Are tracks in collision experiments proof of particles?

In summary, the traditional analysis is that a particle is detected when its charge is measured. However, one can also interpret discrete detection events as responses of a quantum detector to a classical external field.
  • #36
A. Neumaier said:
This step is not so obvious. Why is this known in advance? Why does decoherence imply that one can replace the spherical wave by flying particles? Wouldn't this mean decoherence in a preferred momentum basis, not decoherence in position? I would like to see papers that actually support this with proper formulas and derivations, not just uncheckable allusions to collective knowledge. That it works in practice is good for the practitioner but not a sufficient explanation for the theorist.

The Mott paper gives precisely this analysis, namely that everything must collapse to a particle pointer state. Why this pointer state and not another? As I'm sure you know, that required work much later by Zurek, Jooh and Zeh who proposed Einselection (environmentally selected decoherence), which selects out the position basis b/c in this case the form of the force law (Coulombs law) depends on distance. Thus, after the partial tracing out of the environment, the interaction Hamiltonian commutes with an approximate position observable, and you get the desired 'particle' like behaviour that seems to be robust. See
Joos, E., and H. D. Zeh, 1985, Z. Phys. B 59, 223

The nice part of this analysis is that it makes definite predictions about what type of pointer state's different systems will have. So depending on how much the environment 'monitors' the system you get different results (this corresponds to which term dominates in the full Hamiltonian)
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  • #37
A. Neumaier said:
Thus, precisely because the concept of particles is incredibly useful, I want to see clearly how it arises from the underlying quantum field picture beyond the (apparently almost nonexistent) discussion in books and articles. Perhaps the discussion exists and I am only unaware of it, but there is definitely something to be understood.

In free quantum field theory, eg. QED with only photons, the quantum particle picture is exact, because the Hilbert space is a fock space.

Of course, there is no unique photon or "quantum of the free massless EM field", rather there are many different types of photons, some more like a classical bullet than others.
  • #38
A. Neumaier said:
But I want to understand why! QFT should be a fundamental theory, hence should allow in principle to model a train of electrons as a process happening at finite times inside its own framework, and within this model one should be able to derive the interpretation of the S-matrix dynamically instead of having to postulate it in addition to its formalism! What I am interested in is how quantum field theory can achieve that. Saying that one can simplify things to get the correct predictions doesn't answer this more fundamental quest!

Electrons are easier, because they are massive, so one can use the Mott picture (and later developments) as has been said many times. Incidentally, the LSZ formalism does have to assume wave packets, so both the position and momentum of the particle are measured which is why we do get particle tracks.
  • #39
A. Neumaier said:
Often one can indeed do the latter. But both the Kadanoff-Baym equations and the Boltzmann-Vlasov equations are field theories in phase space, not particle theories.

Instead of particles one has only phase space densities.
Thus talking about particles seems to be simply a left-over from the 19th century when Boltzmann derived his equation from a classical particle picture.
In classical physics you also have only phase space densities. So what? As soon as you do relativistic dynamics the point-particle idealization becomes problematic anyway (keyword: radiation reaction). A continuum-mechanical description is much more natural in relativistic dynamics.

The interaction between "particles" can only be described adequately with quantum theory (in the relativistic case as a QFT). A particle interpretation makes sense only in terms of asymptotic free states.
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  • #40
A. Neumaier said:
But I want to understand why! QFT should be a fundamental theory, hence should allow in principle to model a train of electrons as a process happening at finite times inside its own framework, and within this model one should be able to derive the interpretation of the S-matrix dynamically instead of having to postulate it in addition to its formalism! What I am interested in is how quantum field theory can achieve that. Saying that one can simplify things to get the correct predictions doesn't answer this more fundamental quest!
Again, for "transient states" a particle interpretation in the relativistic case is at least problematic. You can only interpret asymptotic free states in terms of a particle picture, because only then a clear Fock-space construction is possible (as far as I know). If massless particles are present even this is not fully correct either (cf. the analysis by Kulisch and Fadeev, Kibble, and many others). In the standard treatment that's "cured" by appropriate soft-photon resummations (see Weinberg QT of Fields, Vol I). That's why the observable facts for "few-body systems" are in terms of scattering experiments and S matrices. To derive the S matrix from QFT (LSZ reduction) is not as simple as it seems. Most textbooks use a pragmatic approach, using "box quantization" and then taking the appropriate "infinite-volume limit". This is mathematically most simple and leads to the correct results, but it's not very physical. Often scattering theory appears to be "weird" to many people because of that. In this case I can only recommend to read the corresponding chapter in Peskin&Schroeder, where a wave-packet treatment is used. Although this book is full of typos and sometimes very sloppy, this chapter is really worth to be studied carefully. For a very thorough discussion of the somewhat simpler case of non-relativistic QT (where you can simplify the problem by looking at potential scattering first), see the good old textbook by Messiah. This is anyway full of very careful discussions of issues often treated not very thoroughly in the modern books.

Finally, QFT is (in its present status) an effective theory with limited energy-momentum range of validity anyway. So far there is no more comprehensive theory in sight. As long as there is no such more comprehensive theory we shall have to live with QFT, and it's amazingly successful. There's not even a clear hint of where the Standard Model breaks down (although maybe there's a new hint recently with the new findings on anti-neutrinos by the Daya Baye collaboratin; so there may be some hope to find hints how to go "beyond the Standard Model").
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  • #41
Haelfix said:
The Mott paper gives precisely this analysis, namely that everything must collapse to a particle pointer state.
Did you read the paper?? Mott nowhere mentions collapse. Instead he shows (quote from p.80) that [in the absence of a deflecting magnetic field]
Mott said:
the atoms cannot both be ionized unless they lie in a straight line with the radioactive nucleus.
This fully explains the tracks, without making any claims about collapse or a particle pointer state, or position measurement. The spherical wave is nowhere replaced by flying particles, as @mfb wants us make believe.
Haelfix said:
you get the desired 'particle' like behaviour that seems to be robust. See
Joos, E., and H. D. Zeh, 1985, Z. Phys. B 59, 223
They refer to Mott on p.225 (top left) but don't take it up later. The present thread is about microscopic particles, but they consider (already visible from the title and the abstract) instead the problem of localization of macroscopic objects. Or did I miss something? Where do they discuss how a particle in a spherical state decoheres into a flying particle with well-defined momentum and reasonably well-defined position?
You say,
Haelfix said:
The nice part of this analysis is that it makes definite predictions about what type of pointer state's different systems will have. So depending on how much the environment 'monitors' the system you get different results
but I don't see how their analysis applies to the case under discussion here.
  • #42
vanhees71 said:
In classical physics you also have only phase space densities. So what? As soon as you do relativistic dynamics the point-particle idealization becomes problematic anyway (keyword: radiation reaction). A continuum-mechanical description is much more natural in relativistic dynamics.
So you seem to agree with me that the particle picture is limited and approximate, and the correct language and formal treatment needs field theory everywhere, both in the classical and in the quantum case. The particle view is just there to aid intuition and for historical reasons, while in fact fields concentrated in fairly narrow regions move along flow lines determined by the field equations.
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  • #43
atyy said:
the LSZ formalism does have to assume wave packets, so both the position and momentum of the particle are measured
The LSZ formalism is derived in Weinberg, Vol. I, Sections 12.2-3 without any mentioning of wave packets.

But even in the wave packet treatment of Peskin & Schroeder (Section 7.2), nothing is assumed related to measurement. To evaluate the S-matrix and justify the LSZ formula one can use an arbitrary complete or overcomplete set of test functions - this is enough to prove correctness for arbitrary matrix elements. P&S use wave functions with a fairly narrow width in momentum space overlapping in a region around ##x=0## and separating in the far past and future. For example one can use (for scalar fields, the case treated by P&S) coherent states with a narrow momentum spread and a large position spread, corresponding to a beam of scalar particles. This is indeed the form appropriate for analyzing collision experiments. But by taking linear combinations, the formula is valid for arbitrary in and out states.
  • #44
A. Neumaier said:
The LSZ formalism is derived in Weinberg, Vol. I, Sections 12.2-3 without any mentioning of wave packets.

But even in the wave packet treatment of Peskin & Schroeder (Section 7.2), nothing is assumed related to measurement. To evaluate the S-matrix and justify the LSZ formula one can use an arbitrary complete or overcomplete set of test functions - this is enough to prove correctness for arbitrary matrix elements. P&S use wave functions with a fairly narrow width in momentum space overlapping in a region around ##x=0## and separating in the far past and future. For example one can use (for scalar fields, the case treated by P&S) coherent states with a narrow momentum spread and a large position spread, corresponding to a beam of scalar particles. This is indeed the form appropriate for analyzing collision experiments. But by taking linear combinations, the formula is valid for arbitrary in and out states.
Well, Weinberg is well aware that wave packets are the better treatment, but he uses the "box-quantization approach" (QTF 1, Sect. 3.4].

Of course, in the derivation of the cross section you don't use a detailed analysis of the detection mechanism. There's anyway no discussion about concrete detector physics in QFT books, because it's off-topic there. The usual S-matrix elements are idealized quantities to be measured with appropriate accuracy by the practical detectors (and this accuracy is amazing nowadays!).

There's one example, where you really need the wave-packet approach in HEP, and that's the case of neutrino oscillations. I don't know of any topic of high importance that's taught in a so confusing way as this ;-)). There are tons of paper wasted to get rid of the problems with the sloppy handwaving "mixing formula", which turns out to be roughly right.

First of all one has to note that a particle interpretation is possible only for asymptotic free mass eigenstates. So neutrinos are hard to define as such, because they are never produced in mass eigenstates but in flavor eigenstates, which are not the same, and this is the very point of the neutrino oscillations. To get a satisfactory definition of what oscillating neutrinos are, you simply have to think about how the neutrino oscillations are measured: You have some source at a (pretty unsharply) defined place (e.g., an accelerator, where pions or muons are produced that subsequently decay to neutrinos + X) and another (also pretty unsharply) defined place, where they are detected. This detection process is via reactions with the detector material and the detection of the charged leptons involved in these reactions (e.g., in Kamiokande/SNO via Cherenkov radiation (RICH) detectors). Nowhere do you need asymptotic free neutrinos in this picture! So you have wavepackets localized at the source of the particles producing the neutrinos and other wavepackets for the particles detected at the far-away detector. From this you get the detection rate in dependence of the distance between source and target, the energy and squared masses of the neutrinos and their mixing-matrix. The naive formula can be found as an approximation.
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  • #45
vanhees71 said:
So you have wavepackets localized at the source of the particles producing the neutrinos and other wavepackets for the particles detected at the far-away detector. From this you get the detection rate in dependence of the distance between source and target, the energy and squared masses of the neutrinos and their mixing-matrix.
I'd be interested in a reference where details about this can be found.
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  • #47
atyy said:
there are many different types of photons, some more like a classical bullet than others.
How collisions of classical bullets with plexiglas produce random radial tracks in the observing medium is discussed in
M. Schirber, Focus: Windshield Cracks Hold Secrets of Impact, Physics 6 (2013), 48.
M. Schirber said:
A projectile traveling at 22.2 meters per second generates four cracks in a 1-millimeter-thick sheet of Plexiglas.
Believers in the theory that observed tracks in a high energy collision energy experiment are conclusive evidence for the existence of elementary particles should perhaps conclude that the projectile produced four elementary ''crack particles'', according to the nuclear reaction ##[projectile] \leftrightharpoons 4[crack particle]## (in the presence of a plexiglas catalyzer).

Or is it eight?
M. Schirber said:
A 56.7 meter-per-second projectile generates eight radial cracks in the same thickness Plexiglas sheet as above.
Obviously, the number of alleged crack particles produced by the projectile is a function of the energy of the projectile. Thus crack particle number is not conserved.

Just as the number of alleged photons produced by a laser beam (treated as a classical electromagnetic field) impacting a photodetector is a function of its brightness. And photon number is not conserved.

Moral: Don't treat the number of discrete detection events as obvious evidence for the existence of the same number of associated invisible objects. They are at best evidence of the impact of something.
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  • #48
Well this only shows that not all setups are good "particle detectors" :-).
  • #49
vanhees71 said:
Well this only shows that not all setups are good "particle detectors" :-).
Yes, but it is fun that Mott's analysis has a classical analogue, although
Mott said:
It is a little difficult to picture how it is that an outgoing spherical wave can produce a straight track.
The projectile also creates an outgoing spherical stress wave in the plexiglas and produces straight cracks. In fact, once initiated, the growth of a crack in a solid is not very different from the growth of a track in a bubble chamber, except that the energies and time scales are quite different. Only the initiation is random.
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  • #50
A. Neumaier said:
The LSZ formalism is derived in Weinberg, Vol. I, Sections 12.2-3 without any mentioning of wave packets.

But even in the wave packet treatment of Peskin & Schroeder (Section 7.2), nothing is assumed related to measurement. To evaluate the S-matrix and justify the LSZ formula one can use an arbitrary complete or overcomplete set of test functions - this is enough to prove correctness for arbitrary matrix elements. P&S use wave functions with a fairly narrow width in momentum space overlapping in a region around ##x=0## and separating in the far past and future. For example one can use (for scalar fields, the case treated by P&S) coherent states with a narrow momentum spread and a large position spread, corresponding to a beam of scalar particles. This is indeed the form appropriate for analyzing collision experiments. But by taking linear combinations, the formula is valid for arbitrary in and out states.

Yes, the LSZ does not treat the decoherence. I only mentioned LSZ wave packets since that means that at the end of LSZ we have a fixed number of quantum particles. For massless particles, I am not so sure whether the Mott picture goes through straightforwardly, but at least for massive partcles, one should now be back at relativistic quantum mechanics (we can use the non-problematic part of it). I do agree that decoherence has not been worked out for relativistic cases, but this is close enough to non-relativistic quantum mechanics, that I think we can leave it as an exercise :P

I do think a proper derivation of LSZ needs wave packets, eg.
  • #51
Yes, you either need wave packets or you can use a finite volume (cube) and impose periodic boundary conditions. Then your momentum eigenstates are welldefined (since the momentum operator is self-adjoint contrary to the case with rigid boundary conditions) square-integrable functions. At the end after (!) squaring the so regularized S-matrix elements, and dividing by the four-volume to get transition rates, you can take the infinite-volume limit getting a single energy-momentum conserving ##\delta## distribution as it should be.
  • #52
atyy said:
I do think a proper derivation of LSZ needs wave packets
But this is unrelated to measurement/decoherence issues. It is just a choice of test functions.
  • #53
True, but what is it then what you are after concerning "measurement issues"? I always leave the measurements to the experimentalists, because they are much better in that as any theorist can be ;-)).
  • #54
A. Neumaier said:
But this is unrelated to measurement/decoherence issues. It is just a choice of test functions.

But if one has a wave packet, then we get to the point where we can use some variant of Mott's analysis, and decoherence etc. (In the Copenhagen view, a wave packet does not imply a particle with a trajectory, which is why one still needs additional argument to say why the wave packet leaves a track similar to a classical particle.)

Are you thinking that we cannot use Mott's analysis, or that we can, but he doesn't give enough detail of the decoherence process?
  • #56
vanhees71 said:
what is it then what you are after concerning "measurement issues"?
It was not me who tried to answer my quest with informal references to decoherence and measurement; so I pointed out that the information provided by a reference to LSZ does not give support to the idea that decoherence or measurement resolve the problem.

From my point of view it is a purely formal question how to reduce trains of particles in a beam (a prepared ensemble of single particles in a quantum mechanical textbook setting) to something interpretable in many-particle quantum field theory. Thus there should be a purely formal answer to my quest. Or at least an outline that looks like being formalizable.

The S-matrix from QFT doesn't do it, as it describes what happens to a single 2-particle system (1 beam particle plus 1 target particle) prepared at infinite distance upon collision, producing an additional outgoing spherical wave that extends to infinity.

But QFT is a description that gives correlation functions at all space-time positions, hence a complete history of everything.
In particular, QFT should be able to model the train of particles in a beam as a temporally resolved something in the QFT description, without having to resort to the interpretation of the single temporal train of ##N\gg 1## particles as an ensemble of 1-particle systems.

Treating the train as an ensemble of N-particle systems will not work since it will give the wrong statistics - at any time only one of the particles will collide with a target particle - so the cross section is that of a 2-particle collision and not one of ##N+1## particles!

All this is simply swept under the carpet if one says that for all practical purposes one may regard the system as decohered immediately after the collision (when exactly?? how??) into flying particles (where do they get their fairly well-determined momentum from if, as claimed, only a position measurement was made??) and that the measurement process (in its ill-defined quantum version!) takes care of it.

I know that this works in practice, but I am not satisfied with shut-up-and-calculate but want to look under the carpet!
  • #57
A. Neumaier said:
The S-matrix from QFT doesn't do it, as it describes what happens to a single 2-particle system (1 beam particle plus 1 target particle) prepared at infinite distance upon collision, producing an additional outgoing spherical wave that extends to infinity.

But QFT is a description that gives correlation functions at all space-time positions, hence a complete history of everything.
In particular, QFT should be able to model the train of particles in a beam as a temporally resolved something in the QFT description, without having to resort to the interpretation of the single temporal train of ##N\gg 1## particles as an ensemble of 1-particle systems.

Well, if that's your objection, I don't believe I have ever seen a treatment of this problem. Everyone treats the particles in a train as an independent preparation.

It's only when we try to apply quantum theory to the whole universe, eg. quantum fluctuations during inflation seeding structure formation that we try to do something like this, because we don't have multiple preparations of the universe.
  • #58
atyy said:
Are you thinking that we cannot use Mott's analysis, or that we can, but he doesn't give enough detail of the decoherence process?
''not enough detail'' is a strong exaggeration - he is completely silent about decoherence or measurement!

He just needs Born's rule for interpreting the final outcome. This makes it an exemplary contribution to the foundations. He explains without reference to anything outside the quantum formalism.

Moreover, there is no reference to the ##\alpha## particle! This makes his analysis very close to a field theoretical treatment. It is consistent with the possibility (implicitly indicated in the formulation of the thread title) that particles do not exist but are just a way of visualizing invisible happenings in the microscopic domain.

But we cannot use Mott's analysis directly in a QFT treatment since there is a mismatch between the statistical view of a train of many temporally separated particles in a beam (as an ensemble in the QM1 sense) and the temporally resolved view of many-particle QFT, where everything happening in space and time is described by correlation functions only.
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  • #59
Robert100 said:
Who the is secretly deleting comments in this thread, without even having the common courtesy to tell the original poster? That is rude behavior. Especially since I haven't been informed of even a single complaint or criticism.
No college or university science course I have been in has ever had an instructor act this way.
What do you mean? Your post is still here!
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  • #60
A. Neumaier said:
''not enough detail'' is a strong exaggeration - he is completely silent about decoherence or measurement!

He just needs Born's rule for interpreting the final outcome. This makes it an exemplary contribution to the foundations. He explains without reference to anything outside the quantum formalism.

Moreover, there is no reference to the ##\alpha## particle! This makes his analysis very close to a field theoretical treatment. It is consistent with the possibility (implicitly indicated in the formulation of the thread title) that particles do not exist but are just a way of visualizing invisible happenings in the microscopic domain.

I don't think anyone uses the word particle the way you use it. A particle and a field are the same in QFT, because of the Fock space. I think everyone would agree with you if they used your terminology. (And yes, Mott's analysis is severely lacking in detail, but he does enough that one can believe it ok to leave as a homework problem)

A. Neumaier said:
But we cannot use Mott's analysis directly in a QFT treatment since there is a mismatch between the statistical view of a train of many temporally separated particles in a beam (as an ensemble in the QM1 sense) and the temporally resolved view of many-particle QFT, where everything happening in space and time is described by correlation functions only.

Yeah, you are the only person who's ever asked this. Usually we only bother about such things if we really believe there is only one history, and not many independent preparations.
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  • #61
A. Neumaier said:
there is a mismatch between the statistical view of a train of many temporally separated particles in a beam (as an ensemble in the QM1 sense) and the temporally resolved view of many-particle QFT, where everything happening in space and time is described by correlation functions only.
atyy said:
Everyone treats the particles in a train as an independent preparation.
It's only when we try to apply quantum theory to the whole universe, e.g. quantum fluctuations during inflation seeding structure formation that we try to do something like this, because we don't have multiple preparations of the universe.
But there is an intermediate situation that doesn't need the whole universe. One can consider an ensemble of independently prepared trains of particles in a beam undergoing a collision with a target. Such an ensemble can be easily prepared in many labs around the world, or in the same lab on different says. Therefore there should be a QFT model where this ensemble is considered as a single system.
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  • #62
A. Neumaier said:
But there is an intermediate situation that doesn't need the whole universe. One can consider an ensemble of independently prepared trains of particles in a beam undergoing a collision with a target. Such an ensemble can be easily prepared in many labs around the world, or in the same lab on different says. Therefore there should be a QFT model where this ensemble is considered as a single system.

Agreed. I'm pretty sure this no one has done this. It's like saying the usual analysis of Bell experiments is inadequate, and that rather the Aspect experiment itself should be considered one member of an ensemble, and the Zeilinger experiment another member of the ensemble. I mean you are correct, but really, this seems masochistic.

I detect you think the standard should be higher for QFT, but it's ok if you just think that QFT is a particular type of QM.
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  • #63
atyy said:
I don't think anyone uses the word particle the way you use it. A particle and a field are the same in QFT, because of the Fock space.
No. Nobody uses the particle concept in the way you use it here.
  • First of all, Fock space describes free (i.e., asymptotic) particle states only.
  • Second, the (smeared) field is an operator, and cannot be associated in any way with one or more particles.
  • Third, even in a free quantum field theory, the complete information about the particle number is in the state of the system.
  • Fourth, Fock space contains states with an arbitrary particle number, and most states do not describe situations with a fixed particle number. They describe free particles only in a very loose sense.
  • Fifth, for an interacting QFT, the particle interpretation is completely lost in the renormalization process: Due to Haag's theorem there is no valid interaction picture, so particles exist only asymptotically.
This is why many textbooks only treat asymptotic theory, i.e., S-matrix computations.

In the books that don't restrict to asymptotics (books on nonequilibrium quantum field theory or statistical mechanics) one only recovers a modified, effective particle picture, given in terms of quasiparticles.
  • #64
A. Neumaier said:
What do you mean? Your post is still here!

Weird. I got notifications ("alerts") that multiple posts written by me were deleted, without explanation.
If I do not know why a post is deleted, then I cannot change how I write, to address the issue.
I'm glad to see then, that that particular post is still there.

  • #65
Robert100 said:
Weird. I got notifications ("alerts") that multiple posts written by me were deleted, without explanation.
If I do not know why a post is deleted, then I cannot change how I write, to address the issue.
I'm glad to see then, that that particular post is still there.

You can see on which posts are still there. Post can be deleted either if you violated the rules, or if you replied to a post that was deleted for this reason. Some posts are also just moved somewhere else if you replied off-topic.
  • #66
A. Neumaier said:
In the books that don't restrict to asymptotics (books on nonequilibrium quantum field theory or statistical mechanics) one only recovers a modified, effective particle picture, given in terms of quasiparticles.
What books would that be?
  • #68
A. Neumaier said:
This would hold for a classical field but not for a quantum field. In quantum mechanics, discreteness is not rigidly associated with decomposability into pieces.

Orbital angular momentum is also quantized, but nobody deduces from the the existence of angular momentum particles.

Indeed I meant classical field; I wouldn't expect any such thing from a quantum field, as it is an abstract concept devoid of simple visualization. Still, how do you explain with quantum field that charge on oil drops occurs in multiples of ##e##?
  • #69
A. Neumaier said:
No. Nobody uses the particle concept in the way you use it here.
  • First of all, Fock space describes free (i.e., asymptotic) particle states only.
  • Second, the (smeared) field is an operator, and cannot be associated in any way with one or more particles.
  • Third, even in a free quantum field theory, the complete information about the particle number is in the state of the system.
  • Fourth, Fock space contains states with an arbitrary particle number, and most states do not describe situations with a fixed particle number. They describe free particles only in a very loose sense.
  • Fifth, for an interacting QFT, the particle interpretation is completely lost in the renormalization process: Due to Haag's theorem there is no valid interaction picture, so particles exist only asymptotically.
This is why many textbooks only treat asymptotic theory, i.e., S-matrix computations.

In the books that don't restrict to asymptotics (books on nonequilibrium quantum field theory or statistical mechanics) one only recovers a modified, effective particle picture, given in terms of quasiparticles.

Sure. But it's just terminology. No physics disagreement, I think. I might say the condensed matter books do things a bit differently, so it depends on whether one's basic QFT book is say Peskin and Schroeder or Wen.
  • #70
A. Neumaier said:
Did you read the paper?? Mott nowhere mentions collapse. Instead he shows (quote from p.80) that [in the absence of a deflecting magnetic field]

This fully explains the tracks, without making any claims about collapse or a particle pointer state, or position measurement. The spherical wave is nowhere replaced by flying particles, as @mfb wants us make believe.

Yes, but the point of the Mott paper was to respond to a puzzle at the time. Namely why don't we see random ionization in a spherically symmetric pattern consistent with what a person might naively believe an S Wave is. The whole point (and the reason the paper is pretty much the grandfather of decoherence) was to note that there are two EQUIVALENT (at this level) descriptions of the phenomena. You can either treat the alpha nuclei as being the quantum object and the whole rest of the bubble chamber as a classical measuring device (in which case you need projection operators that selects out a particular pointer state) OR you treat the atoms in the chamber as a quantum mechanical system, (so you now have a composite system) and then you note that the probability for deviating from the path of the momentum of the 'particle' is negligable under standard Shroedinger evolution and you have the desired behaviour of a 'line' like track.. Later it was realized (but was probably obvious to Mott) that you might use exactly such a setup to 'explain' away the rather arbitrary divide between classical and quantum behaviour inherent in the first projection description.

Anyway, at the level of the nonrelativistic quantum mechanics being used here, its obvious that the behaviour of the 'particles' are absolutely no different in nature from say the two slit phenomenon. Something clicks in the detector with a probability pattern that looks like it follows a 'wave like' pattern, however the clicks are never a half click, and once you get a click you now have a thing that will reclick upon subsequent measurement. Further, this behaviour seems to be universal provided you give me a system with a Hamiltonian that has a spectrum with properly spaced eigenvalues. The rest is a matter of terminology, some people call it wave-particle duality, others just call it a quantum particle. I just don't think there is a distinction to be made here at all in what seems to be universal behaviour.

A. Neumaier said:
They refer to Mott on p.225 (top left) but don't take it up later. The present thread is about microscopic particles, but they consider (already visible from the title and the abstract) instead the problem of localization of macroscopic objects. Or did I miss something? Where do they discuss how a particle in a spherical state decoheres into a flying particle with well-defined momentum and reasonably well-defined position?
I don't see how their analysis applies to the case under discussion here.

The paper I linked was one of the first examples of the modern Einselection program, its not exactly the same setup as the one Mott considers in a bubble chamber, but the logic of what happens goes through in exactly the same fashion. The point is you have a 'quantum' environment that is repeatedly measuring and recording the behaviour of a moving object, and the preffered basis problem is 'solved' by the details of the system in consideration (is it a discrete or continuous variable being measured, how often is it being measured, is self interaction large or small, etc).

I don't know if this research ever reconsidered the exact same setup as the Mott paper, you are invited to do a literature search as I am unfortunately swamped for time..

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