Works Definition and 447 Threads

  1. N

    How Transistor works - verifying

    Hi All, I'm trying to understand how transistor works. I have drew some pictures for NPN transistor to show my current understanding. Can you please verify this for me. On the picture: "-" and "+" are movable charges; circled "-" and circled "+" are immovable ions. 1. No voltage applied. Two...
  2. Y

    How Does the Legendre Transform Generate Exact Vertices in QFT?

    QFT. Effective action and the skeleton expansion, how the legendre transform works! Homework Statement I've written a presentation on the effective action and have been posed a few questions to look out for. I think I know the answer to the first but am stumped by the second. "you've...
  3. J

    Help understanding how a battery works.

    I've been trying to understand this but there are some points that lead me to confusion. The first is that a lot of people have been saying the the chemical reaction in the battery starts when you connect the two ends of the terminals to a load. I figured i guess the reaction won't take place...
  4. PainterGuy

    How Transistors Work: A Simple Explanation for Beginners

    Hello everyone, :smile: I am trying to understand how a transistor works. Let's start with a NPN transistor. I read somewhere that NPN is just two diodes joined by sandwiching their 'P' regions between the 'N' regions. In other words by joining their anodes together. Please have a see on...
  5. L

    Understanding how the movie TRON works

    In the movie TRON, was TRON good or bad? and how about CLUE, was CLUE good or bad? If the programming of themselves into a computer was just programming, how come the main character said they were not programs, numerous times, how were they in a computer/ digital world if they were not...
  6. A

    Help understanding how a siphon works?

    Hello everybody. I am somewhat confused about how a siphon works. Attached is an image which will hopefully help me explain. In the top left corner of the image, a classic siphon is shown. My question is however directed at the second image. If i was attempting to siphon water over a fence from...
  7. marcus

    Mechanism for Gammaray Bursts (computer sim shows neutron star merger works) The missing link: Merging neutron stars naturally produce jet-like structures and can power short Gamma-Ray Bursts Luciano Rezzolla, Bruno Giacomazzo, Luca Baiotti, Jonathan Granot, Chryssa Kouveliotou, Miguel A. Aloy (Submitted on 22 Jan 2011) "Short Gamma-Ray...
  8. E

    Find out how a nuclear plant works

    I am not a science guy, but I have been trying to find out how a nuclear plant works and I think I get it; however, I am not clear what it means to bombard something with neutrons. I think I understand how the process continues due to the chain reaaction, but how do you start the reaction.
  9. R

    Are there examples where gravity works indendent of nuclear forces ?

    Yes i am aware this may appear a stupid question, but I am just starting science refresher course and was not able to find an answer so far by googling. So far we are being taught the classical view of gravity. Its a property of mass... and that appears to be it. There is no mechanism...
  10. M

    Explaining How 555 Circuit works

    Homework Statement The problem is the attachment. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I am not sure what the appropriate answer is. Any suggestions?
  11. F

    Medical How cocaine works on the brain video
  12. C

    Exploring How a Geiger Tube Works

    Im trying to understand how a Geiger tube works. So there is a wire in the middle of the tube and then an outer metal shell and the wire and the shell are held at a potential difference. And the tube is filled with a gas like Neon , And when like an x-ray comes in, it ionizes a neon atom and...
  13. R

    Why Group Theory Works: SU(6) & Quarks

    Why is it that the group SU(6) gives you the correct wave function for hadrons made up of the u, d, and s quarks? The 6 elements in the fundamental representation would be u up, u down; d up, d down; s up, s down. What's the meaning behind SU(6)? Also, for 6 quarks, would it be SU(12)?
  14. A

    Moose family welcome at Bærum Iron Works

    In the nowadays posh Oslo suburbia of "Bærums Verk" (where there previosly was a an iron works plant, founded in 1610), a moose family, on the third year in a row, has become a welcome sight. This article has a few photos of them...
  15. L

    Can Carven Motors Revolutionize Engine Design? An Engineer's Perspective

    Hi, I am not sure if this new motor/device as shown in could work and I would like to know a engineer's piont of view It seems to be a piston but with less parts... do you think it really works? Have you seen any operative? in which aplication? Thanks!
  16. S

    How dampening works versus conservation of momentum

    if linear and angular momentum are separately conserved how dampening works? like in a suspension of a car
  17. Y

    I would like to start a discussion involving how sound works.

    I would like to start a discussion involving how sound works. I've read plenty of websites but none can satisfy the level of curiosity I have. To get started I would like to know what it means for low frequency to travel farther than a high frequency all sound waves travel the same speed? The...
  18. P

    Why does the right hand rule works?

    I am having a hard time understanding how come the right hand rule will tell you the direction of a vector that is perpendicular to other two vectors. I mean, I've seen some examples of a current flowing through a wire, which created a magnetic field around it, if there is a positive particle...
  19. Ƒ

    Exploring Internet Access Options: What Works Best?

    I was just wondering what my options are for internet access. Things I've tried: Dial-up (unlimited monthly data WOOHOO! but at the max speed of 56kb/s it's only 14MB...) Satellite (sucked tremendously, 200MB daily download limit) Verizon mifi (currently using, still pretty bad, 5GB download...
  20. K

    Question related to tv show How the Universe Works

    This is probably a really stupid question, but I don't know where else to ask it. I am a layman watching Science channel, the show "How the Universe Works" episode called Alien Galaxies. In it they described the large scale structure of the universe, and talked about the Sloan Wall, which is...
  21. E

    Nintendo game cube playing and whitch way works better upright or horazontal?

    I'm using my nintendo wii for my gamecube games and I just read in the maual that it's ok to remove the panels on the side to plug in the memory card and the controler if the system is horazontal whitch mine is I never done that before and I was woundering if it would hurt my system the maual...
  22. S

    How crystal + electricity works together

    hey everyone I am new to the site an new to physics ( bare with me if I am not as smart as some ) , =) ok, i have this friend who is world widly known for his work, but cut this short, he uses electricity an crystal an can do some out of the ordinary stuff with this he has been in numerous...
  23. M

    Complete Works of Major Mathematicians (English)

    I am very interested in reading the original works of some famous mathematicians, such as: Cauchy Lagrange Euler Gauss The Bernoullis Riemann etc. I have found the their respective works have been collected in volumes (for example, Cauchy has 27 volumes!) but they are all in their...
  24. J

    Understanding AC Current: A Simplified Explanation for Non-Science Students

    Please remember that I'm not a science or physics student, so please explain as simply as you can. Thanks. In the case of DC current electrons flow from a negative terminal to a positive. A negative terminal is full of electrons and the positive is electron deficient. I'm trying to understand...
  25. I

    Medical Thinking purely in words, how this works

    I am very curious about how people think in words alone for a long time and am hoping that some of you here can enlighten me on this topic. When i try to investigate the subject almost all that i come across are articles on how people think visually which for me is normal and therefore of little...
  26. D

    Share Your Creative Works: Showcase & Critique!

    Hi, I didn't see any kind of thread with this topic so I figure I could post it here. I'm sure there are a lot of really creative people here, and I would love to see what kind of works of art that might be floating around in the collective minds here at PF. You can post anything that would...
  27. Z

    Remainder theorem only works with quadratics divided by linear?

    Homework Statement The remainder theorem can't really be applied when dividing by something other than a linear equation since you wouldn't know what a is, right? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  28. A

    Circuit: Water Sensor: Works when one probe is in water while the other is not

    Hi, just wondering how I could make a circuit so that it would only work when one water sensor if touching water while the other isn't. Here's a quick" and replace the buzzer with a pump, but how do I use probes with two with...
  29. J

    How does a computer translate keyboard inputs into on-screen letters?

    Please remember I'm not a science or computer student - quite a layman in these areas. Please be as much explanatory as possible. Thanks. I'm struggling to understand how a computer works at basic level. They say it's all about 0's and 1's for computers. But a computer is an electronic...
  30. M

    Pulsed laser diode driver - how it works?

    Hi everyone, I've been looking at the data sheet for a pulsed laser diode driver that I've been using, and I've managed to convince myself that there's a mistake. I was hoping that if I post my explanation of how the circuit shown in the data sheet works, that you guys can either confirm that...
  31. Z

    Can someone please explain to me how this works?

    If let's say we have the following expression √(x^2 - y^2) If I wanted to factor out x, then why can't I just take x out because a square root of a square is the base. x√(1 - y^2) But it turns out that the answer to this is incorrect and the answer to factoring out x is. x√(1 -...
  32. J

    Medical What is name for this disease? brain works poorly when in public place

    A person in his early 20s becomes mentally very passive, his brains doesn't really work, when he is in a public place such as a university lecture hall. The topic which is an easy task when he is alone becomes a mammoth task when surrounded by others. Could you please help me to identify this...
  33. Ivan Seeking

    This works on so many levels here, I couldn't

    This works on so many levels here, I couldn't resist.
  34. A

    Nuclear Fusion for electricty, boils water and moves a turbine? Or how it works?

    Hello. I know that most fission reactors boils water to move a turbine like this one. Is the same for a future nuclear fusion power plant, produce heat and boil water? Some light about this please.
  35. T

    How Does a Hydraulic Motor Function in a System?

    Hey Respected seniors, I want to know that how the hydraulic motor works? Im working as a trainee engineer in a company.. I watch daily a machine that have hydraulic motor, pump, solenoid valve... All these things are for the movement of a shaft which is connected to a jack( I see, there...
  36. H

    How to Do Electronics Project: Flashing LED Kit

    Hello People . I am first year electronics engineering student . Recently I wanted to try hand in electonics projects. And I am planning to do flashing led electonic kit given over net. I couldn't understand how its's really working. I have no idea. People help me . Advance thanks...
  37. R

    CO2 emitters to ward off mosquito's - works?

    Anyone have practical experience with the propane (or vinegar/baking soda) CO2 emitters which purport to reduce mosquito problems? End of biting season for this year, but would like to have an effective approach for next year.
  38. J

    Hemodynamics Homework Help, Works shown

    Model the arterial tree as a simple branching network in which each junction is composed of a parent vessel and daughter vessels, each having a diameter related to the parent's via the cube law (D_n-1)^3= (D_n*a)^3 + (D_n*b)^3 which is approx. equal to 2*(D_n)^3 a.) Show that D_n/D_0=...
  39. S

    Need help proving a recursive function works

    Homework Statement Prove the correctness of the following recursive algorithm to multiply two natural numbers, for all integer constants c ≥ 2. function multiply(y, z) comment Return the product yz. 1. if z = 0 then return(0) else 2. return(multiply(cy,[ z/c]) + y · (z mod c))...
  40. C

    A little confused about how Relativity works?

    hello ppl Imagine that you are on a spaceship flying very close to the speed of light and we know that time slows down significantly at this speed relative to that on earth. now say every day for the persons on the spaceship is a whole year for a person on earth. So for a person on the...
  41. T

    Question about how resistance works

    Homework Statement Consider a simple circuit that looks like a rectangle (the cables), with 4.5 V attached on the bottom. The electrons are traveling from - to +, let's say I1 = 10A, which means they have an average velocity v1. Now put a 1kOhm resistance near the + side of the battery. I2 =...
  42. B

    How do rockets in space works?

    Nasa uses chemical rockets in space right? On Earth I could understand how they work, the one reaction produces an equal and opposite reaction. So on Earth the rocket would be pushing on air to propel itself. But there's no air in space... Edit:::: I added an s to "works" in the title, my bad
  43. G

    The Physics Behind Gaussian Guns

    I'm sorry this is not really a school question i was just intrigued and did not now where else to ask about it. I have seen videos of these Gaussian guns and they appear to generate energy from nowhere, obviously impossibly. So what is the physics behind how they work?
  44. P

    Clarification on How Wireless Charging Works

    As far as I know, they use two coils and rely on a changing electromagnetic field to transfer electric current. So would wireless charging not work for DC current since a constant voltage would create an unchanging electromagnetic field and therefore unable to induce a current in the other coil?
  45. R

    Physics is behind how a centrifuge works

    I was wondering what the physics is behind how a centrifuge works and how to find the (radius dependent) g-force exerted along the centrifuge tubes. I look at some online sites like wiki etc. but they weren't really clear. Thanks.
  46. L

    A Physics Simulator That Works In Ubuntu

    I'm looking for a program that simulates physics systems in Ubuntu. I tried using Step but it's a KDE system, and I've been having a lot of issues with it hanging up and crashing. My searches thus far have pulled up nothing. Does anyone know of any good programs other than Step?
  47. B

    So what to do with knowledge of how the universe works?

    A friend of mine (an old man in his 70's) watched the History Channel shows on The Universe and the Big Bang Theory and all that and asked me - "so what if the universe started with a big bang? what good does it do me by knowing this fact? why worry about all this stuff in the universe when...
  48. E

    Works with coefficient of friction

    What is the minimum work needed to push a 1000 kg car up 45.0 meters up a 12.5 \circ degree incline? a. Ignore Friction b. Assume the effective coefficient of friction is 0.30. Work: W = (F*d)cos\theta Coefficient of friction: W = \muN(d) What I did: W = (m*g)(d)cos\theta...
  49. L

    Reducing Normal Subgroup Calcs: Finite Groups Only?

    My abstract algebra book is talking about reducing the calculations involved in determining whether a subgroup is normal. It says: If N is a subgroup of a group G, then N is normal iff for all g in G, gN(g^-1) [the conjugate of N by g] = N. If one has a set of generators for N, it suffices...