Studying for an intro course test and I have no one to compare it to right now.. any help would be appreciated.
Here is the question.
Q. Suppose X and Y are random variables such that p(X,Y)=1/3, Var(X) = 9 and Var(Y) = 1. Compute Var(X-2Y).
Since X and Y are not independent, we are...
I read an article in Kalman filtering. There is an example in introductory Mechanics. I just can not understand which formula for calculating the variance and covariance is used. The example is about a vehicle that is traveling straight on the road:
The postition is measured with an...
Hi everyone,
Anyone out here who knows how to use MATLAB to generate rate random walk, angle random walk and flicker noise and to c wat is the allan variance plot like. Need the code to implement allan variance plot in particular.
Thank you
I am looking for methods to calculate the error in a slope.
the caveat is that my values themselves are averages with a STDEV.
Calculating the variance with a TWIST!
Hello! I am trying to understand this problem! its just on my practice questions and Ihave the answer, I CAN NOT understand how to set it up! PLEASE someon ehelpo!
THis is it :)
A student wants to calculate the variance of a set of 10 scores. But he...
Homework Statement
X1 and X2 are independent random variables. They both have the same mean (mue). Their variances are s1^2 and s2^2 respectively, where s1^2 and s2^2 are known constants. It is proposed to estimate mue by an estimator T of the form T=c1X1 + c2X2.
Show that T will be...
I think I'll ask it this way. Here goes...
1 point = zero dimensions.
2 points = 1, which is line; 3 points, shape; 4 minimum to have volume.
Somewhere, or rather, when, time applies, most preferably at that case in which dimensionality, quite plainly, is. My question follows a...
Homework Statement
If there are 4 children in a family, find the probability of getting exactly 3 girls. Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation. Use two different methods(binomial distribution method and general probability distribution method).
Homework Equations
my girlfriend is taking a business statistics class and she had a test today. she got stumped on a question and wrote it down so she could ask me about it when she got back since I'm pretty good at math. I tried solving it but from what i can tell it seems like you would need to know the...
my girlfriend is taking a business statistics class and she had a test today. she got stumped on a question and wrote it down so she could ask me about it when she got back since I'm pretty good at math. I tried solving it but from what i can tell it seems like you would need to know...
I am working do determine an optimum threshold for wavelt transform image denoise. I have the following quesstion. considering a vector of a data d*:
d*= d + noise
where the noise is zero mean and with variance sigma ~(0,sigma) and the signal "d" has variance...
Homework Statement
The data below:
I(A): 6 12 18 24
F(R): 240 120 80 60
Rearrange the values of R so that a straight line graph will result.
Homework Equations
I have to find a proportional equation for I and F. Something like I = F
The Attempt at...
ok guys , i need an answer to this question , use both moment generating function and cummulative function to show that z=(x(bar)-\mu)/(\sigma/\sqrt{n}) if x(bar) is based on a random sample of size n from a normal(\mu,\sigma^2)
To All,
I did a study and my response is defined as y = b1x1 + b2x2 + e where e ~N(0,1).
I have y~N(4,33). In my data results, I did an ordinary least squares regression model
for y = b1x1+b2x2+ e. The ANOVA is telling me the mean of y is 4, but MSE is 1.
So here is my question. If I...
Ok I know that Var[X] = E[(X-E[X])^2]. But I just can't help but think that the variance should always be zero. I think it makes so much sense, but obviously the formula says otherwise... But look, my reasoning seems so perfect:
1) The variance is the expected difference from the mean...
The value of a real-world resistor ( ) changes with significant time as the resistor conducts a current.
Answer choices
Never Rarely Sometimes Usually Always
Explain why.
find the variance for f(x)= 1/4 for -2<x<2 & 0 elsewhere
The first thing I did was find the expected value, which was 1 (just integrated the original function from -2 to 2). Then I set up the next part as
\int (x-1)^2 (1/4) dx with the limits -2 to 2
So it became
1/4\int x^2-2x+1 dx...
Stats -- Geometric Variance Proof
I'm a student in South-East Indiana, enrolled in a AP Stats class.
Our teacher has asked us to prove the geometric variance equation (the first equation pictured) USING ALGEBRA ONLY.
I've gotten it all the way down to the 2nd equation and now I'm stuck...
Homework Statement
Howdy I got a datasheet in the SAS data system with 3 variables and 60 obs.
How do I most simply get SAS to calculate the variance?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
data cnn;
input vara varb snt@@;
Homework Statement
The sample mean and sample variance of five data values are, respectively, 104 and 4. If three of the data values are 102 100 and 105, what are the other two values?The attempt at a solution
My idea was to get two equations for the two unknowns, let's call them x and y. The...
Homework Statement
Say X has a density f(x) = 3x^(-4) if x > 1, and 0 otherwise. Now say X1,...,X16 are independent with density f. Let Y = (X1X2...X16)^(1/16). Find E(Y) and Var(Y).
Homework Equations
Var(Z) = E(Z^2) - [E(Z)]^2
E(Z) = Integral from -inf to +inf of z*f(z)dz
Let X, Y be independent exponential random variables with means 1 and 2 respectively.
Z = 1, if X < Y
Z = 0, otherwise
Find E(X|Z) and V(X|Z).
We should first find E(X|Z=z)
E(X|Z=z) = integral (from 0 to inf) of xf(x|z).
However, how do we find f(x|z) ?
If I have a set of indepenent and identically distributed random variables X1,...Xn, then Var(\sum_{i=1}^{n}X_i) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}Var(X_i).
Now I want to know what the sum of variances of Xi would be when n is a random variable?
I'm guessing the above statement still holds when n is a random...
[SOLVED] Properties of variance
Would the Var(aX + bY + c) just be the Var(aX+bY) since adding a single number to the function doesn't change the variance. I would then be able to use the property:
Var(aX+bY)= a^2Var(X)+b^2Var(Y)+2abCov(X,Y)
Just wondering if anyone can confirm my...
Given |Psi> = a|up>+b|down>, in principle it should not be so difficult but when I calculate
Delta S=Sqrt[<S^2_x,S^2_y, or S^2_z>-<S_x,S_y, or S_z>^2]
the second term gives the problem. Lots of many terms a*, a, b*, b which is not canceled involve.
Whoever knows the way to get rid of...
Hi All:
If given a set of 3D points data, it's very easy to calculate the covariance matrix and get the principle axises. And the eigenvalue will be the variance on the principle axis. I have a problem that if given a random direction, how do I calculate the variance of the data on the given...
Homework Statement
A machine produces metal rods used in an automobile suspension system. A random sample of 12 rods is selected and the diameter is measred.The sample mean is 8.28. and the significance level is 0.05. Is there strong evidence to indicate that mean rod diameter is not 8.20 mm...
[SOLVED] Help with variance sum + correlation coefficient formula
This is a worked example
The objective is to prove
-1 \leq \rho(X,Y) \leq 1
Then the book uses this formula...
(2) 0 \leq Var(\left \frac{X}{\sigma_x} + \frac{Y}{\sigma_y} \right)
(3) = \frac{Var(X)}{{\sigma_x}^2} +...
Homework Statement
Compute the variance of the random variable X given by
V(X) = \sqrt{E((X-E(X))^2)}
where E(X) is the expectation value of random variable X
Homework Equations
Hint: Use parameter differentiation
The Attempt at a Solution
I have no idea what to do here. I've never taken...
As it often said, the majority of the variation in the human genome is due to intra-group variation, not inter-group variation (I think .85 is the number due to intra-group variation). I know what this intuitively means, but can anyone explain to me what it rigorously means? (in statistical terms?)
the Cosmic Variance blog has changed format and eliminated a nice feature that used to keep discussion threads alive.
on the righthand margin of front page, it used to list which posts had recent comments and, in small font, WHO THE COMMENTERS WERE
so if some interesting people, such as Lee...
Homework Statement
I'm doing a course in applied mathematical statistics and am having problems with an assignment. I just wanted to check if there was somebody here who could help me with some variance analysis in MINITAB before I post my problem and work (I have to translate the assignment...
I'm trying to see how well my data fit a certain probability distribution (an exponential distribution) and I basically want to know how reliable is it to compare the the theoretical variance of the distribution and the variance of the data, to assess the goodness of fit of data to a...
Sad disconnect at Cosmic Variance blog---how not to discuss
Cosmic Variance blog is known for lively discussion but I just noticed a sad disconnect where the key point Lee Smolin was making just slipped by in a "yes it is---no it isn't" kind of way without any reasoned counterargument.
It is...
Hi all:
If I have a dataset V of the size n*1. Assume that the mean of the dataset is 0 and var(V)=x is its variance. If I want to modify this dataset so that the variance of the new dataset will be var(V_hat)=y. The errors are spreaded average on each element in the dataset. What I did is...
1. 'Find an expression in terms of x for the variance of: 9,4,x,3'
Give your answer in the form of ax^2 + bx + c
I would usually give you some information of how I could possibly tackle this question but unfortunately I have no idea. Could someone shed some light? Thanks
if a random variable X has variance sigma, does it mean that the average variance of X will be sigma, or will X always have variance sigma.
So if I did 10 simulations of the random variable X, is it plausiable that the variances differ widely, but the average of the variances converge to the...
I'm having a problem with my answer for a question involving finding the mean and variance of a function. I'll state the question and list the steps I did so maybe you guys can see where I went wrong.
The question is:
Given Y = |tan(X)| and X is uniformly distributed on (-pi/2, pi/2) Find
Hopefully someone will be able to help me.
I am trying to derive the formula for variance of variance for a sample. This would be similar to variance of a sample mean which is sigma/sqrt(N).
I know the variance of sample variance is sigma^2 * sqrt (2) / N, but I can't prove it...
an urn contains 4 red balls and 4 white balls
an experiment consists of selecting at random a sample of 4 balls and
recording the number of red balls in the sample
setup the probability distribution and compute its mean and variance
i know what a probablity distribution is. can someone please...
Hey all, I am currently working on the statistics part of my Master thesis and I am conducting an ANOVA test to compare mean variances between three samples. Four out of the 15 compared variables do not satisfy Levene's test for equality of variance.:cry:
I know that ANOVA is relatively...
Does anyone know how to calculate the variance of the variance estimator of normal distribution?
x_i, i\in\{1,2,...,n\} are n samples of normal distribtuion N(\mu, \sigma^2).
And S^2 = \frac{n}{n-1} \sum_i (x_i - \bar x)^2 is the variance estimator, where
\bar x = \frac{1}{n} \sum_i x_i...
the discrete prob distribution
X/Y - G - D
0 - 0,1 - 0,15
1 - 0,1 - 0,3
2 - 0,05 - 0,3
this is what i have so far:
i.e. [X]=0,2*0,25 + 0,9*0,75=0,725
is the previous...
OK, I am having no problem with the concepts here but just with a particular problem. I have analyzed this problem to bits and nothing is working. Here is what we have:
The bending capabilities of plastic sheets are investigated by bending sheets at increasingly large angles until a deformity...