Alcohol Is The Most Dangerous Drug

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, David Nutt's research shows that alcohol is more harmful than most illegal drugs. He also points out that making drugs illegal doesn't make them safer and often leads to more drug abuse.
  • #106
Jason, if the word was invented then, it was done so for a reason. Could it be that up until that point they had a bunch of people dependent on the substance, who couldn't go without it and so decided to create a label for them? "Addicted".

Just because it wasn't described doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Did gravity just spring into existence when Newton 'discovered' it? No. He just realized the effects of it, described them and labelled them. (A bit simplistic, but you get the point.)
Physics news on
  • #107
Jasongreat said:
That is the point I was trying to make, although I admit not very well. The word addiction has been around, according to the oxford dictionary definition that you posted, the 16th century, which implies that before that time there was not a need to describe the abuse of drugs ...

That doesn't follow. You can't infer anything about chemical dependency before the existence of the word "addiction," as JnJ has pointed out, so my statement does nothing for your point.

Jasongreat said:
... Today the argument against illicit drugs, is that those drugs can't be used without becoming a drug abuser or as it is described today 'addicted'.

Addictive substances can cause addiction, which satisfies the description of substance/chemical dependency. I don't think that needs explication.

Jasongreat said:
Imo though, mentally dependent means, cognitive(learnt) dependence, which would categorize it as habitual. But if it is a learned dependence, it can be unlearnt. People who are not wanting to unlearn, say they are 'addicted' to excuse themselves of actually doing so and society accepts that, since it reinforces their preconceived notion they have about drugs use. ...

People who are wanting to unlearn also say they are addicted. Addiction doesn't only apply to complacent addicts.
  • #108
Dembadon said:
... You can't infer anything about chemical dependency before the existence of the word "addiction," ...

My statement above is too extreme; it should read, "You can't infer that chemical dependency didn't exist before the existence of the word 'addiction.'"
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  • #109
Dembadon said:
Just because it wasn't described doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

jarednjames said:
Jason, if the word was invented then, it was done so for a reason. Could it be that up until that point they had a bunch of people dependent on the substance, who couldn't go without it and so decided to create a label for them? "Addicted".

Just because it wasn't described doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Did gravity just spring into existence when Newton 'discovered' it? No. He just realized the effects of it, described them and labelled them. (A bit simplistic, but you get the point ."quote".)
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  • #110
mugaliens said:
Excellent point. Physics has been around for about 13.75 bilion years. Our understanding of physics began approximately 1/22,91,666 of that time. Addictive behavior has been induced in life forms as simple as planera and bacteria.

That's my statement you quoted there, how is it showing as dembadons? :cry:
  • #111
Edited: JnJ beat me to it.
  • #112
Well... Alcohol, in so far as it's likelihood to lead to dangerous actions, like driving under the influence, is probably the most totally dangerous drug. As other have pointed out though, it's also the most commonly used, and this is probably not simply a matter of its legality, but a very long term historical trend.

That said, there is such a thing as responsible alcohol use, and the vast majority of alcohol users (nearly everybody being a user) do not present a danger to themselves or the public (although probably most of them have gotten sick or done something embarassing at some point.)

While you are potentially better off driving under the influence of meth or heroin, there is no such thing as "safe" or "responsible" use of these drugs, or crack. This is especially true for heroin. You will get addicted, and you will destroy your life.. Even meth or crack are "safer" to try once. I did do meth once in high school, and it's not an experience I would want to repeat.

For my money, the absolute most dangerous drug, in so far as you being a danger to others, in something known as jimson weed. You can get the same effect from taking high doses of dramamine, a motion sickness pill. This causes extremely vivid hallucinations, often of horrifying things like zombies, that last for about three days. Don't do this.
  • #113
Galteeth said:
For my money, the absolute most dangerous drug, in so far as you being a danger to others, in something known as jimson weed. You can get the same effect from taking high doses of dramamine, a motion sickness pill. This causes extremely vivid hallucinations, often of horrifying things like zombies, that last for about three days. Don't do this.
OK, I wiped out the zombie level, "Doom" was harder. What is the drug to open the next level? :devil::devil:

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