Action & Reaction: Equal Opposites

In summary, in Einstein's theory of General Relativity, matter bends space and time, and in turn, space and time influence the motion of matter. This is described by the Einstein field equations, which show that the stress-energy tensor of matter and fields is proportional to the curvature of space-time. While the theory does not explain why mass-energy induces space-time curvature, it does tell us how it happens. Some may argue that this can only be understood through mathematics, while others may propose a physical connection between mass and space-time that is yet to be discovered. Additionally, in a quantum theory of gravity, general relativity could be thought of as resulting from a large number of quantum-mech
  • #71
Naveen3456 said:
Why don't you think is like this:

Gravity is the result of big bang. Gravity causes potential which pulls the gas together (causes it to move, and the story continues).

So, what's the problem, if I say big bang caused the gas to come together?

Well, you could, but as DaleSpam already said, it's a tautology. It's a redundant statement that doesn't really tell you anything. For example, at the beginning of my life, I was brought into this world by my mother, and now I am sitting here pushing buttons on a computer keyboard. You COULD say that it is because of my mother that these buttons on the keyboard are being pressed, but that tells you nothing about the process by which these buttons are actually being pressed.

If it were enough to say "this is caused by the Big Bang", then consider physics solved!

In other words, what point are you trying to make by invoking the Big Bang?