Vibrating Definition and 148 Threads

Oscillation is the repetitive variation, typically in time, of some measure about a central value (often a point of equilibrium) or between two or more different states. The term vibration is precisely used to describe mechanical oscillation. Familiar examples of oscillation include a swinging pendulum and alternating current.
Oscillations occur not only in mechanical systems but also in dynamic systems in virtually every area of science: for example the beating of the human heart (for circulation), business cycles in economics, predator–prey population cycles in ecology, geothermal geysers in geology, vibration of strings in guitar and other string instruments, periodic firing of nerve cells in the brain, and the periodic swelling of Cepheid variable stars in astronomy.

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  1. U

    What happens to matter that isn't vibrating?

    if matter is energy at a slow vibration, what happens with no vibration? would matter not vibrating be super dense? can vibration replace dark matter in equations?
  2. F

    Planar vibrating airfoilcould this idea work?

    I have a concept for an airfoil that might be capable of providing vertical take-off and hovering (as well as forward or backward flight), but I need feedback to see if this would be feasible from an engineering / aeronautical standpoint. Bernoulli's Principle is classically demonstrated by...
  3. S

    Tension in a vibrating string at a given frequency

    Homework Statement A 4.0g string of 0.67m length is vibrating at 300Hz in the third harmonic. The speed of sound in the air is 344 m/s. What is the tension in the string in SI units. A) 110 B) 88 C) 69 D) 130 E) 150 Homework Equations //frequency is equal to velocity over wavelength f =...
  4. M

    What is the relationship between mass and displacement in a vibrating string?

    Homework Statement hi I am reading Guenther & Lee, "partial differential equations of mathematical physics and integral equations" on the first chapter second section i think, on "Small vibrations of an elastic string" they give this argument: 1. consider a string of x length L, the string is...
  5. S

    Measuring Mass of DNA Using a Vibrating Cantilever

    Homework Statement It has recently become possible to "weigh" DNA molecules by measuring the influence of their mass on a nano-oscillator. Figure shows a thin rectangular cantilever etched out of silicon (density 2300 {\rm kg/m^3}) with a small gold dot at the end. If pulled down and...
  6. Y

    Question of damping vibrating strings

    This is not homework, I need someone to verify (9) and (10) below whether I am correct because I don't have the answer. I need to find the solution of the following: Question Find the solution of the equation for damping vibration string stretched from x=0 to x=L where \frac{\partial ^2...
  7. K

    Calculating Amplitude for Different String Gauges in Guitar Tuning

    Homework Statement guitar scale= 25.5inch pitch A=440Hz string gauges 0.056inch, 0.053inch Hello folks, can anyone help me with formula that relates string tension, scale length, pitch and string gauge.. I need to be able to calculate the amplitude of different string gauges. Thank...
  8. W

    Energy produced by oxygen molecule vibrating

    Homework Statement An oxygen molecule vibrates so that the distance between its intramolecular bonds changes from 1 Angstrom to 3 Angstrom. This change occurs 1000 times every second. If the average speed of the movement is 100 m/s, and the weight of the molecule is 10^-26 kg, how much...
  9. R

    Calculating Maximum Kinetic Energy of a Vibrating Ball

    Homework Statement A 2.55 kg ball is attached to an unknown spring and allowed to oscillate. The figure shows a graph of the ball’s position x as a function of time . (A)What is the maximum kinetic energy of the vibrating ball? give answer in joules (B)When does it occur? (give answer in cm)...
  10. G

    String Theory: Are Vibrating Strings Tensioned or Free-Floating?

    If you have a guitar string and you pluck it nothing happens. Not unless it is tensioned by pulling both ends tightly. In string and brane theory do the strings have something that keeps them tensioned? Or don't they need tension to maintain vibrating; unlike normal strings? Are they free...
  11. T

    Vibrating Conveyor: Determine Amplitude & Power as a Function of Frequency

    I am doing engineering work on a vibrating conveyor and need help in determining the amplitude and Power as a function of driving frequency. The system consists of a Motor which rotates an eccentric shaft. There is a rubber flexible element which connects from this eccentric shaft to the...
  12. P

    Air vibrating in a cylindrical cavity

    The diagram accompanying this post shows a cylindrical column bored at right angles to a flat surface. Let’s say the material is a block of brass with a hole drilled in it. The arrow represents a fast moving stream of compressed air. As the air passes over the top of the column a high pitched...
  13. N

    Molecular Vibrations: Mechanism, Energy Source & More

    I've heard molecules are constantly moving or vibrating. What is the mechanism behind this? Where does the energy come from, and go? Is it always a function of temperature/pressure?
  14. G

    Can a Vibrating, Charged Block in Deep Space Produce Radio Waves?

    My questions follow this short preface re: attached photos. Sometime ago in the mid 1960's, a friend had access to a linear accelerator. In the very late evening, we irradiated several plastic blocks of the dimensions ~10x10x2 cm. Individually, the plastic blocks were in a10 MeV electron...
  15. F

    Energy of a vibrating string (continuous field)

    Hello, I know this has already been asked (unfortunately without answer)... learning once again for an exam (quantum field theory) I can't figure out a feature of a very central quantity: the total energy of a vibrating string. Let's start at the string (field) wave equation...
  16. L

    Finding the period of a vibrating ruler

    Homework Statement This is a practical experiment. We have to find the factors effecting the period of a vibrating ruler. This entails finding first the period of a vibrating ruler. We have the equipment a ruler, a stopwatch, some stickytape and a pencil Homework Equations The...
  17. M

    Vibrating strings and string theory

    The fundamental part of string theory is that particles are in fact made up of vibrating strings. So this means that the lowest form of unit is a vibrating string? It goes like this Human - made up of atoms - atoms made up of subatoms (electrons, protons and neutrons)- quarks. And then...
  18. T

    Potential energy of a vibrating string?

    How can I calculate potential enegry? I have a interpretation about it, we should use the work that the string does. But there is deformation on dicplacement of the string. waiting for the any ideas.
  19. M

    Exploring Vibrating Silicon Atoms

    When considering a vibrating silicon atom. I'm just not sure how to do the conversion o.O
  20. Math Jeans

    Vibrating String kinetic energy

    Homework Statement The kinetic energy of a segment of length \Delta x and mass \Delta m of a vibrating string is given by \Delta K = \frac{1}{2} \Delta m (\frac{\partial y}{\partial t})^2 = \frac{1}{2} \mu (\frac{\partial y}{\partial t})^2 \Delta x , where \mu = \frac{\Delta m}{\Delta x}...
  21. E

    Magnets vibrating near a current?

    In school yesterday I was doing a practical and when I moved a small 1.5T block magnet near a rheostat the magnet started vibrating, why does it do this?
  22. L

    Vibrating string displacement, partial differential problem

    Homework Statement A damped vibrating string of length 1, that satisfies u_tt = u_xx - (\beta)u_t with the boundary conditions: u(0,t)=0 u(1,t)=0 initial conditions: u(x,0)=f(x) u_t(x,t)=0 solve for u(x,t) if \beta^2 < 4Pi^2 The Attempt at a Solution if u(x,t)=F(x)G(t)...
  23. M

    Un-dampened vibrating systems, Dynamics

    Homework Statement having my brain fried with some dynamics problems for uni and my lecturer is on holiday so I don't have anyone to ask. Currently working on un-dampened vibration and simple harmonic motion and I can work out basic questions such as a weight hanging on a spring but when it...
  24. C

    What Are the Fundamental Laws of Vibrating Strings?

    Hey, what are the laws of vibrating strings? I can't find it in my college physics books! Help please!
  25. N

    What is the solution for the damped free vibration of a string?

    Homework Statement A vibrating string vibrates at 100Hz in oxygen.What is the frequency of its vibration in Hydrogen?[assume same temperature and pressure] Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Equating the velocities of sound gives 400Hz...But what pokes me is that the...
  26. S

    Vibrating a 75g Bungee Cord: Standing Wave Formation

    Homework Statement A 75 g bungee cord has an equilibrium length of 1.20 m. The cord is stretched to a length of 1.80 m, then vibrated at 20 Hz. This produces a standing wave with two antinodes. Homework Equations I really am not sure how to approach this using an equation, tried to use...
  27. Y

    Boundary conditons and initial conditions of a vibrating rod

    Finding the vibrational motion of a rod. A uniform rod of length l is compressed from both ends so that its new length becomes l(1-2 \epsilon). The compression force is then removed and the rod is left to vibrate freely. Find the subsequent vibrational motion of the rod. What are the...
  28. N

    How Does String Length and Tension Affect Harmonics and Overtones?

    Hi, thank you for reading this. The question is; "A guitar string 60.0 cm in length, with a diameter of 1.40 mm and a tension of 289 N, emits a note with a frequency of 147 Hz. Find the frequency in each of the following situations" d) The string produces the third harmonic of the 147...
  29. D

    Understanding Vibration in Objects - Dan's Query

    Hi. Im having some problems with conceptually understanding vibration. I understand that every object has its natural frequency at which it tends to vibrate when disturbed. What I am not fully understanding is how an object can have multiple natural frequencies. Why would an object vibrate...
  30. M

    Confusion between waves and particles, which one is vibrating?

    1. A wave whose particles vibrate perpendicularly to the direction it is traveling is called transverse wave. Here is my question, in the mechanical waves, I am sort of confused with 'wave' and 'particles in the medium'? Which one is really vibrating? It is said that sine waves describe...
  31. U

    Vibrating beam - physical interpretation

    Homework Statement This question arises from partial differential equations work, but concerns introductory-level physics. The interpretation is of solutions representing the displacement (a function, u(x, t), of position and time) of a vibrating bar, fixed but hinged at each end. My...
  32. V

    Formation of the Moon: A Vibrating History

    If something hit the Earth billions of years ago and caused a molten blob to be released from it,and this blob settled into a spherical shape,after vibrating a lot,could the moon still be vibrating because of a formation process like this?
  33. H

    Create Standing Waves with Antinodes at the Ends

    From what I've seen, standing waves (which are really cool looking) have nodes (no displacement) at either end. What would happen if antinodes were at the ends instead of nodes? What could you do to make this happen? hmmm...
  34. P

    Help Solve Diff EQ Problem: Vibrating Spring w/ 64 lb Weight

    Hi i need some help with a differential equations problem. The question is:- (w/g)y(double prime) + ky(single prime)+cy=F(t) w= the weight of the object attached to the spring g=32 k= damping factor c=spring constant F(t)= the external force on the system. A 64 pound weight is attached to...
  35. T

    Electro magnets / DC / metal wire / vibrating?

    Electro magnets / DC / metal wire / vibrating? Hi, just a very basic question: I just tried making my own electro magnet (copper coil, steel core, connected to a 12V 2A DC power source) and i noticed that when i hold a metal wire (or just anything that's normally attracted by magnets) in...
  36. A

    Comparing Vibrating and Oscillating Energy of Tuning Forks

    is the vibrating energy of a tuning fork the same as the oscillating energy of a tuning fork?
  37. I

    Simple Harmonic Motion-Finding the distance traveled by the vibrating object?

    Simple Harmonic Motion-Finding the distance traveled by the vibrating object? Hi, I would really like to know if my solution to the following question is correct, I would really really really appreciate it. A hanging spring stretches by 35cm when an object of mass 450g is hung on it at rest...
  38. H

    Finding the Original Frequency of a Vibrating Tuning Fork

    A vibrating tuning fork is held above a column of air [...] The shortest length of an air column that produces resonance is L(1) - 0.25 m. The next length that produces resonsnace is L(2) - 0.80 m. 343 m/s is what I will use for sound. How can I find the original frequency of the tuning fork...
  39. S

    Calculating Wavelength and Intensity in Opposing Phase Vibrations

    hey, i need some help for this question/ Question: A wave passes by two little decoy ducks which are vibraing in opposite phase. They are 1.5m apart. I've two possible wave lengths for this situation. So I am guessing you have to make up a frequency and velocity, so i was going to use...
  40. B

    Can strings change frequency or stop vibrating?

    Hello everyone, I'm a undergraduate student in the field of physics. I'm working toward a BS in Physics from University of North Carolina at Wilmington. I've been thinking about string modes of resonance lately and wonder if the theory allows strings to stop vibrating or change resonance...
  41. F

    Transversal Waves: Solving Vibrating String Equations | Easy Guide

    Dear friends, I need some help with transversal waves, to be precise: the vibrating string. I’ve been given many mathematical representations of what can be a wave (e.g: 10(x^2-v^2*t^2) or this one, 5 Sinx cosv*t) I have to argue which of them can be a solution of the vibrating string...
  42. S

    Fundamental Frequency: Tension Force & Mass/Length

    Which of the following values would NOT be sufficient to determine the tension force in a string vibrating at its fundamental frequency? a. wavelength, mass, and freq. b. wave velocity, mass, and wave length c. masss, wave velocity, and string length d. string length, freq., mass e...
  43. S

    Calculating Energy and Q of a Vibrating String

    A string 3.2 m long and with a linear mass density of .008 kg/m is kept under tension so that traveling waves propagate at 48 m/s along the string. The ends of the string are clamped and the string vibrates in its third harmonic with an amplitude of 5.0 cm. How much energy is stored in this...
  44. F

    How Do the Laws of Vibrating Strings Affect Sound Production?

    Hello, I need help or guidance. 1. What are the laws of vibrating string? Does it have something to do with f = (1 / 2L) (T / u)^1/2 where f is frequency, T is tension and u is mass per unit length of the string? 2. What method can I use to determine if the string has the same...
  45. N

    Solvng the Mass of an Object with a Vibrating String

    Once, again I find myself in need of a little help. Any hints/tips would be well appreciated. In the arrangement shown in (attachment), a mass m can be hund from a string (with a linear mass density of .002 kg/m) that passes over an ideal pulley. A string with a length of L=2 meters is...
  46. S

    Vibrating String and Electrons: Exploring Wave Function

    Hello ^.^ Here is my question~~ " A vibrating string fixed at both ends displays a standing wave pattern. An example is shown in picture below. If an electron is confined to move in one dimension between two fixed walls, one of its allowed wave functions looks exactly like that in...
  47. B

    Relationship Between Mass, Tension & Length in a Vibrating String

    I am trying to understand the relationship between mass, tension and length in a vibrating string such as would be found on a violin or guitar. If the string has a uniform gauge throughout and is kept at a constant tension, then reducing the length by 1/2, for example, will cause the the pitch...
  48. D

    If I drop a vibrating 440 Hz tuning fork down the elevator shaft

    if I drop a vibrating 440 Hz tuning fork down the elevator shaft of a tall building and when I hear a freq. of 400 Hz, is it possible to determine how far has the tuning fork fallen? My friend said yes but I think no. Am i right?