Are There Multiple Independent Spins in Higher Dimensional Spaces?

In summary, the conversation was about the concept of spin in dimensions higher than 4 and its connection to the Kaluza-Klein theory. The participants discussed the existence of two independent spins in 4+1 dimensions and the possibility of isospin being the manifestation of spin in another dimension. However, according to the Coleman-Mandula no-go theorem, spin and isospin are not intertwined unless supersymmetry is involved. The conversation also touched on the definition of spin in higher dimensions and the role of Casimir operators in determining it. Overall, the participants expressed their interest in finding papers that discuss the physical consequences of higher dimensions on spin and the potential implications for theories like Kaluza-Klein.
  • #1
Do you know of any papers about spin in dimensions>4? It seems that there are two independent spins in 4+1 dimensions, since you can replace spatial dimension 1 with 2 and 3 with 4, each pair not messing with the other.

I found only one paper on arxiv: <> on 5D black holes, where is stated that in 5D indeed there are two spins.

But what about more quantum physics? Did anyone have identified second spin with, say, isospin? Are there any works?
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  • #2
Unsure just what you are looking for but there should be a bunch of papers under String Theory.
  • #4
Spin in n dimensions is just the theory of representations of SO(n).

There are some surprises for small n, e.g. so(3) = su(2) and so(4) = su(2)+su(2), but for higher n it's just so(n).
  • #5
I'm looking for a proof of Kaluza-Klein theory or like.

I'm a big fan of this theory and I would be very sad if the fifth dimension I dreamt of as a child simply didn't exist :). Yet, when I had finally understood what spin is, a simple test came to my mind: in 5d there shoul be two spins. So our particles should have some another degree of freedom. If they have it, Kaluza-Klein may be true. If not, farewell hyperspace.

Now I look for some papers that may have explained this. Do we really have such another spin? May isospin be our missing factor? Or maybe this another spin is somehow supressed or unobservable? Or maybe in Minkowski 4+1 spacetime there are no two spins at all? Curiosity is killing me.

I have read some papers on Kaluza-Klein and higher dimensions and they focus on "translation" degrees of freedom, but spin is kind of taboo topic.

However, if Kaluza-Klein was true, it would be simply beautiful. Unified gravity and electromagnetism (and weak interaction, if the second spin was isospin) in a pure geometric way. It can also explain CP violation. Supersymmetry may give us matter. I even read that the dilaton may be the Higgs itself.

So, if you know of any papers about physical consequences of five dimensions on spin, please point me some. Maths is appreciated, but I rather want to proove or disproove Kaluza-Klein.
  • #6
I do not understand what you mean by "two spins". In higher dimensions spin is just the quantum number that corresponds to representations of SO(N). In higher dimensions the multiplets are more complicated, but it's still one physical quantity.

By the Coleman-Mandula no-go theorem you cannot combine isospin (or some other internal quantum number) with a spacetime symmetry, except for the "trivial" combination. In order to get a kind of intertwining between spin and isospin you need supersymmetry.

Can you please explain what you mean by "two spins"?
  • #7
Can you please explain what you mean by "two spins"?
Two sets of spin quantum numbers, or a cartesian product of the two if you like.

Say, electron can have states (+1/2) and (-1/2). In 4 spatial dimensions it seems it should be (+1/2,+1/2), (+1/2, -1/2), (-1/2, +1/2), (-1/2, -1/2).

Also, you can define two spin operator vectors that will commute with each other:
[tex]S_i =\epsilon_{ijk} [S_j, S_k][/tex]
[tex]Z_i =\epsilon_{ijk} [Z_j, Z_k][/tex]

Isospin is the only thing that comes to my mind when I try to find interpretation of this another "spin". So, if you convince me that isospin can not be the manifestation of spin in another dimension, I will have to forget about Kaluza-Klein.

Note that this is only my limited knowlegde. I may be just plain wrong.
  • #8
This is not how spin works in general. In 3-dim. space you have SO(3)~SU(2) which explains the half-integer values. In 4-dim. spacetime you have SO(3,1)~SU(2)*SU(2) which explains the bi-spinor structure of the Dirac equation. But in higher dimensions such a factorization is in general not available.

Spin and isospin are not intertwined. Isospin is invariant under Lorentz boosts and rotations (a rotated proton is still a proton) and vice versa (an iso-rotated proton becomes a neutron but the spin orientation is not affected).

If you want to get a non-trivial intertwining of spin and isospin (or any other internal symmetry) you have to find a loop-hole in the Coleman-Mandula no-go theorem - which could be supersymmetry ...
  • #9
tom.stoer said:
This is not how spin works in general. In 3-dim. space you have SO(3)~SU(2) which explains the half-integer values. In 4-dim. spacetime you have SO(3,1)~SU(2)*SU(2) which explains the bi-spinor structure of the Dirac equation. But in higher dimensions such a factorization is in general not available.

Spin and isospin are not intertwined. Isospin is invariant under Lorentz boosts and rotations (a rotated proton is still a proton) and vice versa (an iso-rotated proton becomes a neutron but the spin orientation is not affected).

If you want to get a non-trivial intertwining of spin and isospin (or any other internal symmetry) you have to find a loop-hole in the Coleman-Mandula no-go theorem - which could be supersymmetry ...
Dear guys,

I'm also interested in the definition of spin in various dimensions.
For the usual 4D QFT, the definition of spin comes from the other Casimir operator [tex] W_\mu \equiv \frac{1}{2}\epsilon_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}P^\nu J^{\rho\sigma} [/tex]However, in higher dimensions, we can have defined a lot of Casimir operators, each of them can derive a definition of "spin", so, I am wondering that what is the definition of spin in the usual literature concerning about theories in higher dimensions?

And, what's the general rule to find out all the Casimir operators in a giving symmetry? Thanks!

FAQ: Are There Multiple Independent Spins in Higher Dimensional Spaces?

1. What is spin in higher dimensions?

Spin in higher dimensions refers to the intrinsic angular momentum of particles or systems in dimensions greater than three. In quantum mechanics, spin is a fundamental property of particles that can take on discrete values and is responsible for many of their unique characteristics.

2. How many dimensions can spin exist in?

Spin can exist in any number of dimensions, but it is most commonly discussed in the context of three dimensions (as in our physical world) and four dimensions (including time). In theoretical physics, spin can also be generalized to higher dimensions, including 10 or 11 dimensions in string theory.

3. How is spin represented in higher dimensions?

In three dimensions, spin is typically represented by a quantum number, either +1/2 or -1/2. In higher dimensions, spin is represented by a spinor, a mathematical object that transforms under rotations in space. The number of components in a spinor depends on the number of dimensions, with more components in higher dimensions.

4. Can spin be visualized in higher dimensions?

Spin is a quantum mechanical property and cannot be visualized in the same way as classical angular momentum. However, in some cases, spin in higher dimensions can be described using mathematical models and visualizations, such as the Bloch sphere for spin-1/2 particles in three dimensions.

5. How does spin in higher dimensions affect physical systems?

In general, the higher the dimension, the more complex the behavior of spin becomes. In higher dimensions, spin can interact with other properties of particles, such as their momentum or charge, in different ways than in three dimensions. This can lead to unique physical phenomena and can have implications for quantum computing and other applications.

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