What is Vector potential: Definition and 183 Discussions

In vector calculus, a vector potential is a vector field whose curl is a given vector field. This is analogous to a scalar potential, which is a scalar field whose gradient is a given vector field.
Formally, given a vector field v, a vector potential is a vector field A such that






{\displaystyle \mathbf {v} =\nabla \times \mathbf {A} .}

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  1. B

    Magnetic Vector Potential Drawing

    Why is it that I can't find a drawing on the internet of what the magnetic vector potential looks like around a current carrying wire?
  2. Peeter

    Electrodynamic vector potential wave equations in free space.

    In David Bohm's "Quantum Theory" (an intro topic building up to the Rayleigh-Jeans law), he states: "We now show that in empty space the choice div a = 0 also leads to \phi = 0 ... But since div a = 0, we obtain \nabla^2\phi = 0 This is, however, simply Laplace's equation. It is...
  3. S

    E/M Vector Potential of finite Wire

    Homework Statement Consider a finite wire which lies on the z-axis and extends from the point z=-Λ to the point z=+Λ. The vector potential in the xy plane a distance s from the wire is: Λ->∞ A=(µₒI/2π) ln (2Λ/s) k̂ An equally good vector potential is given by A'=A+∆λ, where λ is any...
  4. L

    How Does the Magnetic Vector Potential Change with Infinite Wire Length?

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  5. L

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  6. J

    Integral formula for vector potential

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_potential The Wikipedia article is mentioning an interesting formula for defining vector potentials. Isn't that the same thing as a formula \nabla\times\int d^3y\;(V(y)\times\nabla)\frac{1}{\|x-y\|} = -4\pi V(x), where V:\mathbb{R}^3\to\mathbb{R}^3 is...
  7. G

    Vector Potential: Finding the Vector Potential of a Long Wire

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  8. L

    Prove that 4 vector potential is really a 4 vector?

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  9. N

    FInd a simple expression for the vector potential which will yield this field

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  10. N

    Deriving Jeans' Result from Magnetic Vector Potential

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  11. E

    Compute Vector Potentials for Two-Dimensional Fields | Homework Question

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  12. E

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  13. P

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  14. S

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  15. P

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  16. W

    Mechanics, charge in vector potential

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  17. C

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  18. C

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  19. S

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  20. S

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  21. K

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  22. K

    Why Does Vector Potential Align with Current in Infinite Distributions?

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  23. K

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  24. siddharth

    Magnetic vector potential of infinite wire

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  25. pinestone

    How would one measure magnetic vector potential?

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  26. P

    Vector Potential: How to Find it?

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  27. T

    Understanding the Vector Potential for a Given Function

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  28. H

    Finding Vector Potential of Infinite Solenoid

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  29. Reshma

    Vector Potential: Analyzing the Lines of Force & B Direction

    The vector potential (A) in a certain region is given by A = xj-yi where i and j are unit vectors. How will the lines of force look like? What is the direction of magnetic induction B in the given region of space?
  30. S

    Vector Potential of Magnetic Field: Why Set Divergence to 0?

    vector potential of magnetic field Hi everyone. I have a question about the vector potential of magnetic field, A: we just set the divergance(A)=0 inorder to define the potential. I just wanted to know why we are allowed to do this. Thanks a lot. Somy :smile:
  31. S

    Can the B field be obtained from the magnetic potential using matrix inversion?

    How do you get the B field from the magnetic potential? I tried converting the curl into matrix format, but the corresponding matrix can't be inverted.
  32. S

    Vector Potential in Schrodinger eqn

    How do you get the B field from the magnetic potential? I tried converting the curl into matrix format, but the corresponding matrix can't be inverted.
  33. G

    Vector Potential Between Parallel Wires: Calculating & Differences

    Hi All, I've just looked at an example for calculating the vector potential for a point in the vicinity of a long straight wire. I've now got to calculate the vector potential for a point between 2 parallel straight wires carrying currents in opposite directions. How does the vector...