Uncertainty Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. zzzriprip

    Uncertainty of an oscilloscope frequency, read from the period

    Hi, I am unsure of what uncertainty to get, so here is my full question: I used the CRO for an experiment, and since what I need is frequency, I read the period, so for the uncertainty of the period, it is the smallest division divided by two. So if my uncertainty for period is 0.001s, then what...
  2. K

    Help calculating the uncertainty in the Sun's rotational speed

    Hi everyone, The equation is one we have been given to calculate the rotational speed of the sun for different latitudes. phi = average latitude. This shouldn't be a problem for me, but for some reason I just can't trust my error calcs. We are given : A = 14.713 ± 0.0491◦/d B = −2.396 ±...
  3. usehn

    How to get the Uncertainty of a percentage change

    I have a measurement with uncertainties for two years. Say Year 1 Rain : 100mm(80-120mm) Year 2 Rain : 120mm(103-131mm). Now I get the percentage change in rain in Year 2 w.r.t Year 1 as 20%. Is there a way to get the uncertainty associated with this percentage change?
  4. Ampulla

    B What causes quantum uncertainty?

    What causes quantum uncertainty? My friend who's working for Apknite says that detectors are not the cause of wave collapse, because you are measuring something that isn't remaining in the same state.
  5. T

    Calculating Uncertainty: Where Am I Going Wrong?

    So the only part of this question I am having an issue with is the uncertainty part in part e). I have included the whole question as reference. So to derive the uncertainty in ff I used the uncertainty equation outlined above but the issue is that when I propagate the uncertainty I end up with...
  6. Sasho Andonov

    A Uncertainty vs Randomness in Quantum Physics

    In Quanta Magazine there is article on this link...
  7. W

    I Uncertainty Principle in the context of tracking particle paths

    I have a bit of confusion regarding the application of the uncertainty principle in the context of experiments. If a detector allows you to measure a particle's path through said detector, does that mean that you know a particle's position at all points in time, and are able to work out its...
  8. B

    B Measuring a circle and the Uncertainty principle

    I have been trying to see if my understanding of uncertainty principle is right. So I thought consider a circle. for this augment we will look at its diameter and it circumference. Suppose you get a length of string and make a exact measure of the circles circumference using this length of...
  9. D

    B Heisenberg's uncertainty principle - does it always apply?

    I am not too knowledgeable about QM, so please forgive me if this is a dumb question. I have outlined below an experiment setup for which Heisenberg's uncertainty principle seems not to apply: Imagine a particle for which we wish to collect the exact position and velocity. We have a detector d1...
  10. T

    Why is the final answer for the micrometer measurement 3% instead of 2.9%?

    I thought that since he micrometer is to 2 significant figures (0.35 and 0.01mm) that the final answer should also be to 2 sig.figs, thus answer A. But the final answer is C, 3%. Can someone explain why?
  11. N

    B Can Molecules Have Defined Position and Momentum Before Measurement?

    Apologies in advance if my understandings are simply incorrect. As I understand it, there is a limit to what can be known about both a particle's position and momentum, and in some interpretations this is because there is no position or momentum until measurement only a probability. What I am...
  12. J

    How to calculate n with its uncertainty in the equation Q= kL(h^n)?

    I am thinking of doing the same thing (summing up all the uncertainties that contribute to U(E) in the example) for the task, so summing up all the fractional uncertainties that contribute to U(Q). But the problem is unlike energy in the example, I'm not sure what's the contributors that lead to...
  13. J

    Statistics: How to differentiate Type A and B uncertainty?

    I tried to find examples on the internet but I am still confused.
  14. Bure

    A The uncertainty principle in quantum gravity

    The main role in quantum gravity can be played by the uncertainty principle , where is the gravitational radius, is the radial coordinate, is the Planck length. This uncertainty principle is another form of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle between momentum and coordinate as applied to the...
  15. S

    I Uncertainty Over Sextans Galaxies' Group Membership

    Hi all. Awesome site! Just wondering if anyone can answer my question: If the Sextans galaxies are inside the group's zero velocity surface, why is there uncertainty over whether they're part of the group?
  16. H

    I Divergent vacuum uncertainty of fields in QFT, how to resolve?

    If you calculate the uncertainty of a scalar field in the vacuum state, i.e. ##\langle0\left| \phi^2\right|0\rangle##, you get a divergent integral that comes out to something like $$\frac{1}{4\pi^2}\int_0^\Lambda \frac{k^2 dk}{\sqrt{{m^2}+{k^2}}}$$ Where ##\Lambda## is some momentum cutoff...
  17. D

    I Requesting help with the uncertainty principle equation

    Hi For 2 Hermitian operators A and B using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and assuming the expectation values of A and B are zero I get (ΔA)2(ΔB)2 ≥ (1/4)|<(AB+BA)>|2 + (1/4)|<(AB-BA)>|2 Now both terms on the RHS are positive so why is this inequality usually just written with only the...
  18. T

    What are the uncertainty values for my corrected magnitudes?

    Homework Statement I need to work out the errors of my corrected apparent magnitudes. The Colour Excess is 0.36 with uncertainty = 0.01 The star was observed in two wavebands. r-band = 2.285 g-band = 3.303 The 2.285 and 3.303 are the ratios R_V for the SDSS (Sloan digital sky servery) r and...
  19. T

    How do I determine the uncertainty value of the star's absolute magnitude?

    Homework Statement I have a star that has an apparent magnitude of 13.73 with uncertainty of 0.03303 It's distance Modulus is 13.9967 so it's absolute magnitude is -0.26 The distance is 6300 parsecsHomework Equations [/B] The uncertainty on log10(d) is given by Δ(log10)≈0.4343 Δd/d ΔQ) =...
  20. E

    Uncertainty of measurements & significant figures

    Homework Statement This conversion factor 1m = 39.3701 inches was used, when measuring a tape that had inches on it to a full meter. The measuring tape increased by 0.0625 inch increments, so the 1 meter (39.3701) was estimated to be in between the 39.3125 and 39.3750 on the actual measuring...
  21. Zack K

    Importance of uncertainty and probability in research papers

    As someone who is interested in astrophysics, I always get emphasized on the importance of knowing statistics and error analysis in results of a calculation. However when I read about real physics papers, I never see any numerical solutions, just equations that demonstrate phenomena. I know that...
  22. E

    Circumference of Circle with Uncertainty

    Homework Statement Calculate the circumference (including uncertainty) of a circle whose measured radius is r=7.3 ± 0.2cm. 2.Relevant equations & 3.The attempt at a solution - Circumference of circle --> C = 2πr = 2π7.3 = 45.87 cm - Exact constant error propagation --> z =...
  23. E

    Calculating Uncertainty when Converting Time

    Homework Statement The problem asks to convert time in minutes to time in hours, and to also calculate the uncertainty for the time in hours.Specifically 10 minutes +/- 0.2min being converted to hours with uncertainty. 2. Homework Equations & 3.The attempt at a solution conversion of time...
  24. manojr

    I Uncertainty of momentum and position

    I was reading a book which had some comments on EPR paper (Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen - 1935) like following: In Newton's physics, when two identical billiard balls hit each other head-on, bouncing off in opposite direction, knowing one ball's position and speed will also indicate other ball's...
  25. J

    Uncertainty - Reynolds number and the friction factor

    Homework Statement Correctly present the table of information. The values in the table are deliberately in a wrong format. The calculated Re values have been analysed to have an uncertainty of ± 0.4% and the calculated f values an uncertainty of ± 0.1%. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a...
  26. A

    A Uncertainty principle, removing infinity in the Fourier Transform

    I have come across a paper where it is stated that if the infinity assumption in the FT is removed, the uncertainty doesn't hold. Is this a sensible argument? Thank you.
  27. gmastrogiovanni

    I Do I need energy to measure position without uncertainty?

    I state the following study and then expose my doubt at the end. MY SYSTEM A free particle (absence of forces) on one-dimensional space (X axis). INITIAL STATE At t=0 the wave function is a Gaussian wave packet NOT normalizet centered in ##x_{0}## and with standard deviation ##\sigma##...
  28. Kevin Chieppo

    B Is Uncertainty in Quantum Mechanics a Fundamental Limit or a Measurement Issue?

    I'm a hobbyist physicist and I just started studying QM through watching Leonard Susskind's lectures on the Stanford Youtube channel. I get the idea of it being impossible to precisely know both a subatomic particle's position and momentum, but is this actually a physical limitation? Or is it...
  29. nomadreid

    I Uncertainty: balance of two aspects?

    There are two aspects of uncertainty (a) how far different from the situation where all possibilities are of equal probability (b) how spread out the values are. In discussions about (Shannon) entropy and information, the first aspect is emphasized, whereas in discussions about the standard...
  30. S

    I The Uncertainty Principle - question within Griffiths' Text

    Hello, In Griffiths (2nd edition) pgs 110-111 - deriving the uncertainty principle I have 2 questions 1) I am stuck on a point ... (h = ^ hat ) <f | g > = < ( Ah - <A>) ψ | ( Bh - <B>) ψ > = <Ψ | ( Ah - <A>) ( Bh - <B>) Ψ> FOIL = <ψ | AhBh ψ> - <B><ψ | Ah ψ> - <A>< ψ | Bh ψ> +...
  31. M

    I Photons and Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

    To summarize, my current understanding of how Heisenberg's uncertainty principal works suggests that there would be a contradiction (somewhere down the line) with any way that it applies to (or doesn't apply to) photons, due to the fact that they must always travel the speed of light. I...
  32. Jussi Lundahl

    I Propagation of uncertainty in the slope

    I'm doing a lab report from electronic spectrum of iodine. I did Birge-Sponer plot from my data. Excel gave it to me a slope y = -2,0698x+133,34. From regression analysis I get uncertainties for slope and intercept. Slope: ##-2,069761731 \pm 0,075075941## Intercept: ##133,3385857 \pm...
  33. Another

    I About the Heisenberg uncertainty principle

    heisenberg uncertainty principle ## Δx Δp ≥ ħ## where ##Δx = \sqrt{<\hat{x}^2>-<\hat{x}>^2}## ##Δp = \sqrt{<\hat{p}^2>-<\hat{p}>^2}## I don't know. Why ##Δx## equal to ## \sqrt{<\hat{x}^2>-<\hat{x}>^2} ## and ## Δp ## equal to ## \sqrt{<\hat{p}^2>-<\hat{p}>^2} ## What can I find out about...
  34. N

    Quick question about uncertainty in using a stopwatch

    Homework Statement Watching an object fall, along a ruler, using a stopwatch to take the time from when the object flies passed the upper part of the ruler, and again when it hits the floor (bottom of the ruler) Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution My friend is doing introductory...
  35. A

    I Uncertainty of MonteCarlo Simulations: Weight and Error Bars

    Hello everybody, I need a help, primarly a confirmation about my reasoning. I have data from a MonteCarlo simulation of collisions between particles at LHC (made with Madgraph). I have plotted some variables, for example the angle between two final leptons. Then I have normalized the plot to a...
  36. S

    I Question about the uncertainty principle

    The uncertainty principle says that you can't know position and velocity of particle at the same time. So particular we can not say that the particle is at rest at some point because then we would know it is not moving and we would know exactly where it is. So my question is if we send the...
  37. M

    How do we find the uncertainty of v in the kinematics eqn?

    Homework Statement Given the kinematics equation v2 = u2 + 2as, find the uncertainty Δv. Given: Values of a, s, u, and their associated uncertainties. Homework Equations v2 = u2 + 2as The Attempt at a Solution I'm aware of the rules for uncertainty propagation, but what do I do in this case...
  38. D

    B Heisenberg's uncertainty principle

    Instead of just taking one measurement of the particle, you take a 2nd measurement in addition thereby gathering more information about the particle then the uncertainty principle allows?It would be possible to extend out to an arbitrary number of follow-on measurements thereby measuring...
  39. Ssnow

    I On Heisenberg's uncertainty principle

    Hi everybody, my question is a curiosity on the (generalized) Heisenberg principle: ## \sigma_{x}\sigma_{p} \geq \frac{\hbar}{2},## where ##x,p## are the usual quantum operators and ##\hbar## the Planck constant divided by ##2\pi##. If I understood correctly, Gaussian states that are solution...
  40. Sushmita

    "Uncertainity Product for Particle in 1-D Box

    Homework Statement For the ground state of a particle moving freely in a one-dimensional box 0≤x≤L with rigid reflecting end points, the uncertainity product (Δx)(Δp) is (A) h/2 (B) h√2 (C) >h/2 (D) h/√3Homework Equations The uncertainity principle says that - (Δx)(Δp) ≥ ħ/2 Ground state energy...
  41. A

    Can More Readings Reduce Fractional Error in Measurement?

    Why is fractional uncertainty not affected by systematic error? For example à vernier calipers measures the diameter of a coin: (5.06+-0.04) mm Can taking more readings, say 6, and taking average, reduce fractional error?
  42. Jerry Z

    Homework help: Uncertainty with negative power

    Question: A distance R is measured to be 3.400 ± 0.007m. What is the absolute uncertainty in R^−2? Attempted solution: Relative uncertainty: 2* (0.007/3.4) = 4.11E-3; R^-2 = 3.4^-2 = 0.0865 m^-2; Absolute uncertainty = R^-2 * relative = 0.0865 * 4.11E-3 = 3E-4 m^-2; Any help would be greatly...
  43. F

    I Significant figures and uncertainty in measurements

    Hello, I was recently pondering on significant figures and uncertainty reminding myself that there is no perfect measurement: every measurement involves an error caused by the instrument and/or the operator. A measurement should be executed as many times as possible and not just once. The...
  44. Krushnaraj Pandya

    Uncertainty in the energy of a laser beam

    Homework Statement The duration of a laser pulse is 10^(-8) s. The uncertainty in its energy will be? Homework Equations ## \delta x \delta p=\frac{h}{2\pi}## The Attempt at a Solution speed of laser beam=c, duration is given so distance can be calculated exactly-shouldn't that mean delta...
  45. Cardinalmont

    B Greatest Possible Uncertainty and Sig Figs

    There is something I seriously don't understand about uncertainty. Suppose there is an electric balance that reads 5.67g The limit of reading is 0.01g The greatest possible error is half of the limit of reading and is thus 0.005g By this logic, and assuming the very best possible situation, I...
  46. N

    Solve Uncertainty in "An Introduction to Error Analysis" by John R Taylor

    This isn't a homework question, but instead a question about an example in a book I'm reading, in prep for next semester. As such using the posting template is a bit of a miss. Hope that can be forgiven. 1. Homework Statement I'm reading "An Introduction to Error Analysis" by John R Taylor...
  47. Jozefina Gramatikova

    Fractional uncertainty of g on the surface of the Sun

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution it looks like I got too big numbers for the uncertainty
  48. JessiLim

    Static and Kinetic Friction vs Normal Reaction Graphing

    How do i suppose to determine the uncertainty for the slope of my Static friction against normal reaction graph? My data for static friction and normal force has the uncertainty of +/- 0.0001 The uncertainty is too small for me to draw airbox/bar in the graph to draw the max and min slope...
  49. F

    I Heisenberg - Uncertainty principle - lifetime of a particle

    I have seen that the more a particle has a high energy, i.e ##E##, the more its lifetime is short, respecting so the uncertainty principle. But by the definition of this uncertainty principle : ##E\,\Delta t \geq \dfrac{\hbar}{2}##, I can write : ##\Delta t \geq \dfrac{\hbar}{2E}##, then...
  50. S

    I Uncertainty of coefficients after a least square fit

    Fitting data to a linear function (y=a0+a1*x) with least square gives the coefficients a0 and a1. I am having trouble with calculating the uncertainty of a0. I understand that the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix C is the square of the uncertainty of each coefficient if there are no...