2nd law of Thermodynamics and black body brightness function

In summary, AM argues that the brightness of two black bodies at the same temperature cannot be the same if their energy densities are different. If the cavities are connected by a small hole, only small wavelengths can pass through the hole, and in this particular case they can be in equilibrium. This means that the zeroth law about the existence of "temperature" is also needed for the argument.
  • #1

I feel extremely stupid for having to have this explained to me, but I am really confused by it. I recently encounter a proof of the fact that the brightness (energy/(time x area x solid angle x frequency)) of a black body can only depend on its temperature, not the properties of the enclosure itself. Here is the argument:

"Two black body cavities at the same temperature are brought near each other. They each have a tiny hole so that they can exchange radiation with each other. A filter which only allows radiation of frequency [tex]\nu[/tex] to pass between them is placed between the holes. If the brightness function of the two is not the same, energy will spontaneously flow from one cavity to another, which violates the second law of thermodynamics. Thus, the brightness functions of the two black bodies must be the same at a given temperature."

The part I don't understand is why the spontaneous flow of energy between two systems in thermal equilibrium violates the second law of thermodynamics. If I casually think to myself, "the second law gives the time arrow of energy, and energy only flows from hot to cold, then heat flow between bodies at equal temperatures must be a violation," then I get what is meant. But, if I write,

[tex]\frac{\delta Q_{total}}{T}\geq 0[/tex] and [tex]\delta Q_{body1}[/tex]=-[tex]\delta Q_{body2}[/tex], then the second law reads [tex]\frac{\delta Q_{body1}+\delta Q_{body2}}{T}\geq 0[/tex] so [tex]\delta Q_{body1} \times 0 \geq 0[/tex]

I don't see the contradiction, or how this puts a constraint on [tex]\delta Q_{body1}[/tex]

Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
If the brightness function is not the same then one body will have more energy at frequency [itex]\nu[/itex] than the other. Therefore, one will lose more energy to the other body than it gains from that body. This means that one body will get hotter and one body will get colder. This violates the second law (Clausius statement).

  • #3
As AM points out, the argument works because the prohibition is on *net* flow. Spontaneous non-zero fluctuations in energy flow are allowable, but in thermodynamics must average to zero at equilibrium.
  • #4
The confusing thing to me this seems to imply that a greybody cannot be in thermal equilibrium with a blackbody.

I looked up an article by Duley (Blackbody radiation in small cavities, Am J Phys 1972) which says that a perfect blackbody must be a large cavity, and that equilibrium cannot be established between a large and a small cavity at the same "temperature". The cavities' energy densities are different for large wavelengths. If the cavities are connected by a small hole, only small wavelengths can pass through the hole, and in this particular case they can be in equilibrium. If this is correct, then in addition to the second law, isn't the zeroth law about the existence of "temperature" also needed for the argument?

I found some notes by Brown (http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~brown/college_sterren/BlackbodyThermodynamics.pdf) which make more sense to me by filling in gaps in the argument quoted in the OP.
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  • #5
pastro said:
A filter which only allows radiation of frequency [tex]\nu[/tex] to pass between them is placed between the holes.

Garcia-Garcia, Finite size corrections to the blackbody radiation laws, http://arxiv.org/abs/0709.1287

Looking at Fig. 1 in the above paper, it seems the argument is not going to work unless we cannot filter with infinite precision?

Related to 2nd law of Thermodynamics and black body brightness function

What is the 2nd law of Thermodynamics?

The 2nd law of Thermodynamics states that the total entropy of an isolated system will always tend to increase over time. This means that energy within a system will naturally spread out and become more disordered, rather than staying concentrated in one area. This law is a fundamental principle in understanding the behavior of energy and heat in physical systems.

What is a black body brightness function?

A black body brightness function is a mathematical equation that describes the amount of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a perfect black body at a given temperature. It is a function of wavelength and temperature and is used to model the emission spectra of stars and other objects in space.

How does the 2nd law of Thermodynamics relate to the black body brightness function?

The 2nd law of Thermodynamics is closely related to the black body brightness function because it explains the behavior of energy within a system, including the emission of electromagnetic radiation. According to the law, the total entropy of a system will always increase, which means that the radiation emitted by a black body will also increase over time.

What is the significance of the black body brightness function in astrophysics?

The black body brightness function is significant in astrophysics because it helps us understand the behavior of electromagnetic radiation emitted by stars and other celestial objects. By modeling the emission spectra of these objects using the black body brightness function, we can gain insight into their temperature, composition, and other physical properties.

Are there any exceptions to the 2nd law of Thermodynamics?

While the 2nd law of Thermodynamics is a fundamental principle in understanding the behavior of energy and heat in physical systems, there are some exceptions to this law. For example, in certain conditions, it is possible for the entropy of a system to decrease over time. However, these exceptions are limited and do not contradict the overall principle of the 2nd law of Thermodynamics.

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