X-ray Definition and 309 Threads

  1. Z

    X-ray crystallography, protons or electrons?

    X-ray crystallography is now 100 years old so this question is probably pretty simple. Is the diffraction coming from the nucleons or the electrons in the sample? Ie. The electrons occupy a more diverse location within the sample (depending on what level/shell they occupy, in fact some may be...
  2. S

    X-ray diffraction or reflection?

    In x-ray diffraction , even though its reflection is happening , we call this as x ray diffraction. why is it so?? i don't know whether it has been discussed previously here.
  3. Q

    Minimum daily whole-body X-ray dose to cause radiation poisoning?

    Hi, If I were given a whole-body X-ray dose daily for many days (a year for example) What would be the highest dosage per day which would result in an increased cancer risk but no noticeable signs of radiation poisoning by the end of the year, or during? And also, I've read that a 2KRad dose...
  4. G

    Could an Electromagnetic Pulse Affect a Nuclear-Pumped X-Ray Laser?

    Odd hypothetical here- If one detonates/fires a nuclear-pumped x-ray laser (soft x-ray, if you were wondering) and immediately subjects the beam to a high-strength, sustained electromagnetic pulse, would the beam suffer any effects? I've read that EMP does not include ionizing radiation...
  5. |Glitch|

    What Makes ULX-1 in the Pinwheel Galaxy an Exceptional Black Hole?

    In the Pinwheel Galaxy (a.k.a. M101, NGC 5457), 20,870,000 light years away, there is an Ultra Luminous X-Ray source called ULX-1 (a.k.a. X-10) which has astronomers somewhat baffled. When they first observed M101 ULX-1 they observed that it was emitting 3.0 x 1039 ergs-1 in the soft x-ray...
  6. E

    Synchrotron X-ray Measurements

    I am curious about a question. in synchrotron station,people use x ray to do kinds of experiments. They use the x ray ,how do they know the characteristic(like wavelength,brightness) of the ray they use. Does they measure the x ray when they use it simultaneously? Does this have an bad effect on...
  7. H

    CAMPEP accredited graduate program and x-ray phase-imaging research

    Hi, Last week I finished M.Sc. degree in Medical Physics. Now I'm pondering what to do next. I have a few questions mainly for Medical Physicsists or Medical Physics Residents: 1. Recently I got very interested in reasearch in the area of the X-ray phase-contrast imaging (PCI). As far as I...
  8. R

    What's the x-ray diffraction pattern of triangular atoms?

    What would happen to the XRD pattern if instead of having spherical atoms, we had triangular atoms? I found the optical diffraction pattern for a triangular aperture, but I'm not sure if optical diffraction patterns would be the same as XRD patterns.
  9. Borg

    News FBI Foils Plot To Build X-Ray Weapon

    Every time I think that I've seen it all, a story like this comes along. Thankfully, someone reported these two to the FBI. FBI Foils Plot To Build X-Ray Weapon
  10. A

    X-Ray Spectrometer Lab: Atomic Number & X-Ray Absorption

    Hey! I'am doing a X-ray spectrometer lab, need some help regarding the absorption of x-rays by matter. one simple question, does material with higher atomic number stop more x-rays? I have following measurement values: no filter, 6k impulse rate/s 50 Sn, 111 impulse rate/s 30 Zn, 3173...
  11. A

    Why do x-ray machines increase cancer risk?

    I hear they emit radiation which deionizes atoms. Is this due to the frequency of the x-ray? Is x-ray light considered radiation?
  12. P

    Precious-Opal and/vs X-Ray Diffraction

    (My (old) background is math & computer science. I've long loved (mostly) precious opals - for their esthetics, lapidary potential, synthesis (which I've done), and how the play-of-color ("PoC") is produced.) I recently did another couple of passes on the latter in the process of trying to...
  13. B

    Dangers of Living Above a Dental Office?

    Hello, I have the opportunity to rent an apartment directly above a dental office. I'm wondering about the disadvantages to doing that. In particular, I'm wondering if the radiation from their X-Ray machine can travel into my apartment. I would appreciate your insight. Thanks in...
  14. V

    Determine X-ray Wavelength & Frequency

    Problem: Determine the wavelength and frequency of the emitted x-rays when 100-keV electrons strike a target. Solution: Assuming all kinetic energy of electrons is used to produce the x-rays, E_initial=E_final K+m_0*c^2=hf+m_0*c^2 K=hf K=hc/λ =>λ=hc/K=(6.63x10^-34 Js)(3.00x10^8...
  15. C

    X-Ray Safety Advice for Non-Living Material Experiments: Tips & Techniques

    I am looking to do some experimentation with x-ray imaging of non-living materials, and need advice on how to do it safely. My questions fall under two categories: 1) How do I ensure that the radiation does not come in contact with human flesh, and 2) How do I detect the radiation from the...
  16. D

    X-ray question - frequencies and energies

    X-ray question -- frequencies and energies Homework Statement 1. Why does x-ray with higher frequency possesses higher ionizing power and penetrating power ? 2. Will gamma ray with higher frequency possesses higher ionizing power and penetrating power ? And is "gamma ray has no mass" a reason...
  17. D

    Energy Conservation And X-ray Diffraction

    I have a question regarding X-ray diffraction and energy conservation. If one considers elastic scattering from a rod-like structure, the observed diffraction pattern will change as the sample is illuminated from different directions. For some directions the pattern will be point-like, and...
  18. Aaronvan

    Richard Rhodes: X-Ray Flux has Mass?

    On pp. 459 of Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb Richard Rhodes writes: He is talking about soft-x-rays in that quote. I understand that X-rays are massless so their weight is zero regardless of the density of the flux. Is this not correct? Is there a better comparison he could have...
  19. P

    What is the best book for explaining X-ray diffraction theory and calculations?

    Does anyone have a good book that explains X-ray diffraction theory well? Stuff like interference calculations, reciprocal space, diffracted amplitudes and intensity, and the Debye formula.
  20. P

    Black holes: Some astronomers detected flashes of x-ray in the cosmos

    Some astronomers detected flashes of x-ray in the cosmos. They say it can only be possible because matters temperature increases to million degrees to radiate into x-rays, and only objects entering into black hole could radiate x-rays in whole cosmos. How can you detected x-ray radiation from...
  21. J

    X-ray and electron microscope diffraction patterns

    Hey, I'm having trouble finding a clear answer anywhere. When you have a x-ray diffraction pattern, do the dark spots correspond to the positions of atoms? Or do they represent the position of atoms in reciprocal space or something like that? It would seem natural to assume that the peaks are...
  22. F

    The Cause of X-ray crystal Diffraction

    Hello, This is a multi-part question that stems from understanding how X-ray diffraction occurs in crystals (eg. protein crystals). 1. Diffraction occurs when Bragg's Law is satisfied, but I'm sure the waves aren't actually being reflected. The x-ray's are scattering. What type of...
  23. K

    X-Ray Spectra and Photon Energy

    Homework Statement In a particluar x-ray tube, an electron approaches the target moving at 2.35 108 m/s. It slows down on being deflected by a nucleus of the target, emitting a photon of energy 40 keV. Ignoring the nuclear recoil, but not relativity, compute the final speed of the electron...
  24. R

    Medical Digital dental x-ray with periapical film

    It is said that digital dental x-ray has less radiation. Is it because the sensor used that acts faster in capturing the image. What if you use a traditional film on a digital dental x-ray. Would the radiation be the same?
  25. S

    X-Ray diffraction - The Von Laue's equation

    Hello experts! I have some questions related to the X-Ray Diffraction using Laue's treatment. I have attached some images. I have marked in red what I want to ask. Kindly tell me where did these equations come? Is there any low level physics included too, if so then kindly guide me...
  26. D

    Calculation of the first two X-ray Bragg reflections from KCl and KBr

    Homework Statement HI, I am practicing some exam questions to get ready for a repeat, below is the question I am having trouble with. "The lattice constants of KCl and KBr are 6.29 angstroms, and 6.59 angstroms, respectively. What would be the first two observed Bragg diffraction angles...
  27. R

    Difference between outbursts and flares in X-ray accreting binaries

    Hello to everybody. I am studying the accreting neutron stars (pulsars) in the X-ray band. Reading a number of papers, I noticed that there are two kinds of transients: the "outbursts" and the "flares". Unfortunately, I still don't understand what is the difference between them, if it is...
  28. M

    Braggs law and x-ray crystallography

    I'm trying to figure out how Braggs law is useful for analysing crystal structures. So here's the equation: nλ = 2dsinθ where λ is the wavelength of incident radiation, d is the distance between each layer of atoms in the crystal and θ is the angle of incidence. So to keep things simple let's...
  29. Z

    Art X-ray use on fine art wood panels

    Warm greetings from a first time poster, Thank you for looking. I hope I posted in the correct category and apologize if I did not. My question revolves around a late 19th century painting on wood panel made of cypress with oak strapping (2.6cm thick). I'm having the panel...
  30. S

    Why Is Building an X-ray Telescope Challenging?

    Homework Statement it gives a bit of an intro "It is difficult to build a large surface area telescope to observe X-rays, because the index of refraction for nearly all materials at those wavelength is less than 1, which means you cannot create a reflective mirror in the normal fashion...
  31. M

    Given potential difference of X-ray machine find energy of X rays

    Homework Statement Given is the X-ray machine in which electrons are accelerated in the potential difference of 10000 V before hitting the electrode and loosing its energy. Find the maximum energy of the emitted X rays in keV and in Joules. Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  32. X

    Do gamma and X-ray wavelength photons also exist as collapse able wave fx's?

    This question has gone unanswered by our friends in nuclear/atomic threads. My question relates to a solitary Tc^99m decay in particular, and to gamma rays in general. If light is a collapse able wave function, are different wavelength energies the same, ie gamma, x, radio, etc. My...
  33. J

    Investigating Attenuation of X-Ray Photons with Al Thickness

    Hi Would anyone help/advise me? I've done 2 experiments as part of my radiography degree. One was to investigate the effect of the ISL on a beam of x-ray photons. I could understand this, produced 2 graphs (Mean reading against distance (uGy) and Mean reading against 1/d squared) and wrote a...
  34. M

    Material Science- x-ray diffraction and metal densities

    Homework Statement Consider a metal with an BCC crystal structure and atomic weight 92.91. When monochromatic x-radiation having a wavelength of 0.14 nm is used, the angle of diffraction (2*theta) for the (211) set of planes in this metal occurs at 41.148 ° (first-order reflection)...
  35. N

    Help with X-Ray Machine Cost Calculation

    I have to solve this exercise and i stuck any help? we have 20 scietists arrive per hour and the x-ray station can process 45 employees per hour. the company spends a total of $65 per hour per employee. X-ray machines cost $50.000 and the wages and fringe benefits of operators amount to $30.000...
  36. M

    D spacing from X-ray diffraction data

    How do get the d spacing from XRD data, using braggs law. I am unsure how to actually obtain the value of d. I have attached the file as a text file with the data in. Many thanks for the help.
  37. B

    How to derive characteristic wavelength of x-ray from energy equation?

    Hello. first, sorry for my poor English. Derive characteristic wavelength from radiation powerThis is radiated power from bending magnet (synchrotron storage ring accelerating electron to get x-ray) and these are wave distribution from storage ring and what I have to derive is as follows...
  38. R

    Understanding the Absence of [001] Diffraction Peak in X-Ray Diffraction

    I know it is a simple question but I cannot find the answer. Why is the [001] diffraction peak not observed in XRD but [004] peak is observed. Thank you.
  39. mishima

    X-ray diffraction: history and theory

    I'm looking for a book that might teach me how to read diffraction patterns and infer structure. I'm also interested in the history of the technique. This is mainly so I can explain it with confidence to high school students and college freshmen as a teacher. I feel like I never really went...
  40. bearcharge

    X-ray diffraction in the presence of an electric potential

    Hi, I was conducting an experiment on a material using XRD and I investigated two cases. One case is the presence of outside electric potential, that is, the material being connected to a electric circuit. The other case is the absence of this electric potential. I found that the two XRD...
  41. bearcharge

    X-ray diffraction in the presence of electric potential

    Hi, I was conducting an experiment on a material using XRD and I investigated two cases. One case is the presence of outside electric potential, that is, the material being connected to a electric circuit. The other case is the absence of this electric potential. I found that the two XRD...
  42. A

    How to Calculate the X-ray Atomic Form Factor for Helium?

    Homework Statement Make an approximate calculation of the x-ray atomic form factor for He by assuming that its electron density is given by a hydrogenic ground state. Homework Equations Need help with this. The Attempt at a Solution I attempted to use the hydrogenic model, but could not...
  43. A

    K, L, M electron transitions, x-ray emission lines, conflicting information

    So the basic understanding I have of electron transitions for EDX, XES and other x-ray fluorescence techniques is that a transition from: L to K shell is named K\alpha M to K shell is K\beta N to K shell is K\gamma M to L shell is K\alpha etc. Grand, easy... google leads me to multiple diagrams...
  44. N

    Understanding X-ray Tube Components: Anode Confusion Explained

    Hey, In an X-ray tube, you know how there is the target where the electrons collide and stuff... and you know how there is the tungsten part and the the copper bit (the tungsten being the one which electrons collide on)... well my book discusses them separately and i am just a bit confused...
  45. N

    X-ray tube Questions - Accelerating electrons, Why X-rays

    Hey guys, I have a couple of questions regarding X-rays and how they are produced. 1) Is an X-ray an electromagnetic wave or a photon? 2) Why is it that when the electrons collide with the anode in an x-ray tube, X-rays are emitted and not any other electromagnetic wave/photon? 3) When the...
  46. N

    Increase voltage = increase in intensity of electrons - X-ray tube

    Hey, In x-ray tubes, how come an increase in the voltage results in an increase in the intensity of the electrons. i.e. the no. of electrons emitted per unit time per unit second. Thanks.
  47. H

    Why does X-ray Diffraction Show Disappearing Peaks in CaCoH3?

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope somebody can help me. I am studing perovskite hydride CaCoH3 using X-ray diffraction. CaCoH3 crystallizes with a cubic in space group Pm-3m. At phase transtion point, all peaks weakened gradually, and...
  48. H

    Count rates from X-ray Fluorescence Spectrum

    My question is, when extracting the count rate from a particular peak in the energy dispersive spectrum (e.g. X-ray fluorescence) Is this done by simply drawing a straight horizontal line from the top of the peak to the y-axis and the corresponding intercept will be the count rate? What if the...
  49. binbagsss

    X-ray production, continous and line spectra.

    Which occurence requires a higher energy? I don't know much about these but for continous, I think the x-ray is able to get close to the nucleus without interacting with the electrons, is then deflected or stopped by the nucleus and the emitted photon can have a range of energies - 0 to Kemax...
  50. P

    X-Ray emission and Bragg Scattering (K-Alpha and K-beta absorption)

    Homework Statement Complete this sentence. When doing Bragg scattering of x-rays off of NaCl, the first order K-Alpha peak has an energy that is ___________ the energy of the second order K-Alpha peak. Known Information It is known that the Intensity of the K-Alpha is greater than the K-Beta...