Am I Strange for Being Attracted to Ayn Rand?

  • Thread starter Aero51
  • Start date
In summary, Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged is a great book that I connect with on a personal level. The primary purpose of the book was to convey her philosophy "objectivism", which is 100% correct.
  • #1
So, I have been reading Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged. I love the book immensely! In fact its the first book I have ever read that I can connect with ]on a personal level, in terms of outlook on life and how things "should be". Granted, I don't agree with everything 100%, but its pretty close. Anyway, I am aware that the primary purpose of her book was to convey her philosophy "objectivism", which is 100% correct and anyone who disagrees is simply wrong :).

In thinking about the woman who created this idea and wrote this novel, is it strange that I find myself attracted to her even though
1) She wasn't much of a looker from the pics I've seen, let's be nice and say she wasn't photogenic
2) She's been dead since 1982.
Its very strange, at least I think so. I read her work and occasionally I imagine a woman who is extremely intelligent, confident in her character (a rarity among young women), competent, bold, and has her stuff together. All those things are extremely attractive to me, but you won't find it at 22 years old. Most of all I think she'd (or this person I've conjured in my head) could handle my personality - which can be described by a combination of the main characters (I am INTJ FYI) with some personal touches. Most girls my age are intimidated by me (verified by asking them flat out) and shy away. In a sense the woman I would like to meet is in many ways like Ayn Rand. Kind of creepy! Might make a good lifetime movie.
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  • #2
OK... This is wierd, but where's the question?
  • #3
You answered the question!
  • #4
Gad said:
OK... This is wierd, but where's the question?
Aero51 said: it strange that I find myself attracted to her...

I have in the past picked up an Ayn Rand book and was supremely disappointed - in fact i was never so turned off by a book, so i guess i had the opposite experience.
  • #5
Weird yes, but I also think the existence of NBI indicates a lot of people found it easy to get infatuated with Rand.
  • #6
NBI? New born infants?
  • #8
Ahhh, I knew about ARI, not this.
  • #9
If anything is weird it posting a thread here of all places confessing your attraction to her. Whatever you do please, please, please don't tell us about your mother.
  • #10
Wull if it makes you feel better my mom is bed ridden and dieing of MS.
  • #11
Very sorry to hear about your mother, but this is the type of post that should go into your blog.

FAQ: Am I Strange for Being Attracted to Ayn Rand?

1. Is it normal to be attracted to Ayn Rand's ideas?

There is no one definition of "normal" and attraction to certain ideas or individuals can vary greatly among individuals. It is important to remember that everyone has their own unique preferences and interests.

2. What is it about Ayn Rand's ideas that people find attractive?

Some people are drawn to Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism, which emphasizes individualism, rational self-interest, and personal responsibility. Others may appreciate her strong and independent female characters in her novels.

3. Is it strange to be attracted to a person who is no longer alive?

No, it is not strange to be attracted to someone who is no longer alive. Many people are drawn to the ideas and works of influential figures from the past, even if they are no longer living.

4. Could being attracted to Ayn Rand's ideas be a sign of a deeper issue?

Attraction to Ayn Rand's ideas does not necessarily indicate a deeper issue. However, if this attraction is causing distress or interfering with daily life, it may be worth exploring with a mental health professional.

5. Is it common for people to be attracted to controversial figures like Ayn Rand?

Attraction to controversial figures is not uncommon. People may be drawn to the charisma, confidence, or unique ideas of these individuals. However, it is important to critically evaluate and form one's own opinions rather than blindly following or idolizing any figure.

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