Vector spaces Definition and 284 Threads

A vector space (also called a linear space) is a set of objects called vectors, which may be added together and multiplied ("scaled") by numbers, called scalars. Scalars are often taken to be real numbers, but there are also vector spaces with scalar multiplication by complex numbers, rational numbers, or generally any field. The operations of vector addition and scalar multiplication must satisfy certain requirements, called vector axioms (listed below in § Definition). To specify that the scalars are real or complex numbers, the terms real vector space and complex vector space are often used.
Certain sets of Euclidean vectors are common examples of a vector space. They represent physical quantities such as forces, where any two forces (of the same type) can be added to yield a third, and the multiplication of a force vector by a real multiplier is another force vector. In the same way (but in a more geometric sense), vectors representing displacements in the plane or three-dimensional space also form vector spaces. Vectors in vector spaces do not necessarily have to be arrow-like objects as they appear in the mentioned examples: vectors are regarded as abstract mathematical objects with particular properties, which in some cases can be visualized as arrows.
Vector spaces are the subject of linear algebra and are well characterized by their dimension, which, roughly speaking, specifies the number of independent directions in the space. Infinite-dimensional vector spaces arise naturally in mathematical analysis as function spaces, whose vectors are functions. These vector spaces are generally endowed with some additional structure such as a topology, which allows the consideration of issues of proximity and continuity. Among these topologies, those that are defined by a norm or inner product are more commonly used (being equipped with a notion of distance between two vectors). This is particularly the case of Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces, which are fundamental in mathematical analysis.
Historically, the first ideas leading to vector spaces can be traced back as far as the 17th century's analytic geometry, matrices, systems of linear equations and Euclidean vectors. The modern, more abstract treatment, first formulated by Giuseppe Peano in 1888, encompasses more general objects than Euclidean space, but much of the theory can be seen as an extension of classical geometric ideas like lines, planes and their higher-dimensional analogs.
Today, vector spaces are applied throughout mathematics, science and engineering. They are the appropriate linear-algebraic notion to deal with systems of linear equations. They offer a framework for Fourier expansion, which is employed in image compression routines, and they provide an environment that can be used for solution techniques for partial differential equations. Furthermore, vector spaces furnish an abstract, coordinate-free way of dealing with geometrical and physical objects such as tensors. This in turn allows the examination of local properties of manifolds by linearization techniques. Vector spaces may be generalized in several ways, leading to more advanced notions in geometry and abstract algebra.
This article deals mainly with finite-dimensional vector spaces. However, many of the principles are also valid for infinite-dimensional vector spaces.

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  1. E

    Dropping a rule in vector spaces

    What happen if i drop the "V is a vector spaces. If k,l \in \mathbb{F}, u \in V, (k+l)u=ku + lu" rule in vector spaces?
  2. P

    Proving Vector Spaces to Solving Homework Problems

    Homework Statement Hi, I am really having trouble with questions regarding proving whether a given set is a vector space or not. So one of the questions is [ x ε R2|x12=x23 ] So I have to prove whether the following set is a vector space Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  3. A

    Infinite dimensional vector spaces without basis?

    According to my professor, there exist infinite dimensional vector spaces without a basis, and he asked us to find one. But isn't this impossible? The definition of a dimension is the number of elements in the basis of the vector space. So if the space is infinite-dimensional, then the basis...
  4. N

    Vector Spaces and Correspondence

    Homework Statement This question came out of a section on Correspondence and Isomorphism Theorems Let V be a vector space and U \neq V, \left\{ \vec{0} \right\} be a subspace of V. Assume T \in L(V,V) satisfies the following: a) T(\vec{u} ) = \vec{u} for all \vec{u} \in U b) T(\vec{v} + U) =...
  5. M

    Understanding Vector Spaces: Properties and Applications

    Hello, I am wondering why is it that matrices and infinite sequences may be considered part of a vector space. I have read 3 different sources, and my interpretation of a vector space is something that belongs in a field and follows a list of properties that are standard to real numbers, i.e...
  6. G

    Convergent sequences in Cartesian product of vector spaces

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  7. N

    Isomorphic Vector Spaces Proof

    Homework Statement Let V be a vector space over the field F and consider F to be a vector space over F in dimension one. Let f \in L(V,F), f \neq \vec{0}_{V\rightarrow F}. Prove that V/Ker(f) is isomorphic to F as a vector space. Homework Equations L(V,F) is the set of all linear maps...
  8. O

    Proving the Existence of Direct Sums in Linear Algebra

    In 'Linear Algebra Done Right' by Sheldon Axler, a direct sum is defined the following way, We say that V is the direct sum of subspaces U_1, \dotsc ,U_m written V = U_1 \oplus \dotsc \oplus U_m, if each element of V can be written uniquely as a sum u_1 + \dotsc + u_m, where each u_j \in U_j...
  9. G

    Understanding Vector Spaces in Real Analysis

    Hi, I have this problem that is solved, but I don't understand the theory behind it. It says: Which of the following sets, with the natural definitions of addition and scalar multiplication, form real vector spaces? A) The set of all differentiable functions f:(0,1)\rightarrow\Re such that...
  10. M

    Flawed Vector Space Example: Showing Failures of Commutativity and Associativity

    Homework Statement let S={(a_1,a_2):a_1,a_2 \in \mathbb{R}} For (a_1,a_2),(b_1,b_2)\in{S} and c\in\mathbb{R} define (a_1,a_2)+(b_1,b_2)=(a_1+b_1,a_2-b_2) and c(a_1,a_2)=(ca_1,ca_2). show that this is not a vector space Homework Equations vector space axioms The Attempt at a...
  11. matqkks

    MHB Introducing General Vector Spaces: Engaging Examples and Real-Life Applications

    Students familiar with Euclidean space find the introduction of general vectors spaces pretty boring and abstract particularly when describing vector spaces such as set of polynomials or set of continuous functions. Is there a tangible way to introduce this? Are there examples which will have a...
  12. matqkks

    What are some real-life applications of general vector spaces?

    Students familiar with Euclidean space find the introduction of general vectors spaces pretty boring and abstract particularly when describing vector spaces such as set of polynomials or set of continuous functions. Is there a tangible way to introduce this? Are there examples which will have a...
  13. K

    Lagrangian subspaces of symplectic vector spaces

    Homework Statement If (V,\omega) is a symplectic vector space and Y is a linear subspace with \dim Y = \frac12 \dim V show that Y is Lagrangian; that is, show that Y = Y^\omega where Y^\omega is the symplectic complement. The Attempt at a Solution This is driving me crazy since I...
  14. V

    Matrix Vector Spaces: Invertible Basis?

    Homework Statement Does the vector space of all square matrices have a basis of invertible matrices? Homework Equations No relevant equations. The Attempt at a Solution I know that the 2x2 case has an invertible basis, but I don't know how to generalize it for the vector space...
  15. R

    Exploring Vector Spaces and Dimensions: A Homework Challenge

    Homework Statement Homework Equations From my notes I'm aware of the following equation: dim(A + B) = dimA + dimB − dim(A ∩ B).The Attempt at a Solution I'm assuming part of the solution involves the equation above and rearranging it but I'm not sure how I would determine dim(A + B). I also...
  16. M

    Concerning Subspaces of Infinite Dimensional Vector Spaces

    I have a question concerning subspaces of infinite dimensional vector spaces. Specifically given any infinite dimensional vector space V, how might one construct an infinite decreasing chain of subspaces? That is: V=V0\supseteqV1\supseteq... , where each Vi is properly contained in Vi-1...
  17. J

    Question on subspaces and spans of vector spaces

    Hi, I have read my notes and understand the theory, but I am having trouble understanding the following questions which are already solved (I am giving the answers as well). The first question says: Let U_{1} and U_{2} be subspaces of a vector space V. Give an example (say in V=\Re^{2}) to...
  18. B

    Proving V is a Real Vector Space Given V is a Complex Vector Space

    Homework Statement Hello, I'm having a little difficulty with this proof. Prove: If V is a complex vector space, then V is also a real vector space. Homework Equations Definition 1: A vector space V is called a real vector space if the scalars are real numbers. Definition 2: A vector...
  19. J

    Proof of one of the properties of Real Coordinate Vector Spaces

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  20. M

    Proving vector spaces where (a1a2 < equal to 0)

    Homework Statement For the vector set<a1,a2>, where (a1a2 < equal to 0) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm not sure why this set is close under scalar multiplication and not in vector addition. Some hints would be nice :D
  21. M

    Cosets and Vector Spaces Question

    In studying vector spaces, I came across the coset of a vector space. We have an equivalence relation defined as u = v \rightarrow u-v \in W where W is a subspace of V. the equivalence class that u belongs to is u + W. I can see why u must belong to this equivalence class ( the...
  22. Y

    MHB Answer Sub Vector Spaces: U, W & V - Correct Answers

    Hello, I am struggling with this question... U is a set of all matrices of order 3X3, in which there is at least one row of 0's. W is the set of matrices: a b c b+c-3a where a,b,c are real numbers. V is the set of vectors: (x,y,z,w), for which 5(y-1)=z-5 which two of these statements...
  23. J

    Algebraic Extensions, vector spaces

    Suppose that F/K is an algebraic extension, S is a subset of F with S/K a vector space and s^n \in S for all s in S. I want to show that if char(K) isn't 2, then S is a subfield of F. Since F/K is algebraic, we know that \text{span} \lbrace 1,s,s^2,...\rbrace is a field for any s in S...
  24. W

    Complexes C and C^n as Vector Spaces.

    Hi, Everyone: Just curious about two things: 1) if we are given the complexes as a vector space V over R , so that z1,..,zn are a basis, I heard there is a "natural way" of turning this into a vector space of R^{2*n} over R; IIRC , is this how it is done: {...
  25. W

    Simple question about vector spaces and bases in QM

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  26. C

    Determining if certain sets are vector spaces

    Homework Statement The set of all pairs of real numbers of the form (1,x) with the operations: (1,x)+(1,y)=(1,x+y) and k(1,x)=(1,kx) k being a scalar Is this a vector space?Homework Equations (1,x)+(1,y)=(1,x+y) and k(1,x)=(1,kx)The Attempt at a Solution I verified most of the axioms...
  27. A

    Bases of linearly isomorphic vector spaces

    Finite-dimensional V and W are linearly isomorphic vector spaces over a field. Prove that if \{v_{1},...,v_{n}\} is a basis for V, \{T(v_{1}),...,T(v_{n})\} is a basis for W. My attempt at a proof: Let T:V\rightarrow W be an isomorphism and \{v_{1},...,v_{n}\} be a basis for V. Since T is an...
  28. Z

    Are There Unnormed Vector Spaces?

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  29. M

    Linear Algebra: Vector Spaces; Dependent/Independent

    Decide if the indicated set of functions are independent or dependent, and prove your answer. \left\{cos^2(x),sin^2(x),sin(2x)\right\} This linear algebra course is killing me. It's much more abstract than I thought it would be. I realize this problem isn't exactly that, but I am so...
  30. G

    Are these vector spaces isomorphs?

    Let K1={a + (2^0.5)*b} | a,b rational numbers}, and K2={a + (3^0.5)*b} | a,b rational numbers} be two fields with the common multiplication and addition. Isomorphs are the following vector spaces : (Q^n ., +; K1) and (Q^n ., +; K2) ?
  31. E

    Trouble understanding spans of vector spaces

    Hey guys So the problem I'm having here is spans! I know that a basis of a vector space is a linearly independent spanning set So the linearly independent part is pretty easy...looking at whether or not vectors are linear combinations of the others (right? Or do I have to look at it by...
  32. H

    Is this a typo?Proving Non-Commutativity in Vector Spaces

    Homework Statement Homework Equations addition / multiplication -- showing that the vectors (in this case) aren't closed under addition and scalar multiplication. . . The Attempt at a Solution I really get stuck with proofs: how to begin / where to go / etc. I know that I am...
  33. S

    Is V a Vector Space with These Operations?

    Homework Statement V is the set of functions R -> R; pointwise addition and (a.f)(x) = f(ax) for all x. is V a vector space given the operations?Homework Equations nil. The Attempt at a Solution i think it is not closed under multiplication. if r is an element of R, then r*a(x) . r*f(x)...
  34. M

    Properties of Hermitian operators in complex vector spaces

    Homework Statement Given a Hermitian operator A = \sum \left|a\right\rangle a \left\langle a\right| and B any operator (in general, not Hermitian) such that \left[A,B\right] = \lambdaB show that B\left|a\right\rangle = const. \left|a\right\rangle Homework Equations Basically those...
  35. D

    Is This Set of Triples of Real Numbers a Vector Space?

    Homework Statement Show whether the set is a vector space: The set of all triples of real numbers (x, y, z) with the operations: (x, y, z) + (x', y', z') = (x + x', y + y', z + z') and k(x, y, z) = (kx, y, z) Homework Equations (10 vector space axioms) The Attempt at a Solution...
  36. A

    Vector Spaces & Subspaces: Proving Addition Closure

    Homework Statement [PLAIN] Homework Equations ?? The Attempt at a Solution i don't even know how to start. lol.
  37. M

    Vector Spaces: Cartesian vs Tensor products

    Hi, I have a problem understanding the difference between Cartesian product of vector spaces and tensor product. Let V1 and V2 be vector spaces. V1 x V2 is Cartesian product and V1 xc V2 is tensor product (xc for x circled). How many dimensions are in V1 x V2 vs V1 xc V2? Thanks, Monte
  38. T

    Can't get my head into vector spaces and subspaces

    Hi, I'm new to linear algebra. I'm pretty good at doing exercises with matrices and stuff but even though I've been looking in different books, looking all over the internet I can't get into vector spaces and subspaces. It seems like the books have some very elementary and simple examples and...
  39. K

    Vector spaces as quotients of free modules

    Homework Statement Let R be a commutative ring, and let F = R^{\oplus B} be a free R-module over R. Let m be a maximal ideal of R and take k = R/m to be the quotient field. Show that F/mF \cong k^{\oplus B} as k-vector spaces. The Attempt at a Solution If we remove the F and k...
  40. matqkks

    Exploring Abstract Vector Spaces: Applications and Intuitive Examples

    I first introduce the vector along the lines 'something with magnitude and direction'. Later on the definition of a vector becomes generic - 'an element of a vector space'. Euclidean spaces (n=2 and n=3) are something we can all visualize. However when describing other vector spaces such as...
  41. M

    Vector Spaces of Infinite Dimension

    I was hoping you guys could help me in understanding some vector spaces of infinite dimension. My professor briefloy touched n them (class on linear algebra), but moved on rather quickly since they are not our primary focus. He gave me the example of the closed unit interval where f(x) is...
  42. D

    Vector addition - Vector Spaces

    Homework Statement Show if V is a vector space ([a,b,c]|ab>=0). I'm trying to test whether it is closed under vector addition. Homework Equations v=[a1,b1,c1] w=[a2,b2,c2], v and w satisfy ab>=0 a1b1>=0, a2b2>=0 show (a1+a2)(b1+b2)>=0 The Attempt at a Solution Got to a1b1...
  43. M

    Basis of vector spaces over fields

    If you find the exact same basis for two vector spaces, then is it true that the vector spaces are equal to each other?
  44. S

    Understanding Vector Spaces: ||x||_inf and max |x_i| in R^n

    Homework Statement Does ||x||_inf = max | x_i | for 1 <= i <= n define a norm on R^(n) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution ok, I thought I understood vector spaces but this problem is confusing the heck out of me. A norm is a function that assigns a positive and finite length to...
  45. H

    Proving Subspaces of Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces

    1) How to show that if W is a subspace of a finite-dimensional vector space V, then W is finite-dimensional and dim W<= dimV. 2) How to show that if a subspace of a finite-dimensional vector space V and dim W = dimV, then W = V. 3) How to prove that the subspace of R^3 are{0}, R^3 itself...
  46. H

    Proving Vector Space Properties for a Set of Scalar Multiples of [1,3,2] in R3

    Homework Statement Prove that the set of all scalar multiples of the vector [1,3,2] in R3 forms a vector space with th usual operations on 3-vectors.Homework Equations I am struggling to get anywhere on with this on paper. I know intuitively it and since its an intro course its a elementary...
  47. P

    Understanding Change of Basis in Vector Spaces

    hi.. can anyone say what is the concept behind change of basis.. y do we change a vector of one basis to another?
  48. T

    Question regarding vector spaces and axioms

    Homework Statement I have quite a few problems that I believe I answered correctly, but here is one of them: 1. Rather than use the standard definitions of addition and scalar multiplication in R3, suppose these two operations are defined as follows: (x1, y1, z1) + (x2, y2, z2) = (x1+ x2...
  49. 0

    Is {(x,y): x>/0; y>/0} a Vector Space in R^2?

    Homework Statement Just started learning vector spaces... not as fun as matrices. Anyway, I have a problem here, and I just want to make sure I'm understanding it correctly. It states: "The set {(x,y): x>/0; y>/0} with the standard operations in R^2." It asks me to prove whether or not it's a...
  50. S

    Derivative of a Multivariable Function from Definition in Vector Spaces

    Homework Statement determine the derivative of f(x,y,z)=(x^2-2xy+z,y^2+z^2) directly from the definition where f:R^3------->R^2 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution