Urgent Definition and 393 Threads

Urgent care is a category of walk-in clinic in the United States focused on the delivery of ambulatory care in a dedicated medical facility outside of a traditional emergency department (emergency room). Urgent care centers primarily treat injuries or illnesses requiring immediate care but not serious enough to require an emergency department (ED) visit. Urgent care centers are distinguished from similar ambulatory healthcare centers such as emergency departments and convenient care clinics by their scope of conditions treated and available facilities on-site.
The United States is seeing a rapid increase in the number of urgent care centers. In the United Kingdom, similar services are called urgent treatment centres. While urgent care centers are usually not open 24 hours a day, 70% of centers in the United States open by 8:00 a.m. or earlier and 95% close after 7:00 p.m.

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  1. B

    Solving Resistor Circuits: Tips & Tricks

    Urgent...test In 58 Minutes! Homework Statement I am having a hard time figuring out how to calculate the current in a circuit consisting of 2 batteries and numerous resistors. Unfortunautely the problem I am trying to do is in my book so I can't post a picture. But if someone can give me a...
  2. H

    Can F-Test Confirm Equal Variances in Radioactive Zones?

    Hi Homework Statement I have been on some statistics and I am not sure that I am on the right track Given two meassurement zones of radioactive vast: \left(\begin{array}{cc} zone 1 & zone 2 \\ 55 & 55 \\ 44 & 24 \\ 47 & 57 \\ 61 & 37 \\ 15 & 51 \\ 36 & 33 \\ 29 & 39 \\ 69 & 11 \\ 8 & 42 \\...
  3. N

    Calculate Volume of Ammonia for 1 Tonne Ammonium Nitrate

    Please can someone help me with the following question: Calculate the volume of ammonia required, in cubic metres at stp, to produce one tonne of ammonium nitrate. I know how to work out the mass of ammonia in one tonne of ammonium nitrate but am struggling with volumes...help needed!
  4. P

    HELP URGENT!"Help with Toaster Cost Calculation - URGENT!

    Help in work URGENT! A 2.6−kW toaster takes roughly 4 minutes to heat four slices of bread. Find the cost of operating the toaster once per day for 1 month (30 days). Assume energy costs 11 cents/kWh. so we can find work done by integrating..thts all i knoe..and then we multiply by 30 and...
  5. C

    Bearing Load Calculation - Get Assistance Now

    HI all, I am interested in designing a tapered bearing. Can anyone please let me know the parameters to be considered in order to design. I have been given a load acting on the sleeve, and the arae available to fit the bearing. If any useful site which talks about bearing and its...
  6. A

    Urgent: Prove Smoothness of f(x) with Infinite Derivatives

    Homework Statement f(x)=\left\{\begin{array}{cc}e^{-x^{-2}},& \mbox{ if } x!=0 \\ 0, \mbox{ if } x=0 \end{array}\right Prove the smoothness of f(x) - as in - prove it has infinite derivatives. I was asked this question in a calculas class i have in university...It just so happens to be...
  7. F

    How Do You Evaluate the Integral of arcsec(x) from sqrt(2) to 2?

    For the integral from sqrt(2) to 2 of 1 over x*sqrt(t^(2) - 1) dx I noticed that this was just the arcsece, so I got arcsec(x) for the answer, but how would I evaluated this at 2 and sqrt(2)? What did i do wrong? Thank you!
  8. B

    Verifying Stochastic Variable Result: Urgent Homework

    Homework Statement Dear All, I have this problem here. Part(1) Let Y be a stochastic variable with the distribution function F_{Y} given by: P(Y \leq y) = F_{Y}(y) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ccc} \ 0& \ \ \mathrm{if} \ y < 0 \\ sin(y)& \ \ \mathrm{if} \ y \in [0,\pi/2] \\...
  9. K

    Solv. Calibration Curve Problem for Unknowns: A-E

    I don't know if this is the right place to post such a question, but I saw a couple of other similar questions, so I figured I would give it a shot. My problem has to do with a calibration curve. My lab partner and I just did an analysis using UV-Vis on caffeine. We constructued a...
  10. B

    Urgent help with Questions regarding Gen. Physics

    Okay i know that L = Iw and L = r x p I can use equation of motion to find W.and I=wrp2 but how will that get me to the answer? i have tried everything and the answer i get everytime is 12 or 18.. Both of them are not one of the choices. I have a test tonight and have to go to work right...
  11. P

    Solve Heat Equation Urgently: No F(x)G(t) Assumption

    Heat equation! Urgent Is anyone who are able to solve heat equation: {\frac{{\delta u}}{\delta t} = c^2\frac{{\delta^2 u}}{{\delta x^2}} where,u(x,t) I have looked for so many textbooks but most of them using the same method to solve which is "Assume u(x,t) = F(x)G(t) and sub...
  12. B

    Understanding the Biochemistry of Love: Tips for Your Exam Preparation

    is love biochemical? Urgent help please i was just wondering if someone could please help me i have an exam tm and was wondering if you could please give me some ideas on what to write about the question is love biochemical?? what does this mean?? thankyou
  13. J

    Calculating Kinetic Energy for a Sled and Rider on a Hill

    Homework Statement A sled and rider with a combined mass of 55 kg are at the top of a hill a height of 20 m above the level ground below. The sled is given a push providing an initial kinetic energy at the top of the hill of 1950 J. (c) If friction can be ignored, what will be the...
  14. $

    Error Analysis Help: Line of Best Fit with Error Bars

    Homework Statement I am trying to work out if there is an elegant way to do a line of best fit(straight) through a set of points (3) while taking into consideration their error bars? Clearly I'm looking for a piece of software that can do this. Obviously excel, etc can do a standard straight...
  15. F

    Angular Acceleration for Angular Pressure of 1.5atm

    Someone actually posted this exact problem 4 months ago, but here it is. There wasn't an answer. Homework Statement Heron of Alexandria invented the steam jet engine in the first century A.D. One of his many inventions, the one shown below was invented for amusement but employs many...
  16. L

    What Do You Use to Secure Masses in a Young's Modulus Experiment?

    Urgent help! Young modulus how to hold masses In a young modulus experiment Ieed to holdp the msss i decdied to use hole puncher at both ends I relsiedthis woodnt work becaue strech properly I culd use bull dogclips but masses may make it fall off Wha do u nomally use in a young modulus...
  17. B

    Calculating Distance for Jumping off a Slope at 45°

    Homework Statement I have to calculate disctance that body(for example a jumper) that jumps of a slope at 45 degrees with initial speed of 20 m/s and under 15 degrees. Homework Equations x=Vox * t y=Voy*t - 1/2*g*t*t y=ax + b, b=0 => y=ax - The Attempt at a Solution I don't know where to...
  18. S

    Proof That f(x) is 0 if Both Odd and Even

    Homework Statement Prove that if f(x) is both odd and even (functions) then f(x) must be the constant function 0. Basically prove that no other function other than 0, can be both odd and even.
  19. P

    Understanding Friction Graph: Identify Segments

    Here is a pic of the graph: Can someone explain to me what each of the four segments represents (not shown but assume there is a horizontal line at 0 for the first few seconds)? I am especially confused about the third segment where it suddenly drops from the peak. Then, please answer and...
  20. S

    Physics Quiz: Understanding Forces and Motion

    Physics Quiz...very Urgent! 1.As a rocket rises its acceleration increases. Why does this happen? (assume that the acceleration due to gravity and air resistance are nearly constant during the ascent) 2. If the head of the hammer is loose, and you wish tighten it by baging it against the top...
  21. A

    Maximizing Probability of Drawing a Yellow Ball from Two Urns

    Urgent probability questions! Please help! How can 5 black and 5 yellow balls be put into two urns to maximize the probability that a yellow ball is drawn from a randomly chosen urn? I got: P(draw yellow)=P(draw yellow intersect urn1)+P(draw yellow intersect urn2) =P(draw...
  22. C

    How Do You Prove Trigonometric Identities in Complex Number Equations?

    Homework Statement I have an exam coming up on Monday, and I can't seem to solve this question. Please point me in the right direction. x=e^{i\alpha}, y=e^{i\beta} z=e^{i\gamma}. If x+y+z=xyz, prove that, cos(\beta -\gamma) + cos(\gamma -\alpha) + cos(\alpha -\beta) + 1=0 Homework...
  23. B

    Solve Urgent Amplifier Help: Microelectronics CD Player Problem in Few Hours

    Urgent help with amplifiers please! Hi, Please I need help for this problem. It is due in few hours! The main problem is that I don't succeed to visualize the problem to make a drawing. please, can someone help me? (the context of the course is microelectronics on amplifier) A...
  24. E

    Thermodynamics: Urgent Questions on Gas & Mercury Expansion

    Hi everyone,:smile: I'm new to this forum so please don't throw any stones if my question is too naive. I have this problem and it's urgent that I give an answer very quickly... We have a glass thermometer filled n moles of ideal gas (instead of vacuum). The thermometer has also mercury in...
  25. S

    Can a Particle Accelerate Without Changing Speed? | Quick Physics Question

    Homework Statement It is possible for a particle to accelerate without changing its speed. True or False? Homework Equations I don't think there is any except average acceleration equation The Attempt at a Solution I am thinking False because Acceleration depends on...
  26. P

    Are These Chemical Reactions Correctly Balanced?

    please check my work... urgent pleasezz 1> ZnCl2 [aq] + 2KNO3 [aq] → Zn(NO3)2[aq] + 2KCl (s) 2> Ca[OH]2 [aq] + 2Na OAc [aq] →Ca(OAc)2[aq] + 2NaOH (s) 3> NiCl2 + 2KOH → Ni(OH)2 [aq]+ 2KCl (s)
  27. Z

    How Do You Calculate the Inclination of a Hill and Acceleration of a Cyclist?

    Mechanics ;;; please need Urgent help! hi everyone, I'm seeking help from anyone from this forum about my mechanics problem. it's under WORK, ENERGY AND POWER section. A resistive force acts on a cyclist, as she free-wheels down a straight hill at constant speed. The cyclists and her...
  28. E

    Help Needed with Laplace Transforms: Solve Before Tomorrow!

    I'm posting these as images because it would be difficult to type. If this isn't allowed, please let me know. I really need help with this before tomorrow, when I have a test. Any help appreciated. Homework Statement problem here The Attempt at a Solution I completed part 1 (solution here)...
  29. B

    Can Old Handouts Effectively Prepare You for Physics Tests?

    1. I have to study for a test. To prepare to study, I decided to look around in my bookshelf for textbooks and to my surprise, found an old handout. I've typed out the questions and my response (answer) to those questions as itactalized. Please feel free to correct/help me :) PS: Ignore...
  30. M

    How Do You Solve a Stereographic Projection Problem in Mathematics?

    Urgent Stereographic projection question... Homework Statement Given the unit sphere S^2= \{x^2 + y^2 + (z-1)^2 = 1\} Where N is the Northpole = (0.0.2) the stereographic projection \pi: S^2 \sim \{N\} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^2 carries a point p of the sphere minus the north pole N onto the...
  31. M

    How Do You Solve These Challenging Physics Problems?

    3 Dynamic Physics Questions Urgent Help Needed! Homework Statement Problem1 An object of 6kg is moving towards the south. The resulting force that the object has is 12 Newtons towards the north. What is the acceleration of the object? Homework Equations f=ma fg=mg The Attempt...
  32. O

    How Do You Calculate Moles of Water Vapor in Air Using Ideal Gas Law?

    The relative humidity is 55% on a day when the temperature is 30.0°C. Using the graph below, determine the number of moles of water vapor per cubic meter of air. on the graph, Vapor pressure of water is on the y-axis and temperature on the x-axis 30C cordinates with 4200 Pa of water vapor...
  33. T

    Get Better at Complex Analysis: Urgent Help Needed

    I'm currently doing a course in complex analysis and we're using fundamentals of complex analysis, by saff and snider. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0139078746/?tag=pfamazon01-20 And Our problem sets are from the questions at the end of the chapters. I'm finding these questions incredibly hard...
  34. O

    How Much Energy Does a Human Lose Through Radiation in a Cool Room?

    Suppose the skin temperature of a naked person is 34°C when the person is standing inside a room whose temperature is 25°C. The skin area of the individual is 2.0 m2 a) Assuming the emissivity is 0.80, find the net loss of radiant power from the body b) Determine the number of food...
  35. O

    How Much Coffee Spills From a Heated Beaker?

    Urgent help need.Please ! Heat question [b]1. During an all-night cram session, a student heats up a one-half liter (0.50 10-3 m3) glass (Pyrex) beaker of cold coffee. Initially, the temperature is 20°C, and the beaker is filled to the brim. A short time later when the student returns, the...
  36. J

    Satellite Help: Will it Stay on Earth's Orbit Forever?

    Forgive my rusty English. But I really need urgent and Professional help, teachers and professors, please: A satellite has been put on Earth's orbit at a high speed, (forget atmosphere friction, forget moon attraction, forget sun gravity), theoretically, without any further thrust, will it...
  37. A

    Quantum Mech Homework Help Urgent: FCC, SC Lattice, Graphene Heat Capac

    Hey Guys! I was wondering if anybody could help me. I have a few questions, i solved the second problem(my work is shown at the end) Here are the questions: 1. For ionic salts (A+ B-) the inter ionic potential can be approximated by Φ(r) = (K/r^n) -/+ (e^2/ 4pi ε0 r) with n~ 10 where K is a...
  38. C

    Programs Urgent: frm elect eng 2 phd physics, any chance?

    well guys, i just found this forum and am hoping you can help me here. i am intl student with bs in elect eng. but i realized when i entered that program that it wasnt for me n that shd have stuck with my math/physics. i ended up with some sloppy gpa, probably just above 3.0:mad: but now...
  39. 6

    Solve Physics 11 Problem: "Did Person Catch Bus?

    Homework help, please! Urgent This is the question from my physics 11 class, it has completely stumped me, i have done about have the question, i just get stuck when it comes to proving that the persone has or has not caught the bus. here it is: A personne walking at a speed of 1.7m/s...
  40. M

    How Far Will an Object Slide Due to Friction?

    Homework Statement There is an object that is 10kg. This objects initial speed is 10 m/s. The friction working against the object is .1---What is the distance to when the object stops moving? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution u(k)= f(k)/N...The N, i think, is 100...
  41. D

    Can a Michelson Interferometer Detect Gravitational Waves on a Small Scale?

    I am doing a project on GW Detection , pls tell me if there is anyway I can prove GW presence at project level (as in apparatus shouldn't be too buly or big as like LIGO or somehting ) ...I have built a Michelson Interferometer , but how do I prove there is a distortion in spacetime using...
  42. B

    Mastering Exponential Equations: Get Urgent Help Now!

    I totally need urgent help on these exponential equations. I am so confused write now. I know that the bases for each equation has to be the same and that is x is squared you have to factor or use the quadratic formula to find the solution. I also know that the general steps to solve these...
  43. P

    How Fast Must a Pencil Spin to Stay Upright?

    Homework Statement A pencil is set spinning in an upright position. How fast must the spin be for the pencil to remain in the upright position? Assume that the pencil is a uniform cylinder of length a and diameter b. Find the value of the spin in revolutions per second for a=20cm and b=1cm...
  44. P

    Can You Recommend a PC-Connectable DVM and Lab Power Supply with GPIB?

    I need an off the shelf DVM and Lab Power Supply that can be connected to a PC to firstly log the DVM output and secondly to Switch the PSU on and off dependent on the PSU terminal voltage/current. I could do an internet search, but I have to get the spec out ASAP and haven't started it yet...
  45. O

    Solve for r in Circular Motion Problem - Urgent Help Needed

    Urgent help needed, please! Circular motion Suppose the surface (radius = r) of the space station is rotating at 42.7 m/s. What must be the value of r for the astronauts to weigh one-half of their Earth weight? My soln: Let // represent square root V = // (GMe/r) I divided Me by 2...
  46. B

    Chemistry Help: Plant Nutrients and Environmental Impact

    1. 3. Homework Statement What would happen if a plant could not obtain enough of the following nutrients from the soil? a) Potassium b) Nitrogen c) Phosphorus 5. How can using fertilizers to improve crop yield impact on the evironment 6. Carry out some research to identify...
  47. V

    Solve Urgent: HELPP A/D Converters - Succesive Approx

    Urgent! HELPP! A/D converters - succesive approx. An input analog signal has a 4.78 V instantaneous magnitude, held by an S/H circuit, which is applied to a 6 bit succesive approximation ADC with range : 000000 output for 0 V input 111111 output for 12 V input Follow the succesive...
  48. K

    Guide to Visual Programming (GUI) in VB.NET - Urgent Help Needed

    Do anyone know a guide about visual programming (gui) in VisualBasic. Net? It is really urgent. Thanks in advance..
  49. K

    Urgent: Interfering Waves Homework: Find Speed in Regions A & B

    Homework Statement A plane wave generator with a freqenecy of 60.0Hz creates a water wave of wavelength 3.0cm in region A of a ripple tank. The angle between the wave crests and straight boundary between regions A and B is 25.0 degrees in region A and 14.0 degrees in region B. Find the speed...
  50. Q

    Charge to Mass Ratio of Pi-Particle: Calculate & Compare to Electron

    My last question that needs to be completed today.. Determine the charge to mass ratio of the (pi)- particle of He (3 nucleons) 2 electrons. The charge to mass ratio of the electron is 1.76 x 10^11 C/kg Equation: q/m = charge to mass ratio all sub atomic particles have a charge of +/-...