AC V,I, and P Distribution on a Transmission Line

In summary, the conversation discusses the confusion surrounding AC current and voltage in relation to transmission lines and antennas. The concept of displacement and standing waves is also mentioned. The use of a slotted line and transmission lines such as coaxial cable are also brought up. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities of understanding AC in the context of antenna design.
  • #1
Hi Guys,

I looked so hard on the net, trying to understand something that I am struggling with for the whole day, but I ended up frustrated.

I am working on my design project and was assigned a part conecnred with antennas, I am using the Antenna Theory Analysis and Design by Balanis to have basic understanding of antennas,

What is confusing me is when he talks about the AC being applied across two conductors connected to an antenna. He choses different locations of the conductors and assign to them different charges (+ve) and (-ve) given at a specific time.

How can this happen, I always thought that AC means a constant current and volatge distribution, at a spcific time, along the transmission line. That is, for time t1, measuring the voltage at 2 meters from the source will yield the same result as when we measure it at 5 meters(at least this is what I thought)

AC, as I remeber, is a changing current and voltage with respect to time, NOT displacment..

Please enlighten me :(

Thanks in Advance
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  • #2
hashmos said:
AC, as I remember, is a changing current and voltage with respect to time, NOT displacment..
If you are used to 60 Hz from the electric outlet then displacement is not an issue because the next closest dip occurs miles away.As you go higher in frequency, wavelength gets shorter.

[tex] \lambda = \frac{c}{f} [/tex]

At 100 MHz FM radio band, wavelength is 3 meters. At 2.4 GHz (wifi) , wavelength is 13 cm. At 10 GHz wavelength is 3 cm, and so on.In a transmission line or in air, the voltage will peak or dip every quarter wavelength displacement. There is a cool device called a slotted line

in which you slide a probe in a waveguide transmission line operating at 10 GHz and observe peaks and dips.
  • #3
Thanks waht for ur explnation,

so what you are saying is that electromagentic waves travel through the wire, which casues the AC current as the E field changes... ?
  • #4
At a more fundamental level that's what happens. But we generally convert the time-varying EM field into voltage and current.
  • #5
Here is a bizarre example of what happens at high frequencies...

If you take two pieces of wire, 1 metre long and 1 cm apart, and feed an AC (RF) signal into one end of the parallel line, if the frequency is about 75 MHz, the AC generator will see almost a short circuit.
The lines are not touching each other, yet they seem to be a short circuit.

The effect is real enough to destroy transistors which try to feed AC signals into such loads.

This is called a quarter wave line and the effect is due to the AC signal traveling along the line, getting reflected and coming back to the start point just as the next wave is being fed in.

If the line is exactly the right length, it takes just the right time for the wave to travel along the wires and back again to be able to interfere with the incoming next cycle of the AC signal.
  • #6
thanks vk6kro, the example is bizarre but gave an idea and I think it is asscoaited with the concept of standing waves,

ur input was quite benifical,

thanks again
  • #7
Yes, exactly right. The effect is caused by standing waves.

Wires arranged like that are called transmission lines. An alternative transmission line is coaxial cable which is more common now but works in a similar fashion to take power from a transmitter and deliver it to an antenna.

The example transmission line given would have an impedance of about 300 ohms, meaning that if you put a 300 ohm resistive load on the far end of it from the transmitter, no power would be reflected.

Related to AC V,I, and P Distribution on a Transmission Line

What is AC distribution on a transmission line?

AC distribution on a transmission line refers to the flow of alternating current (AC) electricity through the lines that transport electricity from power plants to homes and businesses. AC distribution is necessary because it allows for the efficient transmission of electricity over long distances.

What is the difference between AC and DC distribution?

The main difference between AC and DC distribution is the direction of the current flow. AC, or alternating current, changes direction periodically, while DC, or direct current, only flows in one direction. AC distribution is used for long-distance transmission, while DC distribution is used for shorter distances and is commonly used in electronic devices.

How is voltage distributed on a transmission line?

Voltage on a transmission line is distributed evenly throughout its length. This means that the voltage level at the beginning of the line will be the same as the voltage level at the end of the line. However, there may be slight variations in voltage due to factors such as resistance and impedance.

What is the purpose of I distribution on a transmission line?

I distribution, or current distribution, on a transmission line is important for maintaining a stable flow of electricity. Too much or too little current can cause power outages or damage to equipment. Therefore, I distribution ensures that the correct amount of current is flowing through the transmission line at all times.

How is power distributed on a transmission line?

Power distribution on a transmission line is determined by the voltage and current levels. The power, measured in watts, is equal to the product of voltage and current. As mentioned earlier, voltage is distributed evenly on a transmission line, so the amount of power will vary depending on the current flow.

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