Why Does Sphere's Angular Velocity Differ with Different Reference Points?

In summary, when a uniform sphere is placed on the inside surface of a hemispherical bowl, the sphere rotates around the center of the bowl. The angular speed of the sphere at the bottom of the bowl is greater when the sphere is placed closer to the center of the bowl.
  • #1
Dorothy Weglend

Homework Statement

A uniform solid sphere of radius r is placed on the inside surface of a hemispherical bowl with much larger radius R. The sphere is released from rest at an angle theta to the vertical and roles without slipping. Determine the angular speed of the sphere when it reaches the bottom of the bowl.

Homework Equations

Kinetic energy of rolling motion = Iw^2/2 + mw^2r^2/2
Potential energy of sphere = mgh.
I=2mr^2/5 for uniform sphere.

The Attempt at a Solution

I am not sure what to use for h. At first I thought that I should use the height of the center of mass of the sphere, so h = (R-r)(1-cos(theta)). Doing all the substitutions and solving for omega:

w^2 = [10g(R-r)(1-cos theta)]/7r^2

Then I thought that since the angular velocity should be the same at all points of the disk, I can use the height of the bottom of the sphere, h=R(1-cos theta):

w^2 = [10gR(1-cos theta)]/7r^2

Then I started wondering, why, if the angular speed is the same, do I get two different answers for it?

Then I realized that this makes sense, since the point on the rim of the sphere would be rotating around the axis of the sphere as well as around the center of the bowl. That would make the angular speed greater, as we see here. So, obviously, the first answer is the one to use, since the CM is not rotating, just moving parallel to the surface of the bowl, and so its angular velocity around the center of the bowl would give the right speed.

So, very pleased with my beautiful line of reasoning, I checked the answer, only to discover that I am wrong, since the given answer is

w^2 = [10gR(1-cos theta)]/7r^2

which is the same as my second answer, using the point of the ball resting on the surface of the bowl, not the CM.

However, I can't come up with the reason why this is the better solution :confused:

Can someone help me understand this, please?

Thank you,
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  • #2
Obviously, your first solution is the correct one. One can see that by looking at a pathological limiting case: Imagine R ~ r. In that case, the ball almost won't move (a very small rotation of the sphere will displace strongly the point of contact).

If I have to justify the answer in the book, then I'd say that because they stated that R>>r, we can replace R-r by R without much problems. But it is a meager excuse.
  • #3
Thank you, Vanesch. I appreciate your help.


FAQ: Why Does Sphere's Angular Velocity Differ with Different Reference Points?

1. What is angular velocity?

Angular velocity is a measure of the rate of change of the angular displacement of an object. It is a vector quantity and is usually measured in radians per second.

2. How is angular velocity calculated?

Angular velocity can be calculated by dividing the change in angular displacement by the change in time. It can also be calculated by dividing the linear velocity by the radius of the circle or sphere.

3. What is the difference between angular velocity and linear velocity?

Angular velocity measures the rate of change of angular displacement, while linear velocity measures the rate of change of linear displacement. Angular velocity is measured in radians per second, while linear velocity is measured in meters per second.

4. How does angular velocity affect the motion of a sphere?

The angular velocity of a sphere determines the rate at which it rotates or spins. A higher angular velocity means the sphere is rotating faster, while a lower angular velocity means it is rotating slower.

5. Can angular velocity change over time?

Yes, angular velocity can change over time if the object's angular displacement or linear velocity changes. It can also change if external forces, such as friction, act on the object, causing it to speed up or slow down its rotation.
