Are there simultaneous moments?

  • Thread starter Unidempicity
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In summary, according to relativity, dimensions are proportional to velocity and mass is also dimension of time. However, there is a question of whether nearness values are absolute. There is also a thought experiment involving a species travelling into the past on an asteroid while skimming the atmosphere of a different planet. If these events are simultaneous, then relativity would be correct. However, if the events are not simultaneous, then another IRF would need to be used to determine if they are. Additionally, there is a question of what a photon is and whether its velocity really is just its intertial rest frame. Questions abound concerning the nature of mass, the existence of photons, and the physics of space-time.
  • #1
Are there simultaneous moments?

I know that relativity states that demetion is proortional to velocity ant that mass is also demension of time but the real question is are nearness values absolute? Is there such a thing as objective nearness in strict time?

Thought experiment: A species travels into the past on an asteroid while skimming the atmosphere of planet X are the two events simultaneous?
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  • #2
Unidempicity said:
Are there simultaneous moments?

I know that relativity states that demetion is proortional to velocity ant that mass is also demension of time but the real question is are nearness values absolute? Is there such a thing as objective nearness in strict time?
Sorry, I can't understand any of the foregoing.

Unidempicity said:
Thought experiment: A species travels into the past on an asteroid while skimming the atmosphere of planet X are the two events simultaneous?
Now this part, I think I understand what you are asking.

Two events are simultaneous if their Coordinate Times in a particular Inertial Reference Frame (IRF) have the same value. If you transform the coordinates of the two events into another Inertial Reference Frame the two new Coordinate Times may be different and so the two events in this other frame are not simultaneous. However, some other pairs of events may be simultaneous.

Here is a spacetime diagram depicting a species on an asteroid (in red) skimming the atmosphere of planet X (in blue). The asteroid is traveling at 0.8c. The dots represent Proper Time intervals of 1 microsecond. Key to understanding this type of spacetime diagram is that any object in motion will be Time Dilated, meaning that the dots are placed farther apart.

We consider the time of closest approach to have a coordinate value of 0 and we start the scenario 6 microseconds (usecs) for each object before that to show the approach and 6 microseconds after that to show the trajectory of the asteroid past the planet. We are considering the speed of light to 1000 feet per microsecond. Here's a diagram for an IRF in which the planet is at rest:


Notice that the event corresponding to the red asteroid's time of -3 microseconds is simultaneous with the blue planet's time of -5 microseconds since they both happen at the same Coordinate Time of -5 microseconds. We could say the same thing with regard to the two events occurring at the Coordinate Time of 5 seconds.

Now we want to transform all the coordinates of the events in this first IRF into an IRF where the red asteroid is at rest and the blue planet is moving past it in the opposite direction:


Now we see a symmetrical new set of coordinates in this frame. Again, the events at Coordinate Times of -5 and +5 microseconds have dots for each object that are simultaneous with each other.

I want to show you one more diagram for an IRF in which both objects are traveling in opposite directions at the same speed, 0.5c:


Now because the two objects are traveling at the same speed, they are Time Dilated by the same amount and so their clocks remain in synch with each other. This means that any two events corresponding to the same Proper Time for both objects will also have the same Coordinate Time values and therefor are simultaneous.

Thus, simultaneousness is a coordinate effect which depends on the IRF you chose to describe, analyze, and depict your scenario. Transform to a new IRF and you can change all the simultaneous events.


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  • #3
Unidempicity said:
Are there simultaneous moments?

I know that relativity states that dimension is proportional to velocity and that mass is also dimension of time but the real question is are nearness values absolute? Is there such a thing as objective nearness in strict time?
I've corrected this to what I think you mean, but it is confused and not answerable.

Thought experiment: A species travels into the past on an asteroid while skimming the atmosphere of planet X are the two events simultaneous?
Travelling into the past is not considered possible so this is also not answerable. But if it did happen, how can an event in the past of another event be simultaneous with it ?
  • #4
OK what I'm saying: relativity makes time distance off the delta time-cone, which is to say there is only one kind of distance, which is informational on the non-euclidian time dimension. But time is also the engine of mass-energy entropy, so, can you simulate relativistic mass-velocity interactions without each photon having its own separate clock? I mean, what is a photon? Is its velocity really just its intertial rest frame, which is the speed of light? How can a photon be equivalent to a velocity delta? Is mass made out of photons? Do photons warp space-time? Were do the photons go on a light powered rocket? How do you clean ice-cream off a computer? and where are my keys?
  • #5
Are you perhaps a non-English speaker using a machine translation tool like Google translate? I can't understand your sentences.
  • #6
DaleSpam said:
Are you perhaps a non-English speaker using a machine translation tool like Google translate? I can't understand your sentences.
I don't think so. Look at his other thread:

And look at the last two questions in this thread.

Maybe one of his kids got a hold of his computer.
  • #7
Oh DaleSpam, :smile: you're far to familiar with SR to "understand" what "time" as an "engine" is supposed to mean.
Unidempicity said:
But time is also the engine of mass-energy entropy,

time is part of the geometry of spacetime. Entropy "plays out" on time & length, there really isn't anything that time "does", it merely allows more "room" much like a greater length offers more room.

Consider specifically the length part. Length requires exactly what you are asking; "Are there simultaneous moments?". Yes there definitely are, much like the end points of a meter stick are simultaneous.

The end points of that meter stick are simultaneous in spacetime* (read both in space & time), if there is then relative motion between you and the meter stick it will contract in the direction of motion, or take an amount of time to traverse a length of one meter. read about c & how time length are defined to learn more.

With all that said note there is no casual connection between any two points* simultaneously. or better said there is no instantaneous casual connection between any two points*. As in there is no casual connection between the end points on a meter stick, despite calling them simultaneous, this is inescapable.

*separated in spacetime
  • #8
A photon does not need a clock, just an odometer because Δt2 = Δx2
  • #9
Mentz114 said:
A photon does not need a clock, just an odometer because Δt2 = Δx2

wait a minute, it's a continuum; that mass less "bit" must do both simultaneously :-p

Odometer & clock are synonymous at c :smile: Like your equation says (or assume it does, I can't read math)
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  • #10
OK, whether it is intentional or not, nothing beneficial can come from discussing word salad.

FAQ: Are there simultaneous moments?

1. What are simultaneous moments?

Simultaneous moments refer to the idea that two or more events can occur at the same time.

2. Can there be truly simultaneous moments?

This is a debated topic in the scientific community. Some argue that there can be truly simultaneous moments, while others believe that everything is relative and there is no absolute simultaneity.

3. How do we measure simultaneous moments?

Simultaneous moments can be measured using precise instruments such as atomic clocks or through precise observations of astronomical events.

4. Are simultaneous moments the same as time travel?

No, simultaneous moments and time travel are two different concepts. Time travel refers to the ability to move backward or forward in time, while simultaneous moments refer to events occurring at the same time.

5. Can simultaneous moments occur in different reference frames?

Yes, simultaneous moments can occur in different reference frames. This is known as the relativity of simultaneity, where events that appear simultaneous in one frame of reference may not appear simultaneous in another frame of reference.

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