Work done Definition and 1000 Threads

In physics, work is the energy transferred to or from an object via the application of force along a displacement. In its simplest form, it is often represented as the product of force and displacement. A force is said to do positive work if (when applied) it has a component in the direction of the displacement of the point of application. A force does negative work if it has a component opposite to the direction of the displacement at the point of application of the force.
For example, when a ball is held above the ground and then dropped, the work done by the gravitational force on the ball as it falls is equal to the weight of the ball (a force) multiplied by the distance to the ground (a displacement). When the force F is constant and the angle between the force and the displacement s is θ, then the work done is given by:



{\displaystyle W=Fs\cos {\theta }}
Work is a scalar quantity, so it has only magnitude and no direction. Work transfers energy from one place to another, or one form to another. The SI unit of work is the joule (J), the same unit as for energy.

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  1. M

    Work done by a force slowing an object

    This is one area of basic physics that I feel I'm never sure what is wanted in the question: what is the work done by a force decelerating an object? I mean work is F*d, but in this case the distance moved by the object is in the opposite direction of the force. I mean I would think the work...
  2. M

    Work done on condensing steam in a piston

    Homework Statement A cylinder has a well fitted 2.0Kg metal piston whose cross-sectional area is 2.0cm^2. The cylinder contains water and steam at constant temperature. The piston is observed to fall slowly at a rate of 0.30cm/s because heat flows out of the cylinder walls. As this...
  3. R

    Can Tension Do Work on an Object in a Fluid?

    Work done by tension is... Answered.
  4. Alpharup

    Why are even numbered problems excluded from textbook answer keys?

    Our University prescribes Modern physics by Arthur Beiser for learning relativity. There are many tough(for me:shy:) problems in the book.I usually solve problems from other books too.One such problem had the number 52. I had tried to solve it and it took me 2 hours to solve. I had to make many...
  5. C

    Work done by gas in adiabatic process

    In an adiabatic process PVγ=constant Now I thought the work done by an ideal gas in an adiabatic process was given by the equation here: But while doing a GRE question the answer was given as PfVf - PiVi / 1 - γ Is this...
  6. MarkFL

    MHB John's Calculus Integration w/ Simpson's Rule

    Here is the question: I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can see my work.
  7. L

    Can Someone Explain the Calculation of Work Done by Gas Expansion?

    I have little confusion about understanding a lecture note for calculation of work done by a expansion of gas. According to text, Work done against a force w= - Fx So work done on the system by surrounding when piston moving w = - P(external)(power exert by outside force on the piston) . X...
  8. K

    Work done by a car engine up a slope

    Hello. I've searched the internet hard but couldn't find anything about this so i decided to ask this to physicsforums. If a car is up a slope with friction and it's stopping(balanced) by using the gas pedal, what is the energy consumed by the motor of the car? I know F.x is 0 in this...
  9. G

    Is Weight Training More Efficient Than Running for Burning Calories?

    I am very confused about weight training and running as I learn physics. When I run at 6 miles/hr (about 3 m/s) on treadmill for a minutes, I spend more than 10 calories. I believe these are food calories (KCal) so it is 10,000 cal or 10,000*4.18 Joules or approx 50,000 J ie 50KJ Ok so far so...
  10. MarkFL

    MHB MathHelp's Work Problem from Yahoo Answers

    Here is the question: I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can see my work.
  11. S

    Why is work done by the system a negative quantity?

    Hello, I'm reading a book about a gas volume inside a system. It says that when the volume expands due to the heated gas, the system is doing work. I understand that part. But it says that the value for work is negative because the system is doing work. From all the physics I have been...
  12. R

    How can we prove the work done by gas expansion in any deformable container?

    In my textbook W=∫p.dV is only proved for a syringe with a piston. This is quite easily done but the book never explains how it extrapolates to the general situation for a gas expanding in any deformable container. It seems the point is to prove dV= S.h where S is the surface area of a given...
  13. B

    Work done by friction when car is breaking

    Hi all Please clarify this doubt on work done by friction. The text referred is from the book 'Introduction to classical physics by Morin' - Chap 5, sec 5.1 He is referring to the work-energy theorem : Wexternal = ΔK + ΔV + ΔKinternal "Consider a car that is braking (not skidding). The...
  14. D

    How Much Work Is Needed to Stretch Two Springs and Move a Cube?

    Homework Statement Two identical ideal massless springs have unstretched lengths of 0.25m and spring constants of 200N/m. The springs are attached to a small cube and stretched to a length L of 0.32m. One spring on the left and one on the right. An external force P pulls the cube a distance of...
  15. F

    Work done by gavity on an inclined plane

    A 30-N box is pulled 6.0 m up along a 37 °inclined plane. What is the work done by the weight (gravitational force) of the box? Ok so attempt goes like this: W = FDCOS(37) So force weight parallel to the plane is 30sin37 = 18.05N " perppendicular " 30cos37=...
  16. C

    Work done in thermodynamic process

    Homework Statement An ideal gas undergoes the following reversible cycle: (a) an isobaric expansion from (P1, V1) to (P1, V2), (b) an isochoric reduction from (P1, V2) to (P2, V2) (c) an isobaric reduction from (P2, V2) tp (P2, V1) (d) an isochoric expansion from (P2,V1) to (P1, V1). What...
  17. P

    Calculate the work done by tension

    Homework Statement Consider the following arrangement Calculate the work done by tension on 2kg block during its motion on circular track from point A to point B. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution We know that work done by a force is product of force and displacement. We know...
  18. R

    How does the floor contribute to the ball's energy during a bounce?

    1. A ball of mass 0.5 kg is dropped from rest 10 m above the floor. When it rebounds from the floor it comes to momentary rest 5 m above the floor. How much work did the floor do on the ball? The acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s2. Homework Equations W= F Δx The Attempt at a...
  19. T

    Work done and change in the internal energy

    Homework Statement A force F is applied on a block of mass M.The block is displaced through a distance "d" in the direction of the force.What is the work done by the force on the block?Does the internal energy change because of this work? Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  20. M

    How do I calculate the work done against gravity?

    Ok, so I have a question for my first AS level assignment: "A mass of 40kg is pushed up the slope shown opposite in 20 seconds (assume acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s^2". The slope is 5m, base 4m and height 3m. It first asks to calculate the work done against gravity. This...
  21. A

    Calculating Work: Gas in a Horizontal Cylinder Heated from 300K to 400K

    Homework Statement A cylinder with a frictionless piston is placed horizontaly in an atmosphere of pressure 1.0×10^5N/m^2.A gas in the cylinder is initially at a temperature of 300K with a volume of 1.0 ×10^-3 m3.Then , the ags is heated slowly to a final temparature of 400k.How much work is...
  22. andyrk

    Relation between Change in Potential Energy and Work Done

    Why is dU=-\vec{F}.d\vec{r} Integrating with putting the limits on we get: ΔU=-W Why is this? Here \vec{F} is a conservative force/Force field.
  23. A

    Work Done by Gravity: Formula & Considerations

    Let's say a ball falls from a height of 20m from the ground. g=9,8m/s^2. m=3kg. Consider resistance of air in a qualitative way. What's the formula for the work done by gravity? So, I just thought about this question. I wonder if W=F*s should be applied. Does gravity still do 588J of...
  24. X

    Work done by electrostatic force. Positive or negative?

    Homework Statement A small, positively charged sphere is released from rest and moves directly away from a larger, positively charged sphere. During this process, the electrostatic force: a) does positive work and increases the kinetic energy of the small sphere b) does negative work and...
  25. Saitama

    Thermodynamics: Calculating the work done

    Homework Statement One mole of a certain ideal gas is contained under a weightless piston of a vertical cylinder at a temperature ##T##. The space over the piston opens into the atmosphere. What work has to be performed in order to increase isothermally the gas volume under the piston ##n##...
  26. X

    Hookes law: Calculate the work done by compressing a spring

    Homework Statement Hookes law: Calculate the work done by compressing a spring by x distance Homework Equations W = Fd Ee = 1/2 k x^2 F = kx The Attempt at a Solution I've found two solutions, but only one is correct. I'm confused why it's the second one. First formula I...
  27. Tyrannosaurus_

    Best solution? for work done on a spring.

    Homework Statement GIVEN: Force constant (k) = 170N/m. Displaced 10cm (0.1m) from equilibrium position. REQUIRED: Find the work done on the spring. Homework Equations Solution 1 uses: W = ΔE, & (elastic energy} Ee = 0.5(k)x2, where k is the constant, and x is displacement from...
  28. R

    MHB Calculating Work Done: Elevator Problem

    An elevator cabin which weighs 3000 lb is lifted up 120 feet. It is connected with a counterweight of 3200 lb by a cable of length 200 feet weighing 4 lb per feet. What work is done (or gained) if a) the counterweight comes to rest at the same position as original position of the cabin, b)...
  29. P

    Magnetic force per unit charge and work done on a proton

    Homework Statement a proton moves with a velocity <6*105,3*105> m/s through a magnetic field given by <.2,.2> T a. Find the magnetic force per unit charge on the proton b. Find the work done by this forceHomework Equations Fm=qv x BThe Attempt at a Solution For part a, I used a property of...
  30. R

    Thermodynamics: Calculating work done in irreversible expansion

    Homework Statement Suppose 100g of ethane (C2H6) expands isothermally at 350C from 50ml to 2L. Calculate the heat and work done by the system and the change in entropy if: i)The process is via a reversible path. ii)The process is non-reversible. I don't know how to answer ii) Homework...
  31. P

    Potential Energy and Work done to lift object distance h

    Potential Energy and Work done to lift object distance "h" The amount of energy needed to power a 0.10 kW bulb for 12 minutes would be sufficient to lift a 1 kg object how high? Power = work/time PE = mgh First I converted kw to watts which is 100 watts. Then converted minutes to seconds...
  32. D

    Work done down an inclined plane

    Homework Statement A toy car of mass 20kg moves down a slope of length 35m, which is inclined at arcsin(2/7) to the horizontal. The height of the car initially is 10m, and a constant frictional force of 100N acts against the car through motion. Calculate the work done, power and efficiency of...
  33. F

    Refrigeration - Work done by evaporator, condenser, expansion valve

    In vapor compression refrigeration, I know how to calculate the work done by the compressor (enthalpy at outlet - enthalpy at inlet), but I am lost on how to calculate the work done by the evaporator, condenser, and the expansion valve. For the evaporator and condenser, if I wish to have a...
  34. T

    Work Done by an Insulating Sphere on a test charge

    Homework Statement An insulating sphere of radius 0.240 has uniform charge density 6.50×10−9 . A small object that can be treated as a point charge is released from rest just outside the surface of the sphere. The small object has positive charge 4.10×10−6 How much work does the electric...
  35. C

    Work done in moving a charge through an electric field

    In electrostatics, when you apply an external force to a charge in an electric field to move it from A to B against the field, why is the force said to be equal to the force the electric field is exerting on the charge? How come we're allowed to neglect the initial slightly greater force needed...
  36. S

    Calculating Work and Power on a Block on an Inclined Plane

    Question: A block of 0.5kg is pulled up an inclined plane by a tensile force at a constant velocity of 2m/s. Said block is pulled 15m up the incline. Sin(theta) = 1/3. The coefficient of kinetic direction is 0.08. Calculate the work done on the bock. Also, calculate the power applied to the...
  37. N

    Determine Total Work done by the Force

    Homework Statement The collar moves on a curved track from position A to position B, and slides with neglible friction. A force F = 10 N acts upon the collar from position A to position B, and the direction of the force is always oriented θ = 35° with a positive x-axis as shown. Determine the...
  38. S

    Displacement of a Pendulum to find Work done by Force

    I'm having trouble with this problem. I did: FTcosθ-mg= 0, solving for FT, getting FT= mg/cosθ. Then, along the x-axis, F-FTsinθ=0, solving for F, getting F= mgtanθ. Not sure how to go about it from here. What is the direction of the displacement?
  39. Z

    Why there is no work done when one is holding weight?

    why there is no work done when one is holding weight? there isno work done when moving while carrying a school bag?
  40. M

    Work Done on Horizontal Tank pumping oil

    Homework Statement A gas station stores its gasoline in a tank underground. The tank is a cylinder lying horizontally on its side. The radius is 3 ft, the length is 14 ft, and the top of the tank is 10 feet under the ground. The density of gasoline is 42 lb/ft3 a) Consider a slice of gasoline...
  41. MarkFL

    MHB Kendra N's question at Yahoo Answers regarding work done to empty a conical tank

    Here is the question: Here is a link to the question: Applying integration to physics and engineering? - Yahoo! Answers I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can find my response.
  42. J

    Help with the work done problem

    Hi, Some confusion with the attached problem. Some of us say that the work done on the load is W(x+y) while some others are saying that the WD on the load is just Wy since the motor moves the distance x and that work is done by the motor. Could we have some clarifications? Din
  43. Celestion

    When is work done on an object?

    Hi, this is my first post here. I have a degree in physics and i do some maths and physics tutoring. Recently I realized that I have some holes in my understanding of work, based on a question I was doing with a student (this is not the question I'm asking here though). I'll use a really...
  44. X

    Work done by electrostatic force

    Homework Statement A small, positively charged sphere is released from rest and moves directly away from a larger, positively charged sphere. During this process, the electrostatic force: a) does positive work and increases the kinetic energy of the small sphere b) does negative work and...
  45. M

    How Does Temperature Change Relate to Work Done by a Gas?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations PV=nRT the average KE of the whole gas = 3/2 nRT The Attempt at a Solution why can I not say that the change in temperature of 147K gives a change in average kinetic energy. so if the energy changes by 3/2nR (147) this change in...
  46. I

    Find work done in stretching rubber band

    Homework Statement Please see attachment. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Not really a homework problem. This is 1 of my exam question which I believe I had the right answer but my professor insists that he has the right one. I started by equating work done, W =...
  47. E

    Path Integral to determine Work Done

    When doing a path integral to determine the work done by a particle :\int&space;\textbf{w}\cdot&space;d\mathbf{s} Where F is some vector. Now, I can't remember what ds is. I vaguely seem to remember that it is some unit vector parallel to and in the...
  48. E

    Electrostatics - find the work done

    A certain charge 'Q' is to be divided into two parts, q and Q-q. What is the relationship of 'Q' to 'q' if the two parts, placed at a given distance 'r' apart, are to have maximum Coulombic repulsion? What is the work done in reducing the distance between them to half its value? It went easy...
  49. S

    How Much Work Does a Water Pump Do to Raise Water from a Well?

    Homework Statement Water is pumped from a well at 800kg/minute. The well is 14.0 meters deep. By the time the water reaches the top of the well, it is traveling at 18.0m/s. How much work is done on the water by the pump? Homework Equations ƩFy = F - m*g = m*a W = F*y a = vf/t...
  50. M

    How is Work Done Calculated for a Car Accelerating Uphill?

    if a car of mass 980kg accelerates up an incline (10°to the horizontal) and increases its speed from 8.3m/s to 13.8m/s in 60m, both the air resistance and rolling resistance are taken as constant at 50N and 200N respectivelyfor the acceleration period described, determine work done work done...