What is Work: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In physics, work is the energy transferred to or from an object via the application of force along a displacement. In its simplest form, it is often represented as the product of force and displacement. A force is said to do positive work if (when applied) it has a component in the direction of the displacement of the point of application. A force does negative work if it has a component opposite to the direction of the displacement at the point of application of the force.
For example, when a ball is held above the ground and then dropped, the work done by the gravitational force on the ball as it falls is equal to the weight of the ball (a force) multiplied by the distance to the ground (a displacement). When the force F is constant and the angle between the force and the displacement s is θ, then the work done is given by:



{\displaystyle W=Fs\cos {\theta }}
Work is a scalar quantity, so it has only magnitude and no direction. Work transfers energy from one place to another, or one form to another. The SI unit of work is the joule (J), the same unit as for energy.

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  1. Quantum Alchemy

    I What exactly is a measurement device and how does it work?

    What exactly is a measurement device and how does it carry out a measurement? For instance, in the double slit experiment, you always hear about particle/wave duality. When it's not being measured it behaves like a wave but when a measuring device is placed by the slits, it behaves like a...
  2. vis viva

    Work Done, by what on what? [electrical/mechanical]

    I have been reading older posts containing "work done", but they don't seem to answer my doubts, or maybe I don't understand the answers because I need some visual pedagogical aids. I can sort of take the concept in, when we are dealing with a charge in an electric field, but when it comes to...
  3. J

    Work, Power and Energy assignment marked wrong somehow? :(

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  4. M

    Work done by a force along the path

    If the first equation for force is not formatted please refer to the pic. I did not post my full attempt as the problematic equation leads to a complex integral. Should I be converting r vector into its univector. The two outlined equations refer to the force. I am making an error transforming...
  5. E

    Why doesn't using a basis which is not orthogonal work?

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  6. Aurimas

    Is the iPhone mute button waterproof? How does it work?

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  7. D

    Work of a vector field along a curve

    let ##f : R^3 → R## the function ##f(x,y,z)=(\frac {x^3} {3} +y^2 z)## let ##\gamma## :[0,## \pi ##] ##\rightarrow## ##R^3## the curve ##\gamma (t)##(cos t, t cos t, t + sin t) oriented in the direction of increasing t. The work along ##\gamma## of the vector field F=##\nabla f## is: what i...
  8. J

    What is the toll for an electron to escape a metal surface?

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  9. Frigus

    Why the work done is the area enclosed by the graph of F versus x on x Axis?

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  10. fsonnichsen

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  11. V

    Regarding the work done against air resistance

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  12. L

    Engineering How would an alarm button work in a bathroom scale?

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  13. Pouyan

    How is entropy affected in a reversible process for an ideal gas?

    What do I see in my solution is : ΔW + ΔQ = W_pv + W' + ΔQ (A little difficult to perceive the useful work ) Work on the environment : -p0*(-ΔV) (WHY negative sign?, Is this the work ON the gas?) ΔV=nR (T0/p0 -T/p) By TdS = dQ ΔS + ΔS0 =0 Reversible case: ΔU= -T0ΔS - (-p0(-ΔV)) + W' (WHY...
  14. A

    Fast reactors: How can they work without a moderator?

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  15. Frigus

    Can we say that work done can be used only for mechanical energy?

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  16. M

    Calculating the work needed to compress a volume of air

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  17. anorlunda

    Who Can I Complain to About Receiving Amber Alerts for the Wrong State?

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  18. kuruman

    Work is not done by static friction when accelerating a car

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  19. B

    Work done to reach the point where the gravitational potential is zero

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  20. Adesh

    Why the work done is coming out to be positive?

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  21. Frigus

    Unraveling the Mystery of Work Done & Energy Transfer

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  22. A

    Is there any work done by static friction when accelerating a car?

    I'm asking for clarification, but it's my understanding, that of the thread below, and my college physics book Paul A tipler, that when walking or driving a car, the force of friction from the ground does no work. This makes sense in a car becuase the engine/fuel makes the power, driving the...
  23. Reneee

    What is the work done to move this Charge?

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  24. M

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  25. arcTomato

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  26. polytheneman

    D'Alembert's principle and the work done by constraint forces

    From what I understand, constraint forces do no work because they are perpendicular to the allowed virtual displacements of the system. However, if you consider an unbalanced Atwood machine, in which both masses are accelerating in opposite directions, you'll find that the tension force of the...
  27. brawler234

    Work or Net Work when calculating Power?

    When calculating power, which is Work/time, do we consider NET work (work calculated based on net force) or just work done by the individual force that goes in the same direction as the displacement? If it's the first, then power is 3W. If it's the second, then power is 5W. Which one is correct?
  28. BiggestAfrica

    Determining the factors impacting the amount of Work done

    Apologies for my fairly undescriptive title, I'm having trouble coming up with a better one. I'm simply trying to verify whether my understanding of this problem is correct. 1. Pushing the oven up a ramp 4m long would require more force (my reasoning here is based on the results of a lab which...
  29. Amik

    Is work a vector quantity in physics?

    I am so confused.If F and d are both vector quantity.How come W is a scalar quantity?
  30. E

    Two different answers for work done during compression

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  31. Z

    Thermodynamics: find the change of internal energy, the work and Q

    According to the first principle of thermodynamics: ΔU = W + Q Also noting that: W = -P⋅ΔV (Question: This P is the initial pressure or the final?) To find V2: (P1⋅V1) / T1 = (P2⋅V2) / T2 → Therefore, (P⋅V1) / T1 = [(P/5)⋅V2] / T2 → (P⋅V1) / T1 = (P⋅V2) / (5⋅T2) → V2 = (5⋅T2⋅V1) / T1...
  32. B

    Checking My Work: Did I Answer Part e) Correctly?

    Have had a try at answering this question, and want to particularly know if I had done part e) correctly Here is my workings from the previous parts as I need to use some prior values that I have obtained before to do part e) For the last part, there were 2 ways that I went about it...
  33. Adesh

    A proof that magnetic forces do no work?

    The proof of magnetic forces do no work is given in Introduction to Electrodynamics by David J. Griffiths like this My problem is why he has replaced d\mathbf{l} with \mathbf{v}dt? This substitution implies that the charged particle was moving with \mathbf{v} only and no force acted on it...
  34. Parzeevahl

    Obtaining work from two bodies by a heat engine

    Here's my attempt for the first part: For the first body, the work obtained is ##W_1 = C_P (T_1 - T_f)## while for the second body, it is ##W_2 = C_P(T_2 - T_f).## So the net work obtained is the sum of these two: ##W = W_1 + W_2 = C_P (T_1 + T_2 - 2 T_f)## and that proves the first part...
  35. J

    I How does a quantum computer work?

    What is the principle of operation of a quantum computer on a silicon chip? What are a qubits and how they connected and interacted between themselves? How does CMOS technology work in a quantum computer?
  36. Aletag

    Work done BY the gas in a cyclic thermodynamic process

    Since the assignment asks the work done by the gas, that should be equal to P1*(V2-V1) aka the area under the P1 line. Do I have to subtract the work done to the system or is this the solution already? If so, why do I need P2?
  37. E

    Not sure why my method doesn't work: Springs, Potential Energy and Work

    I know that you can get the answer through using Fs as 18 and solving for K, then subbing it into the equation for elastic energy. I was just wondering why another method wouldn't work. I tried doing it using the concept that Work is an equal to the Change in Elastic Energy, therefore Ee=xF...
  38. G

    To find the work done in extending a spring

    Hi, Could I please ask where I am going wrong with this very simple question: Here's my answer (units implied): A force of 20 extends the spring by 1/100 and so the Work Done in performing this extension is 20 * 1/100 = 1/ 5 Now, the work done in extending a spring is given by the formula...
  39. D

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    if you fed a rectangular waves to a radio antenna, would it still produce radio waves? does it have to be a sine wave?
  40. B

    Which Scifi Alien Would You Rather Work With If You Had a Choice?

    This is purely for fun, as it won't affect my plot direction whatsoever. Which of my scifi created humanoid races would you prefer to work with and why? Which would you not want to and why? Based on their behavior only? Race 1: Take a positive view most all the time of situations, but can...
  41. S

    Engineering Career and job search (teaching or engineering work)

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  42. R

    Projectile Motion : Work and Energy

    The problem is based on a projectile-spring launcher. A ball is loaded into a tube that pushes back a spring and is then launched. The ball was launched straight horizontally not at an angle. I'm trying to find the work done on the ball by the spring. The info I have: Displacement of spring =...
  43. n3pix

    A question about potential energy and work

    Hello, I'm confusing about the basic terms about Conservation of Energy, Potential Energy and Work. Consider that we have a mass ##M## above the ground (zero point) distance of ##y_{0}=h##. When we release the mass it will accelerate through it's way to ground. So the work is made by a field...
  44. brawler234

    Understanding Work Calculations: Clarifying the Role of Forces and Intuition

    A box is moving at a constant velocity. 250N of applied force is acting on a box while 250N of friction is acting on it on the opposite direction. If the box travels 4 meters in the same direction as the applied force, how much work is done? I know that work = force * displacement. Is the...
  45. brawler234

    How to define "energy" and "work" without using either word

    I understand that work is done when (a) a force displaces an object, (b) energy is converted from one form to another, (c) heat is transferred between a system and its surroundings, yet I have trouble giving a precise definition for it. Everywhere I go, the definition of energy is "the ability...
  46. T

    Who Does the Work When a Ball is Kicked: The Player or the Ball?

    if I shoot the football, the ball will recive a force in specific direction, and it would follow that direction. Does the work is done by me when I shooted the ball, or the ball does work when it moves all the period after my shooting ? the work includes force and displacement , so who does the...
  47. Kaushik

    How does a buffer actually work?

    Buffer is a solution of weak acid and its conjugate base which resists the change in pH when strong acid/base is added to the solution. But how does it work? Consider, HA + H2O ⇄ H3O+ + A- When we add strong acid, the H+ from the strong acid reacts with the conjugate base A- to for HA...
  48. R

    Work done pushing a refrigerator up an Incline

    My teacher told me that answers are F=1200 N for lifting straight up and F= 360 N for using the ramp. I can get the force for lifting straight up by using 1800=F(1.5)cos(0) but I do not understand why for using the ramp the equation 1800 = F(1.5)cos(72.5) does not produce the correct answer.
  49. jisbon

    Calculating the work done in a PV diagram

    So I've been digging this problem for quite some time, and still can't figure out a way to obtain work done in AB. I do understand that work done in AB = area under the graph. However, I can't figure out how to obtain the volume at B. I can't use PV=nRT since I am unable to obtain the...
  50. A

    How can we say we do work in walking up stairs or similar?

    I see physics problems asking one to calculate the work done in climbing stairs. However, isn't the system the person, and isn't the person not having any external work done? Then how can we say they did work? Now I know when climbing or raising an object, work=mgh=potential energy. But if the...