2007, year of the craddle robbing teachers?

In summary, there have been numerous cases of female teachers engaging in sexual relationships with their students. Many of these cases involve teachers in their 20s and students as young as 10 years old. Some of the teachers have been convicted, while others are still in the process of facing charges. It is a controversial topic as to whether these women receive different treatment compared to male teachers who commit similar crimes.
  • #1
Emily Streb
Student's age: 16

Lauren Kathleen Palmer
Student's age: 16 [girl]
http://media.www.arbiteronline.com/media/storage/paper890/news/2007/05/03/News/Centennial.High.School.Softball.Coach.Faces.Sex.Charge-2892488.shtml Christina Lin Butler
Student's age: 16

Jennifer Rice
Student's age: 10. Yes, 10.

Sheryl A. Nawahine
Student's age: 16

Kimberly Nack
Student's age: 16

Christine Scarlett
Student's age: 17

Angela Renee Comer
Student's age: 14
http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-05-09-teacher-sex-charges_N.htmHeather Thorsby
Student's age: 17
http://www.wsmv.com/news/13323163/detail.html?subid=10106691 Erica Umosella
Student's age: 17

Carrie Bishop
Student's age: 17
http://hamptonroads.com/node/275271 Darcie Esson
Student's age: 17

Tammie Fleming
Student's age: 17
http://www.nbc12.com/news/state/9169632.html Jessica Ashley Kahal
Student's age: 17

Julie Miller Culbertson
Student's age: unclear, "teen" [girl]

Janet Susan Gallager Parker
Student's age: unclear ("middleschool")

Cris Lynn Morris
Student's age: 17

Allenna Ward
Student's age: unclear ("several", "middleschool")

Janelle Batkins
Student's age: 17

Kirsten Ann Kinley
Student's age: 15

Stephanie Ann Stein
Student's age: 15

Karen Robbins
Student's age: 15

Holly Hatcher
Student's age: 17
http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/428730/holly_hatcher_brings_to_light_teachers.html Meredith Hollen
Student's age: unclear

Jeri Perez
Student's age: 14

Tonya Johnson
Student's age: 12

Brandy Reynolds
Student's age: 15

Kanesa Hopkins
Student's age: 13 [girl]

Maurna Thornton [Link to her homepage]
Student's age: 14

Janet Botton Klatt
Student's age: 16

Amber Marshall
Student's age: "several", "teenaged

Jennifer Mally
Student's age: 16

Jean Panzo-Montalbano
Student's age: 16

Julie Petty
Student's age: 14 [girl]

Wendie Ann Schweikert
Student's age: 11

Kelli Jo Camp
Student's age: 17

Do women child molesters get different treatment?
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  • #2
Was that rhetorical? How many of these teachers from Tampa? If there's no Tampa teachers there, then 2008 will be the year of the Tampa Teachers...making a strong comeback to the glory days of Lafave.

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  • #3
gravenewworld, you are going to need to supply a link to a credible source showing a conviction of each one of those teachers.
  • #4
What do you mean by teachers? Or are you showing the pic of the teacher and the age of the victim. Either way your stuff is confusing. No wonder their child moles, they're all ugly.
  • #5
It's a little early to be asking about convictions for most of them. A quick google on any you haven't heard of will get the info on the case, though.
  • #6
russ_watters said:
It's a little early to be asking about convictions for most of them. A quick google on any you haven't heard of will get the info on the case, though.
Yeah, but you know that's not how it works here, the OP has to present sources, members aren't supposed to hunt them down. Instead of taking the time to hunt down and upload pictures, supplying the links to the information is what is required.
  • #7
I don't blame the students at all. Some of them are good looking!
  • #8
Evo said:
gravenewworld, you are going to need to supply a link to a credible source showing a conviction of each one of those teachers.
The link below appears to quote news articles describing the indictment of the teachers on the list, but there are no proper citations.

Edit - removed link - looks more like hit jobs than mainstream news.
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  • #9
Cradle-robbing? I was out of my cradle before I was 12, not to mention 15 or 17.
  • #10
To my shame I couldn't help - while reading about some of those - but think of the South Park episode where the teacher sleeps with Kail's brother, and the police are completely blasé about it.


"We need to track this boy down and give him his luckiest boy in America medal right away"

:smile: I know it's wrong but there's a sort of double standard I think.
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  • #11
I think its because its the earliest male fantasy isn't it. You wish your hot female teacher would take you into the gym equipment cupboard and do naughty things.

Unless that was just me :rolleyes:.

Perhaps they should have female judges.

So is it 18 in the states when one can give consent?
  • #12
Varies from state to state, but yes often.

Exactly when you hear about it happening to some 16 year old kid, you just go, lucky sod. :smile:

But if it's a sixteen your old girl you're like, wow he was completely abusing his position of authority etc. That's despite it being illegal anyway even if she is 16+.
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  • #13
They haven't all gone to trial yet for there to be convictions, but I doubt the number this year is unusual. Child molesters have always found their way into professions that involve working with children. What's new is that 1) they are gaining more press coverage of the problem and 2) people have started to take the claims more seriously when the perpetrator of a sexual offense is a woman...basically due to the attitudes described by Kurdt and SD that the boys "want it" (somewhat like the way they used to blame the female victims of rape as "promiscuous" if they knew their rapist).
  • #14
What I want to know is what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? The entire original post seems to go against this concept, since not all of them (any?) have gone to trial.
  • #15
Some aren't even being charged because there was no sexual contact.
  • #16
And, let's be honest... playing hide-the-snake with a 17 year old is about as much "child molestation" as having a beer on Saturday night is alcoholism.

- Warren
  • #17
chroot said:
And, let's be honest... playing hide-the-snake with a 17 year old is about as much "child molestation" as having a beer on Saturday night is alcoholism.

- Warren

In this country it's illegal past 16, because the teacher is in a position of authority, which they have abused to sleep with someone under it. It's not child molestation, but it isn't strictly good practice either, or without being a bit of a moral quagmire.
  • #18
Schrodinger's Dog said:
...because the teacher is in a position of authority, which they have abused to sleep with someone under it. It's not child molestation, but it isn't strictly good practice either, or without being a bit of a moral quagmire.

That's why the issue of consent is so difficult in these cases. Even if the student seemed willing, were they willing because they were just a horny teen with a hot teacher, or were they willing because of the teacher's position of authority potentially resulting in them getting a better grade?

This attitude of "We all know he wanted it" is the same attitude that used to keep girls/women from testifying against their rapists, "But she wanted it...even while saying 'no, stop' the whole time."

Teachers are all well aware they aren't supposed to have relations with their students. If there's really more to it than an infatuated student and teacher who wants to take advantage, then there's no reason it can't wait another year until the student is over 18 and graduated from high school, when it is completely legal and ethical.
  • #19
I'm not saying these teachers should not be held accountable for what is surely -- at a minimum -- unethical behavior. At the same time, I don't think it's reasonable to call someone who gets involved with a 17 year old a "cradle robber" or a "child molester." Clearly, a 17 year old is a physically mature person, and many (most?) are mentally mature enough to make whatever choices they like. They're well above the age of consent in many states. In some cases, they are literally days away from their 18th birthday and all federal rights of adulthood. I think it's really pretty stupid that our society wastes so much time and money on these kinds of non-violent, victimless "crimes."

- Warren
  • #20
I remember there was a case where a guy was going to face 3 years in prison for having underage sex, with a minor (it was in fact oral sex) The fact that he was 17 and his girlfriend 16 seemed to be beside the point. Utterly absurd. I remember it because some people at the time saying, well the laws the law, tough and so on. Which I found utterly absurd? A kid is going to have 3 years of his life taken away for indulging in an act that probably a million horny teenagers pre 18 have indulged in, :confused: Is that sensible, the laws meant to protect children from adults not other horny teens. You can't legislate against behaviour of children, in this case, it's just not what the law is about. That said I think it's right that teacher pupil sex is broadly illegal. As already said there's no reason why they can't wait until the pupil is no longer a pupil, if there is nothing untoward going on.
  • #21
Moonbear said:
Even if the student seemed willing, were they willing because they were just a horny teen with a hot teacher, or were they willing because of the teacher's position of authority potentially resulting in them getting a better grade?
...or, more importantly, owing to the teacher's position of authority, that their refusal might lead to a poorer grade.

I still think that sex with teachers, as such, ought not to be forbidden. I think we go too far as a society, depriving individual rights with the excuse of lowering the potential for crime (in this case, partial treatment of students).
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  • #22
Schrodinger's Dog said:
I remember there was a case where a guy was going to face 3 years in prison for having underage sex, with a minor (it was in fact oral sex) The fact that he was 17 and his girlfriend 16 seemed to be beside the point.

There was also a case where an 18 year old took a picture of his 17 year old girlfriend, and emailed it to a friend. He was charged with distribution of child pornography, and he is now a registered sex offender. Fingers are still crossed that he'll go on a rampage and kill everyone who wronged him, just like in those movies we watched as kids :smile:
  • #23
ShawnD said:
There was also a case where an 18 year old took a picture of his 17 year old girlfriend, and emailed it to a friend. He was charged with distribution of child pornography, and he is now a registered sex offender. Fingers are still crossed that he'll go on a rampage and kill everyone who wronged him, just like in those movies we watched as kids :smile:

That's the problem with some people though, while laws are there to be obeyed, courts are obviously charged with acting within the spirit of the law some times. Obviously giving someone 3 years in jail for having oral sex with his girlfriend to most people would seem ridiculous. Or as you say taking a photo of your girlfriend naked would seem pretty ordinary if not a little unwise. But there are I think some people who think because something is illegal it is automatically justifiable to apply x sentence, because it is "immoral". I'm sorry but it's neither immoral to take a consensual photo of your gf nor is it immoral for two people to indulge in sexual activity just below the age of consent. In these cases it just goes to show that some people are unable to mete out justice, just the law. I'm glad that they are isolated cases. Mind you in this country, they never get prosecuted, waste of police time, probably something to do with the the puritans again over there. :smile:
  • #24
I should find out where that case was. Hopefully it was in the bible belt where people are known for being retarded on an unprecedented scale. If it was in Seattle or something, I would get a bit worried.
  • #25
ShawnD said:
There was also a case where an 18 year old took a picture of his 17 year old girlfriend, and emailed it to a friend. He was charged with distribution of child pornography, and he is now a registered sex offender. Fingers are still crossed that he'll go on a rampage and kill everyone who wronged him, just like in those movies we watched as kids :smile:

I think it was probably the emailing it to his friend that got him in trouble, rather than just taking the picture.
  • #26
NeoDevin said:
I think it was probably the emailing it to his friend that got him in trouble, rather than just taking the picture.

It is a man's duty to distribute naked pictures of his girlfriend to his buddies should he come across some pictures.
  • #27
Schrodinger's Dog said:
I remember there was a case where a guy was going to face 3 years in prison for having underage sex, with a minor (it was in fact oral sex) The fact that he was 17 and his girlfriend 16 seemed to be beside the point. Utterly absurd. I remember it because some people at the time saying, well the laws the law, tough and so on. Which I found utterly absurd? A kid is going to have 3 years of his life taken away for indulging in an act that probably a million horny teenagers pre 18 have indulged in, :confused: Is that sensible, the laws meant to protect children from adults not other horny teens. You can't legislate against behaviour of children, in this case, it's just not what the law is about. That said I think it's right that teacher pupil sex is broadly illegal. As already said there's no reason why they can't wait until the pupil is no longer a pupil, if there is nothing untoward going on.

That's why I prefer the versions of the laws that provide an exception for a reasonable age difference, such as 3 years. That means the just-turned-18-year-old with his almost-16-year-old girlfriend doesn't end up thrown in jail and branded a sex offender for life. In the case of teachers, though, even a fairly new teacher is going to be in their mid-20s...there's no reason to be going after kids under 18, especially kids who are their students. It's really not that hard to avoid dating them or having sexual contact until they've graduated, even if there's a real attraction.

Of course, adding in the caveat that we don't know if any of the allegations are true in the above listed cases. It's also possible that a student made up the charges to get revenge for a bad grade, or because the teacher did the right thing and didn't respond to their advances. It's also possible that perfectly ordinary contact had been misconstrued by a student or parent (there are only very limited situations where a teacher is allowed to even touch a student, but it's darn hard to avoid that in all cases...for example, if a kindergartener likes their teacher and runs up to give him or her a hug of thanks...a perfectly normal showing of affection/thanks from a little kid, the teacher isn't allowed to hug back...how many would anyway?) I think things have gone too far in limiting physical contact with students, but there is a distinction between physical and sexual contact that defines legal from illegal or ethical from unethical for me. As another silly example, even as faculty at a university, I cannot touch a student other than perhaps a handshake. This makes it darn difficult to teach med students when they come up and are trying to find out how to palpate a muscle or pulse on their own or a lab partner's body and you can't just show them (they have to wait for one of the M.D.s to teach that). Fortunately, faculty are allowed to touch other faculty, so if there's one other faculty in the room, we can demonstrate for them and then let them try it out on each other.
  • #28
Beeza said:
It is a man's duty to distribute naked pictures of his girlfriend to his buddies should he come across some pictures.

Only after they have broken up with said girl friend (and preferably not before they have found another) before then he takes his life in his own hands. I believe if you check the third paragraph of the guys hand book, it's the third line down. :wink:

I agree with everything you just said Moonbear. Shame you don't make the laws. :smile:
  • #29
ShawnD said:
There was also a case where an 18 year old took a picture of his 17 year old girlfriend, and emailed it to a friend. He was charged with distribution of child pornography, and he is now a registered sex offender. Fingers are still crossed that he'll go on a rampage and kill everyone who wronged him, just like in those movies we watched as kids :smile:

He's probably lucky he got jail time rather than a skull fracture from his ex-girlfriend.
  • #30
ShawnD said:
There was also a case where an 18 year old took a picture of his 17 year old girlfriend, and emailed it to a friend. He was charged with distribution of child pornography,
There was an even 'funnier' one in the UK - a 15year old girl took a picture of herself and was simultaneously put on the sex offenders register and the 'at risk' register - since she was both the abuser and the victim of abuse!

In the UK is that the age of consent and marriage is 16 but the age for pictures being child porn is 18. So you can have sex with your wife but not take a topless picture of her!

ps. the no sleeping with students rules get even trickier at university. I finished my PhD before my wife and got a PostDoc, presumably I would no longer be able to sleep with her until she graduated!
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  • #31
That's the classic, you can take part in a porno film at 16 but you can't watch it thing. :smile: I presume that's why they changed the child porn laws to 18.
  • #32
Again, it's a silly waste of resources, all trying to uphold silly victimless crime laws (read: church laws). If anyone ever sits on a jury for one of these kinds of crimes, consider voting not guilty, no matter how obviously the person violated the idiotic law. Exercise jury nullification even if the judge tells you over and over that it cannot be done. Set precedents that will get these idiotic laws rendered impotent. Save the time and tax dollars for something that actually matters.

- Warren
  • #33
Beeza said:
It is a man's duty to distribute naked pictures of his girlfriend to his buddies should he come across some pictures.

In this case, I have to agree with the courts. I would argue against him getting any sort of trouble for simply having the pictures, but he was charged with distribution, not possession (according to the post). Having pictures for `personal use' or to be kept within the relationship is one thing, sending nude photos of a minor to others is completely different.
  • #34
NeoDevin said:
I think it was probably the emailing it to his friend that got him in trouble, rather than just taking the picture.

And this justifies destroying someone's life because?

In related news, I'm going to kill the next person who parks in my parking stall. It clearly states that I'm the only one who can park there, so I should be able to get away with the most extreme punishment. Thank god everything in life is so black and white like that.
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  • #35
mgb_phys said:
ps. the no sleeping with students rules get even trickier at university. I finished my PhD before my wife and got a PostDoc, presumably I would no longer be able to sleep with her until she graduated!

If she's your wife, doesn't that imply that you don't have sex anymore anyway?

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