Unit conversion Definition and 115 Threads

Conversion of units is the conversion between different units of measurement for the same quantity, typically through multiplicative conversion factors.

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  1. C

    How do I convert from kJ/kg to kJ/mol?

    I have researched that isobutanol has a heat of combustion of 35981 kJ/kg; however I need this to be in kJ/mol. From calculations, the molar mass of isobutanol was found to be 74g/mol. How would I go about in converting this? Relevant equations (?) #mols=mass/molarmass But how can I use this?
  2. tjvv

    Conversion of g acceleration into "body weight"

    Hi guys, I have a table with vertical peak acceleration values [g] and I want to find out a formula that convert the [g] values into ground reaction forces in units of body weight (BW). I think Newton´s 2nd law (F = m x a) may help but I am stuck on finding a generic relationship (problem is...
  3. L

    What is the unit conversion for 28.8 Volts/(Meter/Second)?

    Hi ALL i need to unit Conversion : from: 28.8 Volts/(Meter/Second) to (....) Volts/(Inch/Second) from: 28.8 Volts/(Meter/Second) to (....) milliVolts/(milliMeter/Second) Thanks
  4. J

    Simple atomic unit conversion check

    Hi I'm converting some numbers to atomic units, and it's important that I get it right. Would be happy if someone could reassure me. I want to convert the units of an electric field measured in kV/cm to atomic units. Here is what I got: \frac{kV}{cm}=\frac{10^3}{10^{-2}}\frac{J}{C\cdot...
  5. R

    How is DME Produced from Methanol Dehydration Using a Catalyst?

    I've been reading that is possible to produce DME (dimethyl ether) from methanol using a catalyst. In the following website: http://www.topsoe.com/products/dme-99-ecotmI've found a catalyst for the dehydration of methanol to produce DME. I would like to know technical information about the...
  6. F

    Calculating Bohr Magneton: Need Help with Unit Conversion

    Hi everybody; I am triying to calculate the Bohr Magneton (eħ/2mc); I am suposed to express it in units of MeV/ Gauss, but I have not idea how to transform charge/time, which is what I obtain when I introduce the units in the formula. Can anyone help plase? Thanks.
  7. E

    How would you convert visible light to infrared or microwave

    Is it possible to convert light in the visible spectrum to infrared or microwave light. What processes would be used to do this? Thanks, EJ
  8. N

    Single-Phase to Three-Phase Cycloconverter

    When my classmate report about cycloconverters. He discussed about different classifications and types of cycloconverters. He also discussed how Single-phase to Single-Phase Cycloconverters operate. But when he approached Three-Phase to Single-Phase and Three-Phase to Three-Phase...
  9. S

    Collision frequency unit conversion

    hi all I have a question about unit for collision frequency. The unit is collision per second and is it same with hertz? Thanks
  10. J

    Significant Figures in Conversion Factors

    So from what I had initially understood, in a conversion problem, you go by whatever number has the smallest SF and round your answer to that number, even if that number is one. In the examples on my homework it seems like my teacher chooses a random number of significant figures for each...
  11. T

    MHB Why is my teacher calling 2m+(50s)(0.5m/s) pure piffle?

    2m+(50s)(0.5m/s) = 2m + 25m/{s}^{2} = Not possible My teacher keeps saying this is pure piffle and shaking his head. Can someone please explain this to me?
  12. acehansen

    How Do You Calculate IV Drip Rates for Medications?

    Homework Statement Your patient weighs 70 kg the prescription states 0.5 mg/kg/hr. You have a bag of 250 mg in 50 mL. At what rate (mL/hr) will you set the pump? Homework Equations I don't think I have to convert the units of this equation, just cancel them out... but I'm not entirely sure...
  13. RoundEarVulcan

    Optical drive SSD conversion Mac

    Hi guys, I was just wondering if any macbook pro owners have successfully converted the optical drive into an area to hold an SSD. I am planning on keeping my current HDD and adding the SSD. Please let me know how it went and how much it affected the performance. (2012 MacbookPro non-retina)...
  14. M

    How many liters of shot does Ben need to carry out his demonstration?

    Homework Statement During the Cold War the US and the former Soviet Union built up enormous arsenals of nuclear weapons. Although the exact amounts are not known, particularly for the USSR, the stockpile of the US arsenal alone is knowledgeably estimated to have a total destructive power of...
  15. D

    Converting MPa·mm1/2 to MPa.m1/2: A Scientific Approach

    I need to convert 12.5 MPa·mm1/2 into MPa.m1/2. I am unsure on how to do this, my two guesses are as follows: 1. (12.5) / ( 1 / 10001/2) = 395.28 MPa.m1/2 2. (12.5) / (12.5 / 10001/2) = 31.62 MPa.m1/2 Is either of those correct? Thanks!
  16. G

    Unit conversion problem for the electron thermal conductivity

    Hello. In CGS unit electron thermal conductivity for plasma is expressed as \frac{n_{e}T_{e}}{m_{e}\upsilon_{e}}\Gamma_{1} [1] where \Gamma_{1} is the dimensionless transport coefficient. [2] You can also find similar expression in...
  17. J

    Unit Conversion W➝J: Break-Even in 50 Years?

    Homework Statement Effective Power generation of the plant is 5.43*10^{7}W but it will required 9*10^{16}J to be created. Essentially the break-even will after solving equation Energy required/Power Generated however I get results of almost 50 years. Would this be correct...
  18. deedsy

    Unit Conversion - Flux Densities

    Homework Statement I need to convert from a fv in units of Jy to fλ in units of erg s^-1 cm ^-2 A^-1 fv = 1.0254e-2 Jy Homework Equations fv dv = fλ dλ fλ = fv dv/dλ and because v = c/λ... fλ = fv*c / λ^2 Also 1 Jy = 10^-23 erg cm^-2 s^-1 Hz ^-1 The Attempt at a Solution...
  19. jdawg

    Unit conversion with density of gold

    Homework Statement Gold, which has a density of 19.32 g/cm3, is the most ductile metal and can be pressed into a thin leaf or drawn out into a long fiber. (a) If a sample of gold with a mass of 4.713 g, is pressed into a leaf of 6.549 μm thickness, what is the area of the leaf? (b) If...
  20. R

    How to Convert J/K and kgJs/m into m/s?

    Dear All, J/K into m/s ? Or kgJs/m into kg? thanks for your help! Rajini.
  21. K

    How to Convert Units for Coulomb's Law Equations

    I have a real simple question. I'm doing a problem that involves Coulomb's law. My charge separation is 5 nanomeers, and the charges are each elementary. So, for the equation, I have: (9E9 (N*m^2/C^2) *(1.6E-19)^2 (C^2) ) / (5 nm)^2 Units are bolded. The denominator has to be converted...
  22. S

    Question on unit conversion with temperatures

    Hi, I was given 1Btu/(h.ft^2.°F) to W/m^2.K with these conversion ratios 1m^3=1000L 1Btu=1.055*103 1m=3.2808ft and Δ1K=Δ1.8°F I can convert most of the units but I'm stumped by the temperature conversion here. Because I'm not converting a change in temperature but the discreet value of...
  23. Y

    World Energy Consumption: Understanding the Differences in Units

    Today I came across a statistical report of world energy consumption. There was a tab named energy generated and the values were given in TWh. There was a tab named Primary energy consumed and the values were given in Mtoe. I saw that the energy generated by the world is around 20000 TWh and the...
  24. C

    How Many Trucks Can US Oil Production Fuel in a Year?

    Homework Statement If one truck runs on 6000 barrels of oil per year, how many trucks could run on the oil produced in the US in one year (1.9*10^10 barrels)?Homework Equations (6000 barrels/year) used by one truck (1.9*10^10 barrels/year) for US productionThe Attempt at a Solution I simply...
  25. J

    [Unit conversion] From r/min to period (msec)

    Homework Statement I would like to know how a 4000 r/min is converted to period of t=2.5mSec Homework Equations Speed of motor = 4000 r/min Build-up time of current = 2.5msec Frequency = 60Hz The Attempt at a Solution \frac{1}{4000}=0.25msec not 2.5msec OR Assuming it means...
  26. Crazymechanic

    Tangential force unit conversion

    Hi , if we have a rotating centrifuge at rpm "a" and we have the radius "b" of the centrifuge and then at the side i have a metal ball that weight's "c" I take the formula which you suggested me here F=ma where a=v2/r and out of that I get Newtons, how do i convert them to like pascals? Because...
  27. M

    Is 0.27 nN/nm equal to 270N/km in unit conversion?

    Hi everyone, I'm having a little confusion here: I measured a value which is 0.27 nN/nm and I converted it's value as 0.27 N/m. Is this correct or should it be 0.27 nN/nm = 0.27*10^9 N/m Thanks for your help
  28. M

    Unit Conversion: SI to British Units with Real-Life Consequences

    Homework Statement This is the question Still think that unit conversion isn't important? Here is a widely publicized, true story about how failing to convert units resulted in a huge loss. In 1998, the Mars Climate Orbiter probe crashed into the surface of Mars, instead of entering orbit...
  29. R

    Unit conversion mm/sqrt(Hz)/degree to m^2/Hz/rad

    Hello, I have two datasets containing power spectral density data to be compared. One of these datasets is presented in units mm/sqrt (Hz)/degree, and I would like to do some transformation so that data is comparable with the other set, which has units m^2/Hz/rad. Any help on how to do...
  30. I

    Unit Conversion: Astronomical Units, Parsecs and Light Years

    Hi everyone, It's been years since I solved a physics problem for school. Now that I'm back at it I could use some help on this problem: Question "The astonomical unit (AU) is defined as the mean centre to centre distance from Earth to the Sun, namely 1.496 x 10^11 m. The parsec is...
  31. J

    SI and Gaussian unit conversion in electrodynamics

    Homework Statement I am reading about electrodynamics, and in different formula, there is a SI form and a Gaussian form. Homework Equations What is the relationship in the different unit system for c or B or E and other relative variables? The Attempt at a Solution sometimes...
  32. P

    Questions regarding basic electricity and unit conversion

    I originally wanted to post this in the EE forum, but after seeing the sticky there, I decided that this might be a better place. 1. I got the whole thing about unit conversions (like from V to kV, move the decimal point 3 to the left -- the number becomes smaller by 10^3). Right now, we're...
  33. M

    Unit Conversion (Fluid Mechanics)

    Homework Statement Calculate the density in lbm/ft3 with the given formula: ρ=p/RT where p=35 psi, R=1716 ft-lbf/slug-°R, and T=100°F. We have access to a table with basically any unit conversion we would need. The Attempt at a Solution 100°F=37.78°C=310.9278K (35 lb/in2)(144 in2/1...
  34. H

    Unit Conversion: G 6.67x10^-11 m^3*s^-2*kg^-1 to cm^3*s^2*g^-1

    Homework Statement "The gravitational constant G is 6.67*10^-11 m^3*s^-2*kg^-1. What is G in units of cm^3*s^2*g^-1 Homework Equations 1kg = 1000g 1m = 100cm The Attempt at a Solution I don't understand how the dimension can change from [L^3,T^-2,M^-1] to [L^3,T^2,M^-1]...
  35. B

    Unit Conversion: How to Find Volts/kRPM for Motor Modeling with 245 RPM/Kv Value

    For a motor modeling project I am trying to find a value that is measured in Volts/kRPM (Voltage constant) , in the motor specs that I am given i have a value in RPM/Kv, If the value for RPM/Kv given is 245, how can i find Volts/KRPM, or is that even possible Thanks!
  36. T

    Where did pi^2 go in this QM j/eV unit conversion?

    Homework Statement Consider an electron of mass m=9*10^-30 kg in an infinite box of dimension a=10^-9 m. What is the energy difference between the ground state and the first excited state? Express your answer in eV. Homework Equations E_n = \frac{\hbar^2\pi^2n^2}{2ma^2} The Attempt at a...
  37. S

    Can Fahrenheit and Rankine Cancel Directly in Unit Conversion?

    If I have units with degree Fahrenheit in the denominator can I cancel it with degree Rankine without a problem? Or do I need to use F + 459.xx to clear it? does 1/F cancel with R? I believe 1/F and R can cancel one to one, right...
  38. B

    Unit conversion inside a derived gausses law eq

    Homework Statement Essentially I'm working out a problem and I am given \alpha = \frac{15cm\bullet m^{3}}{\mu C} and I need to get it in just terms of meters/coulombs I'm having a real tough time with weird unit conversions like this. Homework Equations 1m = 100cm 1 micro coulomb = 1 X...
  39. L

    How to Convert .15Mo/pc^3 to g/cm^3?

    Homework Statement I am giving .15Mo/pc^3 how can i convert that into g/cm^3 mo is solar mass and its in grams and pc is distance so its in cm so wht would i do to convert it? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution would i just mutiply .15 by the solarmass(1.9e33g) than...
  40. L

    How to Convert Units for Finding the Mass of a Star?

    Homework Statement Need help with some unit conversion. The problem asks to find mass of a star. p=1.58e9 seconds a=7.61" d=8.15e18 cm +-.001 Homework Equations M=(4pie^2 d^3 a^3)/Gp^2 The Attempt at a Solution My problem is with " arcsecond i think it is. The mass should be...
  41. X

    Unit Conversion: What went wrong?

    Homework Statement Pressures up to 3000 atm are measured with a dead-weight gauge. The piston diameter is 0.17 (in). What is the approximate mass in (lbm) of the weights required? The Attempt at a Solution Abs. pressure = Gauge pressure + Atmospheric pressure = 3000 atm + 1...
  42. K

    Instantaneous Unit Conversion between CGS and SI units

    In doing some research, I cam across an equation for instantaneous radiated power, with the CGS units "erg/(sec rad cm)", rad being radians (not rad the unit for radiation exposure). Try as I might, I'm not able to come up with a way to convert it to the SI units for watts. Does anyone know...
  43. 1

    Unit conversion litres to gallons or vice versa

    Homework Statement One bottle of magnum contains a volume of 1.5litres. 1 bottle of boream contains a volume of 0.792 us gallons. How many bottles of magnum will fit in 1 bottle of boream? Homework Equations litres to galons galons to litres The Attempt at a Solution Uh...i've...
  44. 1

    How Far Did They Fall in Meters?

    Homework Statement The person fell from the plane 6 miles and survived the fall. What is the distance the person fell in metres? Homework Equations 1m=3.281ft 1mi=5280ft 1ft=0.3048m The Attempt at a Solution I figured if 1 mi = 5280ft then 6 miles must be : 6(5280ft)=31...
  45. A

    How Do I Convert Units for the Force of Lift Equation?

    I am stumped on how to convert my units for the equation for Force of Lift. FL=CLPA\frac{v^{2}}{2} My equation comes out to: FL=(.76764)(.076\frac{lbm}{ft})(\frac{(65.899\frac{ft}{s})^{2}}{2}) Still figuring out this equation hypertext stuff. Please help if you can. I am supposed to...
  46. D

    Simple but poorly worded unit conversion question

    Homework Statement Because Earth's rotation is gradually slowing, the length of each day increases: The day at the end of 1.0 century is 1.0 ms longer than the day at the start of the century. In 54 centuries, what is the total (in hours) of the daily increases in time (that is, the sum of the...
  47. B

    Unit Conversion: 5m/s^2 to Km/hr^2 & ft/hr^2

    Homework Statement The acceleration of a particle is 5 m/s^2. What is the acceleration in Km/hr^2 and ft/hr^2? Homework Equations 1km=1000m , 1m = 3.28 ft , 1hr=3600s The Attempt at a Solution ok so i have answers with calculator which is 5m/s^2 = 64800 km/hr^2 and...
  48. X

    Unit conversion difficulties on simple problem

    Homework Statement A 55 g particle is moving to the left at 27 m/s. How much work must be done on the particle to cause it to move to the right at 41 m/s? Answer in joules Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution 27-(-41)=68 , 68*55= 3750 the units here are grams m/s. I...
  49. R

    Is 1 cm equal to 8.066 meV-1 in unit conversion?

    Dear PF members, We know that 1 meV = 8.066 cm-1. So now can i say 1 cm = 8.066 meV-1 ? thanks for your reply. Ps: 1 cm-1 = 0.124 meV.