As per Japanese physicist (Masahiro Hotta), energy teleporation is possible

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of quantum energy teleportation (QET) and the work of Masahiro Hotta on the subject. Hotta suggests that energy can be transported from one point to another through entanglement and that a classical correlation between the two points is sufficient for QET to occur. The conversation also mentions the potential use of this phenomenon for information exchange, but notes that it has not yet been tested in experiments. The cited paper and Hotta's work in general are described as deep theoretical work and not easily accessible. The conversation also raises some doubts and questions about the practicality and feasibility of Hotta's claims, and suggests that experimental proof is needed.
  • #1
In the link above and by searching net with "Masahiro Hotta", anyone can find papers written by him on energy teleportation.
As per Hotta, energy can certainly be transported from Point A to Point by entanglement and at the conclusion, he said that "it may be concluded that bipartite entanglement between A and B itself is not essential for QET" (QET: Quantum Energy Teleportation). His another conclusion is "this implies that an almost classical correlation between A and B is su¢ cient to execute QET for large separation, and is expected to be robust against environmental disturbances in contrast to the entanglement fragility in the previous quantum teleportation scheme. It should be emphasized, however, that this classical correlation is originally induced by the ground-state multipartite entanglement generated by nearest-neighbor interactions".
I suggest to everybody to read papers published by Hotta in this regard and then make comments.
But, after studying the paper, a scheme of information exchange suddenly come to my mind. As per the good old Alice and Bob analogy. As per Hotta, if Alice inject energy Ea to his own particle, the output Bob will get will be Eb, and the output is less than or equal to (maximum) the input by Alice. But, whatsoever, there is an output.
I just want to propose that we can use this phenomenon for information exchange. As for example, when there is an input, there would be an output and that means 1(one). When there is no input (as per Hotta), there would be no output and that's 0(zero). I just wonder why don't we use this phenomenon for transfer of information.
At present, conventional IT is enough for us to communicate. But, problems arise when we want to communicate with something that had already left our planet. As for example, some probe in Mars can send pictures and data far more quickly and clearly than conventional method and we don't have to set large antennas to capture the very faint signal sent by the probes.
Moreover, such kind of communications will be much safer and "leakage proof". There is practically no chance for any third party to tap the data.
Physics news on
  • #2
Here is a reference to a paper which was to be published in Journal of Physics:

He has also had some work published in PRL. This is fairly deep theoretical work, not easily accessible (to me anyway). Also, the name "Quantum Energy Teleportation" is a bit misleading because it requires a classical channel to operate.

As far as I can tell, there has been no experiment performed yet relative to the ideas. And I am not sure what we would be looking for anyway.
  • #3
you can just think of transporting 3 grams - and when they be converted to energy using E = m c2 / you can learned its not an easy job.
  • #4
pranj5 said:
1. As per Hotta, if Alice inject energy Ea to his own particle, the output Bob will get will be Eb, and the output is less than or equal to (maximum) the input by Alice. But, whatsoever, there is an output.

2. I just want to propose that we can use this phenomenon for information exchange. As for example, when there is an input, there would be an output and that means 1(one). When there is no input (as per Hotta), there would be no output and that's 0(zero). I just wonder why don't we use this phenomenon for transfer of information.

1. This is a gross oversimplification, and does not really describe what Hotta claims. Doing something to A does not cause the same thing to happen at B.

2. This naturally is not possible in any variation of Hotta's claims, as his system requires a classical communication channel.
  • #5
wasi-uz-zaman said:
you can just think of transporting 3 grams - and when they be converted to energy using E = m c2 / you can learned its not an easy job.

This cannot be accomplished using any kind of quantum mechanism. I would not recommend that you consider the cited paper as proving that energy can be physically transported via (quantum) entangled systems.
  • #6
DrChinese said:
1. This is a gross oversimplification, and does not really describe what Hotta claims. Doing something to A does not cause the same thing to happen at B.
I have gone through the paper Hotta published repeatedly. This is the base of Hotta's conclusion. As per him, the output at B would be extracted from local quantum energy field and that would cause an negative energy density there. As per him, when Alice will do a a measurement, just the information will pass to Bob's particle and it will extract energy from its local quantum field. NOT the amount of energy Alice injected will pass to Bob, just the information.
DrChinese said:
2. This naturally is not possible in any variation of Hotta's claims, as his system requires a classical communication channel.
WHY NOT? If Alice injects some energy into A, then B will extract some from its local quantum field causing negative energy density there and that can be extracted by doing measurement, which is 1 (one). If Alice doesn't inject some energy, then there will be no output at B, that means 0 (zero). WHY A CLASSICAL CHANNEL IS NEEDED TO PERFORM THE EXTRACTION OF ENERGY AT B. It's not the amount necessary here, just the energy and that's enough. Please explain why a classical channel is necessary here.
  • #7
It should be a rather straightforward experiment to prove if you can inject energy in a quantum entanglement, you just need to do it in your measurement, but I haven't seen it yet? As for the assumption that you can 'lend 'energy'' from the vacuum as long as you're not trying to do it locally? I don't know, why should that matter? Because it is a entanglement? Possibly so, entanglement are strange.

He should really get some experimental proof for his thoughts.
  • #8
yoron said:
He should really get some experimental proof for his thoughts.
If theory doesn't contradict the conclusion, then I am sure that we can see some experimental proof in future.
  • #9
pranj5 said:
... As per him, when Alice will do a a measurement, just the information will pass to Bob's particle and it will extract energy from its local quantum field. NOT the amount of energy Alice injected will pass to Bob, just the information.

WHY NOT? If Alice injects some energy into A, then B will extract some from its local quantum field causing negative energy density there and that can be extracted by doing measurement, which is 1 (one). If Alice doesn't inject some energy, then there will be no output at B, that means 0 (zero). WHY A CLASSICAL CHANNEL IS NEEDED TO PERFORM THE EXTRACTION OF ENERGY AT B. It's not the amount necessary here, just the energy and that's enough. Please explain why a classical channel is necessary here.

From the introduction to the paper I referenced above (i.e. from Hotta):

"Recently, negative energy physics has yielded a quantum protocol called quantum energy teleportation (QET) in which energy can be transported using only local operations and classical communication (LOCC) without breaking causality and local energy conservation."

On any measurement performed by Bob, the result seems to Bob to be independent of what Alice does. Until Bob gets some information from Alice which leads him to believe otherwise. Which information will come via classical channels. Ergo, no FTL messaging.
  • #10
DrChinese said:
From the introduction to the paper I referenced above (i.e. from Hotta):

"Recently, negative energy physics has yielded a quantum protocol called quantum energy teleportation (QET) in which energy can be transported using only local operations and classical communication (LOCC) without breaking causality and local energy conservation."

On any measurement performed by Bob, the result seems to Bob to be independent of what Alice does. Until Bob gets some information from Alice which leads him to believe otherwise. Which information will come via classical channels. Ergo, no FTL messaging.
Well, again from Hotta, on another paper, he described the process as "capable of supplying information within the event horizon of a black hole and also mentioned that the boundary of event horizon of black hole will reduce in this case". Therefore, it can be concluded that the "classical channel" isn't an integral part of the process and this can be done without that. Hotta, on an experiment based on quantum Hall effect to prove the validity of his theoretical findings, proposed to cut the classical channel.
The basic concept is whenever Alice add some energy to her particle, Bob's particle simultaneously suck some energy from zero point energy field present in its locality. It doesn't depend on whether Alice communicated it to Bob via any classical channel doesn't matter at all.
  • #11
pranj5 said:
...The basic concept is whenever Alice add some energy to her particle, Bob's particle simultaneously suck some energy from zero point energy field present in its locality. It doesn't depend on whether Alice communicated it to Bob via any classical channel doesn't matter at all.


This really isn't much of a discussion. You are stretching the words to come to some conclusion which is at odds with both convention and what Hotta says. The simple fact is that what energy you inject into Alice does not change entangled Bob in any way.

If you have a question in there somewhere, and would like to get an opinion on it, that's fine. However, your conclusions are misleading, and in my opinion, overly speculative. As such, they don't really have a place here.
  • #12
EDIT: Never mind. Not sure if what I posted was true.
  • #13
DrChinese said:

This really isn't much of a discussion. You are stretching the words to come to some conclusion which is at odds with both convention and what Hotta says. The simple fact is that what energy you inject into Alice does not change entangled Bob in any way.

If you have a question in there somewhere, and would like to get an opinion on it, that's fine. However, your conclusions are misleading, and in my opinion, overly speculative. As such, they don't really have a place here.
In that case, kindly explain me how this phenomenon can be used to get information from within the event horizon boundary of a black hole, as proposed by Hotta. If you have any doubt regarding whether Hotta said it or not, kindly go through the publications of him available on net. Not much so far, just 4 to 5. Not very hard to study.
  • #14
DrChinese said:
From the introduction to the paper I referenced above (i.e. from Hotta):

"Recently, negative energy physics has yielded a quantum protocol called quantum energy teleportation (QET) in which energy can be transported using only local operations and classical communication (LOCC) without breaking causality and local energy conservation."

On any measurement performed by Bob, the result seems to Bob to be independent of what Alice does. Until Bob gets some information from Alice which leads him to believe otherwise. Which information will come via classical channels. Ergo, no FTL messaging.

You know, to me, the point here is that you can assume that with such a theorem proved experimentally you may use it at all times after, not checking if it has been 'injected'. And that would to me indeed constitute a 'instant teleportation of energy' there after. You will take it 'on faith' sort of, in much the same way we expect that light switch to function in our room.

And why I'm having trouble accepting it is that it, to me, seem to create usable 'energy' out of 'nowhere', upsetting the conservations laws as well as the 'equilibrium' the space/matter represent. If I assume that 'energy' is of a defined quantity inside SpaceTime, also counting in the indeterministic 'energy' in a vacuum, then this would 'tap' that 'energy' to complement the 'energy' injected if I got it right. The question is also naturally what 'used energy' becomes, heat only or is there something more to that, but either way you will still lift 'energy' from where it shouldn't be possible (the vacuum) and if it is possible it should have consequences for that vacuum.
  • #15
yoron said:
You know, to me, the point here is that you can assume that with such a theorem proved experimentally you may use it at all times after, not checking if it has been 'injected'. And that would to me indeed constitute a 'instant teleportation of energy' there after. You will take it 'on faith' sort of, in much the same way we expect that light switch to function in our room.
You may call it a faith, but based on mathematical models of entanglement.
yoron said:
And why I'm having trouble accepting it is that it, to me, seem to create usable 'energy' out of 'nowhere', upsetting the conservations laws as well as the 'equilibrium' the space/matter represent. If I assume that 'energy' is of a defined quantity inside SpaceTime, also counting in the indeterministic 'energy' in a vacuum, then this would 'tap' that 'energy' to complement the 'energy' injected if I got it right. The question is also naturally what 'used energy' becomes, heat only or is there something more to that, but either way you will still lift 'energy' from where it shouldn't be possible (the vacuum) and if it is possible it should have consequences for that vacuum.
Not at all, as per Hotta, only the information is transported, not the energy injected into A. It will remain there.
On the papers, published by him, Hotta answered all your queries you expressed in your post. Kindly go through them before making any comment, I am sure you will be enlightened.
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  • #16
Read what I wrote please, you will see that I nowhere expect any 'transportation'. I'm talking about where he, as I understood it, expect that entangled energy at the 'sink' to be 'lifted' from the vacuum. And that's ? Ah well, weird. This idea is over two years old I think?

Where is the experiment?
  • #17
yoron said:
Read what I wrote please, you will see that I nowhere expect any 'transportation'. I'm talking about where he, as I understood it, expect that entangled energy at the 'sink' to be 'lifted' from the vacuum. And that's ? Ah well, weird. This idea is over two years old I think?

Where is the experiment?
Well, that means you are actually asking the question to Hotta. You better directly e-mail him. His e-mail can be found on papers written by him.
What you have asked is actually his assumption without violating any present known laws of physics and actually based on property of entangled particles. He may be wrong but at least I will hope for the best.
In the history of science, there are a lot of examples (like theory of relativity) that was first conceived theoretically with mathematics, later experimental results were found. So far, I must admit that at present no experimental evidence is available. But, that doesn't mean that IT CAN'T BE TRUE.
  • #18
No, I'm not saying that it must be wrong either. Although I find it hard to digest as it assume that you can tap the vacuum. But entanglements are strange, and, maybe? It also would lead to a future in where we could start to tap the vacuum, at some time as a guess :) And that seems like opening a can of snakes to me, depending on how you see 'SpaceTime', and the way relativity expect the 'room' to be a function of 'time', and vice versa. And then we have the conservation laws coming in. If it is so that we have a 'closed universe' that must mean that tapping energy from the vacuum will have consequences. Maybe unforeseen ones too, if you can change the room it should have consequences for the 'distance' measured.

I remember reading about it, wondering if it could hold true. In a way it would mean 'free energy' if it was true. So a experiment would be very welcome. There are a lot of physicists that doesn't expect it to be possible to 'tap' the vacuum, and from a 'conservation law' point of view I find them making a lot of sense.
  • #19
pranj5 said:
...So far, I must admit that at present no experimental evidence is available. But, that doesn't mean that IT CAN'T BE TRUE.

Please follow forum rules regarding speculation. Your last statement adds nothing to the "discussion" (which is mostly you mischaracterizing Hotta).

To recap: There is no assertion by Hotta that you can intentionally teleport energy from point A to point B at a speed faster than c. There is no assertion by Hotta that energy can be pulled from the vacuum in a way that violates conservation rules.
  • #20
From wiki:

The extraction of the energy is accompanied by generation of negative energy density, which is allowed in quantum physics of many-body systems including quantum fields, and retains the local energy conservation law. The remote measurement, which provides the information for energy extraction, injects energy into the measured subsystem. A portion of the injected energy, which amount is larger than that of the energy extracted from the zero-point fluctuation, becomes unavailable because of entanglement breaking by the measurement, and cannot be retrieved by local operations in the measurement region. Thus, during the protocol, the amount of locally available energy decreases in the measurement region, and it increases in the energy extraction region. The injected energy is the input of this teleportation protocol, and the extracted energy is the output.

A realistic experimental proposal is provided using a semiconductor exhibiting the quantum Hall effect:
  • #21
yoron said:
No, I'm not saying that it must be wrong either. Although I find it hard to digest as it assume that you can tap the vacuum. But entanglements are strange, and, maybe? It also would lead to a future in where we could start to tap the vacuum, at some time as a guess :) And that seems like opening a can of snakes to me, depending on how you see 'SpaceTime', and the way relativity expect the 'room' to be a function of 'time', and vice versa. And then we have the conservation laws coming in. If it is so that we have a 'closed universe' that must mean that tapping energy from the vacuum will have consequences. Maybe unforeseen ones too, if you can change the room it should have consequences for the 'distance' measured.
Maybe you are right. But, on contrary, it opens to numerous horizons of technical achievements. I am sure that without such kind of theories and technologies, traveling to distant stars and contacting people (people from Earth) there would be just next to impossible. At least, classical methods are not capable enough. I also want to remind you that laws like "conservation of energy" probably can not look like the same when we think of it in classical way. After all, we don't have any idea how much energy is there (in the vacuum) for us to extract.
With such technologies, we can set solar panels on Mercury and teleport the energy to Earth directly and thus leaving the fossil fuels underground. Even with such kind of technologies, we can colonize Mars and other planets and probably can use the asteroid belt for mineral extraction leaving Mother Earth untouched.
yoron said:
I remember reading about it, wondering if it could hold true. In a way it would mean 'free energy' if it was true. So a experiment would be very welcome. There are a lot of physicists that doesn't expect it to be possible to 'tap' the vacuum, and from a 'conservation law' point of view I find them making a lot of sense.
By classical means, it can not be possible because to extract the energy in a classical way, you have go below absolute zero WHICH IS THEORETICALLY NOT POSSIBLE. So, SOME PHYSICISTS are right if they view it from this viewpoint. But, Hotta's assumption is injecting energy at A will "inspire" B to extract energy from zero point level to enhance its own energy level. THAT'S A TOTALLY NEW WAY OF THEORIZING THAT CAN NOT BE DESCRIBED FROM CLASSICAL VIEWPOINT.
  • #22
DrChinese said:
Please follow forum rules regarding speculation. Your last statement adds nothing to the "discussion" (which is mostly you mischaracterizing Hotta).

To recap: There is no assertion by Hotta that you can intentionally teleport energy from point A to point B at a speed faster than c. There is no assertion by Hotta that energy can be pulled from the vacuum in a way that violates conservation rules.
Instead of complaining against me, why don't to take some time to read the papers of Hotta. As per him, not the energy, but the information has been teleported from A to B and the particle at B then extract energy from zero point level to enhance its own energy level.
  • #23
pranj5 said:
... But, Hotta's assumption is injecting energy at A will "inspire" B to extract energy from zero point level to enhance its own energy level. THAT'S A TOTALLY NEW WAY OF THEORIZING THAT CAN NOT BE DESCRIBED FROM CLASSICAL VIEWPOINT.

There’s nothing wrong in being an optimist, wishing for new 'science fictional features'. There are (probably) more things in heaven and earth, pranj5, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. :smile:

The current problem is that this "TOTALLY NEW WAY OF THEORIZING" isn’t described in QM either...

There is absolutely no way, according to quantum entanglement, for Alice to "inspire" or affect the outcome of Bob’s measurement (or vice versa). Everything is 100% random, and you can’t even tell if there was a measurement performed in the 'other end', or not. The outcome will be 100% random in any case.

If what you are claiming is true, I’ll give you a hint on how to get an instant Nobel Prize in Physics:

Just describe this "NEW WAY OF THEORIZING" and the new "entanglement inspiring feature" in a paper, and then use this functionality to construct a fairly simple 'FTL Morse key'; a long energy extraction corresponds to "dashes", and a short energy extraction corresponds to "dots".
Voila! The Nobel Prize in Physics will be yours, i.e. if you manage to make this work, and you are indeed able to send information at superluminal speed!

Congrats! :wink:
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  • #24
DevilsAvocado said:
There’s nothing wrong in being an optimist, wishing for new 'science fictional features'. There are (probably) more things in heaven and earth, pranj5, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. :smile:

The current problem is that this "TOTALLY NEW WAY OF THEORIZING" isn’t described in QM either...

There is absolutely no way, according to quantum entanglement, for Alice to "inspire" or affect the outcome of Bob’s measurement (or vice versa). Everything is 100% random, and you can’t even tell if there was a measurement performed in the 'other end', or not. The outcome will be 100% random in any case.

If what you are claiming is true, I’ll give you a hint on how to get an instant Nobel Prize in Physics:

Just describe this "NEW WAY OF THEORIZING" and the new "entanglement inspiring feature" in a paper, and then use this functionality to construct a fairly simple 'FTL Morse key'; a long energy extraction corresponds to "dashes", and a short energy extraction corresponds to "dots".
Voila! The Nobel Prize in Physics will be yours, i.e. if you manage to make this work, and you are indeed able to send information at superluminal speed!

Congrats! :wink:
If you really want to understand what I have said, kindly go through the papers published by Hotta.
The theorization has been done by Hotta, NOT ME. So, he is the right person to claim Nobel Prize, not me. I NEVER CLAIMED THAT I HAVE DONE THE CALCULATIONS. I just go through the published papers and expressed my opinions based on that.
Kindly also see the see the post by Bohm2 before making remarks.
  • #25
pranj5 said:
With such technologies, we can set solar panels on Mercury and teleport the energy to Earth directly and thus leaving the fossil fuels underground. Even with such kind of technologies, we can colonize Mars and other planets and probably can use the asteroid belt for mineral extraction leaving Mother Earth untouched.

I expected this to be right around the corner, and now the crackpot speculation has finally arrived. Please refrain from this here, this is not science. And this is certainly not a deduction from Hotta's work.
  • #26
I don't see it as making it possible to 'send useful information'?

It's 'energy'. What I do see is that if it is proven to work you won't need that 'light signal' to confirm the 'energy injected' later, in the same manner that we take a lot of other things as granted in our daily living. To use Hottas idea to send 'information' you will always need to confirm it at light speed, as I see it.

Still, to me it implies, amongst other things, and if proven true, that 'energy' can be distributed 'instantaneously', also that new 'energy' then can't be defined as 'information' as it, no matter from where you get it, via that entanglement express a instant causality.

On the other hand, 'energy' is a strange idea overall, to me it is something describing transformations, as I see it. Then you have the question what its end product would be too? Heat?

But as long as the experiments doesn't exist, only theory?
Let's discuss it after the experiment is done instead?
  • #27
pranj5 said:

Okay, that explains a lot, but maybe you should? Before talking about "solar panels on Mercury and teleport the energy to Earth directly"...? There are rules in this forum that you are obligated to follow.

pranj5 said:
Kindly also see the see the post by Bohm2 before making remarks.

Already did, and it makes it worse:

"Thus, during the protocol, the amount of locally available energy decreases in the measurement region, and it increases in the energy extraction region. The injected energy is the input of this teleportation protocol, and the extracted energy is the output."

No matter what you say, this is "on/off semaphore" can be utilized for Morse or binary transmission of FTL information. You do 'something' in one end and get a *causal* 'reaction' in the other. There’s no way around this fact, and it’s certainly not compatible with quantum entanglement.

See next post.
  • #28
[my bolding all the way]
yoron said:
I don't see it as making it possible to 'send useful information'?

Really? Have you read the paper? Page 4:
"QET technology is expected to achieve rapid energy distribution without thermal decoherence inside quantum devices. Because it is not energy but *classical information* that is sent to the distant point, no heat is generated in the energy transport channel during the short time period of QET protocols."

[QET = Quantum Energy Teleportation]

yoron said:
It's 'energy'. What I do see is that if it is proven to work you won't need that 'light signal' to confirm the 'energy injected' later, in the same manner that we take a lot of other things as granted in our daily living. To use Hottas idea to send 'information' you will always need to confirm it at light speed, as I see it.

Look, I’m certainly no Professor of Physics, but this paper has a lot of 'claims' that looks strange. Here’s just a small excerpt:
"In contrast to classical information, we cannot make indistinguishable copies of quantum information. In this sense, quantum information is one of the most profound concepts about identity. Taking into account the above consideration, it is possible to argue that transportation of a quantum state is equivalent to transportation of an object itself with individual characteristics."

Well, I’ll be dammed... I always thought that Quantum Teleportation is only about transmitting 'copies' of quantum information (qubits), not the 'object' itself?? :bugeye:
"Though zero-point energy is totally useless for a single experimenter at a fixed position"

This is cool with me, but a righteous question arises; – How does one entangle something that is "totally useless for a single experimenter"?

By the way, I think Wikipedia agrees on the uselessness of" and "energy devices":
"No device claimed to operate using zero-point energy has been demonstrated to operate as claimed. No plausible description of a device drawing useful power from a source of zero-point energy has been given. Thus, current claims to zero-point-energy-based power generation systems have the status of *pseudoscience*."

And now comes the best part:
"Note that, in the Bell state, Bob’s qubit has zero energy on average. After the state teleportation, the energy of Bob’s qubit increases to b on average because the teleported state is the up state. Because Bob’s operation in the protocol is local, it is clear that b of the averaged energy must be provided by an external operation device of Bob with a *battery*, for instance, to drive it. During one round of the protocol, the energy of the battery decreases by b on average. If Bob does not have energy source like this battery, the up-state teleportation does not succeed. On the other hand, if the down state is teleported to Bob, Bob’s qubit loses b of energy on average during his operation."

Geez! I think Hotta has just proved that quantum information = energy!
Amazing! And why have I missed the need of a *battery* to drive entanglement??

No further comments...
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  • #29
DrChinese said:
I expected this to be right around the corner, and now the crackpot speculation has finally arrived. Please refrain from this here, this is not science. And this is certainly not a deduction from Hotta's work.
Well, Hotta himself haven't said it, but that doesn't mean it isn't possible. If, 30 years ago, anybody would dare to say in open that within 15-20 years, such facilities would be available to almost everybody, with which they can contact another person around the world almost instantaneously, there would be people (like you) to mark him/her with the stamp "crackpot". Most probably, your own forefathers were in crowds to stone the Wright brothers for the "crackpot" idea of a flying machine heavier than air.
My post was actually a reply to Yoron's fear of dire consequences regarding use of such technologies. My reply was to show that they can be very beneficial to us. But, sorry, just forgot to notice that you are standing around the corner with stamp "crackpot" in your pocket.
  • #30
DevilsAvocado said:
Okay, that explains a lot, but maybe you should? Before talking about "solar panels on Mercury and teleport the energy to Earth directly"...? There are rules in this forum that you are obligated to follow.
I have just spoke about possibilities. I haven't make claims. Does any forum rule even forbid that. In that case, I myself don't want to be a part of such a forum which forbid me to speak of possibilities.
DevilsAvocado said:
Already did, and it makes it worse:

"Thus, during the protocol, the amount of locally available energy decreases in the measurement region, and it increases in the energy extraction region. The injected energy is the input of this teleportation protocol, and the extracted energy is the output."

No matter what you say, this is "on/off semaphore" can be utilized for Morse or binary transmission of FTL information. You do 'something' in one end and get a *causal* 'reaction' in the other. There’s no way around this fact, and it’s certainly not compatible with quantum entanglement.

See next post.
Well, I can not remember that whether I have ever opposed to what you are saying. I already learned that from papers of Hotta.
  • #31
DevilsAvocado said:
This is cool with me, but a righteous question arises; – How does one entangle something that is "totally useless for a single experimenter"?

By the way, I think Wikipedia agrees on the uselessness of" and "energy devices":
"No device claimed to operate using zero-point energy has been demonstrated to operate as claimed. No plausible description of a device drawing useful power from a source of zero-point energy has been given. Thus, current claims to zero-point-energy-based power generation systems have the status of *pseudoscience*."
That's about so far, Hotta himself never said that zero point energy can be extracted and can be used. In contrast, he clearly said that zero point at B can be extracted at the cost of injecting more energy at point A. In short, he clearly opposed any violation of energy conservation. So, at least I don't want to engage in any debate regarding this matter.
You need at least two particle for entanglement and must have at least two observers. THAT'S WHY A SINGLE OBSERVER CAN NOT DO THAT. Plain and simple.
DevilsAvocado said:
And now comes the best part:
"Note that, in the Bell state, Bob’s qubit has zero energy on average. After the state teleportation, the energy of Bob’s qubit increases to b on average because the teleported state is the up state. Because Bob’s operation in the protocol is local, it is clear that b of the averaged energy must be provided by an external operation device of Bob with a *battery*, for instance, to drive it. During one round of the protocol, the energy of the battery decreases by b on average. If Bob does not have energy source like this battery, the up-state teleportation does not succeed. On the other hand, if the down state is teleported to Bob, Bob’s qubit loses b of energy on average during his operation."

Geez! I think Hotta has just proved that quantum information = energy!
Amazing! And why have I missed the need of a *battery* to drive entanglement??

No further comments...
If by "battery", you want to mean a power source, I don't want to oppose the idea. The paper is about energy teleportation, not about energy extraction from zero point level. The facility is no need for any kind of classical means of energy transportation like the electric wires, EM wave and other classical means we know today.
It seems from you posts that you thought that this theory could be enable us to commercially explore zero point energy. But, that's not the case. Probably you are just fighting a shadow war.
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  • #32
pranj5 said:
Well, Hotta himself haven't said it, but that doesn't mean it isn't possible. If, 30 years ago, anybody would dare to say in open that within 15-20 years, such facilities would be available to almost everybody, with which they can contact another person around the world almost instantaneously, there would be people (like you) to mark him/her with the stamp "crackpot". Most probably, your own forefathers were in crowds to stone the Wright brothers for the "crackpot" idea of a flying machine heavier than air.

And maybe dogs can fly! Which leads me to award you the coveted DrChinese Flying Dog award... (P.S. it's not science if you have to make analogies like yours. It's just PURE SPECULATION.)


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  • #33
DrChinese said:
And maybe dogs can fly! Which leads me to award you the coveted DrChinese Flying Dog award... (P.S. it's not science if you have to make analogies like yours. It's just PURE SPECULATION.)
MAYBE, but at least can say that my speculations are based on theories. NOT ON SOME KIND OF GUESSING LIKE SHARE MARKET AGENTS.
  • #34
pranj5 said:
MAYBE, but at least can say that my speculations are based on theories...

Sure, just not scientific ones... as I believe we have determined conclusively. I suspect you are a fan of science fiction, so I can tell you that my favorite author is A.E. Van Vogt. Read his classic, Voyage of the Space Beagle. This book inspired both Star Trek and Alien.
  • #35
DevilsAvocado said:
[my bolding all the way]
I don't see it as making it possible to 'send useful information'?

Really? Have you read the paper? Page 4:
"QET technology is expected to achieve rapid energy distribution without thermal decoherence inside quantum devices. Because it is not energy but *classical information* that is sent to the distant point, no heat is generated in the energy transport channel during the short time period of QET protocols."

[QET = Quantum Energy Teleportation]

I was not citing the paper. I was expressing my own opinion, and doubts, about injecting 'energy' in a entanglement. As for a entanglement becoming 'classical information'? Slightly new to me, he seems to rearrange a lot of definitions in that sentence.

What I'm talking about is injecting 'energy' by your measuring, and that's all there is to it.

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