Union Definition and 230 Threads

  1. S

    Bases of a Linear transformation (Kernel, Image and Union ?

    Bases of a Linear transformation (Kernel, Image and Union ? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/33103477/1linear%20tran.png For the kernel/null space \begin{bmatrix} 3 & 1 & 2 & -1\\ 2 & 4 & 1 & -1 \end{bmatrix} = [0]_v Row reducing I get \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & \frac{7}{9} & \frac{-2}{9}\\ 0 & 1...
  2. vmr101

    Define the Domain of a lamina as union of Type 1 and Type 2 regions?

    Homework Statement Consider a lamina (two dimensional plate) with edges given by the lines y = sqrt(x) and y = -x + 2x^(2), for which the density is given by P(x; y) = x. (a) Define the domain of the lamina as the union of a Type 1 region and a Type 2 regions. b) Calculate the mass. Just...
  3. T

    Probabillity of an event happening given union and intersection

    Hello everyone.. I'm stuck on this and don't really know what equations to apply or how you get the answer. An and Kat go on each Friday to the cinema independently of each other. On any given Friday the probability of both going to the cinema is 1/3. And the probability that at least one of...
  4. A

    Is the Proof for Cl(S ∪ T) ⊆ Cl(S) ∪ Cl(T) Correct in Topology?

    Homework Statement Cl(S \cup T)= Cl(S) \cup Cl(T)Homework Equations I'm using the fact that the closure of a set is equal to itself union its limit points.The Attempt at a Solution I am just having trouble with showing Cl(S \cup T) \subset Cl(S) \cup Cl(T). I can prove this one way, but I...
  5. 6

    Finite and Countable union of countable sets

    Homework Statement Show the following sets are countable; i) A finite union of countable sets. ii) A countable union of countable sets. Homework Equations A set X, is countable if there exists a bijection f: X → Z The Attempt at a Solution Part i) Well I suppose you could start by considering...
  6. D

    Zakon Vol 1, Ch2, Sec-6, Prob-19 : Cardinality of union of 2 sets

    Homework Statement Show by induction that if the fi nite sets A and B have m and n elements, respectively, then (i) A X B has mn elements; (ii) A has 2m subsets; (iii) If further A \cap B = \varphi, then A \cup B has m+ n elements. NOTE : I am only interested in the (iii) section of...
  7. K

    Showing the GLB of the union is the same as the min of the GLBs

    Homework Statement Let A and B be non-empty bounded sets of real numbers. Show the infimum of A union B is equal to the min{infA,infB} Homework Equations If a set is bounded below, a set called S for example, there exists a number N such that x≥N for all x in S And if S is bounded...
  8. C

    Proving the Countable Union Theorem for Sets with a Prime Mapping Approach

    Homework Statement If A_1,A_2...A_n are countable sets. Then the union A_1 \cup A_2\cup ...\cup A_n is countable. The Attempt at a Solution Since we know there are an infinite amount primes I will assign each element in A_1 to the first prime. I will take every element in A_1 and...
  9. 8

    Diameter of a union of metric spaces

    Homework Statement suppose that a metric space A is a union A = B U C of two subsets of finite diameter. Prove A has finite diameter. Homework Equations The Diameter of a metric space M is sup D(a,b) for all a,b in M. The Attempt at a Solution Really, no idea where to begin. I just...
  10. T

    Prove Disjoint Union of Countable Sets is Countable

    Homework Statement A_{1}, A_{2}, A_{3},... are countable sets indexed by positive integers. I'm looking to prove that the disjoint union of these sets is countable. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I can't figure out how to enter the form of the disjoint union in...
  11. T

    Union and Intersection of Sets

    Homework Statement Let A = {x\in R | |x| >1}, B = {x\in R | -2<x<3}. Find A \cup B and A\cap B The Attempt at a SolutionI thought I might attempt this via a number line. Since I don't know how to make a number line in Latex, I'll describe it. I have A as being all of R except for the region...
  12. C

    Union and addition of two subspaces a subspace?

    Homework Statement This problem is broken into 5 parts: (1) Let E={(2a,a)|a∈ℝ}. Is E a subspace of R2? (2) Let B={(b,b)|b∈ℝ}. Is B a subspace of R2? (3) What is E\capB? (4) Is E\cupB a subspace of R2? (5) What is E+B Homework Equations E={(2a,a)|a∈ℝ} B={(b,b)|b∈ℝ} The Attempt...
  13. M

    S^2 union a line connecting the north and south pole

    I have been trying to determine the fundamental group of S^2 union a line connecting the north and south pole by using the Seifert Van Kampen Theorem. But every time I try and pick my two subsets U and V they are either not open or not arcwise connected or their intersection isn't particularly...
  14. A

    Infinite union of closed sets that isn't closed?

    So I have to find an infinite union of closed sets that isn't closed. I've thought of something that might work: \bigcup[0,x] where 0\leq x<1. Then, \bigcup[0,x] = [0,1), right?
  15. A

    Is the Arbitrary Union of Open Sets in R Open?

    I have to prove that the arbitrary union of open sets (in R) is open. So this is what I have so far: Let \{A_{i\in I}\} be a collection of open sets in \mathbb{R}. I want to show that \bigcup_{i\in I}A_{i} is also open... Any ideas from here?
  16. B

    Infinitary union combined with infinitary intersection

    I am struggling with combining infinite unions with infinite intersections, the problem i have is to show that, for Sets Aij where i,j \inN (N=Natural Numbers) ∞...∞ \bigcup ( \bigcap Aij) i=0 j=0 is equal to ...∞ \bigcap{(\bigcupAih(i):h\inNN} ...
  17. C

    Prove a set X is union of disjoint equivalence classes

    Homework Statement Prove: If E1, · · · , Ek are the disjoint equivalence classes determined by an equivalence relation R over a set X, then (a) X = union of disjoint equivalence classes Ej (b) R = union of disjoint (Ej x Ej) Homework Equations R is a subset of X x X The Attempt at a Solution...
  18. Z

    How do I expand this probability union thing

    Homework Statement I need to expand this: P(A∪B∪C∪D) A,B,C,D are not disjoint. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution P(A∪B∪C∪D) = P(A) + P(B) + P(C) + P(D) - P(A∩B) - P(A∩C) - P(B∩D) - P(C∩D) + P(A∩B∩C∩D) Is that right
  19. D

    Meaning of a union symbol in front of a set?

    I'm trying to read this book "Automata, Computability, and Complexity" by Elaine Rich and on page 75 it defines this function: \delta'(Q,c) = \cup\{eps(p):\exists q\in Q((q,c,p)\in\Delta)\} I've never seen the union operator used in this way. What does it mean? Apologies if this is in the...
  20. B

    Finding an Irrational not in the Union.

    Hi, All: This is an old problem I never solved, and I recently saw somewhere else: We are given an enumeration {q_1,q_2,..,q_n,...} of the rationals in the real line. We construct the union : S:=\/ (q_i+[e/2^(i+1)] , q_i-[e/2^(i+1)] ) for i=1,2..,n,.. i.e., we want the...
  21. D

    Proving a Vector Space Cannot be the Union of Two Proper Subspaces

    Prove that a vector space cannot be the union of two proper subspaces. Let V be a vector space over a field F where U and W are proper subspaces. I am not sure where to start with this proof.
  22. B

    Homology of Disjoint Union: Formalizing the Result.

    Hi, All: I am trying to understand the formal machinery leading to a proof that the homology of the disjoint union of spaces is the disjoint (group) sum of the homologies of the respective spaces; the idea seems clear: if a cycle bounds in a given space Xi, then it will bound in the...
  23. B

    Simple Set Theory - Union, Intersect and Complement

    Homework Statement If A, B, and C are subsets of the set S, show that A^C \cup B^C = \left(A \cap B\right)^C Homework Equations A^C = \{x \in S: x \not \in A\} A\cup B = \{x \in S:\; x \in A\; or\; x\in B\} A\cap B = \{x \in S:\; x \in A\; and\; x\in B\} The Attempt at a Solution...
  24. J

    Uncountable union of a chain of countable sets can be uncountable?

    Let X be a non-empty set, and let S contain all countable subsets of X. Partially order S by inclusion. Let C be a totally ordered subset ("chain") of S, and let U = \cup_{E \in C} E It appears that U is not always countable: if it were, U would be an upper bound of the chain C, and U would...
  25. N

    Bounding the Diameter of Union of Two Sets in a Metric Space

    Hi, I am stuck with the following proofs. In metric space here, A,B,C are subset of metric space (X,d) and C is bounded Problem 1.) d(A,B) <=d(A,C)+d(B,C)+diam(C) Problem 2.)|d(b,A)-d(c,A)| <= d(b,c) where 'b' belongs to 'B' and 'c' belongs to 'C'. Problem 3)- diam(A U B)<= diam A+...
  26. W

    Open sets in R being the union of open intervals

    Hello, I know one proof of this well known theorem that assumes on the metric of R being the standard metric. Does this result generalize to arbitrary metrics on R? thank you
  27. C

    Can all open sets in R^n be expressed as countable union of open cubes?

    Hi everyone, I came across a problem that requires knowing this fact. But can any open set in R^n be expressed as the countable union of "cubes". That is subsets of the form (a_1,b_1) \times ... \times (a_n, b_n) .
  28. D

    Closed set representation as union of closed intervals

    There the well known theorem that every open set (I'm talking about R here with standard topology) is the union of disjoint open intervals. Now, looking at the geometry, it seems that between any two adjacent open intervals which are in the union constituting our open set there is a closed...
  29. F

    Left-linear grammar from union of 2 languages

    Consider the regular gramma G1 (seen below as S1) and the grammar G2 (seen below as S2). Give a left-linear grammar of L(G1) U L(G2) S1->abA A->baB B->aA | bb S2->AS2 | λ A->aaB B->bB | ab I know that S1 is a regular right-linear grammar which can be changed into a left-linear...
  30. N

    Is U + U' a subspace if U and U' are contained in W?

    If U, U ′ are subspaces of V , then the union U ∪ U ′ is almost never a subspace (unless one happens to be contained in the other). Prove that, if W is a subspace, and U ∪ U ′ ⊂ W , then U + U ′ ⊂ W . This seems fairly simple, but I am stuck on how to go about proving it.
  31. G

    Cardinality of the Union of Two Sets that have Same Cardinality as Real Numbers

    Homework Statement Let U and V both have the same cardinality as R (the real numbers). Show that U\cupV also has the same cardinality as R. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Because U and V both have the same cardinality as R, I that that this means \exists f: R\rightarrowU that is...
  32. B

    Union of Closed Sets: Finite vs. Infinite Examples

    A Union of a FINITE collection of closed sets is closed. But if it is an infinite collection? Can someone provide an example please?
  33. B

    Is the Intersection of Infinite Non-Empty Open Subsets Empty?

    If you take the intersection of non empty open subsets in Rn as n tends to infinity, such that U_1 \supseteq U_2 \supseteq U_3... Is it empty?
  34. B

    Can Open Subsets of Real Numbers Form Countable Unions of Intervals?

    Question: Given that any open subset E of the set of real numbers is a disjoint union of open intervals. Is E a countable union of disj. opn intervls. Answer: Yes it is. to show this we need to find a Bijection from the set of natural numbers to E. E = disjoint U_(i in N) of (a_j ...
  35. F

    How do you construct proofs for set unions?

    union proof due at midnight! (∃y)(∀x)(x ∈ y) ↔ (x ∈ a ∨ x ∈ b)) How do you prove this??
  36. P

    Understanding the Big Union Notation: Simple Examples and Explanation

    In my discrete math book there is half a page with very formal explanation of the big Union notation and two very short examples without guidance so I have a hard time understanding what goes on. Here's a http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/8507/unionl.jpg" . I know the Summation formula and I...
  37. I

    Proving Union of Countable Sets is Countable

    Homework Statement If S is a countable set and {Ax}(s element S) is an indexed family of countable sets, then U(s element S) As is a countable set. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution S is countable means it is finite or countable infinite ( S equivalent to J set of...
  38. S

    Countable union of countable sets vs countable product of countable sets

    I know that a countable union of countable sets is countable, and that a finite product of countable sets is countable, but even a countably infinite product of countable sets may not be countable. Let X be a countable set. Then X^{n} is countable for each n \in N. Now it should also be true...
  39. K

    Unatisfiable union of sets- sentential logic

    Homework Statement Prove that if A and B are two sets of well-formed formulas (logical statements, abv. wff) such that A union B is not satisfiable, then there exists a wff k such that A tautologically implies k and B tautologically implies not k. Homework Equations This question is in...
  40. D

    Truth Value & Set Construction: Analyzing A disjoin union B

    When I say A disjoin union B, does it have a truth value, like A subset B, or is it a set construction notation, like union?
  41. M

    Klein bottle as the union of two Mobius bands

    I am trying to calculate the homology groups of the Klein bottle. I want to use the Mayer-Vietoris sequence with the Klein bottle decomposed as the union of two Mobius bands (A and B which are homotopic equivalent to circles), now AUB is the Klein bottle, but I don't understand how according to...
  42. D

    Proving the union of two open sets is open

    Homework Statement Prove if S1 and S2 are both open then S1 \capS2 is also open Homework Equations S1 is open means boundary(S1) \subset S1c Same for S2 pThe Attempt at a Solution We want to prove boundary(S1\capS2) \subset (S1 (intersection) S2)c Then idunno how to...
  43. radou

    Path connectedness of union of path connected spaces

    Homework Statement As the title suggests, Let {Aj} be a collection of path connected subspaces of some space X, and let the intersection of these subspaces be nonempty. Is U Aj path connected? The Attempt at a Solution Again, my answer would be no, in general. But, since their...
  44. D

    Induction proof problem (for set union)

    I hope that someone can help me with the following problem: Problem: Proof by induction that: A1 \cup A2 \cup...\cupAn=(A1-A2)\cup(A2-A3)\cup...\cup(An-1-An)\cup(An-A1)\cup (A1\capA2\cap...\capAn)
  45. M

    Real analysis help(countable union)

    Homework Statement Show that if E \subseteq R is open, then E can be written as an at most countable union of disjoint intervals, i.e., E=\bigcup_n(a_n,b_n). (It's possible that a_n=-\inf or b_n=+\inf for some n.) Hint: One way to do this is to put open intervals around each rational point...
  46. D

    The Boundary of a Countable Union of Almost Disjoint Cubes

    Let E be a subset of R2 that is non-empty, compact, and connected. Suppose furthermore that E is the union of a countably infinite number of almost disjoint closed cubes {Ri} with non-zero volume. Is there anything interesting about this set, particularly its boundary? Can it have infinite...
  47. N

    Inverse Images and Sets (union & intersection)

    Homework Statement Suppose f is a function with sets A and B. 1. Show that: I_{f} \left(A \cap B\right) = I_{f} \left(A\right) \cap I_{f} \left(B\right) Inverse Image of F (A intersects B) = Inverse Image of F (A) intersects Inverse Image of B. 2. Show by giving a counter example that...
  48. Y

    Help Union Labor at Convention Center

    Help! Union Labor at Convention Center I was hoping someone could help me figure out the following: If I have a 40 lb trough filled with 250- 12oz sodas and 40 lbs of ice on top of a sico table on wheels that weighs 125lbs...how can i figure out if a union employee can push this to our events...