Wave functions Definition and 154 Threads

  1. M

    Understanding Wave Functions and Non-Linear Functions in Quantum Mechanics

    I'm new (obviously) to these forums, so please direct me if I am in err. Just a quick question: A wavefuntion is the function that determines the location of a particle (the probability) right? And what is a non-linear wavefunction?
  2. M

    What is the Physical Significance of Various Wave Functions?

    help, i can't figure out the question. All i know is that these wave functions all can have physical significance; which baffles me since the question is not likely. any ideas? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v135/mykel_dg/help.jpg PICTURE OF THE PROBLEM and WAVE FUNCTION
  3. A

    Interaction between wave functions

    Is there a version/subfield of QT that models the interactions between different wavefunctions? Something like Newtonian mechanics, but on the wavefunction level. E.g. you have two wave functions of (x,y,z,t), and you use the functions to find when and how they would affect each other and what...
  4. M

    Helium Wave Functions: One or Two for Electrons? Evidence & Implications

    Does it matter if we use one wave function to describe both electrons of a helium atom, or we need to use one wave function for each? Is there any empirical evidence of the right way?