Wheel Definition and 865 Threads

In its primitive form, a wheel is a circular block of a hard and durable material at whose center has been bored a hole through which is placed an axle bearing about which the wheel rotates when torque is applied to the wheel about its axis. The wheel and axle assembly can be considered one of the six simple machines. When placed vertically under a load-bearing platform or case, the wheel turning on the horizontal axle makes it possible to transport heavy loads. This arrangement is the main topic of this article, but there are many other applications of a wheel addressed in the corresponding articles: when placed horizontally, the wheel turning on its vertical axle provides the spinning motion used to shape materials (e.g. a potter's wheel); when mounted on a column connected to a rudder or to the steering mechanism of a wheeled vehicle, it can be used to control the direction of a vessel or vehicle (e.g. a ship's wheel or steering wheel); when connected to a crank or engine, a wheel can store, release, or transmit energy (e.g. the flywheel). A wheel and axle with force applied to create torque at one radius can translate this to a different force at a different radius, also with a different linear velocity.

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  1. P

    Velocity of point rotating on a wheel as the wheel moves

    Homework Statement So I have to prove that the total velocity of a particle on a wheel is Vcm+Ui=Vi where Ui is the particles velocity if the wheel's center of mass wasn't moving so just v=omega*R I'm assuming and Vcm is the velocity of the center of mass and Vi is the total velocity of the...
  2. U

    Slipping 4WD Mobile Vehicle Wheels Without Oil or Water

    Hello Everyone, I have a 4WD mobile vehicle, I am trying to get the wheel to slip in the floor. I don't want to use oil or any water product (for my electronic safety and to keep the floor less messy) Any idea how to make the wheel slip on the floor? I was thinking about using snowboard...
  3. A

    Conservation of energy for a system

    Homework Statement Figure shows a massless wheel of radius R on which at a point a mass m is fixed and a uniform chain of mass 2m is tied to it which passes over the rim of the wheel and half of its length is hanging on other side as shown in the figure. When a small clockwise jerk is given to...
  4. G

    Forces induced by a vehicle wheel on the ground

    Hi, I was wondering whether anyone can help with a question I have about the forces acting on a car wheel and the forces the wheel induces on the ground surface. The way I understand it, a car wheel traveling on a flat surface has the following forces acting on it: -vertical force due to the...
  5. pawlist

    How Do You Calculate Angular Velocity at Half the Radius?

    Homework Statement angular velocity about the axle = 65 rads^-1 diameter = 0.54m radius= 0.27m 1/2radius= 0.135m[/B]Homework Equations v=rw w=θ/t a=v^2/r=w^2r (Might be the probability that i have to use another equation)[/B]The Attempt at a Solution Firstly i cut the diameter in half which...
  6. B

    Water wheel model to describe current flow in a circuit

    Homework Statement There is a diagram in a book that shows a water pump sending water down a hill that then rotates a water wheel. The water reaches the bottom reservoir and is then carried back up the hill by the pump to start the cycle again. Q1. Use this model to describe an ammeter...
  7. L

    How do I Calculate Normal and Applied Forces on a Branch Wheeled System?

    Dear Physics lover friends, I am in the middle of something and I would like to ask a question on how to solve this branch wheeled problem. The yellow lines are the branches, they have one wheels on them and the wheels are on a circular path. I would like to know how much the normal force A...
  8. 24forChromium

    A proper explanation of the "anti-gravity wheel"?

    Veritasium made a video on how a flight wheel seemed weightless when spinning: He then explained in a following video that the reason why it felt weightless is because while he lifted it, he was also swinging the wheel in the x-y plain, which, combined with the wheel's own rotation around the...
  9. S

    Net Angular Momentum of Satellite with Reaction Wheel

    I am modelling the attitude dynamics of a satellite. The satellite has a reaction wheel in 1 plane to help control the attitude. There is significant debate about the equation for the net angular momentum of the satellite and what inertia tensors should be used regarding parallel axis theorems...
  10. 24forChromium

    How Does an Impulse Affect the Angular Momentum of a Spinning Wheel in Space?

    Homework Statement A wheel spins in outer space, it is in the shape of a ring (negligible thickness) with a radius of 1 meter and a mass of 1 kilogram, it is spining at π Radian/sec around its central axis (z-axis) in a fashion that is like any other car wheel. Just then, an impulse of 10N*sec...
  11. UMath1

    Bicycle Translational Acceleration vs Angular Acceleration

    Homework Statement Given: Wheel radius is 20 CM, Gear radius is 5 CM, Coefficient of Static Friction is .2, Weight on rear wheel is 50 N. What is the minimum force that must be applied to the pedal for the wheel to begin accelerating on a level surface?Homework Equations Net T = I * a T = R X...
  12. C

    Gyroscopic precession of a bicycle wheel

    Hello! I have recently been looking into the phenomenon of gyroscopic precession in my free time, and there is a scenario which I am not sure I have fully understood. Here it is: Imagine a bicycle wheel with a shaft running through it's center. The shaft is attached to a rope at one of it's...
  13. G

    Direction of normal reaction of the Ferriw wheel at the high

    Homework Statement As you can see , the writer state that the direction of normal reaction force(R) is acted upwards , I have another book state that the normal reaction force (R) is acted downwards , which one is correct ? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution [/B]
  14. N

    Why does a constant force result in 0 torque in Barlow's wheel experiment?

    Homework Statement In the Barlow's wheel experiment, let's say I want to find the torque of the forces that affect it. (Friction is ignored) I have W (weight) has no torque R (reaction) also has no torque F (the force that moves the wheel) does have torque I can calculate F's torque...
  15. N

    Increasing the speed of Barlow's wheel

    Homework Statement Hello, I have a problem about Barlow's wheel experiment with several questions. One of them is how to increase the angular velocity for the wheel. I can either: 1. Increase the current 2. Increase the radius 3. Increase the strength of the magnetic field 4. Decrease...
  16. kostoglotov

    Net angular acceleration of a two wheel system

    Homework Statement The problem Direct imgur link to problem: http://i.imgur.com/QCc0zj6.jpg Homework Equations \alpha = \frac{\tau_{net}}{I} I = \frac{1}{2}MR^2 \tau = rF = rmg The Attempt at a Solution I have figured that the moment of inertia of the entire system must be used for...
  17. E

    Free body diagram of a wheel driven by a motor

    Neglecting drag, I'm trying to understand how a wheel driven by a motor on a level surface rolls without sliding and experiences constant velocity. I'm trying to construct a free-body diagram. The wheel has a weight and a normal force acting on it in the vertical directions. The sum of...
  18. C

    Automotive How to calculate 1.5 order wheel torque fluctuation (3 Cylin

    Hi all, I have the raw data in .csv file which has Engine speed, wheel torque value and main shaft speed (Please refer to below image - raw data_screen shot) I have to find the logic for the above raw data, to get 1.5 order wheel torque value, which is close to resulted value as attached...
  19. Curieuse

    How Much Force is Needed to Lift a Wheel Over an Obstacle?

    1. Problem statement In figure, what magnitude of (constant) force F applied horizontally at the axle of the wheel is necessary to raise the wheel over an obstacle of height h=3.00cm ? The wheel's radius is r=6.00cm , and it's mass is m=0.800 kg. Homework Equations Balance of forces: Fnet=0...
  20. B

    Calculating the Force on a Bicycle Wheel

    I have been trying this problem for a while and can't seem to figure it out: A bicycle wheel has a radius R = 32.0 cm and a mass M = 1.82 kg which you may assume to be concentrated on the outside radius. A resistive force f = 137 N (due to the ground) is applied to the rim of the tire. A force...
  21. diracdelta

    Maxwell's Wheel: Understanding Conservation of Energy and Derivatives

    Well, I have to do experiment with Maxwell's wheel, but i struggle with theoretical background. If you don't know what Maxwell's wheel is, http://www.nikhef.nl/~h73/kn1c/praktikum/phywe/LEP/Experim/1_3_18.pdf I understand conservation of energy and how we made that equation, but this part i...
  22. A

    Falling mass attached to wheel

    Homework Statement Homework Equations I am aware that this can be done via energy methods. However, I wish to do it via: integral between t1 and t2 of Torques about point (say centre of the wheel) = change in angular momentum of the wheel. The Attempt at a Solution The torque is mgR. t1...
  23. N

    Angular velocity of bicycle wheel

    Homework Statement A bicycle rider is moving with a velocity of 13.0 m/s. What is the angular velocity of his wheels if they have a diameter of 0.660m? Assume the wheels are rolling without slipping. a) 39.4 m/s b) 19.7 m/s c) 39.4 s-1 d) 4.29 s-1 e) none of the above Homework Equations v =...
  24. J

    How is torque divided between multiple wheels in a system with friction?

    Hi there, really trying to grasp these concepts for one of my engineering papers. This is basic stuff I realized now that I never really understood. If I've got two shafts, two wheels per shaft meaning four wheels in total, each wheel is 60 mm in diameter, and the power consumed by the system...
  25. J

    Wheel calculations (Power, torque, etc.)

    Hi there, I've forgotten how to solve these problems, eg: If I've got two shafts, two wheels per shaft meaning four wheels in total, each wheel is 60 mm in diameter, and the power consumed by the system in providing a constant horizontal velocity of 0.15 m/s is 200W, what is the torque in each...
  26. X

    Is the tangential acceleration component always zero(wheel?)

    If a wheel is rolling down a hill without slipping then we know the contact point has zero velocity. Is it also true that the tangential acceleration of this point is zero too?
  27. A

    An Inductive Charging Wheel for Free-Wheeling Strollers?

    Hello all, I am trying to come up with a design to have a free moving wheel create electricity using inductive charging... I am doing this project for one of the courses i am taking. I am little stumped on how i would go about designing this to create the maximum power. Do you guys have any...
  28. Yam

    A wheel rolling on a horizontal flat or inclined surface

    Homework Statement A wheel rolling on a horizontal flat surface at a constant velocity experiences no friction force. Why? A wheel rolling on an inclined surface at a constant velocity experiences friction force. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution A wheel rolling on a horizontal flat...
  29. U

    Using mathematica to solve ferris wheel problem

    Homework Statement Consider a large Ferris wheel above a lake. The wheel is 30 meters in radius and its center stands 80 meters above the lake level. At t = 0, a stunt person stands on the top of the Ferris wheel (theta=0) which is rotating at a constant angular velocity w = 0.2 rad/s. At t =...
  30. B

    Ferris Wheel Problem using Mathematica

    Consider a large Ferris wheel 30 meters in radius and its center stands 80 meters above lake level. At t = 0, a stunt person stands on the top of the Ferris wheel (theta = 0 degrees) which is rotating at a constant angular velocity w = 0.2 rad/s. At t = 0, a rescue boat is 150 m from the...
  31. S

    Tangental Velocity and Bicycle Wheel Radii

    Hi guys, This is the silliest thing. I actually solved problem and got the correct answer, but now I'm not sure that my logic was sound--or even what my logic really was! 1. Homework Statement While riding a multispeed bicycle, the rider can select the radius of the rear sprocket that is...
  32. L

    Apply impulse to a wheel creates constant acceleration?

    Hello! Well, I am in trouble with this question for some time. I am making a simulator with autonomous cars and its movement is done applying constant impulses to the wheel. My question is: if the vehicle is in the intertia state and I start to apply this impulses, the vehicle will assume a...
  33. E

    Ferris wheel dynamics (swinging bucket)

    What mass is required to keep the seat of a ferris wheel from swinging no more than 30 degrees measured from the vertical axis? So let's say we have a big ferris wheel with radius R and its spinning at 10 RPM. At the end of the ferris wheel, is a hinge, and a hanging bucket (like the picture)...
  34. C

    Acceleration/gryo ratings for spinning wheel

    I will need to put an accelerometer and or gyroscope on a spinning wheel. The wheel has a diameter of 800mm, with the device being 10-20cm from the centre of rotation. It will be need to cope with ground speed of up to 100km/h. I am confused as to what ratings the device/s will need in terms of...
  35. L

    What is the direction of friction on a plate on two rotating wheels?

    Homework Statement A uniform plate of mass M stays horizontally and symmetrically on two wheels rotating in opposite directions. The separation between the wheels is L. The friction coefficient between each wheel and the plate is N. Find the time period of oscillation of the plate if it is...
  36. Q

    Max Load Capacity: Calculating Total Torque for Dual Servo Motors

    The servo motor that I'm using says it has torque of 1.89 kg-cm. And the radius of the wheel I'm using is 3.5 cm. So i wanted to know how much load can two of these motors can together carry?
  37. C

    Two bikes, different wheel diameter

    I hope this is just a simple question. You have two bikes, each different wheel diameter. Will the same effort on each bike result in the one with big wheels going faster? The rest of the parameters is not important / the same. Just interested if two people riding on the bikes with two diferent...
  38. S

    Vertical force generated by a wheel

    Hi all. I'm working on building a go kart, and it's been a very long time since my college trig based physics classes. I'm having trouble figuring out the proper stiffness and length of spring to buy for the suspension. In short I need to know the vertical force generated by a wheel and attached...
  39. A

    MHB Approximating Position with Riemann Sums

    The question provides a table of values for time and velocity. Part c of the question asks to use a Riemann sum to approximate (not specifying which one). Part d asks what the answer to part c represents and to explain my reasoning. The answer that I got for the sum is 58.5 feet, but I do not...
  40. C

    Wow, human powered ferris wheel

    This is quite interesting, I'm wondering if there's another way of creating human powered ferris wheel with mechanical parts. Can anyone give any suggestion? I'd love to get more information regarding this!
  41. M

    Mechanics Particular Wheel Problem

    http://www.uzapping.eu/upload/P3.jpg Homework Equations : Only Moment's formulas (I think) or Eventually Euler's Law[/B] The Attempt at a Solution : It's supposed to be an easy problem. But I just don't understand the mechanism and the meaning of the angle on the bottom. So I don't know how...
  42. S

    How do I calculate moment of inertia in a wheel?

    What I have are two wheels, weight assumed at 50 kg overall for both, joined by an axle. The wheels are 900 mm apart from the centre of one tire to the centre of the other. The diameter of the tire is 690 mm. How do I calculate the moment of inertia in order to find the torque in the centre of...
  43. I

    Tension in rod of a bicycle wheel skewer

    The locking mechanism of a bike skewer consists of a rod and slightly out of round disk on one side attached to the skewer. A handle is attached to the out of round disk as well Assuming the skewer is nearly snug with the wheel fork, I think the tension is going to be a function of the...
  44. G

    When you press braking pedal -- wheel road surface tangent F

    - You are driving car with 100 mile/hour - You are pressing brake pedal. - The speed of car is suddenly gone down. Decelerated. - However, Wheel is rolling on road without sliding and car stopped smoothly finally.In this case, - the tangent force acting on road surface is related with...
  45. jonjonz

    Four Wheel Drive Optimal Landing Angle

    Which will produce consistently faster lap times, when landing a 4 wheel drive race car at speed: - front wheels first - rear wheels first - front and back simultaneously Given a 4 wheel drive race vehicle traveling at racing speed, suspended in the air, after driving off a jump or drop off...
  46. L

    Troubleshooting Your Kickped Kick Scooter: Common Wheel Issues Explained"

    http://www.nycewheels.com/kickped-kick-scooter.html When I walk side by side the kickbed scooter without standing on the scooter, the front wheels moves and back wheel does not. When I stand on the scooter and use it at usual, it moves, though not as fast as before. I am wondering if this has...
  47. N

    MHB What mistake did I make while solving the Ferris wheel trig problem?

    Hello, all. For homework, we got a problem that reads as follows: A Ferris wheel 50 ft in diameter makes one revolution every 40 sec. If the center of the wheel is 30 ft above the ground, how long after reaching the low point is a rider 50 ft above the ground? Our teacher said to model the...
  48. H

    A wheel with rotational inertia I = 1/2MR^2

    Homework Statement [/B] A wheel with rotational inertia I = 1/2MR^2 about its horizontal central axle is set spinning with initial angular speed W0. It is then lowered, and at the instant its edge touches the ground the speed of the axle (and CM) is zero. Initially the wheel slips when it...
  49. burnst14

    Mouse Jumps Onto An Exercise Wheel

    Homework Statement The vertical exercise wheel in a mouse cage is initially at rest, but can turn without friction around a horizontal axis through the center of the wheel. The wheel has a moment of inertia I=0.0004kg m2 and radius R = 0.06m An extremely smart pet mouse of mass m = 0.03 kg runs...
  50. C

    Force, torque with a motor + a wheel + a belt

    Homework Statement [/B] A motor accelerates more and more a wheel without friction. It is supposed the belt gives forces F1 and F2 at only one point. http://imageshack.com/a/img674/1437/Uh0XIp.png Homework Equations None The Attempt at a Solution I would like to know if I drawn all...