Angular momentum for a shrunken Earth

In summary: I wonder whether we are talking about the same thing. The dimensional analysis that I am talking about is a way to solve a problem that is in four dimensions. Your problem is in three dimensions and so it would not be possible to use dimensional analysis to solve it.
  • #1

Homework Statement

If the Earth, with a radius of 6400 km, were collapsed into a sphere of the same mass, having a radius of 10 km, what would be its rotational period?

Homework Equations

L = Iw

The Attempt at a Solution

I can solve this if the moment of inertia is given but since it isn't I was wondering if there is a way to solve it without knowing the moment of inertia.
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  • #2
hndalama said:
I can solve this if the moment of inertia is given but since it isn't I was wondering if there is a way to solve it without knowing the moment of inertia.
If you at least know the form that the moment of inertia takes, then yes. Work out your result symbolically first using variables for the two moments of inertia.

By the way, I've changed your thread title to be more specific. Titles that are too generic are not allowed.
  • #3
This is unsolvable unless you know the initial and final mass distributions. It is likely that the person constructing the problem intended for you to assume that the spheres have homogeneous mass distributions but it really is not clear and therefore an ill posed question.
  • #4
I assume that the Earth's are to be considered as uniform spheres

if I take the moments of inertia as variables then:
x= moment of inertia of large earth
y=moment of inertia of small earth

angular velocity of large Earth = 1rev/day = 7.27 *10-5 rad/s
x*7.27 *10-5 rad/s = y *w

I don't know what to do from there
  • #5
hndalama said:
I assume that the Earth's are to be considered as uniform spheres
So what is the moment of inertia of a uniform sphere in terms of its mass and its radius?
  • #6
hndalama said:
I assume that the Earth's are to be considered as uniform spheres

if I take the moments of inertia as variables then:
x= moment of inertia of large earth
y=moment of inertia of small earth

angular velocity of large Earth = 1rev/day = 7.27 *10-5 rad/s
x*7.27 *10-5 rad/s = y *w

I don't know what to do from there
Solve for w in terms of the other variables (and the constant angular velocity that you've introduced). What relationship do x and y have in the result?

Then you can do as @Orodruin suggests and look up the moment of inertia formula for a uniform solid sphere and apply it twice, or you can consider the form that the moment of inertia takes for rotationally symmetric mass distributions: things like disks and hoops and spheres all have moments of inertia that share a common form. You may not need the precise formula if many parts of the formulas cancel out in your solution...
  • #7
gneill said:
you can consider the form that the moment of inertia takes for rotationally symmetric mass distributions: things like disks and hoops and spheres all have moments of inertia that share a common form.
To be honest, you do not need the rotationally symmetric part. As long as you have the same geometry and mass, there is only one form that the moment of inertia can take based on the size of the object. This follows directly from dimensional analysis. In fact, this entire problem can be done using dimensional analysis (assuming the same type of mass distribution, i.e., just scaling it along with the size of the Earth.
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  • #8
Orodruin said:
So what is the moment of inertia of a uniform sphere in terms of its mass and its radius?
I'm not sure, I would have to look it up.

If I treat the spheres as point masses then their moments of inertia will be mr2.
m(6400000)2 * 7.27 *10-5 = m (10000)2w
w =29.78 rad/s

so period is 2pi /29.78 = 0.21 s

is this what you meant?

gneill said:
you can consider the form that the moment of inertia takes for rotationally symmetric mass distributions: things like disks and hoops and spheres all have moments of inertia that share a common form.

Orodruin said:
TAs long as you have the same geometry and mass, there is only one form that the moment of inertia can take based on the size of the object. .
i don't know the 'common form' you're referring to. How can i find this form?

Orodruin said:
In fact, this entire problem can be done using dimensional analysis (assuming the same type of mass distribution, i.e., just scaling it along with the size of the Earth.
can you please show me how it can be done by dimensional analysis?
  • #9
hndalama said:
can you please show me how it can be done by dimensional analysis?
Why don't you try it out yourself first? You have four dimensional variables and three independent physical dimensions. There will be only one dimensionless combination of those.
  • #10
Orodruin said:
Why don't you try it out yourself first? You have four dimensional variables and three independent physical dimensions. There will be only one dimensionless combination of those.

I wonder whether we are talking about the same thing. The dimensional analysis that I know about is a method used to convert units.
if I have a quantity in kg units then I can convert it to grams by using the conversion factor 1000g/kg so
x kg * 1000g/kg = x000 g (the kg cancel out.)

how can this solve the question?

If I take the angular momentum equation i wrote earlier:
x*7.27 *10-5 rad/s = y *w

I insert the units for the variables. I think the units for moment of inertia are kg*m2. so:
x (kg *m2) * 7.27 *10-5 rad/s = y (kg *m2) * w rad/s

both sides have the same units, so I can divide both sides by the units (kg*m2 * rad/s) to get a dimensionless equation.
(x * 7.27 *10-5 ) / y = w

I don't see how this brings me any closer to solving the problem. Is this what you mean?
  • #11
hndalama said:
The dimensional analysis that I know about is a method used to convert units
That is not dimensional analysis, that is unit conversion. Dimensional analysis is using the physical dimension of the relevant quantities to deduce the possible functional form for their relationship.
  • #12
Orodruin said:
That is not dimensional analysis, that is unit conversion. Dimensional analysis is using the physical dimension of the relevant quantities to deduce the possible functional form for their relationship.
Okay, I haven't yet learned dimensional analysis

Is the method I used to solve the problem by treating the Earth's as point masses the other method that you were referring to?

hndalama said:
If I treat the spheres as point masses then their moments of inertia will be mr2.
m(6400000)2 * 7.27 *10-5 = m (10000)2w
w =29.78 rad/s

so period is 2pi /29.78 = 0.21 s

FAQ: Angular momentum for a shrunken Earth

What is angular momentum?

Angular momentum is a measure of the rotational motion of an object. It is the product of an object's moment of inertia and its angular velocity.

How does a shrunken Earth affect its angular momentum?

If the Earth were to shrink in size, its moment of inertia would decrease, but its angular velocity would increase to maintain the same angular momentum. This means that the Earth would rotate faster.

Can angular momentum be conserved in a shrunken Earth scenario?

Yes, according to the law of conservation of angular momentum, the total angular momentum of a system remains constant unless acted upon by an external torque. Therefore, the Earth's angular momentum would be conserved even if it were to shrink.

How is angular momentum related to the Earth's rotation?

The Earth's rotation is directly related to its angular momentum. As the Earth rotates, it has a certain angular momentum that remains constant unless affected by external forces.

What are some real-life examples of angular momentum for a shrunken Earth?

One example could be a figure skater performing a spin. As they bring their arms closer to their body, their moment of inertia decreases, causing their angular velocity to increase and maintaining the same angular momentum. Another example could be a shrinking top spinning faster as it decreases in size.
