Can Sound Waves Be Used to Turn a Screw Like a Sonic Screwdriver?

  • Thread starter 930913
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In summary: Sonic Screwdriver is possible."In summary, it is possible to make a sonic screwdriver by using sound waves, to turn a screw. It is easier to have the right side of a screw one metal, and the left another. It can be done, but it would require a lot of expensive equipment and knowledge.
  • #106
can anyone get meh blueprints for this device that Doc Orion has described earlier in this thread i can't find anything like it ... (that's saying somthin' the internet is a big place)
Engineering news on
  • #107
Doc Orion said:
After being homeless for several long and painful months, I finally have a place and will be settled in sometime by next month. I managed to keep my screwdriver files with me, though not much else, so if anybody still wants to see pictures of the circuitry I'll probably have them posted between now and the end of March. Hopefully they will come out okay. We'll see...

can i has them please :biggrin:
  • #108
the master. said:
can anyone get meh blueprints for this device that Doc Orion has described earlier in this thread i can't find anything like it ... (that's saying somthin' the internet is a big place)

That's because I never posted them anywhere else. Mostly nobody believes it works so screw them! Heh, heh... I'll post them here as soon as I can, but that's about it. Even so, I don't have the complete circuit; my files are missing the power converter sub-cuircut that bossts 3 volts up to the needed 9 volts. I'm going to have to do that all over again some time...

  • #109
thank you vary much
  • #110
ok, i don't understand much of what you guys are saying, but i agree with making a sonic screwdriver xD and i know that you need a lot of sonic sound waves to loosen screws or something, sorry I am 14 still getting used to all this stuff haha
  • #111
i really admire what Doc is doing and i kinda believe that timelords could exist but can someone give me more reason to believe because i am willing to listen
  • #112
hey, i reckon that if every in this post put some money in we could all make a perfect one and then if the doctor exists we will find him xD coz i don't know he'll just get drawn to it maybe hehe
  • #113
how hard would it be to make a sonic screwdriver like matt smiths doctor?
  • #114
are you going to be making a ss still?
  • #115
hey man i know that you're probably long gone from this site but can you tell me more about how to possibly make a ss?
  • #116
yep 2 messages haha. but i was thinking about the iPhone 4S right and how much stuff is inside that tiny thing then thought "wow if apple wanted to, they could EASILY make a sonic screwdriver" would i be correct? because like there's so much bits to an iPhone they could make a pretty advanced sonic screwdriver not like matt smiths doctors one with like 16 computers in it but just a really decent easy to use ss :OOOOO haha just sort of blew me away. if i ever get the chance to offer a suggestion to apple I'm going to ask if they could make just 1 or 2 proper sonic screwdrivers haha
  • #117
Paradoxhd- Dude get off this forum your making stupid jokes and being an ***. No one is going to reply to moronic ramblings.
  • #118
yup paradoxhd should get off this thread, go bother the collapsing gravitational field thread. I'm sure they will throw him in one :biggrin:
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  • #119
wtf, I feel really really bad right now because i was being serious? its not my fault that I'm not really smart, thanks for making me een more depressed than i allready am with depression, ffs fine i'll leave just know that i was being totally serious. my god
  • #120
ParadoxHD said:
wtf, I feel really really bad right now because i was being serious? its not my fault that I'm not really smart, thanks for making me een more depressed than i allready am with depression, ffs fine i'll leave just know that i was being totally serious. my god
No problem Napoleon Dynamite. Let the door hit you where the good Lord split you. When we are talking about a Sonic Screwdriver we mean a REAL device that removes screws using sound waves. I think most of us on here are Whovian's but are some what realistic in what we want to achieve on here. By the way wishing and hoping Apple will make a Sonic or even an App that can do what OUR real world Sonic can and will do is highly unlikely. I mean there are Scientist's in world right now trying to make one right now and maybe the DOC on here might be able to help us make our own before they can.
  • #121
ok, you know you're problem? you take everything to seriously... i was just ****ing kidding around like that would be crazy if they could and yes me to i am realistic i just have a bigger imagination than you apparently. now please stop fighting with me, i just wanted to learn. i know most of the stuff you guys are talking about its just I am not into that sort of stuff I am more into, programming and things like that (yes almost the same i just don't really pay much attention to that stuff) sorry if i put to many messages into this forum, i just wrote stuff down then after i posted it another thing popped into my head. so sorry and sorry if i overreacted earlier.
  • #122
Imagination does play a large part in this kind of project, but being 14 you still have an abundance of it- and all ideas have to be made to work in some way. Magic of tv production is sadly not the case in the real world.

As time goes on you will pickup more of the boring "down to earth" stuff like everyone else does, enjoy the imagination part while you can! Let it give you inspiration, and keep a notebook.

People often put it off as "I wish apple would"./// But this forum is for the people who MAKE it happen. The general public would be lost without people like this!

My sympathies about the depression, I find vitamin d3/ omega 3 pills help if you can get some do try it. Ask your parents if you must.
  • #123
Hey Doc how is it going? Just thought Id see how you were going with trying to work out the battery and power convertor. Totally can't wait to build one and start using it at work.
  • #124
ajs84 said:
Hey Doc
could you post what you have so far. i could probably figure out a way to make a power converter it does help to look at things from a different perspective.:biggrin:
  • #125
also did you guys know that the tech is already out ther to melt solder with ultrasonic frequency i found this in "Physics without the boring bits" the title is incorrect though there are no boring bits in physics.
  • #126
I don't know where this forum has ended up but I have started to invest some money into this project.

I am starting off with a large prototype, something in the range of a powerful directional speaker, I will work on downsizing afterwards. Besides the limitations of circuitry, the biggest problem comes from the power source and actual speaker size.

The only solution I can come up with is an approach towards custom directional speakers. The military is using directional speakers that look like wafers, unfortunately I am no expert, I mainly cobble things together. Any information towards directional wafer speakers would help.

I am glad to see there is a forum taking this project seriously.
  • #127
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