Uniform Definition and 1000 Threads

A uniform is a type of clothing worn by members of an organization while participating in that organization's activity. Modern uniforms are most often worn by armed forces and paramilitary organizations such as police, emergency services, security guards, in some workplaces and schools and by inmates in prisons. In some countries, some other officials also wear uniforms in their duties; such is the case of the Commissioned Corps of the United States Public Health Service or the French prefects. For some organizations, such as police, it may be illegal for non members to wear the uniform.

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  1. C

    Uniform circular motion - origin of speed

    I am having trouble understanding tangential speed as it applies to uniform circular motion and I would appreciate any help. Say I have a ball on the end of a string that I hold with my hand and rotate at a constant speed. If the string provides the centripetal force and acceleration, where...
  2. K

    Uniform rotating rod about a point at one end of the rod

    Homework Statement A uniform rod (mass = 5.0 kg, length = 0.3 m; the rotational inertia of the rod relative to the axis through its centre of mass is I = (1/12) ML^2 ) is free to rotate about a frictionless pivot at one end. The rod is released from rest in the horizontal position. What is the...
  3. M

    I If A is an algebra, then its uniform closure is an algebra.

    Let me give some context. Let X be a compact metric space and ##C(X)## be the set of all continuous functions ##X \to \mathbb{R}##, equipped with the uniform norm, i.e. the norm defined by ##\Vert f \Vert = \sup_{x \in X} |f(x)|## Note that this is well defined by compactness. Then, for a...
  4. P

    I The physics of a missile with uniform rate of fuel loss

    Hello everyone! I'm at a loss trying to figure out the specific force that pushes a missile at rest off the ground, to the high sky. Considering a missile with constant mass, and an independent initial total fuel mass. The rate of fuel mass being expelled out of the missile is constant, in...
  5. sergiokapone

    Electric field lines of a sphere in a uniform electric field

    I need to draw electric field lines of sphere in uniform electric field with LaTeX/TikZ. Can anyone show me equation of field lines in polar coordinates?
  6. J

    Uniform Circular Motion of Roller Coaster

    Homework Statement Assume the roller coaster cart rolls along the curved track from point A to point C under the influence of gravity. Assume the friction between the cart and track is negligible. What would be the direction of the carts acceleration at point A? (The question in the image does...
  7. T

    Forces on magnets in a uniform magnetic field

    If you have uniform magnetic field, would something like a halbach array which has a non symmetrical magnetic field experience a net force? If not, is there any way to shield one side of a magnet so that it would experience a net force? On a similar note, if you wound a wire around a sphere in...
  8. A

    I Will a uniform magnetic field be considered as measurment?

    Any pure state of spin-1/2 particle can be represented by a superposition of spin up and spin-down relative to an arbitrarily direction. lw>=a l+> + b l-> where a^2+b^2=1 If there is no magnetic field, the measurement of the spin is random and we get 50-50 chance to be spin up and spin down...
  9. M

    Center of Mass of a Sphere with uniform density

    Homework Statement Find the z -coordinate of the center of mass of the first octant of a sphere of radius R centered at the origin. Assume that the sphere has a uniform density. Homework Equations Mass = Integral of the density function Center of mass for z = Integral of density * z divided...
  10. W

    Help a HS teacher understand uniform motion?

    Greetings all, I apologize for joining your forum just to inquire about something that should be relatively simple, but you seem like a group of physics geeks able to articulate coherent arguments, and I need someone/s to help me see a different perspective on how to make an argument. For the...
  11. A

    Uniform Circular Motion - distance

    Homework Statement An object with mass m = 2 kg is moving in a uniform circular motion with radius r = 2m as shown in the figure. It takes π seconds for the object to travel from θ =0 to θ = 180 degrees. What is the distance traveled by the object in 20 s...
  12. U

    Lifting a Beam with a uniform weight distribution

    Homework Statement Hi There, I'm having trouble understanding (what I guess should be) a simple concept and so I can't apply it to a project I'm working on (also kind of rusty on torques and mechanics problems) If I have a hinged beam (of uniform weight) and I lift it from one end and stay...
  13. A

    Non uniform circular motion acceleration

    In uniform curved motion , I can get the acceleration from the equation : A = v2/r , but in non uniform the velocity is changing , so will the certipetal acceleration also change ?
  14. K

    Is uniform continuity related to finding a bound on a complex function?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations $$a^2-b^2=(a-b)(a+b)$$ The Attempt at a Solution $$a^2=\sqrt{1-x_2^2}\,\,\, ,\ \ b^2=\sqrt{1-x_1^2}$$ $$|a^2-b^2|=\left| \sqrt{1-x_2^2}-\sqrt{1-x_1^2} \right|=\left| \sqrt[4]{1-x_2^2} - \sqrt[4]{1-x_1^2} \right|\cdot\left| \sqrt[4]{1-x_2^2} +...
  15. Math Amateur

    MHB Lipschitz Condition and Uniform Continuity

    I am reading "Introduction to Real Analysis" (Fourth Edition) by Robert G Bartle and Donald R Sherbert ... I am focused on Chapter 5: Continuous Functions ... I need help in fully understanding an aspect of Example 5.4.6 (b) ...Example 5.4.6 (b) ... ... reads as follows: In the above text...
  16. A

    Breakdown voltage of humid air in uniform electric field

    Could anyone please let me know if breakthrough spark can happen, or, in general, what will happen in the below system? Note 1: the dielectric layers have a much higher breakthrough voltage than humid air. Note 2: the intensity of the electric field that develops in the flow of the humid air is...
  17. RJLiberator

    EM: Electric field, Two thin rods uniform line charge

    Homework Statement Two identical thin rods of length L carry the same uniform line charge distribution (charge per unit length) of . If the two rods are collinear (aligned along the same line), with a distance of d between their nearest ends, calculate the Coulomb force (magnitude and...
  18. Pushoam

    B-field inside a linear magnetic sphere (in a uniform external B-field)

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Because of the external magnetic field ##\vec B_0 ## , a uniform magnetization will be in the direction of external magnetic field. Because off this uniform magnetization, there will be a uniform magnetic fied in the direction of...
  19. Pushoam

    Is ##\vec A## (with 0 div.) for uniform ##\vec B## unique?

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I have a difficulty in the last part of the problem. Let's assume that gradient of a scalar function ## \lambda ## could be added to the vector potential ## \vec A ##. Then, acc. to the condition ## \nabla . \vec A = 0 ##, we get...
  20. M

    MHB Uniform rods and disk in static equilibrium

    i am stuck on question 9 can anyone help me out. thanks
  21. Pushoam

    Uniform polarization and linear dielectrics

    Can a sphere with a frozen - in uniform polarization ## \vec P ## be considered a linear dielectrics? Following the definition of dielectrics given in Griffiths: The electric field inside the sphere, ## \vec E = \frac {-P}{3 \epsilon_0} ## So, ## \vec P ≠ ε_0 χ_e \vec E ## as ## ε_0 χ_e##...
  22. M

    Uniform Circular Motion Inside a Sphere of Charge

    Homework Statement "*Question 44: Uniform Circular Motion Inside Sphere of Charge The tau particle is a negatively charged particle similar to the electron, but of much larger mass - its mass is 3.18 x 10-27 kg, about 3480 times the mass of the electron and about twice the mass of a proton or...
  23. sergiokapone

    Electrictric field due to changing uniform magnetic field

    How does look like electric field lines due to change of the uniform magnetic field? Suppose we have a magnetic field between two infunite plates with surface current $i$ which is lineary change with time. Then B-filel is (x - perpendicular to plates, z and y along plates) \begin{equation} B_z =...
  24. G

    Uniform circular motion -- How can radial acceleration have a calculated value?

    In uniform circular motion, direction of particle is changing at every moment but its speed remains the same. If the magnitude of velocity or speed remains the same, change in magnitude of velocity is zero. Then how come radial acceleration can have a calculated value since acceleration = change...

    I Time Scale -- Does Time have uniform Scale?

    Does #Time have uniform Scale??
  26. C

    Question about uniform charge distribution

    1. The problem statement, all variables, and given/known data Suppose you have a wire of length l and a uniform line charge density λ. Find the electric field at the midpoint that is height r above the x-axis Homework Equations (see attached) The Attempt at a Solution To solve, I used the...
  27. L

    B Rindler - uniform acceleration

    So a light signal is sent off some space behind me. At the same time I start accelerating extremely quickly. Even though the light signal will always be faster than me it will never catch up with me. I have difficulties to understand that something that is always faster than you can still never...
  28. Arshavsky

    Net force on a Halbach Array in a uniform magnetic field

    I have been unable to determine whether a Halbach Array of permanent magnets would experience a net force in a uniform magnetic field.
  29. N

    Calculating electric potential with a uniform elect field

    Homework Statement In a certain region of space, there is a uniform electric field of magnitude 25.0 V m^-1 directed at 30.0 degrees to the direction of the positive x-axis and at 60.0 degrees to the direction of the positive y-axis. (There is no z component of the electric field.) The electric...
  30. S

    I Pointwise and Uniform Convergence

    Hello! Can someone explain to me in an intuitive way the difference between pointwise and uniform convergence of a series of complex functions ##f_n(z)##? Form what I understand, the difference is that when choosing an "N" such that for all ##n \ge N## something is less than ##\epsilon##, in the...
  31. M

    MHB Power series and uniform convergence.

    Hi. I have this power serie (2^n/n)*z^n that runs from n=1 to infinity, and I have to show whether it's uniform konvergence on [-1/3, 1/3] or not. I hope someone can help me with this.
  32. Pushoam

    Difference between translation and uniform motion

    In https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galilean_transformation it is shown that translation is different from uniform motion. So, isn't translational motion another name for uniform motion?
  33. leslieharvey24

    What is the electric field above a uniformly charged plane?

    Homework Statement Charge is distributed uniformly over a large square plane of side l, as shown in the figure below. The charge per unit area is σ. Determine the electric field at a point P a distance z above the center of the plane, in the limit l -> infinity.. Homework Equations please...
  34. curiosity colour

    About uniform electric field between parallel plates

    I have learned that the electric field between parallel plates are independent of distance since E=V/d so if I increase the distance between parallel plates, the E will decrease, right? if I am right on the previous statement, then why does the electric field are independent of distance?
  35. No1_129848

    Uniform Circular Motion, Acceleration problem

    Homework Statement A cat rides a merry-go-round turning with uniform circular motion. At time t1 = 2.00 s, the cat’s velocity is V1 = (3.00 m/s)i + (4.00 m/s)j , measured on a horizontal xy coordinate system. At t2 = 5.00 s, the cat’s velocity is V2 = (3.00 m/s)i + (4.00 m/s)j. What are (a) the...
  36. PsychonautQQ

    Uniform Continuity of f(x) = 1/(|x|+1) on R: Epsilon-Delta Proof

    Homework Statement Prove that f(x) = 1/(|x|+1) is uniformly continuous on R. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution This needs to be an e-d proof (epsilon-delta). So I suppose we should start with let e>0, then we want to find a d such that for all x,y in R, if |x-y|<d then...
  37. R

    Moment of inertia of a non uniform disc

    Homework Statement A non uniform disc of radius R has a mass of M. Its centre of gravity is located at a distance x from the centre. Find the moment of inertia of mass (moi) around the axis perpendicular to the surface passinf through the centre of gravity. Homework Equations Parallel axis...
  38. Rob-NYC

    B Uniform motion and time dilation - real or perspective based

    Does time dilation in relative UNIFORM motion REALLY happen or is it merely a perspective from one reference frame relative to another as in the simple case where objects appear smaller the further away they are from the perspective of an observer in a particular reference frame? Putting it...
  39. J

    How Many Bits Per Sample for a 10dB SNR with a Uniform Quantiser?

    Homework Statement [/B] An analogue signal is uniformly distributed from -4,4. Design a uniform quantiser with minimum number of bits per sample, such that the signal to quantisation noise is at least 10dB. How many bits are required per sample? What is the mean square (quantisation) error for...
  40. Vitani11

    Hole though the Earth and SHM: why is uniform density assumed?

    Homework Statement A particle of mass m is dropped into a hole drilled straight through the center of the Earth. neglecting rotational effects and friction, show that the particle’s motion is a simple harmonic if it is assumed that the Earth has a uniform mass density. Obtain an expression for...
  41. Arman777

    Uniform Slab-Finding Electric Field Using Gauss Law

    Homework Statement Uniform Slab: Consider an infinite slab of charge with thickness 2a. We choose the origin inside the slab at an equal distance from both faces (so that the faces of the slab are at z = +a and z = −a). The charge density ρ inside the slab is uniform (i.e., ρ =const). Consider a...
  42. Eri ep

    Motion of Charged Particles in Field Uniform B-field E=0

    Hello! So I've been working on proving to myself different parts of https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/nuclear-engineering/22-611j-introduction-to-plasma-physics-i-fall-2003/lecture-notes/chap2.pdf packet for several weeks. Under 2.1 Uniform B field, E=0, for the Larmor Radius, I need to know...
  43. N

    I Relativistic charged particle in a constant uniform electric field

    I'm doing some special relativity exercises. I have to find $$x(t), v(t)$$ of a charged particle left at rest in $t=0$ in an external constant uniform electric field $$\vec{E}=E_{0} \hat{i}$$, then with that velocity I should find the Liénard–Wiechert radiated power. I will show you what I did...
  44. R

    Capacitor with uniform space charge between them

    Homework Statement 2 large plates are separated by a distance d and a space charge of uniform charge density p is placed between them and a potential difference V is applied across the plates. Find the electric field stength at a distance x fromt the positive plate The answer is -V/d...
  45. Arman777

    Electric dipole in Uniform Electric Field (3D)

    Homework Statement An electric dipole with magnitude ##p = 0.2Cm## is placed inside a uniform electric field of ##\vec{E} = 100\vec{i} + 70\vec{j} + 40\vec{k} \frac {N} {C}##. The dipole was initially pointing along the +x direction. You then start to rotate it first on xz-plane towards...
  46. newjerseyrunner

    B Why is vacuum energy assumed to be uniform?

    Considering that all energy gravitates, why is it assumed that the vacuum energy that we measure inside the gravity well of the Milky Way is consistent throughout space? Is there any real way to know? Would it make any difference in the problem that QM and GR differ in the vacuum energy...
  47. Rodriesk

    Magnitudes and Directions In Uniform Circular Motion

    Homework Statement A biker is 40.0m to the east of a flag in a park, heading south at 10m/s. 30.0 seconds later, the biker is 40.0m north of the flag and heading east at 10.0m/s. For the biker in this 30.0s interval, what are: a) the magnitude and direction of the displacement? b) the magnitude...
  48. T

    Continuous uniform distribution function

    Homework Statement Can someone explain why f(x) = 1/(b-a) for a<x<b ? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution shouldn't it be 0? since its a continuous random variable and so that interval from a to b has an infinite number of possible values?
  49. F

    Uniform flow vs non-uniform flow in fluid

    Homework Statement In the notes , it's stated in the first part for non-uniform flow that the gradient of $$S_0$$ , $$S_w$$ and $$i$$ are not the same , But , in the lower part , it's stated in the first part for non-uniform flow that the gradient of $$S_0$$ , $$S_w$$ and $$i$$ are the...
  50. J

    Finding the center of mass of an arbitrary uniform triangle

    Homework Statement 1. Show that for an arbitrary uniform triangle ABC, with A at (x1, y1), B at (x2,y2), C at (x3, y3), the CM (xcm, ycm), is simply defined by xcm=(x1+x2+x3)/3, and ycm =(y1+y2+y3)/3 Homework Equations xcm = 1/M * ∫xdm ycm = 1/M * ∫ydm M = ∫dm = ∫δdA where δ = M/A = dm/dA...