Astrophysicist Salary: Opportunities & Income

In summary, the conversation discusses the opportunities and salary for a PhD astrophysicist worldwide. It is mentioned that the salary for astrophysicists is not as high as that of doctors, but it is still a good, upper middle class salary. The conversation also touches on the idea of pursuing a career in astrophysics for the passion rather than for the salary. It is suggested that if money is the main motivating factor, then another career should be considered. Some other potential career options within the field of physics are also mentioned. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of following one's passion and considering the intangible benefits of a career.
  • #176

What math classes do you recommend I take in college in order to become an astrophysicist?
Physics news on
  • #177

al-saidi said:
i don't care how much a theretical physict get paid i want to be one i want to have infinite knowledge about the universe,i want to understand the laws governing our daily life, iwant to know god, what he is thinking, how he created the universe, the atom, its not about money its about passion and questions that needs to be answerd maybe u should take that into consideration

That's a horrible reason to study physics, because the more you study the more you realize that you don't really understand what is going on.
  • #178

twofish-quant said:
That's a horrible reason to study physics, because the more you study the more you realize that you don't really understand what is going on.

Haha I love this, it inspires me to learn more! I believe the journey there is more important than the end. Anyhow, what he probably means is that he wants to learn as much as possible and that figuring out the intricacies of the laws governed by nature fascinates him.
  • #179

Even if the salary does get higher by 2025 (and it probably will) I doubt it'll be in any position to compare with a doctor. We hardly find money-minded astrophysicists any day. I suppose, like Warren said, it's all about passion for the discipline. You don't have that, you might as well look some place else; but if you do, then the intellectual pleasure will be far more rewarding than any monetary benefits. Plus, if you're good, you just might be able to make more money than just an average astrophysicist.
Personally I think you have quite a lot of time to decide and there is always the chance that your interests may waiver so while it's good to keep the goal in mind, it's also important not to jump the gun.
  • #180

vhbelvadi said:
Even if the salary does get higher by 2025 (and it probably will) I doubt it'll be in any position to compare with a doctor.

Starting comp for a Ph.D. quant in an investment bank is $150K, and if you make VP which usually happens in three years, you end up making $250K. I know of astrophysics Ph.D.'s (i.e. my boss's boss's boss's boss) that are managing directors and my guess is that they make close to $1M/year.

I suppose, like Warren said, it's all about passion for the discipline. You don't have that, you might as well look some place else; but if you do, then the intellectual pleasure will be far more rewarding than any monetary benefits.

There is a balance here. Not caring enough about money can get you in as much trouble as caring too much about money. One of the big problems is that if you are willing to do something for free, people will exploit you and expect you to do things for free, and this leads to bad situations.

I'm willing to crunch PDE's for free since that's cool. However, if you want me to crunch *your* PDE's, then you have to show me the money. Also I have to eat, and there are always practical things to keep your feet on the ground.

Also research is hard sometimes brutal work. You spend hours thinking about a problem and then you leave totally exhausted, and along with moments of joy, you also end up with moments of anger and frustration. It's not the type of thing that you can reasonably expect people to do for free, and honestly I think the idea that "passion" is important is part of a conspiracy to get people to work cheap.

Remember that the word "passion" means sufferring.

The other thing is that if you enjoy intellectual puzzles, then "how do I make money?" is a pretty cool one.
  • #181

This brings Einstein's words to mind:
Physics is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it!
  • #182

I'm near your grade, I'm in grade(year) 10 in australia. I'm planning to do astrophysics regardless of salary. I'm doing Advanced math, bio,chem,physics, next year in high school.

In Australia, where i am currently living, the subjects you do in high school in no way affect your choices in Uni. The only thing that's important is the mark for the yr 12 HSE.
  • #183
thinkies said:
AND why does a f***** doctor make more then an astrophysicist, both of them require same hard work, just different fields. Lack of people in astrophysics?...o.0

Supply and demand
  • #184

vhbelvadi said:
This brings Einstein's words to mind:
Physics is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it!

I don't like that quote. It implies that people who do physics for a living shouldn't be able to enjoy it.
  • #185

jk said:
Supply and demand

Also I question the premise of the statement that astrophysicists make less than doctors. Astrophysics professors and senior research scientists can make around 100-120K which is comparable to what doctors make.

The other thing is that the range is even higher if you include people that have astrophysics backgrounds. My best guess is that my boss's boss's boss's boss who has an astrophysics Ph.D. makes close to $1M/year.

We hardly find money-minded astrophysicists any day.

Let me introduce you to one... Me...

Money is not the most important thing in my life (family is), but it is important, and I've found that it's a bad idea to ignore it.

I suppose, like Warren said, it's all about passion for the discipline. You don't have that, you might as well look some place else; but if you do, then the intellectual pleasure will be far more rewarding than any monetary benefits.

No it won't. The problem is that if you don't have a steady income, you are going to be too worried about other things to have time or energy thinking about the universe.

Also it's really not an either/or situation. I'd be willing to work as a professor for a lot less money than I make right now, but the job offers aren't coming in. By contrast, it's interesting that my boss's boss's boss's boss, who makes close to $1M/year, is also a faculty member at a really big name university, and got that job after making mega-bucks.
  • #186

I am also in grade 10 and I also want to study astrophysics.It is indeed a very interesting topic.i have always gotten top marks in science.
  • #187

If you still want todo physics you could do a major in phyics and a minor in biology and then you always have the option of becoming an astrophysicist or a radiographer which is kind of like a medical doctor that likes physics.

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