Homework Statement
Let γs : I → Rn, s ∈ (−δ, δ), > 0, be a variation with compact support K ⊂ I' of a regular curve γ = γ0. Show that there exists some 0 < δ ≤ ε such that γs is a regular curve for all s ∈ (−δ, δ). Thus, we may assume w.l.o.g. that any variation of a regular curve consists of...
Is it possible to tell with certainty whether μ and ε for vacuum change over time within a very long period of time?
I know that we are measuring a space expansion, and we can tell that not objects are moving away from each other, but the space itself expands.
However, this seems to be similar...
Homework Statement
P(average) for a speaker is 10 W. Gamma is 1.4 (ratio of specific heats), molar mass is 28.8 g/mol, air temperature is 50F, and pressure is 1atm. Find Pmax at 100
I have this equation that gives Intensity = (Pmax^2)/(2*Rho*v) where rho is density, and v is speed of sound...
Homework Statement
"By choosing the lower limit of integration in Eq. (28) in the text as the initial point ##t_0##, show that ##Y(t)## becomes
Show that ##Y(t)## is a solution of the initial value...
In lagrangian variation we are trying to minimize the action
S = ∫t2t1 L dt.
Consider a simple case of free particle.
Imagine In a world that everyone one only knows how to solve ODE, Using euler lagrange equation, one has
d2x/dt2 = 0 , give that we know the initial position of particle in the...
I have to find functions that maximise certain criterea. The problem can however not be put "under a single integral", for example I've to find ##f(t)##, ##g(t)## that maximise:
\int_0^{t_e}f(t)^2dt\int_0^{t_e}g(t)^2dt - (\int_0^{t_e}f(t)g(t)dt)^2
With ## -1 \leq f(t)\leq1## and ## -1...
Homework Statement
Please see attached.
I am trying to show the second equality , expressing all as a total derivative (I can then show that ##\delta S = ##)
Homework Equations
See above
The Attempt at a Solution
So the ## m ## term is pretty obvious, simply using the chain rule.
At the moment I'm working with the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwinger's_quantum_action_principle']quantum[/PLAIN] action principle of J. Schwinger. For this I read several paper and books (like: Quantum kinematics and dynamics by J. Schwinger, Schwinger's Quantum action principle by K.A...
Homework Statement
I am not sure whether the meaning of the equation ##(3)## which used for deriving momentum is as same as equation ##(4)##.I will make a detailed description below.
The lagrangian function for a free particle is ##L=-mc^2\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}} \quad (1)##
The action from...
Here the particle is performing circular motion due to the rotation of the earth. And for the circular motion it requires centripetal force then which force provides the necessary centripetal force. I think it is mgcos(lamda). Am i right?
Homework Statement
In the notes , I don't understand why the shear stress is maximum at the edge ( circle part) .
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
I think it's wrong . Refer to another diagram attached , i found that the shear stress varies parabolically across the vertical length...
Homework Statement
I am trying to solve this differential equation. I know you would use the variation of parameters method, and I am trouble with the wronskian. My solution manual doesn't actually use a wronskian so I can't verify my work
Homework EquationsThe...
Hi folks,
I am a bit confused with the extreme condition used in the calculus of variations:
δ = 0
I don't understand this rule to find extreme solutions (maximum or minimum)
If in normal differential calculus we have a function y = y(x) and represent it graphically, you see that at the...
Homework Statement
Use the method of variation of parameters to find a particular solution
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Can some find my mistake? The answer is just suplosed to be - 2/3te^-t[/B]
What is the pressure experienced by any point at different locations inside a rotating tube filled with water?
The axis of rotation is through the center of the tube.
Consider two atoms of platinum, A and B, in a sample of platinum. Atom A lives deep within the sample, and atom B lives at the tip of a sharp protuberance at the surface. My understanding is that electrons in the sample will accumulate within a surface defect such as the tip of a sharp needle...
I'm working through the discussion of calculus of variations in Taylor's Classical Mechanics today. There's a step where partial differentiation is involved that I don't understand.
$$S(\alpha)=\int_{x_1}^{x_2} f(y+\alpha\eta, y'+\alpha\eta', x)\,dx$$
The goal is to determine ##y(x)##...
see page 493
he said that first variation of I is
δI = dI/dε * dε
but this pdf said (see page 309) that first variation of I is
δI = dI/dε * ε
(y and I commute, α and ε...
Hello, I have a question.
There is a classic problem in which a student who is at constant speed approach a bus which has begun to accelerate and is at a certain distance from the student; You need to figure out when it reaches the bus. The problem is easy to solve, if Xo is the distance...
The field strength of gravitational, electric and magnetic fields vary as the inverse square of the distance from the source.
Is this because all of the above fields are generated by fermions and they behave identically regardless of the nature of the fields ?
Do the above fermions have rest...
hi, When I read variation of metric, I bumped into a unfamiliar formulation for me. You can see the formula in my attachment. I can not understand where this comes from. Could you provide me with the proof of that formula?
By the way, you can go to this link to look at from which the...
Homework Statement
It is shown in Carrol, an Introduction to GR that the variatiom of Christoffel symbols are :
But i have no idea how to derive that, any...
the volume of a sphere: V=(4/3)pi*r3
To me it looks like it is direct variation with a power function (V/r3=(4/3)*pi)but i don't think that's what they're looking for
Today I heard the claim that its wrong to use Stokes(more specificly divergence/Gauss) theorem when trying to get the Einstein equations from the Einstein-Hilbert action and the correct way is using the non-Abelian stokes theorem. I can't give any reference because it was in a talk. It was the...
Homework Statement
So I'm deriving Lagrange's equations using Hamilton's principle which states that the motion of a dynamical system follows the path, consistent with any constraints, that minimise the time integral over the lagrangian L = T-U, where T is the kinetic energy and U is the...
I'm wondering if there's a general dependency/connection/correlation/function for changes in distance between an electromagnet (coil with iron core) and a magnet (Samarium Cobalt). Here's a picture to explain what I mean:
If I move the coil closer to the magnet (smaller x) the force...
Kreyszig Advanced Engineering Mathematics shows the variation of parameter method for a system of first order ODE: \underline{y}' = \underline{A}(x)\underline{y} + \underline{g}(x) The particular solution is: \underline{y}_p = \underline{Y}(x)\underline{u}(x) where \underline{Y}(x) is the...
I recently did an experiment whereby we investigated the velocity distribution of air expelled from a round nozzle whose diameter, D, was 30mm.
We have been asked to calculate the volume flow rate at distances of 2D, 6D and 10D along the centreline. We found the flow rates to INCREASE...
My question will be quite naive for experts and reflects the fact that I'm new to the subject of varying the fine structure constant alpha and mainly need an introductory reference ... so if someone has a good one to advice ...thanks a lot
i just don't understand the basics: how people...
Is it really possible for a system to decrease its velocity with no forces acting on it, just because the mass in it is "varying"?
Consider for example a freight car and a hooper from which sand is released into the car. The freight car will decrease its initial velocity if there is no force...
Homework Statement
For a given function ##g:[a,b]→ℝ, 0 < a < b##, compute its total variation
(g) where ##g(x) = \sin(x), x\in[a,b].##
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
I know that between odd multiples of ##\frac{\pi}{2}##, ##\sin(x)## is monotone, so...
Hi Friends,
I am trying to find variation in capacitance between two plates with applied body load. I defined an air box around the plates. Now I'm trying with electromechanics physics for applying body load and finding capacitance. I defined the two plates as linear elastic material. Applied...
I've been working through Cornelius Lanczos book "The Variational Principles of Mechanics" and there's something I'm having difficulty understanding on page 168 of the Dover edition (which is attached). After introducing the Legendre transformation and transforming the Lagrangian equations...
Homework Statement
Counting problems are a very tough subject to me, so if someone could give me tips, examples explaining what's really happening, that would be great.
Homework Equations
I know what permutations, variations, combinations, ... are. The problems involving only one of those...
Homework Statement
Consider the functional ##S(a,b) = \int_0^∞ r(1-b)a' \, dr ## of two functions ##a(r)## and ##b(r)## (with ##a' = \frac{da}{dr}##). Find the ##a(r)## and ##b(r)## that extremize ##S##, with boundary conditions ##a(∞) = b(∞) = 1##.
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution...
I am very much interested to how frequency of sound varies in water. Also, how the frequency varies with temperature and depth? What are the different formulas related to this? Secondly, how can we determine the best frequency of operation? I would be very thankful if anyone could answer...
I have tried to discover if the local time as well as the local space is varied by the passage of a gravitational wave. I have seen animations and discussion of the effects of gravitational wave on space and test particles but can't find a reference to the changes in the time component of...
I have some trobles while studying the lagrange mechanics chapter of Marion's Classical Mechanics.
There are some variation techniques in that book, but I only studied calculus and elementary linear algebra in my freshman year. I can't understand how partial derivation and delta notation...
Hi, I've been given a list of heights and corresponding densities of air at these heights. I'm trying to find an expression for the variation of density with height. From the data, it looks like the density would be equal to some kind of logarithmic relationship? However, I'm not too sure how to...
i was trying to get a particular solution of a 3rd order ODE using the variation of parameters method
the homogeneous solution is yh = c1 e-x + c2 ex + c3 e2x
the particular solution is yp=y1u1+y2u2+y3u3
as u1=∫ (w1 g(x) /w) dx , u2=∫ (w2 g(x) /w) dx , u3=∫ (w3 g(x) /w) dx
w =...
Homework Statement
A chain of length L and uniform mass per unit length ρ is suspended in a uniform gravitational field. The potential energy U[y] and length l[y] functionals of the chain can be written in terms of y(x) as follows:
U[y] = ρg*Int(y(1+y'^2)^1/2 dx) l[y] = Int((1+y'^2)^1/2)...
Homework Statement
Let f is differentiable function on [0,1] and f^{'}(0)=1,f^{'}(1)=0. Prove that \exists c\in(0,1) : f^{'}(c)=f(c).
Homework Equations
-Mean Value Theorem
The Attempt at a Solution
The given statement is not true. Counter-example is f(x)=\frac{2}{\pi}\sin\frac{\pi}{2}x+10...
Homework Statement
Why is potential energy variation between two points equals to the work of the opposite of conservative forces between these two points?
Homework Equations
If we call these forces $$\vec F_ext^C$$
\Delta E_p=E_p(B)-E_p(A)=-\sum W_{A\rightarrow B}(\vec...
Homework Statement
hello! so i am trying to figure out how to calculate the resultant velocities and directions(angles/vectors) that two perfectly elastic spheres might travel in if they were to be hit simultaneously by a third sphere at an angle. all the spheres are of equal mass, initial...
In the context of QFT, I do not understand the statement:
##\frac{\delta \phi(x)}{\delta \phi(y)}=\delta (x-y)##
I understand the proof which arises from the definition of the functional derivative but I do not get its meaning. From what I see is generalizes ##\frac{\partial...
In the chapter 9-5 "The Linear Variation Method" p. 363 from the book: Basic Principles and Techniques of Molecular Quantum Mechanics by Ralph Christoffersen, the first thing he does is to minimize the energy, E = c†Hc/c†Sc, by requiring its derivative with respect to the...
I do not understand how to compute the infinitesimal variation of the field at fixed coordinates; under lorentz transformation . I am doing something wrong regarding the transformation of the ##x## coordinate.
I am looking for: ##\Delta_a=\phi_a'(x)-\phi_a(x)##, variation appearing in...