L

    MHB How do I determine the type of discontinuity for a discontinuous function?

    I need help with discontinuous functions. More specifically, how to determine what type of discontinuity they are, algebraically. Example: Determine whether each function is continuous at the given x values. Justify using the continuity test. If discontinuous, identify the type of discontinuity...
  13. M

    What type of of force is applied force? Conservative ,Nonconservative

    In a closed loop when we apply an applied force on an object the object starts at point A and stops at point A. Since the displacement is 0, Work done by the applied force on the object is = F x s x cosθ...
  14. M

    What type of equipment is required to detect ultrasound above 1MHz?

    Please list any links in you have them.
  15. S

    What type of notebooks do you use to take notes?

    I've myself have lots of notebooks, full with math and physics notes, from high school and uni that i keep on my shelf. I ve used regular notebooks, 60 80 100 pgs, squared and i find that organizing them is a real mess!They bend, curl, tear and deteriorate. So I've been thinking about some...
  16. T

    What type of pressure is used in industry? Static or dynamic?

    For example, in chemical plants, if a pressure gauge is on a pipe and it reads 5000 kPa, is this a static or total (static + dynamic) pressure reading? I am thinking it must be the total pressure. Would that mean that a pressure reading in this setting is both a measure of static pressure...
  17. twoski

    Serializing Types with Subclasses: A Robust Solution

    Let's say i have a class which is not my own code. It is not serializable using the .NET serialization utilities. In order to save the pertinent data for this class i have created a serializable version of the class and have conversion methods which allow me to essentially convert the class to...
  18. A

    Questions on exotic matter(Alcubierre type)

    First off, I would like to say that my highest level of physics education is an AP high school physics class. So if my knowledge is incomplete, misunderstood, or just plain wrong, please forgive me. On to the question. So I recently heard about the refinement of the Alcubierre drive(warp...
  19. S

    Variable Mass and Steady Leakage: Finding the Velocity of a Cart with Calculus

    A cart has a load of 100 kg sand at start and it is pulled by a steady resultant force of 100N starting from rest. A hole in the cart causes steady leakage of 1kg/s. Find velocity v of the cart after 50s of motion. What I know about this is that, we have to use calculus. dF =(dM /dT) *(dV/dT)...
  20. S

    How Does Mass Leakage Affect the Velocity of a Cart?

    A cart has a load of 100 kg sand at start and it is pulled by a steady resultant force of 100N starting from rest. A hole in the cart causes steady leakage of 1kg/s. Find velocity v of the cart after 50s of motion.
  21. Warpspeed13

    What type of fusion reaction generates the most neutrons?

    What type of fusion reaction generates the most neutrons? All I've been able to find information for is D-D fusion and D-T fusion.
  22. TESL@

    Magnet Type for Heat Engine: Alnico or Rare Earth?

    I'm planning to use some permanent magnets in a new kind of heat engine I designed. The properties I am seeking are: - Resistance to shockwaves and high acceleration, - Relatively great strength/weight ratio, - and relatively high curie temperature. After a quick research, I think the...
  23. S

    Guess propulsion type by its noise

    Could you define what propulsion type this one vehicle uses by noise it makes?
  24. T

    Looking for a hard determinism type of QM interpretation

    Hi all! I am wondering if there is an interpretation of QM where the future is "set in stone" (for lack of a better phrase). It can be unknowable (the future)...but it shouldn't be random in any way. Edit: basically I'm looking for a hard determinism type of QM interpretation.
  25. ecoo

    Wisdom Teeth Removal - Sedation Type

    Hey guys, I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed soon. My dentist has recommended general anesthesia (put to sleep). I have some reservations about using general anesthesia, as I have heard about another type of sedation - a type they call "twilight sleep". I believe the agent used in twilight...
  26. W

    How to Deal with this Type of Situation (Confrontations)

    Hi All, I was at a store today when a woman (not quite a lady, by the way she acted) got upset at a store clerk and started shouting at him. Worse than that, she claimed the clerk's (alleged) poor behavior was a result of the clerk's nationality ( I live in the U.S, clerk is recognized...
  27. W

    Undefined function 'table' for input arguments of type 'double'.

    Hi! Using Matlab R2012a: typing this example to create a table: t = [0 .3 .8 1.1 1.6 2.3]'; y = [.82 .72 .63 .60 .55 .50]'; B = table(t,y) Getting this error:Undefined function 'table' for input arguments of type 'double'. Don't know what to do.. Edit: another example: >> Age =...
  28. M

    T type thermocouple for Delta T measurement

    I am working on an experiment where I need to measure the Delta T across a heat ex-changer. I have two independent T Type thermo couple, one at the inlet and the other at the outlet. Both tied to an Agilent data logger. I normally put the data into an excel sheet and generate Delta T = T1 - T2...
  29. T

    Numerical integration methods applicable to a type of definite integral

    Numerical integration methods applicable to a type of definite integrl Hey, so I've been working on a program to numerically integrate an integral of the form ∫xnf(x) dx, LIM(0 to INF.) Here n can go to negative non integral values, say -3.7 etc. and f(x) is a function of sin, cos and...
  30. C

    Nuclear Rocket Propulsion & Aerospace Engineering

    If I wanted to work on possible types of nuclear rocket propulsion and ion drives. Would I go into aerospace engineering. Could I blend nuclear engineering into it?
  31. M

    How to type terminology on word document.

    So, I was trying to type something like dy/dx or dt/dy or a^(n)dy/dx But the problem is: I can't write subscripts on word or nth order derivatives. For my math club, I can't use ^ symbol or dx/dx (must be fraction form). I also need to know how to write the subscripts for y1, y2, y(n-1), y(n)...
  32. W

    Changing Font Type in Windows 8

    So, I got the most recent "upgrade" in my windows 8, and somehow, yet again, many of my original settings have been changed -- the pleasures of using windows. One of the most recent changes in settings has been that all my text is typed in bold font . I do not even see how to do a(n) ( internal...
  33. U

    What type of corroding material is this?

    Hi, So I was thinking about corrosion and I came across this structure: Do you think the inner metal/alloy that is corroding is steel? Also, what do you think the outer layer (in white) is? perhaps the metal is just coated with paint to avoid corrosion? Finally, what type of corrosion do...
  34. G

    D Latch and D type Flip Flop Question

    Homework Statement Hello, I am thinking about the operation of the D latches and Flip Flops. I know the operation of Latch : When clock is hi: -Q follows D in simple combinational behaviour - D/Q path is transperant ( what I think it means what is on D can be seen on Q) ? At...
  35. B

    What type of equation is this one?

    Hi, I am struggling with a problem, where in the middle of my calculations I need to determine a function ##f(\alpha, \beta; x)##, namely the function of ##x## parametrized by ##\alpha## and ##\beta##, from the following equation $$f\left(\alpha, \beta;\frac{1}{x}\right) = x^4f(\gamma...
  36. T

    Which type of class really is harder?

    My college offers both online and offline math classes. I'm to the point now, where the math classes offered online are fewer, I need I believe up to calculus. I like the setup of online because I work like most people, and it gives me a week to complete homework and tests, rather than 2 days...
  37. F

    Can a Subsequence of Measurable Functions Converge in L1?

    Homework Statement Let fn be a sequence of measurable functions converges to f a.e. Is it possible to get a subsequence fnk of fn s.t. fn converges in L1 ? 2. The attempt at a solution I have proved the converse statement is true and i guess the above statement is impossible but I fail...
  38. M

    Deur's modified gravity: a type of MOND inspired by QCD

    I found a few curious arxiv papers by Alexandre Deur (via Twitter). Deur works in QCD. He explains QCD strings (flux line between quark and antiquark) as due to attraction between gluon field lines, ultimately due to gluon-gluon interactions. Phenomenologically this adds a linear term to the...
  39. A

    What part defines the basic type of dc motors?

    a. the commutator b. the brushes c. the field d. the armature I know this is a basic question, its off an old exam paper I am looking at. I think its the brushes because if it doesn't have brushes, then its a brushless dc motor, which isn't basic right? Thanks for your help! :shy:
  40. E

    My favorite type of paper to work problems on

    I find that I will often go out of my way to get paper that I like so that doing problems is more enjoyable. As an example, I will avoid lined white looseleaf paper and go for yellow legal pad paper or just plain computer paper instead. Also, I have one favorite mechanical pencil that I do...
  41. R

    MHB Order of the corrector of Adams-Moulton type

    What is the order of the corrector of Adams-Moulton type required in order to apply Milne's method for estimating the error in PECE mode? Find the coefficient of the leading term in the truncation error for the third order implicit Adams-Moulton linear multistep scheme \begin{equation}...
  42. T

    Type II error hypothesis question

    Homework Statement Here is the question (I am only confused about part b): Here is the solution given by my professor: The Attempt at a Solution However, I do not agree with part b and honestly have no clue where they got that formula from. I used the method taught in my class along with a...
  43. C

    TNT explosive is what type of energy?

    Homework Statement TNT explosives is nuclear, radiant, electrical or chemical energy? I think it is nuclear energy. But I am not totally sure.
  44. C

    What Type of Energy Does a Blackboard Eraser Have?

    Homework Statement What type of energy does a blackboard eraser have when I hold it steady three feet about the ground? a. potential energy b. kinetic energy c. electrical energy d. spring elastic energy Homework Equations none. The Attempt at a Solution I think it is...
  45. M

    Is There a Spring That Doubles Energy in the First Half?

    Is there a type of spring that stores the energy of the whole spring and displaces the whole energy into on the first half of the spring? So basically doubling up the energy into the first half. There probably isn't but its worth a try to see if there is.
  46. T

    What type of solid elements will not burn

    what type of sold elements will not burn...even in the highest heat temperature..
  47. A

    One type of pet as good as another?

    One type of pet as good as another?? An australian dog owner received quite a shock the other day, when she opened up the dog house to let the Chihuahua out. Instead of a little dog, a 2.5 metres long python was there instead. It was still fastened to the dog chain, though by way of mouth...
  48. mishima

    Electron Affinity, Type of energy released?

    This might be a dumb question, but for instance when oxygen gains an electron to become an anion, energy is released equal to its electron affinity. What exactly is the form of this energy? Is there a photon of a certain wavelength emitted? Does the anion slow/cool down because of the small...
  49. S

    Statistics: What is the probability of type I error?

    Homework Statement X is a random variable of binomial distribution of parameter n=10 and unknown parameter p. Hypotheses are given as follows: H_0 \;\; : \;\; p=0.6 H_1 \;\; : \;\; p \neq 0.6 Suppose rejection region for H_0 is \{X \leq 1\} \cup \{X \geq 9\} Question 1: What is...
  50. L

    Poll: What type of person are you?

    I've met three different kinds of people in my life: breadboarders, PCBers, and theorists. Do you like to tinker (breadboarder) or are you more of a finished product type of person (PCBer)? Perhaps you're just satisfied knowing how something works (theorists)? Me? I can't help but notice...