In summary, the adynamical explanation of the Mermin device falls short because it does not give a classical causal explanation for the device. It also gets people into trouble in other fields of physics, such as GR and constraint-based explanation. I prefer constraint-based explanation motivated by NPRF as fundamental to time-evolved, causal explanation.
  • #71
RUTA said:
The difference here is that there is an external context for the ball's trajectory where there is no such external context for cosmology.

I don't see the difference. In both cases you have a model and an obvious way to extend it. The only difference is that the ball is not the entire universe, but if that actually made a difference it would mean, by your logic, that we can never extrapolate anything for the entire universe beyond what we have already observed. Which, as I have said, is not how progress has been made in science.

RUTA said:
without an external context and a physical motivation otherwise, what would motivate you to include ##a = 0## with ##\rho = \infty## in your model?

You're not even reading what I'm saying. I have never said we have to do that. You are talking as if this is the only possible extension of any cosmological model beyond what we have already observed. It isn't.

RUTA said:
That is precisely what we're doing now with ##\Lambda\text{CDM}##, i.e., we're using it where it can account for observations.

We are also looking at extending ##\Lambda\text{CDM}##, for example with inflation models. By your logic, nobody should be bothering to do that unless and until we get some actual direct observations from an inflationary epoch.

RUTA said:
There is something that is driving you to believe ##a = 0## with ##\rho = \infty## should be included

I have never made any such claim. I don't know who you think you are responding to with these repeated references to ##\rho = \infty##, but it isn't me. You need to read what I'm actually saying instead of putting words in my mouth.
Physics news on
  • #72
RUTA said:
To refute my claim, you would have to accept my premise that constraints are explanatory and show how they fail to explain something that I claim they explain. So, for example, show how my constraint, conservation per NPRF, cannot explain conservation per the Bell states, conceding first that constraints are explanatory. I don't see how that's possible, but I'll let you try. You haven't even made an effort wrt cosmology, all you've done is espouse your dynamical bias there.
No, I do not plan to accept that constraints are explanatory, I'm sure they are not and have arguments for this.

I start from causality, with Reichenbach's common cause principle, and it follows that every correlation which does not have a causal explanation via a direct causal influence of a common cause is an open, unexplained correlation. I argue that giving up Reichenbach's common cause is useful for the tobacco lobby because there is no longer a necessity to find common causes for lung cancer and smoking which differ from the "smoking causes lung cancer" explanation. In other words, to give it up is far too absurd to be taken seriously.
RUTA said:
My claim is that if you view adynamical constraints as fundamental to dynamical laws, then many mysteries of modern physics, such as entanglement per the Bell states, disappear.
And I counter that nothing happens to the mystery of entanglement, they remain mysteries and have to remain mysteries until you accept non-mystical faster than light causal influences as an explanation. This is a variant of Bell's theorem, which uses Reichenbach's common cause principle (instead of EPR realism), and theorems will not go away. Once you claim that your constraints explain the Bell correlations, you have to accept something as an explanation which is in conflict with Reichenbach's common cause, and this is simply absurd (at least for scientists, astrologers and other mystics will disagree).

A correlation is unexplained if it has no common cause explanation, point. If you disagree, explain how to handle a claim of the tobacco industry that lung cancer correlations do not need any common cause explanation.
RUTA said:
And I do not reject dynamical explanation. I use it all the time.
This is, in fact, a variant of a quite common feature of Bell theorem discussions. The defenders of relativity against a preferred frame question almost everything (causality, realism, even logic) but continue to apply the same principles they reject in the Bell discussion without any hesitation elsewhere.

It is this typical appearance of double standards that I try to attack with my tobacco industry, astrology, and creationist analogies.
  • #73
PeterDonis said:
I don't see the difference. In both cases you have a model and an obvious way to extend it. The only difference is that the ball is not the entire universe, but if that actually made a difference it would mean, by your logic, that we can never extrapolate anything for the entire universe beyond what we have already observed. Which, as I have said, is not how progress has been made in science.

You're not even reading what I'm saying. I have never said we have to do that. You are talking as if this is the only possible extension of any cosmological model beyond what we have already observed. It isn't.

We are also looking at extending ##\Lambda\text{CDM}##, for example with inflation models. By your logic, nobody should be bothering to do that unless and until we get some actual direct observations from an inflationary epoch.

I have never made any such claim. I don't know who you think you are responding to with these repeated references to ##\rho = \infty##, but it isn't me. You need to read what I'm actually saying instead of putting words in my mouth.
You're not responding to what I'm saying. I never said you shouldn't explore the observable consequences of pushing the model back in time. That's exactly what was done to make the predictions of anisotropies in the CMB power spectrum many years before we made the observations. But, and this IS what I'm saying, you let the physics dictate that extrapolation, not the math. Again, the only problematic region is ##\rho = \infty##, so that's why I'm asking what physics you believe justifies me keeping that region. And you keep agreeing with me that we should push back farther into time, which does not answer my question about the only problematic region. Wald and Elias1960 are clear about why they believe we are forced to include ##a = 0## with ##\rho = \infty## in M -- it's pathological from a dynamical perspective not to do so. But, from an adynamical perspective it's perfectly reasonable to include only that region of M that you believe can or can conceivably render empirical results. This doesn't rule out the exploration of theories like inflation at all, regardless of what motivates them. They constitute exploration of alternate cosmology models, which is of course a perfectly reasonable thing to do. If the new model makes a prediction that disagrees with the current best cosmology model in some respect while agreeing with all currently available data that the current model gets right, and that prediction vindicates the new model, then the new model wins. There is nothing in this process that says we have to accept empirically unmotivated mathematical extrapolations, i.e., those that cannot or cannot conceivably render empirical results. So, do you believe such empirically unmotivated extrapolations are required? If so, why?
  • #74
Elias1960 said:
No, I do not plan to accept that constraints are explanatory, I'm sure they are not and have arguments for this.
Fine, but that does not in any way refute my point. Do you understand that fact?

Elias1960 said:
It is this typical appearance of double standards that I try to attack with my tobacco industry, astrology, and creationist analogies.
There is no double standard here. I told you constraint-based explanation does not rule out causal explanation in my view. Indeed, the vast majority of our experience can be easily explained via causal mechanisms. I never said otherwise, I'm simply showing how everything can be explained self-consistently by assuming adynamical constraints are fundamental. If you have a dynamical counterpart, do what I'm doing, i.e., publish papers explaining the idea and use it to explain experimental results (which involves fitting data and comparing to other fitting techniques), present at conferences, write a book with a legit academic press, etc. That's the academic game.
  • #75
RUTA said:
I never said you shouldn't explore the observable consequences of pushing the model back in time. That's exactly what was done to make the predictions of anisotropies in the CMB power spectrum many years before we made the observations. But, and this IS what I'm saying, you let the physics dictate that extrapolation, not the math.

To me, "let the physics dictate the extrapolation" means "explore the observable consequences of pushing the model back in time". So I don't see the distinction you are making here.

RUTA said:
the only problematic region is ##\rho = \infty##, so that's why I'm asking what physics you believe justifies me keeping that region

And, as I have said repeatedly now, I have never made any claim that there is justification for keeping ##\rho = \infty##. So I don't see why you keep asking me to justify a claim that I have never made.

RUTA said:
you keep agreeing with me that we should push back farther into time

But I have never claimed that "push farther back into time" requires including ##\rho = \infty##. In fact I have explicitly said the opposite, when I pointed out that inflation models do not require ##\rho = \infty## anywhere and that eternal inflation models do not have it anywhere.

RUTA said:
Wald and Elias1960 are clear

And if you want to ask @Elias1960 to justify his viewpoint, or email Wald to ask him to justify his, that's fine. But that doesn't explain why you keep asking me to justify a claim that I have never made.
  • #76
RUTA said:
from an adynamical perspective it's perfectly reasonable to include only that region of M that you believe can or can conceivably render empirical results

Why? Why should spacetime just suddenly end at the point where our ability to observe stops?

For example, consider Schwarzschild spacetime at and inside the horizon. This region is in principle unobservable from outside the horizon. Are you saying we should arbitrarily cut off our models of black holes just a smidgen above the horizon?

Note that I am not saying that "dynamics" requires us to continue spacetime. I am considering spacetime just like you are in your blockworld viewpoint, as a 4-D geometry that doesn't change or evolve, it just is. I'm asking for an adynamical reason why 4-D spacetime should just suddenly end, and "because that's all we can observe" doesn't seem like a valid one to me.
  • #77
RUTA said:
But, from an adynamical perspective it's perfectly reasonable to include only that region of M that you believe can or can conceivably render empirical results. ...There is nothing in this process that says we have to accept empirically unmotivated mathematical extrapolations, i.e., those that cannot or cannot conceivably render empirical results. So, do you believe such empirically unmotivated extrapolations are required? If so, why?
The issue here has, I think, nothing to do with dynamical vs. adynamical thinking, it is about something completely different.

The question is theory development beyond existing theory. Maybe no further theory development is necessary, and GR is simply the true theory? In this case, it should always give reasonable answers. ##\rho = \infty## is unreasonable.

The situation with this in the blockworld is even worse than in the dynamical perspective. The dynamical perspective allows excluding the ##\rho = \infty## singularity in a quite simple way, almost automatically. The preferred background ist harmonic (not yet seen a reasonable alternative), in flat FLRW the comoving space coordinates are harmonic, but proper time is not, and harmonic time moves the ##\tau = 0## to ##t=-\infty## in the preferred time. In the blockworld, proper time is the true time, and the GR FLRW blockworld has, as a global object, the problem that it is geodesically incomplete, with infinities appearing in finite proper time. For the dynamical view, that global spacetime does not even exist, and at particular time slices, this is not a problem at all.
  • #78
PeterDonis said:
And if you want to ask @Elias1960 to justify his viewpoint, or email Wald to ask him to justify his, that's fine. But that doesn't explain why you keep asking me to justify a claim that I have never made.
I never claimed you did say that. I said IF you believe ..., then why? Your response should have been simply, "I don't believe ... ." Then we're in agreement that the flat, matter-dominated cosmology model does not have to include ##a = 0## with ##\rho = \infty##.
  • #79
RUTA said:

I'm a little confused about what you think Wald's position is. Wald describes the singularity theorems and what they show in Chapter 9, yes. And you have already agreed that cutting off a solution that, when maximally extended, has a singularity, before the singularity is reached, as you did with your version of the Einstein-de Sitter model, does not contradict the singularity theorems. So what, exactly, do you disagree with Wald about?
  • #80
PeterDonis said:
I'm a little confused about what you think Wald's position is. Wald describes the singularity theorems and what they show in Chapter 9, yes. And you have already agreed that cutting off a solution that, when maximally extended, has a singularity, before the singularity is reached, as you did with your version of the Einstein-de Sitter model, does not contradict the singularity theorems. So what, exactly, do you disagree with Wald about?
That the existence of past inextendable timelike or null geodesics is "pathological."
  • #81
RUTA said:
I said IF you believe ..., then why?

You didn't come across to me as saying "IF", but fine. I don't think ##\rho = \infty## is reasonable. But I also don't think that just arbitrarily cutting off a 4-D spacetime geometry is reasonable; I think a reasonable model has to include everything that can be included up to the maximal analytic extension. If the maximal analytic extension of a particular idealized model leads to ##\rho = \infty## somewhere, to me that's a reason for adjusting the model. Inflationary cosmology adjusts the model by changing the stress-energy tensor prior to the end of inflation to one that violates the energy conditions and therefore does not require ##\rho = \infty## anywhere.

RUTA said:
Then we're in agreement that the flat, matter-dominated cosmology model does not have to include ##a = 0## with ##\rho = \infty##.

I would say that a model which fixes the ##\rho = \infty## problem, by adjusting the stress-energy tensor prior to some spacelike hypersurface, is no longer a simple "flat, matter-dominated cosmology model"; it includes a region that is flat and matter-dominated, but that is not the entire model. (Note that in our best current model of our universe, the flat, matter-dominated region ends a few billion years before the present; our universe at present in our best current model is dark energy dominated, not matter dominated. So even the flat, matter-dominated region itself is an extrapolation; it's not what we currently observe.)
  • #82
RUTA said:
That the existence of past inextendable timelike or null geodesics is "pathological."

So, in other words, you think ##\rho = \infty## is unreasonable (and I agree), but you also think it's perfectly OK for a model to predict that some timelike observer's worldline can just suddenly cease to exist in the past, because it hits an "edge" of spacetime?
  • #83
PeterDonis said:
But I also don't think that just arbitrarily cutting off a 4-D spacetime geometry is reasonable; I think a reasonable model has to include everything that can be included up to the maximal analytic extension.
Why do you believe that?
  • #84
PeterDonis said:
So, in other words, you think ##\rho = \infty## is unreasonable (and I agree), but you also think it's perfectly OK for a model to predict that some timelike observer's worldline can just suddenly cease to exist in the past, because it hits an "edge" of spacetime?
Absolutely. What is wrong with that? I suspect we're getting to your dynamical bias.
  • #85
RUTA said:
Why do you believe that?

Because otherwise our model would predict that spacetime just ends for no reason. Unless you can give a reason, an adynamical reason, as I have asked you to do several times now, and you haven't.

RUTA said:
What is wrong with that?

That there's no reason for it. Unless you can give a reason. But you haven't.

RUTA said:
I suspect we're getting to your dynamical bias.

I have made no dynamical claims whatever. As I have repeatedly said, I am taking your blockworld viewpoint in which spacetime is a 4-D geometry that doesn't change or evolve, it just is. Asking for a reason does not mean asking for a dynamical reason. An adynamical reason would be fine. But you have given no reason.
  • #86
RUTA said:
Fine, but that does not in any way refute my point. Do you understand that fact?
No, I don't. I continue to think that your point is refuted. Maybe you formulate your point in a different way which makes it possible to understand that it is not refuted?
RUTA said:
There is no double standard here. I told you constraint-based explanation does not rule out causal explanation in my view.
But it makes it unnecessary. You claim to provide an explanation for the violation of the Bell inequality where no causal explanation is possible, as proven in a theorem, not?

So, the double standard does not disappear if you only allow causal explanations. Causal explanations are required in science. The question is if you will be satisfied if no causal information is given. In fundamental physics you are (once you give no causal explanations for Bell inequality violations). But what about the tobacco industry lobby not seeing a necessity to give causal explanations for lung cancer correlations? What about the creationist not seeing a necessity to explain causally dinosaur bones? What about the astrologer who refused to give any causal explanations of how the position of Venus at the date of your birth influences your fate?
  • #87
PeterDonis said:
Because otherwise our model would predict that spacetime just ends for no reason. Unless you can give a reason, an adynamical reason, as I have asked you to do several times now, and you haven't.
I've repeated many times that you only need to keep that part of M that you believe can or can conceivably produce empirically verifiable results. Every part of M fits self-consistently with every other part of M via EEs. Only a dynamical thinker believes some part of M needs to be explained independently from it fitting coherently into the whole of M. That's where you're coming from and that's why you keep believing I haven't answered your question. You're thinking dynamically.
  • #88
Elias1960 said:
No, I don't. I continue to think that your point is refuted. Maybe you formulate your point in a different way which makes it possible to understand that it is not refuted?
Your objections have not in any way refuted my claim as I've stated it many times as clearly as I know how. Sorry, I can't help you further.

Elias1960 said:
But it makes it unnecessary. You claim to provide an explanation for the violation of the Bell inequality where no causal explanation is possible, as proven in a theorem, not?
Read very carefully what I claimed in the Insight. I warn the reader that if they are unwilling or unable to accept the adynamical constraints as explanatory without a corresponding dynamical counterpart, then they will not believe I have explained the violation of Bell's inequality. That is the case for you. But, if you do accept the premise, then the conclusion (Bell's inequality has been explained) follows as a matter of deductive logic.

Elias1960 said:
So, the double standard does not disappear if you only allow causal explanations. Causal explanations are required in science.
That is your belief. I'm saying, "look at what you get if you accept that the constraints we have in physics are explanatory even in the absence of causal mechanisms." You don't believe they are, fine. But, that does not refute my claim. Again, I don't know how to state my point any more clearly than that. Sorry.
  • #89
RUTA said:
That's where you're coming from

No, you don't understand where I'm coming from. Let me try to get at the issue I see another way.

RUTA said:
I've repeated many times that you only need to keep that part of M that you believe can or can conceivably produce empirically verifiable results.

In the particular case of the Einstein-de Sitter model, as far as I can tell, to you this means: cut off the model at some spacelike hypersurface before it reaches ##\rho = \infty##. But how close to ##\rho = \infty## can I get before I cut the model off? Your cutoff procedure left a finite range of time (from ##t = 0## to ##t = - B## in your modified model) between the edge of the model and the problematic ##\rho = \infty## point. Could I make an equally viable model by taking, say, ##B / 2## instead of ##B## as the constant in the model?

If your answer is yes, your procedure does not lead to a unique model; taken to its logical conclusion, it ends up being the same as the standard Einstein-de Sitter model, since that model does not consider the ##\rho = \infty## point to be part of the manifold in any case, it's just a limit point that is approached but never reached.

If your answer is no, then you need to give a reason for picking the particular value ##B## as the constant in your model, instead of something else. So far I have not seen you give one.

By contrast, my response to the fact that the Einstein-de Sitter model predicts ##\rho = \infty## at some particular limit point is to look for an alternate model that does not have that property, by taking an Einstein-de Sitter region, just like the one in your model, and joining it to another region, such as an inflationary region, that does not predict ##\rho = \infty## anywhere. You appear to think that any such extension is driven by a "dynamical" viewpoint, but I don't see why that must be the case. I think the desire to have a model that has no arbitrary "edges" where spacetime just stops for no reason, is a valid adynamical desire. You appear to disagree, but I can see no reason why you should, and you have not given any reason for why you do.

RUTA said:
Only a dynamical thinker believes some part of M needs to be explained independently from it fitting coherently into the whole of M.

This has nothing to do with my issue. I am not asking you to explain the Einstein-de Sitter region in your model independently from fitting it into a larger model. I am asking why you have no larger model: why you just have the Einstein-de Sitter region and nothing else, when that region is not fitted coherently into any larger model, it's just sitting there with an obvious edge that, as far as I can see, has no reason for being there. If you think that region all by itself, with its edge, is a coherent whole adynamical model, I would like you to explain why. Just saying "oh, you're thinking dynamically so you just don't understand" doesn't cut it.
  • #90
RUTA said:
Every part of M fits self-consistently with every other part of M via EEs.

In your version of the Einstein-de Sitter model, there is only one part of M, the Einstein-de Sitter region with your arbitrary cutoff. So in your model, there is nothing to fit self-consistently with. But there certainly could be: you could, for example, fit your Einstein-de Sitter region self-consistently via EEs with an inflationary region, just as inflationary models do. Why didn't you?
  • #91
I answered your question many times, the cutoff is not at all arbitrary, you keep whatever you can argue generates conceivable empirical results. I didn't say you can't keep inflationary models. I personally think they're not interesting as articulated by Paul Steinhardt, but others may want to pursue them.
  • #92
Again, the only difference between what I'm claiming and what exists in the common textbook explanations of GR cosmology is that the textbooks say GR cosmology models are problematic because they're "singular" in the sense that they entail ##\rho = \infty##. And I'm saying adynamical explanation does not force those solutions to entail that region. Adynamical explanation allows you to simply omit the problematic region if it is beyond empirical confirmation. So far that's true, the model is working great despite the fact that a purely mathematical extrapolation produces ##\rho = \infty##. So why worry about that region?
  • #93
RUTA said:
the cutoff is not at all arbitrary, you keep whatever you can argue generates conceivable empirical results

Then the Einstein-de Sitter model would be valid for any ##t > 0##, since it predicts finite and positive density and scale factor. So are you saying I could use any value of ##B## I like in your modified version of the model, putting the cutoff wherever I want, as long as it doesn't include the ##\rho = \infty## point?

RUTA said:
I didn't say you can't keep inflationary models.

Ok, that helps to clarify your viewpoint.

RUTA said:
Adynamical explanation allows you to simply omit the problematic region if it is beyond empirical confirmation

But ##\rho = \infty## isn't a "region", it's a point. And that point is not even included in the manifold; as I said, it's a limit point that's approached but never reached. So again, I don't see what is wrong with the standard Einstein-de Sitter model, where ##B = 0## in your modified formula, if any finite value of ##\rho## is ok.
  • #94
RUTA said:
the textbooks say GR cosmology models are problematic because they're "singular" in the sense that they entail ##\rho = \infty##.

No, that's not what they say. What they say (Wald, for example) is that spacetime curvatures which are finite but larger than the Planck scale are problematic for a classical theory of gravity like GR, because we expect quantum gravity effects to become important at that scale. In the Einstein-de Sitter model, for example, the curvature becomes infinite at the point you have been labeling ##\rho = \infty##, not just the density. And in Schwarzschild spacetime, the curvature is the only thing that becomes infinite at the singularity at ##r = 0##, because it's a vacuum solution and the stress-energy tensor is zero everywhere. But that singularity is just as problematic on a viewpoint like Wald's.
  • #95
PeterDonis said:
No, that's not what they say. What they say (Wald, for example) is that spacetime curvatures which are finite but larger than the Planck scale are problematic for a classical theory of gravity like GR, because we expect quantum gravity effects to become important at that scale. In the Einstein-de Sitter model, for example, the curvature becomes infinite at the point you have been labeling ##\rho = \infty##, not just the density. And in Schwarzschild spacetime, the curvature is the only thing that becomes infinite at the singularity at ##r = 0##, because it's a vacuum solution and the stress-energy tensor is zero everywhere. But that singularity is just as problematic on a viewpoint like Wald's.
Yes, the curvature is also problematic as Wald points out in Chapter 9. The ##\rho = \infty## is also a problem for Schwarzschild at ##r = 0## because that's where M is. Am I missing something there?
  • #96
PeterDonis said:
But ##\rho = \infty## isn't a "region", it's a point. And that point is not even included in the manifold; as I said, it's a limit point that's approached but never reached. So again, I don't see what is wrong with the standard Einstein-de Sitter model, where ##B = 0## in your modified formula, if any finite value of ##\rho## is ok.
Well, it's difficult to say how "big" ##a = 0## is because the spatial hyper surfaces to that point are ##\infty##. Its "size" is undefined so I was being careful with my language.
  • #97
PeterDonis said:
Then the Einstein-de Sitter model would be valid for any ##t > 0##, since it predicts finite and positive density and scale factor. So are you saying I could use any value of ##B## I like in your modified version of the model, putting the cutoff wherever I want, as long as it doesn't include the ##\rho = \infty## point?
Yes, and you could even use ##\rho = \infty## if you could produce empirical verification. Use whatever you need, just don't dismiss the model because you believe an empirically unverifiable mathematical extrapolation leads to "pathologies."
  • #98
RUTA said:
The ρ=∞ρ=∞ is also a problem for Schwarzschild at r=0r=0 because that's where M is.

There is no "where M is" in the Schwarzschild solution; it's a vacuum solution with zero stress-energy everywhere and no ##\rho = \infty## (and for that matter no ##\rho \neq 0##) anywhere. Also ##r=0## is not even part of the manifold; it's a limit point that is approached but never reached, so it can't be "where" anything is.

M in the Schwarzschild solution is a global property of the spacetime; there is no place "where it is".
  • #99
RUTA said:
don't dismiss the model because you believe an empirically unverifiable mathematical extrapolation leads to "pathologies."

Are you claiming that Wald is "dismissing" the Einstein-de Sitter model or similar models on these grounds? I don't see him dismissing it at all. I just see him (and MTW, and every other GR textbook I've read that discusses this issue) saying that any such model will have a limited domain of validity; we should expect it to break down in regions where spacetime curvature at or greater than the Planck scale is predicted.
  • #100
RUTA said:
it's difficult to say how "big" ##a = 0## is

But however "big" it is, it does not extend to any value of ##t## greater than zero in the standard FRW models. That's the point I was making.
  • #101
PeterDonis said:
There is no "where M is" in the Schwarzschild solution; it's a vacuum solution with zero stress-energy everywhere. Also ##r = 0## is not even part of the manifold; it's a limit point that is approached but never reached, so it can't be "where" anything is.

M in the Schwarzschild solution is a global property of the spacetime; there is no place "where it is".
You can model Schwarzschild surrounding matter solutions and the Schwarzschild solution holds all the way inside the horizon to that matter. So, as you go smaller and smaller you approach ##\rho = \infty##.
  • #102
RUTA said:
You can model Schwarzschild surrounding matter solutions and the Schwarzschild solution holds all the way inside the horizon to that matter. So, as you go smaller and smaller you approach ##\rho = \infty##.

You can do this in a model such as the 1939 Oppenheimer-Snyder model, sure. That's not what I was using "the Schwarzschild solution" to refer to, but yes, it's a valid model, and is subject to the same limitation that Wald describes, assuming Wald's viewpoint that classical GR will break down at Planck scale curvatures is correct.
  • #103
bhobba said:
For those interested here is Mermin's original paper:
Feynman in a letter to Mermin said 'One of the most beautiful papers in physics that I know of is yours in the American Journal of Physics.'

I personally am finding my view of QM evolving a bit. Feynman said the essential mystery of QM was in the double slit experiment. I never actually thought so myself, but was impressed with it as an introduction to the mysteries of QM at the beginning level. I am now starting to think entanglement may be the essential mystery.

I ordered the book ILL and copied the letter from Feynman to Mermin and Mermin's response. I'll attach those copies here.


  • FeynmanToMerminAndBack.pdf
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