Video Definition and 724 Threads

Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual media. Video was first developed for mechanical television systems, which were quickly replaced by cathode ray tube (CRT) systems which were later replaced by flat panel displays of several types.
Video systems vary in display resolution, aspect ratio, refresh rate, color capabilities and other qualities. Analog and digital variants exist and can be carried on a variety of media, including radio broadcast, magnetic tape, optical discs, computer files, and network streaming.

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  1. rhody

    Stephen Wolfram: Computing a theory of everything TED Video April 2010

    Thought you might like this... This" by Stephen Wolfram is about 20 minutes long, but the most interesting parts are from...
  2. G

    Undergrad Real Analysis video course from Harvey Mudd College

    There is a Harvey Mudd College first semester real analysis course posted at, based on the classic text Principles of Mathematical Analysis (Baby Rudin), by Walter Rudin. Professor Francis Su, who delivers these lectures, does a great job helping to tie...
  3. M

    NASA NASA SDO Satellite Captures Solar Eruption VIDEO

    More goodies from NASA. This time around they've been able to capture some remarkable high-resolution photos of the Sun. They also got footage of the Solar Prominence Eruption on March 30, 2010.
  4. rhody

    Atlas Experiment: CERN Video, link: All LHC Experiment docs

    First, the assembly, time lapsed of course..." This is a blow up of the Transition Radiation, Semi-conductor and Pixel Detectors, innermost Atlas detectors. Description of layers of detectors and what each one is...
  5. M

    Cassini Captures First Ever Video Of Lightning On Another Planet

    Not sure if this has already been posted on the board, but here is another fascinating bit of information collected by the Cassini spacecraft as it floated near Saturn. Check the link below for pictures & the video...
  6. DocZaius

    Why does the rope move with only 5N force applied?

    Hello, I am having trouble understanding an example shown on youtube regarding pulleys. In the example in the video above (I linked to the time when the example starts), the narrator uses an example where he pulls a rope with 5 Newtons for 2...
  7. T

    What song is this (playing in the background of this video)

    I know I used to love the song playing int he background as a kid but I can't remember anything about it! Soooo... can someone please ID it for me? Maybe a Bruce Springsteen song?
  8. Topher925

    Watch Our Portable Fuel Cell Video - IAEHE Competition

    Watch my video...or else! Some fellow students and myself recently entered a portable fuel cell competition for the international association for hydrogen energy. As part of this competition, we had to make a video presentation and put it on youtube. We are trying to get as many views and...
  9. J

    Troubleshooting Video Drivers: What Do I Need to Know?

    I want to talk about video drivers. When I go to my device manager I have no 'known' video drivers. There is a tab that is titled 'Other devices'. When I click on it, there is a driver titled "Video Controller (VGA Compatible)". The manufacturer is unknown and I cannot install any software to...
  10. cronxeh

    News Reuters Reporters Killed in Iraq - Video

    Made my stomach queezy first time I've seen this. Explicit VIDEO from Iraqi War shows the death of 12 people including two Reuters news staff [link and quote deleted] I'm not sure if its because those enlisted Army guys become pilots or its so hot in Iraq that you can't think clearly...
  11. M

    HDMI / Component Video Switches

    HDMI / Component Video "Switches" Hi guys, I just entered the HDTV realm and I'm having a little difficulty setting up my system. I don't have any place to put old extra TVs, so I have three (no, the girlfriend doesn't like it) TV's basically side by side. Are there splitter switch things so...
  12. P

    Classical Mechanics Video Lectures

    Hello, I wonder if you got any suggestions for classical mechanics video lectures? I don't mean freshman physics, but rather the course which includes the topics such as central body motion, lagrangian, hamiltonian, etc. (I guess it is considered as an upper level course on most schools)
  13. D

    Will the Fields Medal ceremony be broadcasted live this year?

    This year the ICM 2010 ( ) will give the Fields Medal. I want to know (if somebody knows) if the ceremony will be transmited live on the inet, and if it is already known who are the winners. Thanks
  14. K

    Real / Functional Analysis Video Lectures?

    Does anybody know of any good resources for this? Specifically for real analysis, I'm looking for something that covers calculus on manifolds, differential forms, Lebesgue integration, etc. and for functional analysis: metric spaces, Banach spaces, Hilbert spaces, Fourier series, etc. Thanks!
  15. thrill3rnit3

    Math Computational mathematics/computational physics and the video game industry

    Can I use a computational maths/physics degree to work in the video game industry?
  16. Z

    MATLAB Fix Video Glitch in MATLAB: XP Taskbar Showing

    I'm making a video in MATLAB using "avifile" command like so: VelDist = avifile(['Results/VelDist','.avi'],'compression','None'); ... frame = getframe(gcf); VelDist = addframe(VelDist,frame); What happens is that on my XP machine, the windows taskbar somehow appears in the video, and I don't...
  17. S

    Abiogenesis related to Miller/Urey, in video form. What are the opinions of people in this room on this video? Is it significant? Does it have credibility? Note: To skip past the responses to creationist claims go to the start of the third minute, but the music is good...
  18. marcus

    Renate Loll video lectures on quantum gravity (Perimeter Scholars series)

    Lecture 1: (25 January) Lecture 2: (26 January) Lecture 3: (27 January) Lecture 4: (28 January) This is planned as a three-week series of one-hour lectures. She does not use slides...
  19. J

    Background of the history of video games wanted

    This was just a guess? How does the history of these games and systems really go, first there was Atari, for that system the most popular games were Pong, and Frogger. (Lesser popular games were Paper Boy, and E.T.) Then there was Nintendo correct? , for Nintendo the most well known games were...
  20. rhody

    ITouch application: disable video, keep audio saving battery life

    I have a first generation Apple iTouch 16 GB, and frequently download podcasts to watch and listen to. With over 1 million applications written, I have searched in vain to locate an application that will allow you to launch a video, and instead of displaying video and audio to suppress the...
  21. A

    Looking for Complex Analysis Video Course

    Hi folks, I have been looking for some time for a video lecture course which deals specifically with complex analysis and think I have covered most of the sources listed in this sub-forum and some in the physics learning materials areas with no luck (including also MIT, YouTube...
  22. P

    Video games as a way of relaxing / obtaining distance?

    Hi, I have a question about video games and relaxing. I am a Physics student and I am going to obtain my Bachelor's by next summer. I would say that I take my studies very seriously. I am not the kind of guy to go out with friends much, but I also cannot study from dusk till dawn...
  23. S

    What are the Topical Physics Video Lectures Offered by MIT and Yale?

    MIT offers video lectures on introductory physics on their website. As well as many other sciences and topics. They are primarily available through iTunes U (author: MIT) but they also have the videos on the aforementioned website. They cover Classical...
  24. R

    Is there a computer program to extract values from a video?

    is there a computer program to extract values from a video? (like size, speed of an object, dimensions, etc.)
  25. N

    What do you think about this video from the selfish gene writer

    What do you think about this video from the "selfish gene writer" This is a video creater by the write of the book "the selfish gene" , Now I would like you...
  26. T

    Is a Walking Simulation Device the Next Big Thing in Interactive Gaming?

    If there was a device that allows the simulation of walking (maybe a practical omni-direction treadmill), would gamers be interested in such a product. For example, wii has many products that allow video games to be more interactive but all of which you can't walk or run with. With this be a big...
  27. Evo

    Danger & Artman: Kurdt's Reactions to a Video

    I found this the other day and it made me think of Danger and Artman from the The Thread Killers Thread. Kurdt says the video is ok, and he's a prude. Hope you enjoy!
  28. seouldavid

    Where Can I Find Video Lectures on String Theory? This brings some video lectures on string theory from" - introduction to string theory, string theory, string theory for pedestrians etc.
  29. seouldavid

    Audio and video lectures on mechanical engineering

    There are some helpful courses and lectures related to mechanical engineering available on the Internet. This contains audio/video courses and lectures in mechanical engineering...
  30. rhody

    Growing Energy ? Juan Enriquez, TED Video Nov 2007

    Futurist: Juan Enriquez: who, quoting his TED" : "thinks and writes about the profound changes that genomics and other life sciences will cause in business, technology, politics and society."...
  31. J

    How Can I Create a Rotating Still Image Effect Using Photoshop and Image Ready?

    I want to employ a video effect wherein a still image will rotate slowly on the screen. I have Pinnacle Studio Plus 11, but no such effect exists. I also have an older version of photoshop and Image Ready. how can I do this? Thanks a lot.
  32. D

    Debunking a Ghost Video - Questioning the YouTube Uploader's Latest Clip

    This guy on youtube has been uploading some pretty convincing videos His latest one is probably the best I've ever seen One thing that is suss is the video can't see the top shelf where the glass is thrown from, plus question was raised why is the lamp on the floor
  33. J

    How can I create my own video player using my Sony Ericsson cell phone?

    I have an idea. I need some helps: I have a sony ericsson cell phone (a Walkman series). What I want to do is to take out the screen (I don't know whether it is a LCD or just plain glassy screen, please correct me). Basically I want to make my own little video media player. I just want to...
  34. seouldavid

    Video lectures on particle accelerators This contains a collection of links to physics video lectures on Particle Accelerators and their applications from" - particle accelerators, linear colliders, particle...
  35. S

    Quantum Mechanics, video lectures

    I am self-studying QM, Please tell me what is the thread to the videos about QM. Thank you for helping in advance~
  36. N

    Alan Guth video on the BIG BANG Theory

    Excellent presentation: An introduction, or possible review, of the BIG BANG theory by an originator of inflation theory, Alan Guth of MIT: Note the video is in TWO PARTS...scroll down a bit for part II. 13 October 2009, Institute of Physics Inflationary Cosmology: Is Our Universe...
  37. R

    Do Camcorders/ Video camera have Sensors in them?

    Curious. I have a video camera and I've decided to take it apart. I posted a thread a while ago about building a robot, so It would be nice if somehow i could use something from this camera to give it "vision" or "Senses". So I want to know. Do these things have sensors in them? Is that how they...
  38. Y

    Video camera links in Special Relativity

    There's a video camera at a railway station. It can see the driver in the front of a fast moving train going past in the distance. Another camera is on the train itself, again filming that driver. v= (whatever it is)? so that gamma = 3 The train's own camera is filming the driver making a...
  39. turbo

    Sidney the baby otter (video) CUTE

    There are some obvious differences in behavior between this little guy and a ferret kit. The ferret would have taken every portable object, and stashed them in a pile in a location where only he or she would be able to get at them easily. Also, ferrets manipulate things with their front paws...
  40. S

    Free Video Editing Software for Crafting Professional-Looking Videos

    Hi, Can anyone recommend me any free video editing software.I have some avi video clips which I want to edit.I want to circle some objects on the video and add in texts as the video clip plays. I saw some people doing that in youtube.Anyone can tell me what software they using?
  41. seouldavid

    Audio and Video Lectures on Electronics and Electrical Engineering

    I'm very pleased to share this site containing many links to audio and video lectures in electronics and electrical engineering from educational institutions around the world such as MIT OpenCourseWare, UC Berkeley Webcast and NPTEL Courses...
  42. seouldavid

    Physics audio and video lectures

    The following site provides a good collection of links to audio/video courses and lectures in physics from educational institutions around the world. The courses and lectures include general physics, classical...
  43. B

    Video of my marine biology work

    I have wanted to review these ecosystems with other biologists for a while now, usually we just stay on aquarium web sites and just now I found yours. enjoyed reading through the threads and seeing the depth of the discussion, really great place. there is about 10 years dedication into...
  44. marcus

    Talk by Weinberg about LHC and future of particle physics (video)

    Excellent talk at clear basic level. To save time, one can start at minute 7:00. That's where he discusses the standard model and then the Higgs, and then moves on to what else might be found. I gather the talk was given this morning, 19 October, at a...
  45. X

    Entanglement: Understanding the 2 Electron System States

    i saw a video on entanglement but one thing confused me for a two electron system the possible states were described as 6 |u,u> , |u,d>, |d,u>, |d,d> plus two more states i didnt get which two more states are there besides the above
  46. S

    Math Lecture Video Archive - UCCS

    Thanks to RedX for this amazing link to the archive of Math lectures at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS): They are in MOV format and access requires free registration. However, if you click on a course link and it asks for...
  47. M

    Multiple FLV video files with single player

    Hi, Here is code that can play a single FLV file: <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%" height="570" align=middle /> <param...
  48. J

    What Makes the Ending of This Greek Video So Touching?

    Touching at the end...
  49. N

    Discover Top Calc2 Video Lectures: Find High-Quality Resources Now!

    does anyone know where to find some good video lectures on calc2
  50. maverick_starstrider

    Diffraction Grating Video (QED)

    I was just looking through Feynman's QED book (i'm surprised I'd never read it before) and I was wondering if anyone knew of any videos out there that actually experimentally demonstrate how light can be reflected by a diffraction grating even when the incident laser isn't actually POINTING at...