Ansoft Maxwell, "cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity" error

In summary, the problem is that the matrix is not recognizing the geometry selection, which is the steel around the center coil. You can try changing the geometry selection to insulator and see if that solves the problem.
  • #36
I think you need cut the stator into two pieces and assign materials on each.

reni90 said:
Now i am trying to make the machine better, one of things i have to to make the material so that the stator and rotor are of lamination material. The problem is that by lamination i can choose only lamination in one direction. I need to make one part of stator lamination in Z direction and another in Y direction. But those parts are made as one, so i can't chose one and set it up with one material and then another.
Is there a way to do that?
Engineering news on
  • #37
Ok i have done the lamination, and everything is how it should be, but fore some reason through my phase A, and Aprim, only a small amount of the magnetic flux is going through. I don't know why is that? For example if through rotor the flux is 0.14, through the A phase (i am speaking about when the rotor is at 0(degree), set to be close to the A phase), is going only 0.07, to litle :S
Please can you check this out
  • #38
I don't have access to Maxwell today, so not able to look at the project.

What's your expectation? The flux going through rotor will spread into A, B, C six legs. So if you have 0.14 in rotor, and 0.07 in A, that doesn't sound bad to me.

reni90 said:
Ok i have done the lamination, and everything is how it should be, but fore some reason through my phase A, and Aprim, only a small amount of the magnetic flux is going through. I don't know why is that? For example if through rotor the flux is 0.14, through the A phase (i am speaking about when the rotor is at 0(degree), set to be close to the A phase), is going only 0.07, to litle :S
Please can you check this out
  • #39
i don't know, when i plot the Bvector, its only a litle going through the phase, and that litle only on the bottom of the surfece of the stator there, why isn't it going though it all :S
Maybe u are right
I was tinking that the most should go though that phase, like 0.1 or something
  • #40
the current on rotor is set to 2000A, and still such a little flux :S
I have now another problem, i have some intersection because i don't know how to excact put the center of the machine in 0,0,0, i need osnap, betven intersection two lines so i could do it with that, but the snap options doesn't have that
  • #41
Your project takes too long to finish, so I abort in the middle. You have defined the mesh to fine, more than necessary, I believe. Fine mesh doesn't necessarily mean more accurate.

When I look at the excitation, you specify all coils as Solid. That means the coil is one turn winding. You need to change that to stranded, I believe.

You have moved objects many times. You should define your coordinate system in your solid work before importing, that will make life much easier. If not do it in solid work, then the best way in Maxwell is to use offset coordinate system.

reni90 said:
the current on rotor is set to 2000A, and still such a little flux :S
I have now another problem, i have some intersection because i don't know how to excact put the center of the machine in 0,0,0, i need osnap, betven intersection two lines so i could do it with that, but the snap options doesn't have that
  • #42
interesting about the winding yous mentioned
how to make more than one winding? where do i define how many winding it will have
  • #43
In magnetostatic, you don't need to specify the turns. What you specified 2000A, is actually ampere-turns, meaning if it is one turn, then the current is 2000A, if they are 100 turns, then the current is 20A in each single turn. But solid vs stranded has different current distribution depending on your setup.

If you want to calculate inductance, then you need specify turns in Matrix window and do post-processing for the inductance.

You need to read the built-in help files to understand a little better about excitation.

reni90 said:
interesting about the winding yous mentioned
how to make more than one winding? where do i define how many winding it will have
  • #44
I think the low magnetic flux may be due to the stacking direction.

Think of the sheet metal, you cannot stack them in the way that the magnetic flux is perpendicular to the sheet plane. At least this is true for laminated transformer. I don't know if you can do that for motor. If the magnetic flux is perpendicular to the lamination plane, then it will block the magnetic flux.

reni90 said:
i don't know, when i plot the Bvector, its only a litle going through the phase, and that litle only on the bottom of the surfece of the stator there, why isn't it going though it all :S
Maybe u are right
I was tinking that the most should go though that phase, like 0.1 or something
  • #45
The lamination is set how is should be, so the vercical parts in one direction and the horizontal parts in another, u can see that in the material properties
  • #46
If the stacking direction is the same as magnetic flux line, then there will be air gap introduced along the magnetic flux path, and will reduce the inductance and the flux density.

reni90 said:
The lamination is set how is should be, so the vercical parts in one direction and the horizontal parts in another, u can see that in the material properties
  • #47
I think it is set as it should be but, now wee have another problem, in the results i have that the flux is maximum when the rotor is 30degree from the pole witch flux i messure :S
  • #48
Your project, as downloaded, has problems. Not all the parts are rotating.

Manually set the kut to 30 degree, see if all the parts rotated as you expected, and then click Validate to check the project.

You may also run Animate to rotate the parts, see if they are what you mean to.

reni90 said:
I think it is set as it should be but, now wee have another problem, in the results i have that the flux is maximum when the rotor is 30degree from the pole witch flux i messure :S
  • #49
the parts are rotating as they should :S
what is animate, what does that?
  • #50
Let me try

reni90 said:
the parts are rotating as they should :S
what is animate, what does that?


  • animate.gif
    19.8 KB · Views: 635
  • #51
Click the image to see the animate. Only part of objects are rotating.
  • #52
ok i fixed that its rotatin now as its should but
the flux is maximum with 25 and 35 degrees :S
something bewtewn max and minimum at 0 degree, and higt at 9 degree :S
if i delete other phases, just let one phase and rotor then it shows flux as it should
maximum at 0 degree min at 90 and something like an sinus signal
  • #53
My suggestion is to set all rotor and stator material to solid, and see how the flux distributed, and then compare with when the material is set to laminated.

I still believe the stacking direction is the cause of flux distribution different from your expectation.

reni90 said:
ok i fixed that its rotatin now as its should but
the flux is maximum with 25 and 35 degrees :S
something bewtewn max and minimum at 0 degree, and higt at 9 degree :S
if i delete other phases, just let one phase and rotor then it shows flux as it should
maximum at 0 degree min at 90 and something like an sinus signal
  • #54
when i go to view/edit material i have this options
X- component unit vector (a number)
Y- component/... etc..
what is that for, some materials doesn't have it but some have and the value is set to 1 or zero.
I couldn't find what's that
  • #55
You don't need to change that, I believe. Just change the composition to solid.

reni90 said:
when i go to view/edit material i have this options
X- component unit vector (a number)
Y- component/... etc..
what is that for, some materials doesn't have it but some have and the value is set to 1 or zero.
I couldn't find what's that
  • #56
ok now i have another problem,
Maxwell3DDesign1 (Magnetostatic)
[info] Parametric Analysis on ParametricSetup1 has been started. (1:08:33 jun 01, 2012)
[info] A variation (kut='0deg') has been requested on machine Local Machine (1:08:33 jun 01, 2012)
[error] Could not preserve critical nodes. (1:21:22 jun 01, 2012)
[info] A variation (kut='5deg') has been requested on machine Local Machine (1:21:22 jun 01, 2012)
[error] Could not preserve critical nodes. (1:35:03 jun 01, 2012)
[info] A variation (kut='10deg') has been requested on machine Local Machine (1:35:03 jun 01, 2012)
[error] Parametric Analysis failed - User aborted. (1:45:30 jun 01, 2012)
what does it mean critical nodes?
  • #57
This is something I don't know. Sounds like you 3D model is the problem.

reni90 said:
ok now i have another problem,
Maxwell3DDesign1 (Magnetostatic)
[info] Parametric Analysis on ParametricSetup1 has been started. (1:08:33 jun 01, 2012)
[info] A variation (kut='0deg') has been requested on machine Local Machine (1:08:33 jun 01, 2012)
[error] Could not preserve critical nodes. (1:21:22 jun 01, 2012)
[info] A variation (kut='5deg') has been requested on machine Local Machine (1:21:22 jun 01, 2012)
[error] Could not preserve critical nodes. (1:35:03 jun 01, 2012)
[info] A variation (kut='10deg') has been requested on machine Local Machine (1:35:03 jun 01, 2012)
[error] Parametric Analysis failed - User aborted. (1:45:30 jun 01, 2012)
what does it mean critical nodes?
  • #58
Hi all,
I want to learn tools like MAXWELL 2d 3d , MAGNET, FLUX etc. I want to know if I'll need to know CAD and FEM Analysis to learn the above mentioned tools.
  • #59
you don't need to know CAD or FEM to learn Maxwell, but you will need to learn how to draw 3D object in Maxwell. Knowledge on CAD or FEM will certainly help but not necessary to start to learn.

chaiturockz said:
Hi all,
I want to learn tools like MAXWELL 2d 3d , MAGNET, FLUX etc. I want to know if I'll need to know CAD and FEM Analysis to learn the above mentioned tools.
  • #60
u can also draw 3d objects in autocad or solidworks, i am drawing my in solidworks and importing that in maxwell
  • #61

Ok people, i need again your help. So i am modeling this machine in solidworks and i save it as x_b extension so that maxwell can recognise it. My problem is that maxwell recognised the cooper parts as sheets :S
I don't know why, so i can't add material to them, and isolation :(
here are the parts please take a look
  • #62

Try ACIS SAT (.sat) and import again
  • #63

Project2 (C:/Users/nino/Documents/Ansoft/)
Maxwell3DDesign1 (Magnetostatic)
[error] Acis error: "Error in Importing C:/Users/nino/Desktop/maxwell/rev0/Assem1sa29navoja.SAT" (8:30:47 feb 23, 2013)
[error] Import Native Bodies: Translation of "C:/Users/nino/Desktop/maxwell/rev0/Assem1sa29navoja.SAT" failed. (8:30:47 feb 23, 2013)

Doesnt work :/
  • #64
Ansoft Maxwell, cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity e

the problem was in the geometry, now i solved it.
Ok now i need advises, i want to creat one object rotating, and on stator cores measuring the voltage, how to do that, what simulation type to use?
  • #65

Create a sheet (2D) or solid volume (3D) covering the moving part and assign a moving band to that entity. (right click>assign ...>band) You need to use transient simulation type. As for the induced voltage, you need to crate a coil and assign it to a winding. Run the simulation with a proper time step, and remember V=d /dt, hence the need for proper time step. For a plot of the induced voltage go to Reports>Transient>select Winding ...>
  • #67
should i add the windings as current voltage or external, solid or strained
  • #68
i get this message rev (C:/Users/nino/Desktop/maxwell/rev1/)
Maxwell3DDesign1 (Transient)
[error] Band mesh failure: 24 of band mesh nodes are shared by both moving and static objects. (5:40:00 mar 16, 2013)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (5:40:01 mar 16, 2013)

what do i need to do?
  • #69
Maybe try moving the edges of the band object further away from another edge of an object. That is, if this is a machine, the band should be in the middle of the air gap, with equal distance to stator and rotor yoke.

Else, try defining a finer mesh in the area of the outer edge of the band.
  • #70
ok that's done now i have this message
rev (C:/Users/nino/Desktop/maxwell/rev1/)
Maxwell3DDesign1 (Transient)
[warning] Terminal surface mesh does not fit with conduction path in the following bodies {Part2_1,Part2}. Please verify them to ensure no bad effect on solutions! (7:30:11 mar 16, 2013)
[error] Moving part cannot directly touch stationary part. They should be separated by some thickness of the band region. (7:31:02 mar 16, 2013)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (7:31:02 mar 16, 2013)

the movien part are not touching stationary aprts :S

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