Homework Statement
A particle of mass m in the harmonic oscillator potential V(x) = (mω2x2)/2 is described at time
t = 0 by the wavefunction
χ(x, t = 0) = 1/[(2πσ2)1/4] exp[-x2/(4σ2)]
What is <E> at time t?
Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
<T>+<V>= <E>
I've found the expectation...
What exactly are the phases of orbitals/wavefunctions, for example the 2px orbital in hydrogen, what does it mean for the two lobes to be in different phases ?
In Griffith quantum mechanics, it is written that for a wavefunction to be normalizable, it is essential that the wavefunction approaches zero before 1/ √(|x|) as x tends to infinity...
Please explain from where this condition has been derived.
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
First, I got the wavefunction to look like the one in the question. I think the wavefunction should be n=1 not n=0. So Y(theta,psi) = A constant, that is where the C comes from. But how can I plug this into the shrodinger...
Following electromegnetic field quantization, one ends up with the fock states as the energy eigenstates
of the quantized field. Considering a single mode field, the set of fock states are the single-mode energy eigenstates. Yes, these fock (or number) states are just the eigenstates of the...
Here :
One reads:
I wouldn't be a liar to say that I understood almost nothing about this...what's the formulation behind it?
First of all, how can the wf be a physical wave? it corresponds to what? Also I find obscure the use of...
Good afternoon I need help with a question in my physical chemistry class.
A particle having mass m is described as having the (unnormalized) wavefunction ψ=k, where k is some constant, when confined to an interval in one dimension; that interval having length a (that is, from x=0 to a). What...
Hi Everyone
I am not sure of what exactly happens when a wavefunction collapses but I have some ideas about which I would be grateful for your thoughts.
Firstly, it is often said that wavefunctions collapse when they are "observed" or "measured". To be honest, I do not think that...
Homework Statement
Hello, I need to calculate the expectation value for position and momentum for a wavefunction that fulfills the following relation:
The wave function is normalised.
Homework Equations
There is also a second wave equation that is orthogonal...
Now I'm trying to imagine the wavefuction before and after collapse when measured at either slit. Before the particle enters the slits I imagine the wavefunction more as a planar wave with no definite position (single wavenumber and a superposition of positions). If no measurement is made then...
Hey everyone.I have a couple of question regarding wave function collapse.
I can accept that one cannot make a measurement with absolute precision and have a usable wave function afterwards due to the uncertainty principle...
Consider a particle moving along the x-axis with a wave function...
Let ψ be a wavefunction describes the quantum state of a particle at any (x,t), What does ψ* i.e, the complex conjugate of a wavefunction means? I only know probability of finding a particle is given by ∫|ψ|^2 dx= ∫ ψ*ψ dx But what does ψ*ψ really means? I started learning QM with Griffiths...
Homework Statement
Find possible momentum, and their probabilities. Find possible energies, and their probabilities.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
First, we need to Fourier transform it into momentum space:
\psi_k = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int \psi_x e^{-ikx} dx
After a measurement a wavefunction collapses.
You measure the position of a particle, the particles assumes a definite position, let's say point C.
The coefficient of C is let's say c, so the probability that it takes that value is c²
Wavefunction collapses at C (actually in the vicinty of C...
Homework Statement
How would I find the time-independent (unnormalized) wavefunction given the momentum? I don't know if this can be generalized without giving the momentum in the problem. I want to do this problem myself but I'm stuck.
The problem states:
A particle of mass m moves...
Homework Statement
Determine the constant λ in the wave equation
\Psi(x) = C(2a^2 x^2 + \lambda)e^{-(a^2 x^2/2)}
where a=\sqrt{mω/\hbar}
Homework Equations
Some standard integrals I guess
The Attempt at a Solution
So I believe the wave equation just needs to be normalised...
I was reading about interference patterns. I was wondering if the classical interpretation of the wavelength of the photon according to maxwell's is the actual wavelength of the photon in the wavefunction? Are the two related? Thanks!
hi, from study of quantum mechanics i infer that wavefunction is a dummy function on which you apply required operator like momentum operator, energy operator etc., and their eigenvalues gives you the value of observable? i want to ask my interpretation of wavefunction is correct? or not?.
Hi guys, I'm doing a quantum course at the moment, and there's one thing in Binney's book which I don't really understand:
Why must you multiply the radial eigenfunction by ##Y_l^m## to get the "complete wavefunction" ?
They do this to normalize the eigenfunction, and to do things like...
I'm given a wavefunction (I think it's implied this is some sort of solution to the Schrodinger equation) in my quantum mechanics class, and I need to normalize it to find its constant coefficient.
So I have
And the formula for normalizing this to find \(N\)...
I was reviewing the infinite square well, using D.J. Griffiths, and came across this small point of confusion. The time-independent solution is shown to be Asin(kx), where the constant A is determined by normalization. Then, in assembling the complete (time dependent) solution, he writes that...
I'd like to argue Heisenberg doesn't apply to a collapsed wave...
I always interpretted the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP) as follows:
1. HUP is *not* about measurement problems, it is fundamental
2. When (f.i.) an electron is a wave: HUP applies. The electron really *has*...
How is the wavefunction of an electron determined? I've seen images which show that it looks like this : http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/images/wave_function.gif
But how do we know this?
On hyperphysic's website, it seems to say that many sine waves added together make the wave function ...
Once a wavefunction has collapsed, can the system change to a new state if we disturb the system?
For example, if we have a particle in a state of well defined energy (e.g. ground state) and then suddenly change the potential of the particle, can it change to a new state (e.g. excited state)...
In Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by Griffith, when he is normalizing a wave function that's dependent on both x and t, he let's t=0 , and solves for the constant (A). But if the integration of ψ^2 at any time t is 1, then is it correct to let t = 2, for instance, instead of 0 and solve for...
I was studying Density functional theory, the premise of whose reasoning needs one to accept the phenomenon that when we place electrons into a potential, they "arrange" themselves into an unique wave function/charge density.
Are there any forces that oppose this arrangement? (other than the...
Homework Statement
We want to prepare a particle in state ##\psi ## under following conditions:
1. Let energy be ##E=\frac{5}{4}\hbar \omega ##
2. Probability, that we will measure energy greater than ##2\hbar \omega## is ##0##
3. ##<x>=0##
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a...
Homework Statement
Electron in Hydrogen atom can be described with wavefunction ##\psi =\frac{1}{2}(\psi _1+\psi _2+\psi _3+\psi _4)## where ##\psi _1=\psi _{200}##, ##\psi _2=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\psi _{211}+\psi _{21-1})##, ##\psi _3=\frac{i}{\sqrt{2}}(\psi _{211}-\psi _{21-1})## and ##\psi...
Homework Statement
The wavefunction of a particle is given as $$u(r,\theta,\phi) = AR(r)f(\theta)\cos(2\phi),$$ where ##f## is an unknown function of ##\theta##. What can be predicted about the results of measuring
a) The z component of angular momentum
b)The square of the angular momentum...
Homework Statement
Consider a spinless particle in a central field in a state described by:
\psi_a(r) = (x^2 - y^2) e^{-\alpha r^2}
\psi_b(r) = xyz e^{-\alpha r^2}
Find quantum numbers l and l_z (or their appropriate superposition) for these two cases.
Homework Equations...
Homework Statement
Ok the problem is this bad boy:
ψ(x) = \begin{cases}
A & \text{for $|x| < d$} \\
0 & \text{for $|x|>d$} \\
Homework Equations
(a)Find a value of A which makes the wavefunction normalized.
(b)Find the momentum wavefunction ψ'(p).
(c)what is the...
Homework Statement
Near a certain position xA, a quanton's wavefunction ψ(xA)=-0.3 in some units. Near a certain position xB, a quanton's wavefunction ψ(xB[\SUB])=0.12 in the same units. If we do an experiment to locate the quanton, how many times more likely is i that the result is in a small...
Why the Griffiths book says : any function of x and t that depends on these variables in the special combination (x±vt) represent a wave of fixed profile, traveling in the -+x direction at speed v...
I don't really get the reason why from 2 terms of wavefunction can become only one term...
The way I understand it is when particles are entangled, when you measure one the entangled pair is instantly in a measured state. This question really goes to Copenhagen vs. MWI.
If Eigenstates of the wave function are entangled, that seems to support MWI. If these Eigenstate are not...
The wave function or state vector (callled 'Ket') ψ in the time-dependent schrodinger equation
is the just energy eigenfunction or any wavefunction for the given system?
For example, can ψ be momentum eigenfunction or angular momentum...
Hi all, I was wondering mathematically ,what causes wave function collapse? and why does it exist in all it's Eigen states before measurement? Thanks for any help and please correct my question if I have anything wrong.
What I am trying to find out is: whether the superposition of a singe photon (across the all the paths --that the photon can possibly take) interfere/interact with the superposition of another single photon... assuming that the superimposed paths of both the photons are close enough to...
Homework Statement
Hey guys. Basically I have a wavefunction that looks like this
I have to find:
(a) The normalization constant N, of course by normalizing it
(b) Find <x> and <x^2> and use this to find Δx.
Homework Equations
I'm just...
Homework Statement
Consider the function in polar coordinates
ψ(r,θ,\phi) = R(r)sinθe^{i\phi}
Show by direct calculation that ψ returns sharp values of the magnitude and z-component of the orbital angular momentum for any radial function R(r). What are these sharp values?
The Attempt at a...
Homework Statement
This problem comes from the Griffiths QM book and is stated as "show that if V(x) is an even function then the solution to the time-independent Schroedinger equation can be taken to be either even or odd."
Now, I have seen the solution to this, but am not thoroughly...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
1=∫ψ*ψdxThe Attempt at a Solution
I think I multiplied ψ*ψ correctly... I'm surprised a little that there is an x^2 with this problem. We have not discussed these integrals in class. I watched a...
Hey! Maybe this is a "piece of cake" question, but here is the thing, i have the Maxwell equations in the Lorenz gauge are
In vacuum this gets reduced into
Homework Statement
On our modern physics class e did a problem:
At first i said: "Oh i know this!" and solved the case like this.
Homework Equations
Lorentz invariant: ##E=\sqrt{{E_0}^2 + p^2c^2}##
Schrodinger equation where ##V(x)=0##.
The Attempt at a Solution
The energy ##100eV## must be...
I'm otherwise pretty comfortable with the postulates of quantum mechanics, but I find it difficult to understand situations where a measurement causes only incomplete collapse of the wave function...
Suppose we have an electron in a state described by some wave function. Then we measure its...
I have some questions based on the figures provided on this helpful educational link:
For discussion, let us work with two isotopes, He-3 (ppn) and Li-6 (pppnnn). Each (p+) would have an electron (e-) associated with...
What is the "many-electron wavefunction"?
In the introductory picture, the wavefunction represents the particle's probability amplitude and its modulus squared is probability density. It integrates to 1, representing the fact that, with certainty, there's an electron somewhere.
What, then...
Suppose I have a particle confined between 0 and d on the x axis, and it has some wavefunction, if I measured the particle to be between some small interval [a, b], would the wavefunction collapse into a rectangle-like function with equal prob. density on the interval and zero outside? or what...
I have read in several places (such as this StackExchange reply) that wavefunction collapse is 'non-physical'. The explanations I have read seem clear and understandable to me and have helped me to understand EPR and the implications of Bell's Theorem.
I am trying to reconcile this in my mind...