A New Communism: Is morality the application of human nature?

In summary, Shahil said that he thinks that the world needs a new form of communism. He believes that capitalism is bad because of the way it has led to poverty and the lack of care for one another. He also said that morality should be the application of human nature to our lives and that we need to change our idea of what is moral. He also said that raising kids in a perfect environment and not helping those who struggle will lead to the weak diminishing and the human condition being improved. Lastly, he said that although his theory has some setbacks, he applauds it in a way.
  • #1
Shahil said,

I really think that the world needs a new communism. WHY?? okay, capitalism sucks (don't argue that - just with the proliferation of poverty and lack of caring for one another, any argument ends up shot down.)

This brings me to something i had been meaning to say,

I think robert tracinski pointed it out best when he said, "So it would seem that the system that enforces virtue leads to poverty—while the system that encourages vice leads to prosperity."

Meaning that although moral, the welfare-state will always lead to poverty, and conversely, although immoral, capitalism will always lead to prosperity.

You see, I think we need to change our idea of what is 'moral.'

To me, morality should be the application of human nature to our lives, and nothing more.

To provide welfare to those unable to provide for themselves is silly. Why?, because it is in my thoughts that the object of economics is to better the human state by any means neccesary.

One would say that giving the unable provisions is bettering the human state, but to that i say: Why should a weaker genetic line be able to reproduce and carry on those genes to future generations? to take this to the extreme, should a mentally handicapped person be able to reproduce and thus create more strain on the able? ofcourse not, and If you agree with me here, then you must agree with me in a lesser sense of not providing help to those with with weaker but less obtrusive genetics. (ie intelligence, physical capacity, vunreability) Because by providing help to those weaker than us, we are encouraging reproduction and thus hurting the human condition in the future.

Now, this philosophy to my knowledge is unwavering in theory, but would definitely have some setbacks in application to the real world. One Word, ENVIRONMENT.

You see, people are also weaker because of their environent. You know the old debate nature vs. nurture... while we don't know the exact balance, we do know that a person is composed of these 2 variables only! What does this mean for real-life application?

Raise kids in exact as possible environments, and do not help the ones who struggle, because as they struggle, they will be less inclined to reproduce because the rescources provided to them are not sufficient.

Result: the strong survive, the weak diminish, the human condition is made better!
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  • #2
Mattius, haven't I already compared you to Hitler once?
  • #3
Originally posted by Zero
Mattius, haven't I already compared you to Hitler once?

here, here!


Mattius, you do have a point on a level - you can discuss it further ehile sitting on the seat reserved for you in the afterlife, conveniantly placed next to Hitler!

Seriously though - I disagree on the vice principle as well as the virtue principle. I think I have argued before that a middle ground is needed - only finding it is a huge problem.

However, albeit simple, I love using this on people with similar points of view to you:
I think that your theory falls apart if you are a person who partakes in any modern day "luxuries" that ensure your survival - like medication and, :wink: ,TV diners. Don't these only ensure that you survive? How can you say that a disabled person shouldn't live (or reproduce)? You may be in tip top condition now BUT what if a drug saved you from dying, let's say, from pneumonia, when you are a kid? You, in fact, are not suppose to even being living then! BUT what is happening is that your "weak genes" are still being transmitted as an example of mankinds brilliance!

Anyhow, I still applaud your theory in a way. It kind of makes sense in the pure animal instinct kind of way! But I can't help but still disagree.
  • #4
Huh!...what if he does something to himself and he becomes the next plague, weak genes, (HaH!) heck, next he'll want to go after what he thinks is (what?) weak minded?

"Careful what you ask for, you might just be it"...'Southern blot' anyone...Mattius_??

FAQ: A New Communism: Is morality the application of human nature?

What is the concept of "A New Communism"?

"A New Communism" is a political and economic ideology that seeks to establish a society based on equality, cooperation, and communal ownership of resources. It aims to create a classless society where the means of production are owned and controlled collectively by the people.

What is the role of morality in "A New Communism"?

In "A New Communism," morality is seen as the application of human nature. This means that the moral principles and values that guide human behavior are based on our innate human nature, rather than imposed by external forces such as religion or societal norms.

How does "A New Communism" differ from traditional communism?

"A New Communism" differs from traditional communism in several ways. It rejects the authoritarian and oppressive methods used in past communist regimes and instead advocates for a more democratic and participatory approach. It also emphasizes the importance of individual rights and freedoms within the collective society.

Can "A New Communism" be successful in practice?

The success of "A New Communism" in practice is a matter of debate. Some argue that it has the potential to create a fair and just society, while others believe it goes against human nature and would ultimately lead to failure. Ultimately, the success of any political ideology depends on its implementation and the unique circumstances of a society.

How does "A New Communism" address the issue of human nature and selfishness?

In "A New Communism," human nature is seen as inherently cooperative and communal, rather than selfish. The ideology argues that selfishness and greed are products of a capitalist society and can be overcome through a shift towards communal ownership and collective decision-making. It also emphasizes the importance of education and socialization in shaping individual behaviors and values.

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