Universal Definition and 487 Threads

Universal Pictures (legally Universal City Studios LLC, also known as Universal Studios, and formerly named Universal Film Manufacturing Company and Universal-International Pictures Inc.) is an American film production and distribution company owned by Comcast through the NBCUniversal Film and Entertainment division of NBCUniversal.
Founded in 1912 by Carl Laemmle, Mark Dintenfass, Charles O. Baumann, Adam Kessel, Pat Powers, William Swanson, David Horsley, Robert H. Cochrane, and Jules Brulatour, it is the oldest surviving film studio in the United States; the world's fifth oldest after Gaumont, Pathé, Titanus, and Nordisk Film; and the oldest member of Hollywood's "Big Five" studios in terms of the overall film market. Its studios are located in Universal City, California, and its corporate offices are located in New York City. In 1962, the studio was acquired by MCA, which was re-launched as NBCUniversal in 2004.
Universal Pictures is a member of the Motion Picture Association (MPA), and was one of the "Little Three" majors during Hollywood's golden age.

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  1. I

    MHB Creating Gates with Universal NAND Gate: A Shortcut for Scientists?

    how do i create gates using the universal gate (NAND gate) like an inverter or AND, OR, NOR, XOR, XNOR?
  2. J

    It's Now or never -- Question about "universal" time

    I am not sure whether this is a 'relativity' query as it may not be concerned with the order of events nor simultaneity in the usual relativistic sense. So whether it remains, is moved, or is deleted I'll leave to the mercy of the Mentors. Very likely I've made a simple blunder or else the topic...
  3. Y

    Newton universal gravitation formula, how f is dimensionally derived?

    If f dimensions are ml/t^2, where does t^2 come from in the equation of F = G*m1*m2/r^2 where I believe G to be a constant, m1 and m2 to be masses and r to be the distance between two masses - so length. To dimensionally analyse this then, where would the dimension time come from if I were to...
  4. Math Amateur

    MHB Universal Mapping Property of a Direct Sum - Knapp Pages 60-61

    I am reading Chapter 2: Vector Spaces over \mathbb{Q}, \mathbb{R} \text{ and } \mathbb{C} of Anthony W. Knapp's book, Basic Algebra. I need some help with some issues regarding the Universal Mapping Property of direct sums of vector spaces as dealt with by Knapp of pages 60-61. I am not...
  5. H

    Relativity and the universal speed limit

    Hey guys, this is a question that has been bothering me since I finished my special relativity course last year. I was told that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Thinking relativistically, I take this to mean no one thing in the universe can travel faster than any other...
  6. M

    Universal gravitational word problem test tomorrow

    1. What is the strength of the gravitational field (in N/kg) at an orbit of 1.0 x106 m above the planet Zoklopgniald with mass of 3.45 x1026 kg and mean radius of 7.80 x107m? ANS:3.69 N/kg What is the gravitational force exerted on a 2840 kg satellite orbiting Zoklopgniald at this altitude...
  7. Deveno

    MHB The Universal Property of the Direct Product in Groups

    With groups, one often seeks to create larger groups out of smaller groups, or the reverse: break down large groups into easier-to-understand pieces. One construction often employed in this regard is the direct product. The normal way this is done is like so: The direct product of two groups...
  8. C

    What is the relationship between the expanding universe and the speed of light?

    Sorry if I mess up some terms, I am not a physics guru in any way. To my understanding, the universe inflates like a balloon being filled with air. So.. Q1) Which is correct to say, that everything is being pulled away from the each other at different speeds from 0 to C, the further away 2...
  9. Y

    Universal Law Idea: Impermanence & Relativity

    So this may get long winded.. All of existence, as being described by physics works on a principle of relativity - nothing is really there unless an observer is present to measure an event (Special relativity, general relativity, even relational quantum mechanics). Events are dependent on the...
  10. Math Amateur

    MHB How to Represent Quotients in Latex?

    I have just finished a post on the Linear and Abstract Algebra Forum on Universal Properties, I am having trouble with the following line of Latex: [a_1]_\sim_R , [a_3]_\sim_R , [a_5]_\sim_R , [a_7]_\sim_R, [a_8]_\sim_R The effect that I wanted for each quotient was as follows: Can...
  11. Math Amateur

    MHB Universal Properties - Quotients - Aluffi, Chapter 1, Section 5.

    I am reading Paolo Aluffi's book, Algebra: Chapter 0. I am, at present, focused on Chapter 1, Section 5: Universal Properties. I subsection 5.3 on Quotients, Aluffi writes the following: I am uncertain of the nature of the category that Aluffi is constructing. in particular, do the functions...
  12. G

    BS tables of properties for universal beams

    Hi I am a HNC student an am having trouble with this question below... A universal I section beam is simply supported at each end and must withstand concentrated shear force of 240kN vertically downwards. if the maximum allowable shear stress in the beam is to be 65MkN/m^2 determine the...
  13. F

    Is it possible to create a universal calendar/clock?

    While contemplating the twin paradox the thought occurred to me that every observer should see the universe as being the same size, and the same age. If we consider a set of twins in which one twin flies off in a spaceship at near light speed, and then returns some time later, the two brothers...
  14. T

    Does Universal Algebra Have Applications in Physics?

    I was wondering if universal algebra had any applications in physics. I've done some searches and people have mentioned uses in theoretical computer science but how about in any branch of physics?
  15. V

    What are universal properties all about?

    I am having a hard time understanding the concepts of a universal property :\ What are they used for? Do they abstract the notion of constructing mathematical objects? Can the concept of a group be described by a universal property or is this not how it works?
  16. A

    I wish I could manipulate universal quantifiers better

    Homework Statement I am asked to prove by contradiction that: A real number x that is less than every positive real cannot be positive. Homework Equations Axiom of Order ('A14'): a <= b and 0 < c → ac <= bc The Attempt at a Solution I believe I can prove it analytically...
  17. M

    Universal gravitation previous exam problem

    Homework Statement I'm having trouble with this problem attached. Any help would be appreciated. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  18. D

    Massless Particles and the Universal Speed Limit

    I was hoping someone could help me with a simple physics question I've been mulling over, I've failed to find an answer using online queries, I suspect my line of inquiry is flawed in some way. I would be grateful if someone could confirm if I've understood this correctly: Particles without...
  19. J

    Help - Ideas for Making a Lesson on Universal Gravitation Interesting?

    Hi all, I'm currently a student teacher. Next week I'm going to teach a lesson on universal gravitation to grade 11 students. It's the first lesson on the topic, so it will be an introduction and not too in-depth. I'm struggling with ways to make it interesting. I decided to start the lesson...
  20. Q

    Newtons laws of universal gravitation

    Homework Statement its 3.8 x 10^8 from Earth's core to the lunar's core calculate the gravitational attraction exerted by Earth on the moon Homework Equations ag = GM/ r^2 G= 6.67 x 10^-11 M of earth= 5.98 x 10^24 ... r= 6.37 x 10^6 M of moon= 7.36 x 10^22 ... r= 1.74 X...
  21. V

    What is the nominal power of a domestic universal motor?

    I have measured some properties of four sewing machine motors for domestic use. They are all universal motors (series motors) for the public grid voltage in Europe. The four motors are: a) Singer 66K motor. Motor seems to be produced about 1930 in UK. b) Singer 201K motor. Motor seems to be...
  22. ViperSRT3g

    How Do We Know the Universe's Expansion Is Accelerating?

    I was reading an article about the recent type Ia supernova in the big dipper when the question popped into my head that I've forgotten about until now. Since we use the Ia supernova as our candles to measure the expansion of the universe, how do we know that everything is accelerating...
  23. Y

    What Altitude Should a Geosynchronous Satellite Orbit Mars?

    Homework Statement In the not-too-distant future astronauts will travel to Mars to carry out scientific explorations. As part of their mission, it is likely that a "geosynchronous" satelite will be placed above a given point on the Martian equator to facilitate communcations. At what altitude...
  24. T

    Effect of doubling a mass Newton's law of universal gravitation

    Homework Statement Particle A having mass mA is placed at a fixed distance r from particle B which has twice the mass of particle A. Which of the following statements will be true? Select one: a. The magnitude of the force on A will be twice the magnitude of the force on B. b. The...
  25. T

    Newton law of universal gravitation

    Homework Statement Having problems on the method of calculating the acceleration due to gravity of the planet. A certain planet has a diameter of 1715 km and a density of 5254 kg/m³. The planet has a moon that orbits every 4.46 earth-days. What is the acceleration due to gravity...
  26. Y

    The universal gravitational constant (G)

    A most common tool in engineering is "Dimensional Analysis": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimensional_analysis This tool can provide you with the dependence and scale. For example, using Dimensional analysis one can easily derive how the Period of a pendulum, T, is dependent on string length...
  27. X

    Transforming Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

    Hello, physicsforums. I'm trying to write a proof for a function involving Newton's law of gravitation, and I seem to be stuck. The function I'm trying to build is a function of time with respect to distance. This is the formula I want to transform. \mathrm{A}=-\frac{GM}{x^{2}} For...
  28. K

    MHB Let A and B be two subsets of some universal set. Prove that....

    **Let A and B be two subsets of some universal set. Prove that if $(A\cup B)^c$ = $A^c$ U $B^c$, then A = B.**Attempt: Let $x\in A$. Then $x\in A\cup B$, so $x\notin(A\cup B)^c$. By hypothesis $(A\cup B)^c=A^c\cup B^c$, so $x\notin A^c\cup B^c$. In particular, then, $x\notin B^c$, and therefore...
  29. P

    Universal electromagnetic field formula

    does anybody know where i could find a universal or nearly universal electromagnetic field equation by universal i mean instead of calculating for a solenoid or a loop of wire just calculating for a wire weather curved or not which is in the presence of another magnetic field of a predefined...
  30. C

    How Does Distance from Earth Affect Spacecraft Weight?

    Homework Statement The radius of the Earth is 6400km. A 7200n spacecraft travels away from the earth. what would be the weight of the spacecraft at the following distances from the Earths surface: 6400km, 12800km Homework Equations Fg=mg F=Gm1m2/r^2 The Attempt at a Solution Just...
  31. P

    Universal gravitation/escape velocity question

    Q: a 4.6 kg rocket is launched directly upward from Earth at 9 km/s . What altitude above Earth's surface does the rocket reach? Relevant equations: v=\sqrt{2Gm/r} Eg=Gm1m2(1/r1-1/r2) my attempt: i figured i should use the first equation which contains velocity so i did...
  32. S

    Grade 12 Physics - Circular Motion - Universal Gravitation

    Homework Statement This question is from the Nelson Grade 12 Physics textbook. The force of attraction between masses m1 and m2 is 26N in magnitude. What will the magnitude of the force become if m2 is tripled, and the distance between m2 and m1 is halved? Homework Equations...
  33. M

    Universal Gas constant and arrhenius equation

    Hello, I am curious as to how the Universal Gas Constant, R, is important with regards to the rates in solids? It is in the Arrhenius Equation
  34. D

    Can a Series Capacitor Create Phase Alignment in DC Shunt Universal Motors?

    We know that Universal Motors have field winding always in series with the Armature.They do not have field in shunt because of shunt fields' inductive reactance & they will produce negligible torque on AC supply. Also because of different phase angles of currents in series & shunt path, the 'DC...
  35. J

    Universal Gravitation Constant - HELP

    Universal Gravitation Constant - HELP! Hello, I'm a little confused... What is the difference between the "Constant of Universal Gravitation" and the "Gravitational Force"? I know that there is a radius between two or more objects like the Earth and the Moon and bla bla bla... But the thing...
  36. M

    Advanced life following a universal handbook

    I was having a discussion with my friend about alien life and we both kinda agreed that for life to be intelligent, it must follow the same path as all intelligent life in the universe. If we say that all life through the universe is Darwinian, then for a species to be intelligent it must have...
  37. P

    Newton's law of universal gravitation

    Homework Statement A star of mass 5 × 10e30 kg is located at ‹ 7 × 10e12, 3 × 10e12, 0 › m. A planet of mass 4 × 10e24 kg is located at ‹ 5 × 10e12, 5 × 10e12, 0 › m and is moving with a velocity of ‹ 0.6 × 10e4, 1.4 × 10e4, 0 › m/s. A. During a time interval of 1x10e6 seconds, what is the...
  38. shounakbhatta

    Planck's Unit and universal constants

    Hello, I am reading Planck's Unit. What I understand is that what is the need for Planck's unit. Kilogram, meter and second are measurement, rather arbitrary measurement, which humans have done in the past. The question is what do we know that is constant throught the universe? We know (1)...
  39. L

    Exploring the Possibility of Universal Time

    So this has been keeping me up, and racking on my brain lately and I'm wondering if there are any theories currently out there that points to what I'm seeing/understanding. Now this may or may not conflict with Relativity, it may encompass it, and I'm not sure what applications it may have if...
  40. W

    Derivation of Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

    ##F = G \frac{ m_{1} m_{2}}{ r^{2} } ## Where does the formula come from? And why does it work that way? How would it relate to Newton's Second Law? ##F = ma## Using Newton's Second Law, is it possible to get the Law of Universal Gravitation?
  41. C

    Understanding the Universal Quantifier and Variables

    (I hope this question is in the proper place.) I am confused about what effect the universal quantifier has on a variable. My understanding of variables is very simplistic: I view a variable as simply a placeholder for any of a set of possible values, where that set is the universe of...
  42. S

    Simple exposition of universal expansion law in General Relativity

    Hello. For all those to whom the concepts of general relativity, big bang and universal expansion are not clear, I just updated my page of cosmology. There I presented a rather simple proof of the Friedmann equations, that are the particular case of the Einstein's equation of General Relativity...
  43. B

    Coulomb's Law/Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation (Precalculus?)

    Homework Statement The electric field, E, a distance D away from a charged particle is directly proportional to the size of the charge Q, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance D. If the charge is increased by 40% and the distance is increased by 30%, by what percentage does...
  44. M

    Does the law of universal gravity exist?

    Greetings everyone, I have a question that bothers me. What if two objects are traveling at 0.6C at opposite directions? Do no forces (gravitational mainly) apply to them at all? Is gravity only traveling at the speed of light or could this be challenged? It just seems to me weird that the...
  45. J

    Is a Universal Clock Possible? Answers Here

    Is it possible for the to be a universal clock that someone outside of the universe could time events with, and view the different ways that time travels in the universe?
  46. E

    Universal gas constant for 1 kg oxygen

    We know, the unit for R=... J / mol K But in a math problem, they asked for universal gas constant for 1 kg of oxygen... They gave pressure,density and temperature... They got the unit of R J/kg K as they used p=(density) R T What does R mean here? But I used pv=nRT...
  47. B

    How to Calculate the Mass of Jupiter Using Orbital Data

    Hi guys, I'm not sure if I'm going about this the correct way, but it seems to be the only one that makes sense right now. The problem reads: Io, a satellite of Jupiter, has an orbital period of 1.77 days and an orbital radius of 4.22E5 km. From these data, determine the mass of Jupiter...
  48. cyboman

    Total velocity of resting object on earth from universal frame of refe

    I'm interested in calculating the total velocity of an object on Earth from the farthest frame of reference (the observable universe). I apologize that I am not a physics or science major so please bare with me. I've posted on another google forum and was told a few different ideas...
  49. S

    Lingusitics Dividing 1 by three proves math is not a universal language

    Hello there. I wanted to throw this out there and ask what you think. I believe that math is a human creation and imperfect and thus cannot be relied on to explain the universe. However the fundamental tool used by theoretical physicists in trying to explain the universe is the human...